Modal Verbs

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CAN / CANT: saber/tener la habilidad


He can play the guitar


Past ability

I could run faster when I was young

MAY / MAY NOT: puede (mucha posibilidad)

Possibility (puede que)

John may come for dinner

MIGHT / MIGHT NOT: puede (menor posibilidad)

Possibility (podra)

Be careful! You might fall!

BE ABLE TO: ser capaz de (futuro de CAN)

Ability (future): will be able to

Ill be able to visit England next year

MUST: deber (obligacin moral)


He must get permission first



You mustnt smoke in a hospital

HAVE TO (=must): tener que . HAD TO. WILL HAVE TO

Obligation (leyes, normas)

You have to be at school at 8:20

DONT / DOESNT HAVE TO: no tener que

Lack of obligation

I dont have to revise any longer

NEEDNT(=dont/doesnt have to): no es necesario

Lack of obligation

She neednt bring anything: We have already made the shopping


Advice (para dar consejos)

You should work harder

1. Rewrite the folloeing sentences using a modal verb which means the same as the underlined words.
1. You are obliged to have a licence before you can drive. _________________________________
2. It is a good idea to wash your hands before you eat. __________________________________
3. It is likely that they will arrive early.______________________________________________
4. Parking on the pavement is prohibited. _____________________________________________
5. It will be necessary for him to get a visa.___________________________________________
6. I knew how to play chess, but I didnt want to._______________________________________
7. It is advisable to wear warm clothes in the winter.____________________________________
8. It wasnt necessary for us to be there. ____________________________________________
9. You have the ability to get better marks. ___________________________________________
10. It is not necessary for you to take part in the performance. ____________________________

2. Choose the correct answer:

1. We____ finish this homework today. Its for next Tuesday.

a) neednt



2. You look really ill. You ___ stay in bed for a few days.

a) can


c)had to

3. I ___visit you next week, but Im not sure yet.


b)has to

c) may

4.The exam was quite difficult, but I __ finish all the questions .

a) should


c)will be able to

5. When David was three years old he ___ write his own name.

a)had to



6. In my opinion, Sheila___apologize for her rude behavior.


b)have to


7. Pupils ___smoke in the school grounds. Its forbidden.




8.The bus ___ be late because of the heavy rain.




9. Im sorry. I___ help you. I dont know anything about cars.




10. You ___ eat so quickly. Youll get a stomach ache.


b)doesnt have to c)shouldnt

3. Complete the blanks with: must, mustnt, had to or neednt

1. You____________ throw things out of the car window.
2. You ____________hurry: weve got plenty of time.
3. The doctor says she_____________stop smoking: shes coughing very badly.
4. He forgot his hat, so he _____________ run back home to get it.
5. You _____________ go shopping right now; you can go later.
6. The matter is very important; you _____________allow me to see the manager right away.
7. You ___________________stand so close to the edge; it is very dangerous.

8. She ________________do her homework last night because she didnt have time during the day.
9. After her illness last year, she ________________ very careful not to catch a cold.
10. Everyone ______________ carry some form of identification with them.
4.Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal verb.
1. My grandfather was very clever. He _______________speak five languages very well.
2. Tom ____________ drive but he hasnt got a car.
3. She___________________ to drive next year. She has permission.
4. We havent decided yet, but we ___________ go to Italy.
5. Last night John was ill. We ______________ call a doctor.
6. You _____________ do it now, you can do it tomorrow if you want.
7. We ______________ have a passport to visit Asia.
8. When Tom was 16, he ______________run 100 metres in 12 seconds.
9. Anny _______________not come to the party: she wasnt feeling very well.
10. We have got plenty of time. We ___________________ hurry up.
11. You ________________say this:its a secret.
12. You ________________ take this pill before every meal. Its an advice from the doctor.
13. Its going to rain. You ______________________ take an umbrella.
14. You ___________________ drive when the traffic light is red.
15. We ___________________finish our homework today: its for next Tuesday.
16. Daniel_________________________wake up early tomorrow. Its an obligation.
17. You _____________________ smoke in hospitals.
18. She _________________do her homework last night because she didnt have time during the day.
19. You ________________ take something that is not yours.
20. You _________________ pay in cash. You can use your credit card.
21. We _________________ drive further because there was ice on the road.
22. I _________________ go shopping yesterday. There was no food in the house.
23. You __________________eat all the soup if you dont want to.
24. I cant come now, but I __________________ come tomorrow.
5. Rewrite the sentences below using a modal verb without changing the meaning.
1. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow ( may )
2. They are likely to move to a larger flat next year (might)

3. In the future all children will know how to use computers. (be able to )
4. Its not necessary to be rich in order to be happy (have to)
5. I suggest that you say goodbye before you leave (should)
6. If you want my advice, get a good lawyer.
7. A university degree isnt necessary for t hat job.
8. Perhaps my father will pick you up.
9. It isnt necessary to make an appointment at the hairdresser.
10. Eating is forbidden in class.
11. The boss allows the workers th have one afternoon off.
The workers________________________________________________________________
12. She hasnt telephoned. Perhaps she is abroad.
13. I suggest you go and see your teacher
You ________________________________________________________________________
6. Translate into English:
1. No podremos visitar la torre Eiffel hoy. Puede que vayamos maana.
2. Debes escuchar al profesor si quieres sacar buenas notas.
3. No es necesario que traigas tu libro. Puedo prestarte el mo.
4. Hay nubes en el cielo. Podra llover esta tarde.

5. No debes decir nada a Juan.

6. No hace falta comprar caf. Tenemos suficiente.
7. Puede que Carlos llame a las tres.
8. Deberas conducir ms despacio. Esta carretera es peligrosa.
9. Podrs pensar en las vacaciones cuando apruebes.
10. Puede llover maana.
11. Deberamos esperar a Mara hasta las tres.

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