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Questions 1-4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. I have never met my _________ who is my uncles son. A brother-in-law B nephew C cousin D brother Khairul is spinning a ________. A kite B top C skateboard D shuttlecock


Chickens are kept in a ________. A hutch B kennel C coop D cage "e can get in#ormation about places to visit #rom a ________. A pamphlet B dictionary C receipt D bill


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Questions 5-7 $ead the te%t and choose the best phrase #or each o# the pictures given. Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

Carol and her #amily celebrate Christmas. &hey are

_________________'() because they will be celebrating Christmas on the ______________'*) o# +ecember. &here are many

_______________',) placed under the Christmas tree. (. A B C D A B C D A B C D cleaning the living room decorating the christmas tree hanging the curtain vacuum the carpet #i#teenth twenty #i#th twenty #ive twentieth colour#ul candles delicious home-made biscuits beauti#ully wrapped presents delicious cakes



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Questions 8-1 Choose the best answer #or each o# the pictures given. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi. A &he #armer is chasing the cow away #rom his #arm. B &he #armer shepherd is looking a#ter his sheep. C &he angry #armer is chasing the goat away #rom his #arm. D &he #armer allows his goats into his vegetable #arm.



A &he people are at a busy shopping comple%. B &hey are at a busy bus terminal. C &he people are at the /night market. D &hey are going up the escalator.



1nusha saw an in2ured bird in the park. &he children are playing with the birds. &he #amily is at the bird park. &hey saw a dead crow in the drain.

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Questions 11-15 Choose the best answer to #it the situation shown in the picture. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.



3es4 5ulau 5angkor is a beauti#ul place. +o you want to #ollow me there6 I plan to visit 5ulau 7angkawi ne%t year. 3es. Ive visited the island twice.



8h9 &hanks. &hey look beauti#ul. 1re they really #or me6 &here are only a #ew stalks. 1re they e%pensive or cheap6

1 .


"hat do they call these marine creatures4 teacher6 1re these whales or sharks4 teacher6 +o they eat each other4 teacher6 I am a#raid o# sharks4 teacher.

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:ut it is the gardeners 2ob4 ;ir. :ut it is not our responsibility4 ;ir. "e are delighted to do it4 ;ir. Can you ask someone else to do it4 ;ir6



"ow9 &hats a long snake. :rother9 &heres a snake near you. 1re you not a#raid o# snakes4 brother6 Can I get you some sticks4 brother6

S!CTI"# C Questions 1$-2 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut. 1*. &he scooter does not belong to _______. It is my brothers. A his C hers B me D mine 3ou _________ look care#ully be#ore crossing the road. A cannot C would B might D should ;alim< +id you give 1nuar the book6 $amli< 3es4 I _________ it to him yesterday. A give B gave $ [Lihat sebelah




given giving



=y parents have gone out _________ I have to look a#ter my little sister. A as C because B or D so &he #emale lions _________ a#ter their cubs. A look C B looks D looked looking


Questions 21 Choose the word that has the sa%e %eanin& as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai erti yang sama seperti perkataan yang bergaris. 21. &he tall building has twenty storeys. A low B slim C D huge high

Questions 22-23 Choose the answer with correct s'ellin&. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. 22. ;ome _____ and ducks are eating grains. A terkeys B turkeys 2 .


turkies turkiys sanctuary sanctuery

&he orang-utan ______ is at ;epilok in ;andakan. A santuary C B sentuary D

Questions 24-25 Choose the sentence with the correct 'un(tuation) Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tan*a ba(a yang betul. 2!. A B C D A B C D 8h9 "hat a beauti#ul dress. 8h4 what a beauti#ul dress9 oh6 "hat a beauti#ul dress9 8h6 "hat a beauti#ul dress. =other cooked #ish curry< #ried broccoli and buttered rice #or lunch. =other cooked #ish curry4 #ried broccoli and buttered rice #or lunch. =other cooked #ish curry4 #ried broccoli4 and4 buttered rice #or lunch. =other cooked >ish Curry4 >ried :roccoli and :uttered $ice #or lunch.


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Questions 2$-3 :ased on the picture4 choose the best answer to #ill in the blanks in the passage that #ollows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

It was a hot ;unday. 1 cousin4 a nephew and #our classmates o# '2*) _______ decided to have a picnic by a river. I thought it was a good idea because I planned to '2,) ________ some #ishing. =y classmates prepared the #ood while my cousin and nephew got their swimming trunks ready. "e #ound a ?uiet place under '2-) _______ old shady tree. =y #riends started swimming. I started #ishing. =y luck was good. I managed to '2.) _______ two big #ish. "e spent about #our hours ' 0) _______ the river. &hen4 we packed up and went home. 2*. A B C D A B C D A B C D I my me mine a an the some on in at with 2,. A B C D A B C D do does did doing catches catch catching caught




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Questions 31-35 $ead the newspaper report below care#ully and answer the ?uestions that #ollow. Baca laporan akbar di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

#rom a dirty well. Aailani4 !(4 said the water in the well had turned dark a#ter the #loods. &he well outside his house Kampung

ren are su##ering #rom #ever on an* o,,4C said the #ather o# #ive children aged between #our and 1* years old.

man Karim Dasir said that about nine households in the area were a##ected by #lash #loods a#ter a new drainage system was in

will do something about it.


"hat problem is the villagers o# Kampung &ok =at #acing 6 A @eavy rain. B 5iped water shortage . C Contaminated well water. D Irresponsible village head. "hat is the cause o# the #lood in Kampung &ok =at 6 A $ain #or the past 12 years. B &he dark water #rom the well. C 1 new drainage system at a neighbouring estate. D Cow dung and #ertilisers #rom a nearby rubber estate. "ho is ;idek Ibrahim 6 A &he village headman o# Kampung &ok =at. B 1 #ather o# #ive children aged between si% and 20 years old. C 1 #armer who had su##ered losses amounting to $= 4(00 in the #lood. D 1 villager whose wi#e and children are su##ering #rom #ever.


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"hat have the villagers done to solve the problem 6 A &hey have started using piped water. B &hey have made complaints. C &hey have built a canal in the estate. D &hey have introduced new drainage system. &he e%pression on an* o,, means A not at all. B nowadays. C all the times. D occasionally.


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Questions 3$-4 $ead the te%t below and answer the ?uestions that #ollow. Baca teks di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya. :ombalai @ill is located in &awau Dational 5ark. It is about 2! km #rom &awau. It is #amous #or its #lora and #auna. &he park is one o# the least #re?uented by travellers to ;abah. :ombalai @ill is a relatively young volcanic cone and the remains o# the central crater4 which can still be seen on the summit. Eegetation to see are the lowland +ipterocarp #orest. >lora and #auna4 such as orchids are easily #ound. "ildli#e is common but luck and patience is needed4 as animals are shy and are not eas- to see. 8ccasional sightings o# $ed 7ea# =onkeys and long F tailed =aca?ues4 and less common but the beauti#ul Giant &ree ;?uirrel4 and the >orest &ortoise. *. "here is :ombalai @ill located6 A &awau. B Centre o# ;abah. :ombalai @ill is #amous #or its _________ A marine li#e. B orang utan.


&awau Dational 5ark. Kinabalu. open baHaar. #lora and #auna.



"hy are the animals di##icult to be seen6 &hey are ________ A shy. C play#ul. B active. D scare. &hese are the animals that could be seen in :ombalai @ill e.(e't A 8rang Itan. C $ed 7ea# =onkeys. B >orest &ortoise. D Giant &ree ;?uirrel. &he phrase not eas- to see in the te%t can be replaced with A easily #ound. C hardly #ound. B attractive #lora and #auna. D beauti#ully seen.




+isediakan oleh< JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. (MOH H!"#$ B. MOH %OO&' (uru B. #nggeris )ahun * +&!# ato, Mu-ti .uso- +ahabuddin +isemak oleh< JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. (MOH "! $#/ B. MOH 0H!#&#' Panel 1eri-ikasi )ahun * +&!# ato, Mu-ti .uso- +ahabuddin +isahkan oleh< JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. (+. "#& !2+ B). 0H!#&O//!H' 0etua Panitia B. #nggeris +&!# ato, Mu-ti .uso- +ahabuddin

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