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SAP Batch Management Overview

Batch Management can be defined as tagging an alphanumeric or a numeric code to the material produced or material procured. Every batch number has an inventory quantity associated with it. This 10 digit code in S ! helps in uniquely identifying a material and the quantity associated with it. partial quantity of production or procurement can be tagged with a batch number that clearly ma"es that material inventory unique. The Batch number generated for the material quantity not only helps in uniquely assorting the material inventory# but it also stores the characteristics values or the chemical composition or the product specifications at the time of its production or procurement.

Which Materials can be Batch Managed?

Typically you can say that material which can be stored separately without mi$ing and piling one over the other# is a good candidate for batch management. !roduct produced or procured has to be stored separately for it to be tagged with a batch number. %f you mi$ all the pieces or mass together then the identification is lost. Case 1& !roducts which are powder in state li"e %ron ore# which is procured from vendors 'in ships( and are dumped in a location loosing any sort of traceability of when they were procured and from whom they were procured are not a good candidate for batch management. Case 2& t the same time# if %ron ore is procured from vendors 'in ships( and piled up separately 'every shipment is piled up separately( then you can thin" of ma"ing the product 'iron ore( as a batch management candidate. Case 3& )ou can also ta"e a case where products are Solid in state but are mi$ed together after production* where the producing company does not wish to "eep any traceability of when it was produced and what were the product features or conditions at that point of time. %n this case you can avoid Batch management or any recording batch specifications.

Perquisites in SAP !r Batch Management

ctivation of Batch Management at Material +evel# !lant level or ,lient +evel ,reation of -umber .ange for Batch Management& Specify use of Standard %nternal -umber .ange or E$ternal -umber .ange or Both Material should be activated for batch management

"i e a ter Batch Management

Batch Management once activated in configuration and the material master/s activated for batch management# then the material is stored in inventory at plant0storage location0batch level. %n this case there is no question on mi$ing of material or losing any sort of traceability. The

plant inventory which would be normally stored in storage locations at the plant0storage location level would now be stored at the plant0storage location0batch level* which means that every time you issue this material for further production or every time you deliver this to the customer# you have to mention the storage location as well as the batch number you are issuing. This may end your liberty of consumption of this material at plant0storage location level and you may get frustrated in "nowing the batch number you are issuing every time.

St!rage "!cati!n St!c# be !re Batch Management$

Material M1 !lant 0001 0Trident 3roup 0 Barnala Storage +ocation 43 1nrestricted 2ty 5607 !ieces Stoc"

St!rage "!cati!n St!c# a ter Batch Management$

Material M1 M1 !lant Storage +ocation Batch -umber 00000075:; 0000006<=0 1nrestricted 2ty 1007 !ieces 7600 !ieces Stoc"

0001 0Trident 43 3roup 8 !un9ab 0001 0Trident 43 3roup 0 !un9ab

Activating !r %eactivating Batch Management !r a Material during the li e ! the Material

ctivating or >eactivating Batch Management for a product means that you would have to go through a lot of wor"& a( ll the e$isting in0progress documents li"e the !urchase orders# Sales orders deliveries# !roduction orders# Batch ,lassifications or Batches# which are using the Material batches should be reversed# archived or deleted. b( ll the Material Stoc" should be made ? 0 The best way to do it is# moving the stoc" of the material to a temporary material or writing off all the stoc" for the material. @nce you have done this you can activate or deactivate the material for batch management. c( )ou can then bring bac" all the stoc" from the temporary material to this original material.

When is a Batch created in SAP $ 10 digit batch is created in S ! for a batch managed material at the following instants of goods receipt for the material&

a& A Batch is created at '!!ds (ecie)t r!m Pr!ducti!n *M!vement t+)e 1,1&$ Ahen you carry out 3oods receipt for a Batch Managed Material from a production order or a process order or a run shcedule header# the system creates a batch for the received quantity and material. The batch received would have an internal batch number assigned 'or an e$ternal batch number assigned as per configuration(.%f the configuration is set at E$ternal batch numbering# then you would have to assign a batch number before saving the goods receipt. The received stoc" would be associated with the batch number and any further inventory movement for the material quantity would be made using the batch number. The goods receipt movement types are MB51# M%3@# M%3@ 3. through movement type 101 0 3. from !roduction order. b& A Batch is created at '!!ds (ecie)t r!m Purchase !rder !r S-O *M!vement t+)e 1,1&$ Ahen you carry out a goods receipt for a batch managed material from a !urchase order 'or a ST@ 0 Stoc" Transport order(# the system creates a Batch number 'if the configuration is set at internal batch numbering(. %f the configuration is set at E$ternal batch numbering# then you would have to assign a batch number before saving the goods receipt. The purchase order goods receipt is from an e$ternal vendor# whereas ST@ receipt is from a supplying plant in the same or different company code. %f the Batch Management is set at plant level then in the case of ST@ transfers the batch number in all possibilities would change at the goods receipt in the receiving plant. %f Batch Management is set at Material +evel then the supplied material batch would be adopted at goods receipt in the receiving plant. The goods receipt movement types are MB51# M%3@# M%3@B3. through movement type 101 0 3. from !urchase order. %n the case of ST@ you could also create a goods receipt from an outbound delivery created at the sending plant. c& A Batch is created at '!!ds (ecei)t r!m Pr!ducti!n . B+ Pr!duct recei)t$ Ahen you carry out by0product goods receipt for a batch managed material from a production order or purchase order using MB1c0651 movement type# the system creates a Batch number. d& A Batch is created at '!!ds recei)t r!m /nitial /nvent!r+ Creati!n$ Ahen you carry out goods receipt as a part of initial inventory creation through 6:1 or 601 movement types# the system creates a Batch number for a batch managed material. Summar+ . A Batch in SAP is created at a '!!ds (ecei)t ! a Batch Management Material

Ahen you receive a 3oods .eceipt of a Batch Management Material through any 3. Movement type# S ! Triggers creation of a Batch number for the received quantity. bove were listed only a few ma9or 3. Transaction code and Movement type.

SAP Batch S)eci icati!ns

Batch S)eci icati!ns

%e ine Batch S)eci icati!ns
Batch is created in S ! as a master data prior to production or at receipt of stoc" from a vendor through a purchase order or at the receipt from a production order. Batch contains a place holder for maintaining various production or product specifications in the form of Batch characteristics. Mantaining Batch Characteristics 0alues !r Batch S)eci icati!ns is n!t mandat!r+ atall$ %t is not mandatory that you maintain batch specifiation in a batch. )ou can create batches for material inventory without any batch specifications. Maintaining Batch characteristics values for batches is an @ptional 4eature. Batch S)eci icati!ns 12am)le$ %f you producing steel billets of a certain quality# you can maintain specifications for a certain production batch as Material 3 Steel Billet Plant 3 ,,,1 Batch 4umber 3 ,,,,,56237 ,arbon Si Magnesium ? 0.1: ? 0.7 ? 0.16

Sulfur !otassium l

? 0.077 ? 0.076 ? 0.07

8!w t! Ma#e a Batch 9nique with Batch S)eci icati!ns$ To ma"e a batch specifications unique by adding characteristics such as !roduction >ate# !roduction +ine# Shelf life of !roduct or even the supervisors name. %f you add these sort of characteristics with values you would be successful in ma"ing a batch unique with unique set of batch specifications. Ma"ing a batch as unique as possible helps differentiating between multiple batches which ma"es it easier for bac" traceability. %n the above e$ample of Steel Billte production# you can add some more characteristics in the batch classification# as below& Material 3 Steel Billet Plant 3 ,,,1 Batch 4umber 3 ,,,,,56237 ,arbon Si Magnesium Sulfur !otassium l !roduction >ate !roduction Time !roduction +ine Shelf life ? 0.1: ? 0.7 ? 0.16 ? 0.077 ? 0.076 ? 0.07 ? 76th >ec 700; ? 15&17&0= ? +5 ? 76th >ec 701;

Batch S)eci icati!ns -arget 0alues$

Batch characteristics can a predefined value maintained. )ou can maintain the following& An abs!lute value !r abs!lute values

bsolute values predefined will force you enter no other value other than these predefined ones in the batches.

,haracter format ,haracteristics STEE+B!.@>1,TB3.@1!S can have predefined values such as Billets# ,oils# .ounds# and Bars. Ahile a -umeric characteristics can have predefined values for characteristics CB%++ETB+E-3TDE as 10m# 60m# 100m# 160m# 700m# 760m# A -!lerance (ange 0alue

Tolerance value range predefined in the batch characteristics will force you enter no other value other than these predefined ones in the batches. ,haracter format characteristic cannot have tolerance ranges.

-umeric format characteristic , .B@-B,@-TE-T can have predefined tolerance ranges such as 0.1 8 0.5. "eave it blan# !r entr+ in the Batches during '( !r -!lerance 1ntr+ in the Material Master There can be situations where you may want to enter any value in the Batch and not restrict to predefined values in the characteristics Tolerances ranges at Batch ,haracteristics +evel 0 There can be situation where the tolerance ranges change with respect to the materials characteristics combination. Tolerances range Material Aise 8 There can be situations where the tolerances for the characteristics changes with respect to materials# i.e. characteristics , .B@-B,@-TE-T may not be 0.1 to 0.5 for all the materials and it may vary for each material# to do this you would have to assign a value for the batch class characteristics in the material master and not in the batch characteristics level. )ou have to enter a value for the characteristics in the material master classification view# say M TE.% + ? M1 for Batch ,lass STEE+B,DEM%ST.) would have a value 0.16 8 0.5 for the characteristics C, .B@-B,@-TE-TE.

Master %ate Maintenance !r SAP Batch S)eci icati!ns$

%f you want to maintain batch specifications for a produced or purchased batch you need to maintain a set of master data in the order mentioned&

Creati!n ! SAP Characteristics

,reate ,haracteristics through the use of transaction code ,T0<. ,haracteristics are the actual Specification master data with predefined values or number range or open for entry of any value. 4or e$ample to have something called carbon F you have to maintain a characteristics called 8 C, .B@-B,@-TE-TE. Similarly you have to create all the characteristics that you want to use for recording values. Ahile ,reation or during change of characteristics# you can define target predefined values for the characteristics or define a tolerance number range within which the recorded value should e$ists or leave it blan" for input of any value during result recording for the characteristics. Though there can be situations where the allowed tolerances changes material wise* in which case you can leave the values section in ,haracteristics as blan" and maintain the required tolerances in the characteristics at the material master classification view for the batch class or material class. 4or e$ample# you can have for the characteristics C, .B@-B,@-TE-TE you can define a tolerance number range of 0.1G 0 0.7< which means that any resultant value that you would record should be mandatorily within this range. @r as a second e$ample for characteristics !.@>1,T%@-B+%-EB-1MBE.E you can have predefined set of values such as +1# +7# +5# +<# +6 to choose from during result recording in the !roduction Batch. !lease see below for details on how to create the characteristics. E$ample&
Carb!n:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Si:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Mg:C!ntent ',haracteristics( S:C!ntent ',haracteristics( P:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Al:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n %ate ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n time ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n "ine ',haracteristics( Shel "i e ',haracteristics( ? !redefined .ange 0.1 8 0.5 ? !redefined .ange 0.1 8 0.5 ? !redefined .ange 0.7 8 0.6 ? !redefined .ange 0.01 8 0.05 ? !redefined .ange 0.01 8 0.00< ? !redefined .ange 0.01 8 0.00< ? -o !redefined Halue ? -o !redefined Halue ? !redefined Halues +1# +7# +5# +<# +6 ? -o !redefined Halue

4!te 8 when you leave the predefined values as blan" in the characteristics# it means that any value can be entered or it can also mean that the values change with respect to material master and you have to maintain the values or a value tolerance range in the material master. Creati!n ! SAP Batch class

@nce you have created all the characteristics# you have to create a class using transaction code ,+01. class is a place holder for characteristics. Eventually you would assign the class to a material master. By assigning a class to a material master you would be indirectly assigning all the characteristics to the material. See the illustration below& S-11":C81M/S-(; 'Batch ,lass type 075( Carb!n:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Si:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Mg:C!ntent ',haracteristics( S:C!ntent ',haracteristics( P:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Al:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n %ate ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n time ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n "ine ',haracteristics( Shel "i e ',haracteristics( Ahen you create a ,lass# you have to specify the class type# whether it is a batch class or a material class or any other class type for use in any other modules. Batch class type 077& %f you are using !lant +evel Batch Maintenance. Batch class type 075& %f you are using Material +evel Batch Maintenance or ,lient +evel Batch Maintenance. )ou should include a description of the class and the characteristics or specifications that should be included in the class. Create Material Master Classi icati!n 0iew and assign a Batch Class

E$tend or create Material Master ,lassification view and add a batch class type to the classification view 'Transaction code MM07 or MM01 8 Material Master ,hange or creation( )ou can add batch class type 077& %f you are using !lant +evel Batch Maintenance. )ou can add batch class type 075& %f you are using Material +evel Batch Maintenance or ,lient +evel Batch Maintenance.

ssigning a batch class to the material classification view would indirectly assign all the characteristics to the material master. Thus whenever you create a batch for this material through MS,1n or you receive materials in stoc" from production order or process order or purchase order goods receipt you can record values for these assigned characteristics only. See the illustration below& S-11":B/""1-:123 'Material Master( S-11":C81M/S-(; ',lass type 075( Carb!n:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Si:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Mg:C!ntent ',haracteristics( S:C!ntent ',haracteristics( P:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Al:C!ntent ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n %ate ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n time ',haracteristics( Pr!ducti!n "ine ',haracteristics( Shel "i e ',haracteristics( ,haracteristics have a predefined format 'character alphanumeric or date or numeric format( and a predefined set of values in the form of direct values or in the form of allowed tolerance range or no values 'without any values suggesting allowed for random value entry in batch(. 4!te& There can be situations where the allowed tolerances changes material wise* in which case you can leave the values section in ,haracteristics as blan" and maintain the required tolerances in the characteristics at the material master classification view for the batch class.

C!n igurati!n (equired !r Batch Management

Activating Batch Management "evels$
Transaction code 8 @M,E The 4oremost configuration in Batch Management is activating the level at which batch management would wor". The following are the levels at which you can activate batch management& Plant level$ Batch 9nique at Plant "evel The Batch -umbering for a material is specific to a plant. Ahen you are using an internal numbering scheme for batch numbers in S !# Material M1 can have a batch number B1 in a !lant 0001# while Material M7 can also have a batch number B1 in the same plant. Batch numbering is unique for the material.

%f a material stoc" for Material M1 with Batch B1 is transferred from plant 0001 to another plant 0007 it would definitely have a different internal batch number generated at good receipt in that plant and the user has an option to store different batch characteristics values 'batch specifications( for the batch in the plant 0007. Every Material Batch stoc" stored at storage location level may have batch specifications stored under it. Material Batch specifications may be the same for batches. %t is not necessary that the specifications stored under material batches are always unique. %f a material batch B1 at plant 0001 is created with the following specifications 'specifications are stored in batches through the use of batch characteristics(& %nternal Aidth ? 6mm E$ternal Aidth ? 10mm +ength ? 6m There can be other batches 'Material M7# Batch B7( in the plant for the same material produced with the same specifications& %nternal Aidth ? 6mm E$ternal Aidth ? 10mm +ength ? 6m %f you want to "eep batch specifications unique at material batch level in a plant then you have to include characteristics li"e >ate of !roduction# Shift of production# may be even the +ine used for production. 4or e$ample Material M1 8 Batch B1 8 !lant 0001 III %nternal Aidth ? 6mm E$ternal Aidth ? 10mm +ength ? 6m >ate of !roduction ? 76th >ec 7010 Shift of !roduction ? S7 +ine ? +75 Material M1 8 Batch B1 8 !lant 0001 III %nternal Aidth ? 6mm E$ternal Aidth ? 10mm +ength ? 6m >ate of !roduction ? 76th >ec 7010

Shift of !roduction ? S5 +ine ? +75 Material level$ Batch 9nique at Material "evel The Batch -umbering at material level means that 7 or more materials can have the same batch number in a plant# i.e. Material M1 can have batch B1 in !lant 0001 and Material M7 can also have batch B1 in !lant 0001. Though when a Material batch is transferred to another plant 'Stoc" Transfer( it would mandatorily have the same batch number and the same batch characteristics values# i.e. if the material Batch M10B1 is transferred to plant 0007 from 0001# the batch number for the material M1 at the receiving plant 0007 would remain the same 'B1( and the batch characteristics and the characteristics values 'batch specifications( would also be adopted from the sending plant '0007( -ote 8 %n Material +evel Batch Management# the batch management should be activated for all the plants where the material is e$tended. Client "evel$ Batch 9nique at Client "evel ,lient is a S ! Bo$ which can contain a set of company codes and plants under it. %n such cases if you define batch management at client level# it means that the material M1 would "eep the same batch number 'say B1( across all the plants and across all company codes in the client. This also means that the batch classification values or characteristics values would also remain the same across. -ote 0 %f you want to go bac" to Material level batch settings you can do so at any time by changing the configuration to material level batch management# but you cannot go bac" to plant level from the client level settings.

Activating Batch Management Status$

Transaction code ? OMCS fter activating Batch +evels# it is logical to activate batch management status. There is no harm in doing this. The only good that this setting does is that it can tag the material batch stoc" as unrestricted or restricted which is an added advantage to stop the batch from being used even when the batch stoc" lies in unrestricted stoc" type 'restricted batch status(. Batch status can be loo"ed at as an added stoc" type over and above the standard stoc" types in S ! li"e the unrestricted stoc"# Bloc"ed stoc"# 2uality stoc". This means that& %f a batch stoc" is in quality stoc" type or bloc"ed stoc" type and tagged with unrestricted batch status# then it/s still counted as quality stoc".

%f a batch stoc" is in quality stoc" type or bloc"ed stoc" type and tagged as restricted batch status# then its still counted as quality stoc"# though when you move the stoc" from quality to unrestricted stoc" type# the batch stoc" would still be not0available for use since the batch status 8 restricted is still stopping it from consumption. Similarly when a batch stoc" is in unrestricted stoc" type and tagged with restricted batch status the batch stoc" is unavailable for consumption. )ou can choose to configure a default batch status# whenever a batch is manufactured or received in stoc". 1sing transaction code OMC-# you can change the batch status

Activating Batch Status at Plant level$

@nce you have activated Batch Status Management feature# there is an option in S !# to choose the plants at which you want to use this functionality.

Activating /nternal Batch number assignment$

1sing transaction ,ode ? @M,J# you have to activate internal batch number assignment. nd at the same time you have to use transaction code @,D to set the internal number allocation of batches at goods receipt to automatic for the plants you choose.

C!n iguring Batch Where used "ist$

Transaction code ? OC8A The batch where0used list is set to active at all the plants# but you would have to manually select synchronous posting of batch where used records. Selecting a plant for synchronous posting means that you trace the batch history 'batch history of receipts and consumptions( across all the plants. batch where0used list can tell you the production order through which the batch was produced# the ob9ect where the batch was issued 'production order or sales order(# in short the batch where0 used list gives you the list of ob9ects from where the batch was produced from and the ob9ects where the batch was issued to. %f the batch is under inspection with an inspection lot# the list also shares the inspection lot number. )ou can switch between a Top0down hierarchy option and a Bottom0up hierarchy option that gives you the batch where0used information in various hierarchical ways. 9ses 8 Batch traceability# i.e. 1nderstanding the history of a batch thereby analyKing the history of batches in case when there are customer complaints.

)ou can use the following path to enter in to this transaction setting& +ogistics 3eneral Batch Management Batch Ahere01sed +ist Ma"e Settings for Batch Ahere01sed +ist

SAP Characteristics
@ne can create characteristics through the use of transaction code ,T0< in the cross application classification system of S !. characteristic is a Specification master data which defines the specification and gives it an identity in S !. ,haracteristics describe the properties of ob9ects. E$ample& ,haracteristic C,@+@.E has the values LredL# LgreenL# and LblueL. Ahen you classify an ob9ect# you use this characteristic to specify the color of the ob9ect. E$ample& ,haracteristic CHiscosityE has the values /10 c!L# /70 c!L# and /50 c!L. Ahen you classify an ob9ect# you use this characteristic to specify the color of the ob9ect. S ! ,haracteristics are mostly used to define specifications and record their values for e$ample Cwidth of productE# Clength of productE# Ccolor of paintE# Cdensity of steel coilE# Ctensile strength of steel coilE# CpD value of productE# Cviscosity of productE# Ccarbon content in steelE# Cmagnesium content in steelE# Cetc. @n the other hand you can define characteristics to record values for Cmanufacturing lineE# Cshift supervisorE etc# S ! also provides standard reference characteristics with automatic value recording for characteristics li"e the C!roduction dateE# Cshelf lifeE# Clast goods receipt dateE etc.# referencing the same from a S ! table and field. s a consultant we can use characteristics in the material class or batch or variant class to record values for certain features or characteristics which are not available in S ! or not provided by S !. S ! ,haracteristics can be used to define values for a given feature in&

Batch ,lass defining the specifications and their values for the produced goods Material ,lass defining the standard theoretical material specifications Hariant classes where specifications are used to configure a product according to customer provided values ny other ,lass type where you have to define certain features and specifications and give predefined values to it# as required.

Ahen creating a characteristics# one needs to define the format for the values it would carry 'character alphanumeric or date or numeric format( and if required a predefined set of values which are allowed for use at the time of result recording 'Halues in the character format if the characteristics is a character format characteristics or the values can be numerical in the form of

single value or tolerance range. %f the ,haracteristics have no values# then any value can be recorded for the characteristics provided the Cadditional values allowed indicator in the characteristics is set(. 4!te& There can be situations where the allowed tolerances changes material wise* in which case you can leave the values section in ,haracteristics as blan" and maintain the required tolerances in the characteristics at the material master classification view for the batch class. ,haracteristics are also called as 3eneral characteristics and they differ totally from the Master inspection ,haracteristics. ,haracteristic is lin"ed with the Master %nspection ,haracteristics# so that the 2M inspection data recorded against a Master %nspection characteristic can flow in to the ,haracteristics of the Batch .ecord. Eventually the characteristics are grouped together in a class to specify the set of characteristics that belong to a particular group of Materials. This grouping of characteristics is called C,reation of ,lassE. This ,lass is further ssigned to a set of Materials that have the same set of characteristics.

Creati!n ! SAP Characteristics

4or creating characteristics you have to maintain at least the basic data view to specify the name# description# group and format of the characteristics. )ou can use the description tab to specify the description of the characteristics in various languages used for log0on. The llowed values tab can be optionally used to restrict the values that would be used while recording the characteristics. The dditional data tab can be used to ma"e the characteristics a reference characteristic so that its values can be fetched from a standard S ! table. t the same you can set to be a hidden characteristic or characteristics which would not carry any values at all. The +ast tab called the restrictions tab allows you to restrict the use of the characteristics to a certain class type only. This again is optional. -ot doing this allows you to use the characteristics in any class type across the client. Basic %ata 0iew

4ame ! Characteristics %f the name is more than one word then use underscores 'underscore B( to separate the words in the name. 4or e$ample ,haracteristics steel carbon content can have a name such as C, .B@-B,@-TE-TE. %t is always recommended that you should not use blan" or hyphens as a word separator. %escri)ti!n ! Characteristics )ou can maintain a description of the characteristics name chosen. 4or e$ample you can have a description as 8 ,arbon ,hemistry F. Characteristics 'r!u) )ou can create a characteristics group in configuration# but you can choose not to use this field.

Status )ou should use the characteristics status to loc" it for use or to release it for use in classes. %f you are creating in the process of creation# you can also choose the status 8 Cin !reparationE. <!rmat ! Characteristics @ne can create characteristics# to have a value in date format or character format 'alphanumeric value up to 50 characters( or a numeric value 'with number of characters and the number of decimals places within those characters and a 1@M(.

For example if you are creating a characteristics with characters as 6 and number of decimals 5# it can carry a value as 8 17.5<6 and if you are creating characteristics with total characters as G and number of decimals as 7# then it can carry value as 8 175<6.:G. 9OM The 1@M of the characteristics has to be pulled in from the drop0down available. %f a certain 1@M does not e$ist in the drop down# you should create the 1@M in the S!.@ '%M3 customiKing(. 1nits of measure are defined in ,ustomiKing for 3lobal Settings by choosing 1nits of Measurement. 1se the transaction code ,1-% for creating or changing the 1nit of Measure 'path S!.@ III S ! -etAeaver III 3eneral Settings III ,hec" 1nit of Measure. -em)late ! characteristics )ou can have a predefined template with number of characters and decimals and 1@M preconfigured thereby avoiding the pain of entering characters# decimals and 1@M. Single !r Multi)le 0alues )ou have to mention whether you want to maintain single value result or multiple value 'more than one value( result for the characteristics 'when it is used(. /ntervals all!wed Ahen you choose intervals allowed# you can maintain values in the form of intervals for numeric characteristics instead of maintain an absolute value. 4or e$ample you can maintain result value for the characteristics 'wherever it is used in batch class or material class( in the form of intervals. -ote& %f you want to activate the characteristics as an intervals allowed then the characteristics should be mar"ed as CMultiple HalueE ,haracteristics 'This is a Mandatory requirement( (estrictable Characteristics )ou can restrict the allowed values for this characteristic in Hariant configuration. 1ntr+ required Ahen you feel that the users should always maintainMrecord a value for this characteristics 'wherever it is used(# you should mar" the characteristics as mandatorily required for entry. %f the characteristics is being used in a batch class with an entry required indicator# then without a ,haracteristics value being entered for this characteristics goods receipt is not saved 'thus value becomes mandatory(. Similarly if the characteristic is used in a material class# a value entry for the characteristics in the material master classification view becomes mandatory. Assigning Ob=ect %e)endencies

%f you want to hide a characteristics value assignment or you want to hide the characteristics# depending upon the value of other characteristics or if you want to assign a value to a characteristics depending upon the value of other characteristics# then you can ma"e use of ob9ect dependencies and assign the same to the characteristics or to the value of the characteristics which you want to govern. )ou can assign the following type of ob9ect dependencies to a characteristics or characteristics values& A& Pre.c!nditi!ns 'Both ,haracteristics and ,haracteristcis values( B& Selecti!n C!nditi!ns 'Both ,haracteristics( C& Pr!cedures 'Both ,haracteristics and ,haracteristcis values( 1st 12am)le$ Pre.c!nditi!ns !r Characteristics 0alues %f you are producing a Donda car# then a N ccord EON Brand can only have N+eather Seating of Type N. ,reate two characteirstics NBrandN and NSeatingN and assign both the characteristics the material that is being produced# it can be a configurable material used in varaint configuration or it can be a regular material whose value assignment needs to be governed 'it can be controlling the value assignment in materia class or a batch class or in a variant class( see below& Characteristics 0 B. -> 0 01 0 D@-> ,%T) 07 0 D@-> ,%H%, +O 05 0 D@-> ,%H%O EO 0< 0 D@-> ,,@.> +O 06 0 D@-> ,,@.> EO Characteristics 0 SE T%-3 01 0 ,+@TD SE T%-3 T)!E T2 07 0 ,+@TD SE T%-3 T)!E DH 05 0 +E TDE. SE T%-3 T)!E !T 0< 0 +E TDE. SE T%-3 T)!E

'PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L(

The ob9ect dependencies NJ01N 0 !recondition '9ust an e$ample name( can be created as a precondition with an algorithm PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L. The ob9ect dependency must be assigned to the value 0< 0 +eather Seating of Type of the characteristics NSeatingN

2nd 12am)le$ Pre.c!nditi!ns !r Characteristics 0alues )ou may also want to hide the characteristics Halue 0 N0<N '+eather seating of type ( for characteristics NSeatingN# if the characteristics NBrandN does not have a value N06N 'Donda ccord EO(# then you need to create a ob9ect dependency NJ07N and assign it to the characteristics value N0<N of the characteristics NSeatingN @b9ect >ependency 0 J07 0 !recondition 0 PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L and S!E,%4%E> B. -> 3rd 12am)le$ Pre.c!nditi!ns !r Characteristics The characteristics NSeatingN is available for use and value assignment if the value of the characteristics NBrandN is N06N 'Donda ccord EO(. To have the characteirstics open# you can do so by assigning an ob9ect dependency 'J05( to the characteristics NSeatingN at the header level. @b9ect dependency J05 0 !recondition 0 PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L >th 12am)le$ Pre.c!nditi!ns !r Characteristics 0alues )ou may also want to hide the characteristics NSeatingN# if the characteristics NBrandN does not have a value N06N 'Donda ccord EO(# then you need to create a ob9ect dependency NJ0<N and assign it to the characteristics NSeatingN at the header level. @b9ect >ependency 0 J0< 0 !recondition 0 PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L and S!E,%4%E> B. -> 5th$ Selecti!n C!nditi!n !r Characteristics ssigning Selection ,onditions to a characteristics would ma"e it mandatory for the value assignment to the characteristics based on a value assigned to the other characteristics. The characteristics NSeatingN should be entered with a characteristics value if the value of the characteristics NBrandN is N06N 'Donda ccord EO(. To have the characteirstics mandatory for input# you can do so by assigning an ob9ect dependency 'J06( to the characteristics NSeatingN at the header level. @b9ect dependency J06 0 Selection condition ? PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L n ob9ect dependency 0 J05 0 !recondition added to the characteristics would unhide the characteristics NSeatingN if brand ? 06 'Donda ccord EO( 0 PSE+4.B. -> ? L06L Both the precondition and selection condition wor"ing together would firstly unhide the characteristics and ma"e an entry mandatory respectively. 6th$ Pr!cedures !r Characteristics

!rocedures are ob9ect dependencies which are used to infer the characteristics values. !rocedures can be used at characteristics header level or at characteristics value level. %n varaint configuration scenarios you can assign procedures to the configuration profiles. %n Hariant configuration# procedures can be used to change B@M quantity or change the .outingM.ecipe Standard Halues. !rocedures are also used to default values to characteristics. 4or e$ample& Ahen you are in a business of manufacturing of steel# you can have the theoretical weight of the steel billets inferred through the weight and length of the billet as shown below& Characteristics Aidth ? ! m +ength ? 2 m Deight ? . m Aeight ? Q cubic meter !ac"ingBType ? PSE+4.Aeight ? PSelf. width R PSelf.+ength R PSelf.Deight Similarly# you can also infer the value of characteristics N!ac"ingBTypeN depending upon the weight of the steel billet. 1se a source code as below& PSelf. !ac"ingBtype ? L,@-T %-E.1L %4 PSelf.Aeight S 100 PSelf.!ac"ingBtype ? L,@-T %-E.7L %4 Pself.Aeight I 100

%escri)ti!ns 0iew

Maintaining %escri)ti!ns )ou can maintain descriptions in various languages to have the description shown when a user logs on in various other languages other than English. The other use of descriptions is for printing them on forms or certificates that you may send to the customer with the characteristics value. %f you want to maintain in other languages other than English# then you can enter the language code and enter the description in that language. %f you don/t maintain the description in other languages# then on# logging0in S ! in that given language# you would not see the description of the characteristics. 0alues 0iew

%n this view# you can predefine allowed values for the characteristics.

%f the characteristic is a character format characteristic ',@+@.(# you can manually define the allowed value as .E># )E++@A# B+1E# 3.EE-. The number of characters used to define the value should be equal to the allowed characters define in the basic data view of the characteristics. %f the characteristic is a numeric format characteristic 'pD(# you can manually define the allowed value as 1# 7# 5# <# 6 pD. The number of characters used to define the value should be equal to the allowed characters define in the basic data view of the characteristics. 4or numerical characteristics you can also define tolerance ranges within which the characteristics values should be set or you can define the allowed values to be equal to or greater than or less than a certain value. Other 0alue Chec#

The Cother value chec"E option allows you to enter the allowed values manually or fetch the same through a Tchec" table/ maintained in S ! or to restrict the allowed values through a logic programmed in a functional module or have the allowed values directly brought in from a 2M catalog for character format characteristics as shown below&

Additi!nal %ata 0iew$

)ou can define the characteristics as reference characteristics to pull in the values of the characteristics from a standard TS ! Table 8 4ield ,ombination/. Enter the Table name and the field name in the tab area as shown in the screen below& a( Table -ame 8 >efine the S ! Table name where the values are referenced from while recording the ,haracteristics b( 4ield -ame 8 >efine the S ! 4ield name where the values are referenced from while recording the ,haracteristics 4!t read+ !r in)ut %f you select this indicator for the characteristic# the values cannot be entered manually and would be referenced automatically or entered through other programmatic methods. 4! %is)la+ The ,haracteristics is hidden and you have to press the CDidden ,haracteristicsE Button to see these characteristics. %is)la+ All!wed 0alues The allowed values are shown on the screen below the characteristics* you don/t have to pull0 down to see the allowed values. (estricti!n 0iew

%f you want to restrict a ,haracteristics for use in a particular ,lass Type# then you can enter the ,lass types that you are restricting the characteristics to# in the .estrictions Tab# 4or E$ample if you want to use a characteristics C37%BH%S,@S%T)E in the Batch ,lass type 075# and not in the Material ,lass type0 001# then don/t enter 001 in the restrictions tab. If you dont use the restrictions, you can use the characteristics in any class type as required.

SAP Class and Class -+)e

SAP Class and Class -+)e

%e ine Class and Class -+)e
)ou can use S ! transaction code ,+01 ',+07M,+05( to create a characteristics. %nstead of directly assigning the characteristics to an ob9ect li"e the material master or a batch# S ! has come up with a simpler solution# where it first assigns the characteristics to a class and then assigns the class to the ob9ect. ,lasses are created for a class type# for e$ample# if you want to create a class assigned with characteristics for defining the material features# then the class type is called Cmaterial class type 8 001E# if you are creating a class with a set of characteristics to be used for recording the batch related values# then you have to create the class with a Cbatch class type 8 077 or 075E etc# etc. class is created for a purpose# for assignment to a certain ob9ect and for a certain reason* this very reason defines the class type of the class. class is created with a class type# name and description 'in languages required( and with the set of characteristics required for recording values against the class. The class type determines how classes are processed# and how ob9ects can be classified and retrieved in these classes. )ou define class types for a specific ob9ect type# such as materials. Material class Batch class

Class Where.9sed "ist

%f you run the where0used list for classes# you can see the assigned ob9ects to the classes. 4or this you would need to go to ,+07 or ,+05 Transaction menu III environment III !ress where0 1sed +ist. )ou could also use the transaction codes ,+50- 0 4ind @b9ects in ,lasses or ,+51 0 4ind @b9ect in ,lass Type or ,+:B- 0 @b9ect +ist

Class "ist (e)!rt

)ou can use the class list to chec" the list of classes and the assigned characteristics with their formats. Similarly you can chec" the class hierarchy using the ,+:B transaction code in S !.

Creati!n ! SAP Class and Class -+)e

,lasses are created individually in S ! using the ,+01 transaction code while class types are pre0configured by S !. 4ollowing steps are required to create a class& Basic %ata 0iew

The Basic >ata view contains the following. )ou should first enter values for the Basic data view e$plained as below& U U U U The class type for which you are creating the class for The -ame of the class The >escription of the class. )ou can also define "eywords for the class. The Halidity of the class with the Cvalid fromE and the Cvalid toE dates

U Status& )ou should use the characteristics status to loc" it for use or to release it for use in classes. %f you are creating in the process of creation# you can also choose the status 8 Cin !reparationE U ,lass 3roup& The classification of a class or the grouping of the class helps in reporting or retrieving a certain class. U ssignment of the class to an organiKation area li"e Sales# purchasing# production# where the characteristics of the class are going to be used. This is really optional U C>o not chec"E for identical characteristics values in the classification of an different ob9ect of the same class U Ahen identical values are assigned to the classification of different ob9ect using the same class# the system issues a warning 8 ,hec" with warning U Ahen identical values are assigned to the classification of different ob9ect using the same class# the system issues a error 8 ,hec" with error U uthoriKation restriction for maintaining# using the class for classification and searching ob9ects of the class. U ssignment indicator 8 defines whether ob9ects are already assigned to the class.

Characteristics 0iew

%n the characteristics tab# you have to enter the name of the characteristics which is required to be assigned to the class. !ressing 41 on the characteristics in the characteristics tab would divert you to the characteristics master data. Ahen you insert characteristics in the characteristics tab# the format of the characteristics is also pulled in.

%!cuments 0iew )ou can also assign documents to the class through the documents view Assignment ! SAP Classes t! Ob=ects

Assign ! Classes t! Ob=ects

The classes have to be assigned to the ob9ects. @b9ects in S ! are mostly materials* though they can be other ob9ects in S ! where classification is required 'this is not discussed here(. ssignment of classes to material# indirectly assigns the characteristics to the ob9ects or the material master. Class Where.9sed "ist %f you run the where0used list for classes# you can see the assigned ob9ects to the classes. 4or this you would need to go to ,+07 or ,+05 Transaction menu III environment III !ress where01sed +ist. )ou could also use the transaction codes ,+50- 0 4ind @b9ects in ,lasses or ,+51 0 4ind @b9ect in ,lass Type or ,+:B- 0 @b9ect +ist

What are Ob=ects

%f you wish include batch class to capture batch management characteristics values at the point of goods receipt from the order# you should assign the material with a Tbatch classes/ 'class type 077 or 075( %f you wish include material class to capture material 'product features( characteristics values at the point of creating a material# you should assign the material with a Tmaterial classes/ 'class type 001( %f you wish include variant configuration class to capture configuration values with characteristics at the point of creating a sales order# you should assign the configurable material with Hariant class '500( Similarly if you are trying to use configurable class 8 700 to the materials so as to use the same in variant configuration# you should assign the class 700 in the material variants 'and not in the configurable material(.

Create Assignment ! Classes t! Ob=ects

The assignment of the classes to the ob9ects is carried out using the following methods& The material master 'MM01 or MM07( itself in the classification view

12am)le$ Material Master Classification View: Material ? M1 ssignment ,lass 1 ssignment ,lass 7 ssignment ,lass 5 ssignment ,lass < ssignment ,lass n @r through the use of ,+70 ' ssignment of classes of single class type to single material master( 12am)le$ Material ? M1 ,lass Type ? 075 ssignment ,lass 1 ssignment ,lass 7 ssignment ,lass 5 ssignment ,lass < ssignment ,lass n @r through the use of ,+7<- ' ssignment of single class of a single class type to multiple materials( 12am)le$ ,lass ? O)J ,lass Type ? 075 ssignment Material 1 ssignment Material 7 ssignment Material 5 ssignment Material <

ssignment Material n @r assign classes to a superior class# thus creating class hierarchies through the use of ,+7712am)le$ ,lass ? O)J ssignment of class 1 ssignment of class 7 ssignment of class 5 ssignment of class < ssignment of class n

Other P!ints ab!ut SAP Classi icati!n

Other P!ints ab!ut SAP Classi icati!n

@ther important points and tric"s about S ! ,haracteristics and ,lasses&

Changing characteristics !r rem!ving characteristics r!m the class$

Ahen a S ! ,haracteristic is used in any class and assigned to the ob9ects 'for e$ample 8 material# batch etc( and further classified in ob9ects with values 'li"e in material master or batches(# it becomes really difficult to remove the assignment of the characteristics from the class or change the characteristics master data 'especially for format(. %f you wish to really remove the assignments or change the characteristics 'you would have to go bac" in the same route you have come(& 1st& 4irst you would have to use the where used list for the characteristics and find out the ob9ects to which it is assigned. )ou will get a list of classes and the ob9ects 'materials and batches( to which the characteristic is assigned to. 7nd& )ou would have then Tremove or delete/ any classification values set on all the ob9ects for the characteristics or class 'material or batch(. 4or deleting the whole classification# there is a provision especially in the batches initiated by pressing the Cdelete classification buttonE. @n the other hand# you may also removing values for the required characteristics from all the ob9ects.

To go to the classification area# you should go to classification tab in the batches or in the classification view of the material master. 5rd& fter the steps 1 and 7 are done# the system would let you remove the Tcharacteristics/ from the class or classes. This removes any connection of the characteristics with the classes and the ob9ects. <th& Then you can change the characteristics master data for the format* you may create new characteristics with the correct details and then reassign it to the class or classes. -ote& There is a program in S ! to remove or delete the characteristics from the classes even though they are classified in ob9ects. This Standard S ! program C.,,+J1@BE can be used.

%eleting the class$

4ollow the below steps so to delete a class. The system will not let you delete the class# if the class is already assigned to ob9ects and they are classified in materials or in batches or in variant classes. 1st& 4or deleting the class# you would have to go in to the where0used list of the class and find out the ob9ects to which it is assigned to 'for e$ample 8 materials# batches(. 7nd& Then you should go individually in to the materials to remove the assignment of classes from the materials* alternatively you can go in to ,+7<- to remove the assignment of materials for the class and class type. %f the system does not let you remove the assignment of the classes from the materials then you should delete the classification 'i.e.# delete all the classified value for the material or in other words remove the classified values for all the assigned ob9ects(. %f the class is a batch class you should go and delete the classification from the batches classification view and for material class you should go in to the material master and remove the material classification values. This will let you delete the classV 5rd& >eleting the assignment of the ob9ects would let you delete the class using ,+07 transaction.

SAP Batch derivati!n

%e initi!n

Transferring batch characteristics values or batch master fields from the sender batch to the receiving batch is called CBatch >erivationE. The component batches can pass on their 4ield valuesMcharacteristics values to the manufactured batch. Events at which the copy of characteristics values to the manufactured batch is possible ? t 3oods .eceipt of the manufactured quantities t .elease of order t 1sage >ecision t Batch ,reation

Batch %erivati!n 12am)le

The following is an e$ample of batch derivation at production order or process order release. !roduction order M !rocess order ? 1000170 for Material M1 Ste) 1& >efine the transfer characteristics from the issued or sending component batches to the manufactured batch.
/ssued Batch C!m)!nent ,1 B1 C!ncerned Characteristics ,@+@. A%>TD +E-3TD DE T -1MBE. ,@+@. A%>TD +E-3TD DE T -1MBE. 0alue .E> 7M 10 M D1 .E> 5M 10 M D1 (equire -rans er -@ )ES )ES )ES -@ )ES )ES )ES "!gic

Move verage Halue Move verage Halue Move the Minimum


Move verage Halue Move verage Halue Move the Minimum

Ste) 2& t 3oods .eceipt of the order or at .elease of the manufacturing order or at usage decision# the transfer of characteristics can be triggered from the sending batchMes to the receiving batchMes.

Manu acture d Material M1

Batch BO

C!ncerned Characteristics >% METE. A%>TD +E-3TD DE T -1MBE.

0alue 6 MM 7.6 M 10 M D1

Whether C!)ied !ver

Move verage Halue Move verage Halue Move the Minimum

SAP Batch %erivati!n -+)es

There are 7 types of Batch >erivations# !ull and !ush Batch >erivation. Pull %erivati!n !ull derivation e$ists when there are multiple sender batches and one receiver batch. Batch Master ,haracteristic/s values or Batch Master 4ield values can be transferred to the receiver batch from the sender batch. 4or a given characteristics either its value from the first batch can be copied over or an average value can be copied over to the receiver batch. !ull >erivation ? Many Senders IIT. -S4E..E>II @ne .eceiver ? n senders Push %erivati!n Ahen there are many receivers and 1 sender. )ou have to choose whether the batch derivation is a push derivation in the sender condition record. n e$ample of !ush derivation can be& Ahen you procure a component batch and use it to produce chemical products which are produced in bul" and stored in various bul" containers mar"ed with unique batch numbers# in this case you if you want to transfer a component batch characteristics value or component batch master fields to the receiver batches# then you can do so using C!ush Batch >erivationE. !ush >erivation ? @ne Senders IIT. -S4E..E>II Many .eceiver ?

8 1 .eceiver

1 senders 8 n .eceiver

Ste)s in Settings u) SAP Batch %erivati!n

@ne can use the following steps to set up batch derivation in S !. Ste) 1$ Activate Batch Where used list @ne should activate the Batch where used list# in the configuration with the BaA1 Synchron.posting indicator on8 llowing the system to figure out the sending batches and the sending characteristics values. There is no Transaction code for this# you have go to +ogistic 3eneral III Batch III Batch Ahere 1sed +ist. Ste) 2$ Batch %erivati!n Activati!n Batch >erivation should be active in configuration so as to use this functionality. 1se transaction code >HS!. Ste) 3$ Setting Batch %erivati!n Search Pr!cedure -echniques %t becomes really impossible for us to inform the system about the sending batch number 'for each and every batch( and the characteristicsMrules to transfer to the receiving batch numberMs. Thus we use the batch search procedures and conditions records to direct the system so that for all the sending material batches at the CplantE level should be considered in the search and its data should be transferred to the receiving material batches. similar condition record should be set for the receiving side so that all the material batches at the Creceiving plantE level should be considered in the search and they should receive the characteristics data. Setting the sending condition on Csending plantE and the receiving condition on the Creceiving plantE is 9ust an e$ample. )ou could define the levels at which condition records should be defined through the standard condition table and access sequence configuration S ! ma"es it easier for the users to ma"e various combinations of levels for the sending party and the receiving party# to do this you should choose the condition fields as supplied by S ! and create a condition table and use these tables or "ey combinations to assign them in an access sequence with priorities. This suggests that you can ma"e use of more than one "ey combination assigned in priorities so that if the condition record for one combination is not found# the system

can ma"e use of the ne$t condition record to search for the sending batches and the receiving batches involved in the transfer. @nce the ,ondition tables# access sequences# strategy types# and search procedures are configured for the sending party and the receiving party# you should then create condition records at the defined levels or defined "ey combination# for the sending party and the receiving party. 4or e$ample %f the sending "ey combination or sending condition record is to be defined at the Csending material0plantE level# then you should define the Cactual sending material and the Csending plantE in the condition records and the characteristics involved in the transfer. @n the other hand you should also define the condition records "ey combination for the receiving party# for e$ample if you ma"e a definition at the Creceiving material0receiving plant levelE* you should enter the actual receiving material and the receiving plant involved in the derivation# to help the system to search for the receiving batches. Ahile you create the receiving condition records# you should maintain a set of transfer specific rules i.e.# if the sender fieldMcharacteristics value is empty or the sender is overwriting any e$isting characteristics values in the receiving batch then should it error out the transfer or issue an warning or do nothing and on the other hand you can direct the system to send minimumMma$imumMaverage value of the sender characteristics if there are more than one sender batches or more than one value is defined for the characteristics in the sending batch. The Batch derivation procedures and the condition records# for the sending party and the receiving party# which are set# it helps the search for all the concerned sending batches and the receiving batches# and identifies the rules defined in them# so that the characteristics values can be transferred to the receiving batches. Ste)s in setting u) Batch %erivati!n C!nditi!n techniques 1? Create Sending C!nditi!n -ables S ! provides a set of standard "ey combination sets or preconfigured sending condition tables. ,onditions tables are created with a combination of conditions field all provided. )ou cannot add your own field. Each ,ondition table contains a "ey combination. )ou can alternatively create your own sending "ey combinationMcondition tables other than that provided by S ! as shown above# by creating a custom sending condition table. 4ollowing set of sending conditions fields can be used to create your own sending "ey combination or sending condition table '1se configuration Transaction code >S,1(&

.eceiver Material .eceiver Material Type Sender Material Sender Material Type Sender !lant The "ey combinations or condition tables 'for the sender( as provided by Standard S ! are as below& Sender Material -umber 'Table 010( Sender Material Type 'Table 011( .eceiving material W sending material 'Table 017( .eceiving material type W sending material type 'Table 015( Sending !lant 'Table 607( )ou can create your own condition table 8 ;01 with the following condition fields Sending material W Sending !lant 'Table ;01(

2? Create (eceiving C!nditi!n -ables S ! provides a set of standard "ey combinations set in preconfigured receiving condition tables. ,onditions tables are created with a combination of conditions field all provided. )ou cannot add your own condition field. Each ,ondition table contains a "ey combination. )ou can alternatively create your own receiving "ey combinationMcondition tables other than that provided by S ! as shown above# by creating a custom receiving condition table. 4ollowing set of receiving conditions fields can be used to create your own "ey combination or receiving condition table '1se configuration Transaction code >.,1(& Material -umber Material Type .eceiving !lant The "ey combinations or condition tables 'for receiver( as provided by Standard S ! are as below& .eceiving Material -umber 'Table 001( .eceiving Material Type 'Table 007( .eceiving !lant 'Table 601( )ou can create your own condition table 8 ;07 with the following condition fields

.eceiving material W .eceiving !lant 'Table ;07(

3? Create Sender Access sequence# ,reate Sender access sequence so as to help in searching the attributes of the sender batches. Some field "ey combinations or sending condition tables are already grouped together in priority sequence in the standard S ! Batch derivation access sequence CB>S1E. The field combination which are set in a priority sequence in the configuration represent the field "ey combination that would be used to create the master data for sending party# which in0turn would help in searching the attributes of the sender batches. %f you choose to create your own access sequence# you may do so* when you do that you have to assign the sending condition tables in your own defined priority sequence. Transaction code is >S,6 to create access sequences in configuration. S ! offers the following receiving condition tables '"ey combinations( for use in the access sequence B>S1 arranged in a priority& 10 .eceiving material W sending material 'Table 017( 70 Sender Material -umbers 'Table 010( 50 Sending !lant 'Table 607( )ou can create your own sending access sequence arranged in a required access sequence& )ou can call this sending access sequence as CJ>S1E 10 Sending !lant 'Table 607( 70 Sending material W Sending !lant 'Table ;01(

>? Create (eceiver Access sequence# ,reate receiver access sequence to search for the attributes of the receiver batches. Some field "ey combinations or receiver condition tables are already set up in the standard S ! Batch derivation access sequence CB>.1E. The receiver condition tables which are set in a priority sequence in the configuration represent the field "ey combination that would be used to create the condition record master data for receiving party# containing the characteristics and rules# which in0turn would help in searching the attributes of the receiver batches.

%f you choose to create your own receiver access sequence# you may do so* when you do that you have to assign the receiver condition tables in your own defined priority sequence. Transaction code is >.,6 S ! offers the following receiving condition tables for use in the access sequence B>.1 arranged in a priority sequence& 10 .eceiving Material -umber 'Table 001( 70 .eceiving Material Type 'Table 007( 50 .eceiving !lant 'Table 601( )ou can create your own receiving access sequence arranged in a required access sequence& )ou can call this sending access sequence as CJ>.1E 10 .eceiving !lant 'Table 601( 70 .eceiving material W .eceiving !lant 'Table ;07(

5? Sending C!nditi!n -+)e *Strateg+ t+)e& Sending ,ondition types is created to assign the sending access sequence to it. Standard S ! already has done this for you. %n S !# the standard sending condition type B>S1 is created and assigned to the standard sending access sequence B>S1. Transaction code is >S,:. 6? (eceiver C!nditi!n -+)e *Strateg+ t+)e& .eceiver condition types are created to assign the receiving access sequence to it. Standard S ! already has done this for you. %n S !# the standard receiving condition type B>S1 is created and assigned to the standard receiving access sequence B>S1. Transaction code is >.,:.

@? Sending Batch %erivati!n Search Pr!cedure Sending Batch >erivation Search !rocedure contains the sending ,ondition type. Harious condition types are assigned in a priority sequence for use for searching the sending batches and its data. 4!te$ )ou can choose to assign more than one condition type set in a priority while building a search procedure. Transaction code is >S,G.

A? (eceiver Batch %erivati!n Search Pr!cedure .eceiver Batch >erivation Search !rocedure contains the receiving ,ondition type. The various condition types are assigned in a priority sequence for use for searching the receiving batches. 4!te$ )ou can choose to assign more than one condition type set in a priority while building a search procedure. Transaction code is >.,G.

Ste) >$ %e ine the Batch %erivati!n 1vent >efining derivation event would tell the system of a business event to trigger batch derivation# i.e.# a point in time to transfer batch characteristics values from a sender batches to a receiver batches. The transaction code to configure the derivation events is >H,=. To configure the batch derivation event# the following information is fed to the system&

( Ahen do you want to trigger the batch derivationQ The answer to this question decides when you would wish to trigger the batch derivation

X .elease of productionMprocess order X 3oods receipt from productionMprocess order X 1sage >ecision X Manual Batch >erivation X Batch Master creation

B( Ahat would be the SenderM.eceiver Batch >etermination !rocedureQ The answer to this question decides the search of the sender batch and the receiver batches to copyMcompute the batch characteristics values for the receiver batches.

ssign a Sender Batch >erivation Search !rocedure ssign a .eceiver Batch >erivation Search !rocedure

,( Ahat is the type of Batch >erivationQ The answer to this question decides what would be the type of Batch >erivation that is required for business use.

Static batch derivation transfers the characteristics values of the sender batches to the receiver batches. derivation log is generated in the derivation Monitor. >ynamic batch derivation does not transfer the characteristics values of the sender batches to receiver batches# it only simulates the transfer. The receiving batches are not automatically updated with the transferred values* you would have to manually change it.

>( >o you want to display the batch derivation results The answer to this question decides whether the derivation results are displayed.

>isplay in Errors Dide when o" lways >isplay lways Dide

4ollowing steps can be followed to implement batch derivation in your organiKation&

Ste) 5$ Creating Sending C!nditi!n (ec!rds !r Sending Batch search Strategies Ahen you configure the system till the creation of batch derivation search procedures for both sending and receiving parties# you would eventually create the master data for the sending conditions. To create the sending condition records you should follow the process as below using the transaction code >HS1M>HS7M>HS5& ,hoose the batch derivation strategy from the drop down III Then choose a "ey combination as set in access sequence III and then create the sending batch derivation strategy master data by entering values for the condition fields of the "ey combination III Enter the characteristics that you would want to transfer the values from the sending batches III Save. There is not much of data entry when you create the sending condition record apart from assigning the characteristics for which values are to be transferred to the receiving batches. )ou can set master data for more than one "ey combination 'a "ey combination decides the master data level at which the master data is created(# but the system at the time of e$ecution would first access the first condition "ey combination and chec" whether the master data e$ists for the sending batches# if the sending batches are not found using the first sending condition record master data# the system would chec" whether the master data for the sending batches e$ists for the second "ey combination condition and if the batches are not found using the master data under the second sending condition records then it will go to the ne$t "ey combination in the access sequence and search whether master data for the sending batches is created for the third "ey combination# so on and forth.

Ste) 6$ Creating (eceiving C!nditi!n (ec!rds !r (eceiving Batch search Strategies Ahen you configure the system till the creation of batch derivation search procedures for both sending and receiving parties# you would eventually create the master data for the receiving conditions. To create the receiving condition records you should follow the process as below using the transaction code >H.1M>H.7M>H.5&

,hoose the batch derivation strategy from the drop down III Then choose a "ey combination as set in access sequence III and then create the receiving batch derivation strategy master data by entering values for the condition fields of the "ey combination III ssign the characteristics for which you want to receive the characteristics values III ssign rules for the characteristics. -he (ules !r the receiving characteristics are concerned with the following sending characteristics attributes&

Ahile you create the receiving condition records# you should maintain a set of transfer specific rules i.e.# if the sender fieldMcharacteristics value is empty or the sender is overwriting any e$isting characteristics values in the receiving batch then should it error0 out the transfer or issue an warning or do nothing and on the other hand you can direct the system to send minimumMma$imumMaverage value of the sender characteristics if there are more than one sender batches or more than one value is defined for the characteristics in the sending batch.

)ou can set master data for more than one "ey combination 'a "ey combination decides the master data level at which the master data is created(# but the system at the time of e$ecution would first access the first condition "ey combination and chec" whether the master data e$ists for the receiving batches# if a receiver batch derivation master data does not e$ists for the first "ey combination and the system fails to search the receiving batches using this condition record# it would further chec" whether the master data for the receiving batches is covered in the second "ey combination condition and if the master data does not e$ists under this given condition then it will go to the ne$t "ey combination condition in the access sequence and search whether master data for the sending batches is created for the third "ey combination conditions# so on and forth.

Ste) 6$ -he Actual %erivati!n @nce the batch derivation configuration is done and the master data is set# the derivation is triggered at the point where it is defined for. S ! issues messages of success or error or information when the derivation finishes. )ou can define in transaction code >H,= 8 Batch derivation Event configuration# if you want such messages to be popped0up after the derivation.

Batch %eterminati!n

%e ine Batch %eterminati!n

Batch >etermination is used in inventory management# production# sales and distribution# warehouse management. %t is used to select batches and allocate the same in a manufacturing order or in an outbound delivery or in a goods issueMgoods transfer in inventory management. %n !roduction# Sales Y >istribution# in inventory management or in warehouse management# batch determination is used to search and allocate batches for the components in production orderMprocess order or to search and allocate the delivery batches in a customer based outbound delivery or to search for batches and allocate batches in goods issues. The tools that batch determination uses is the determination condition techniques based on the condition tables# access sequence and strategy types. These condition types are enough to choose and allocate batches. Though additionally batch determination uses selection classes and its characteristics values to choose batches andMor uses sorting rules to choose sort batches while selection based on characteristics and its values. Ae have already learnt in batch derivation documentation# how the search procedures condition techniques help in searching the sending batches and receiving batches and thus derive the transfer of characteristics values. Similarly you can use the search procedures techniques to search and select batches during batch determination.

SAP Batch %eterminati!n C!nditi!n -echniques

SAP Batch %eterminati!n C!nditi!n -echniques

)ou can follow the steps as below to create Batch Search !rocedure Techniques&

<irst Ste) B Create Batch %eterminati!n C!nditi!n tables Batch determination condition tables once created become the "ey combination fields for searching batches. Eventually the condition records or search strategies are created as master data based on these "ey combinations. The ,ondition Tables are created separately for %M# !roduction# AM and Sales.

Sec!nd Ste) B Create Batch %eterminati!n Access sequence Batch determination access sequences have multiple condition tables '"ey combinations( assigned in a sequence of priority. This facility allows you to create data for many "ey combinations so that even if the search of batches fails on the first "ey combination condition the rest in the priority would help in search. The ccess Sequences are created separately for %M# !roduction# AM and Sales. The below screen0shot shows all the screens involved in the access sequence configuration.

-hird Ste) B Create Batch Strateg+ -+)es Batch Search Strategy holds multiple access sequences# though not assigned in any sequential priority. The assignment of the strategy types is separately for %M# !roduction# AM and Sales. The strategy types or condition types are assigned in priority in the ne$t step called CBatch Search !rocedure >efinitionE. The strategy type/s configuration holds the selection criteria and the sort rules used in batch determination techniques. Strategy types are used ultimately to create the batch search master data or batch search condition record so that the system would "now the e$act level at which search for batches is to be carried out along with the selectionMsort rules of these batches. %t is obvious that batch search strategy is used to search batches on certain rules# because you want to automate the process and do not want it to do it manually for each and every batch. Thus you have to aid the system in putting in a decision such as 0 search all the batches of a given plant or search all the batches of a given set of material at a plant or search batches for a given component or etc.

dditionally the system gets a help from the selection criteria or the sort rules to select and sort the batches for a characteristics value. Though the selection criteria and the sort rules are optional if the condition tables and the strategy types are enough to search and assign the batches

to the business ob9ects. The selection and sort rules can be defined separately and assigned to the strategy type. See the e$planation below& Create Selecti!n class '@ptional in Batch >etermination( 8 Selection class is used to help the system choose a certain batch based on the characteristics and their fi$ed values. Therefore when you create a selection in S ! using transaction code BM,1 'BM,7MBM,5(. )ou would then assign the selection class to the strategy and use the same in the condition record master data. %n the condition records you need to enter the required fi$ed values against any class characteristics that you would want to use to search the batches. Create S!rt (ules '@ptional in Batch >etermination( 8 Sort .ules are used to help the system sort the batches for the given class characteristics. Ahen you create the sort rules in Batch determination# you would select the characteristics on which you would want to sort the batches for selection and assignment to an ob9ect. The characteristics on which the sort rules are based upon '+ STB3.( is shown in the screen0shot below.

<!urth Ste) . Create a Batch Search )r!cedure Batch Search procedure holds multiple strategy types assigned in sequential priority. The Batch search procedure thus becomes the final configuration which holds the total search configuration together. The Batch Search !rocedures are created separately for %M# !roduction# AM and Sales.

<i th Ste) . Batch Search Pr!cedure All!cati!n and Chec# Activati!n %n this step you allocate the batch search procedure to the respective modules. %n the case of inventory management# the Batch search procedures are assigned to the Movement types. %n the case of production or process order# the batch search procedures are assigned to the production plants and order types. %n the case of Sales and >istribution the Batch Search !rocedures are assigned to the Sales reas and Sales document type. %n the case of Aarehouse Management# the Batch Search procedures are assigned to the Aarehouse number and they can be also assigned to the warehouse number W Movement type combination. The below screen shot shows the batch search procedure assigned to various S ! logistical areas. There are < screens illustrated in one screen shot below.

Si2th Ste) B Creati!n ! Batch Search C!nditi!n rec!rds !r Batch Search Strateg+ Ahen the entire configuration for batch search condition techniques is done# you would create the Batch search condition records using varied transaction codes& 4or %nventory management 0 MB,1 8 ,reate# MB,7 8 ,hange# MB,5 8 >isplay 4or !roduction orderM!rocess order 0 ,@B1 8 ,reate# ,@B7 8 ,hange# ,@B5 8 >isplay 4or Sales and >istribution 0 H,D1 8 ,reate# H,D7 8 ,hange# H,D5 0 >isplay 4or Aarehouse Management 0 +S61 8 ,reate# +S67 8 ,hange# +S65 8 >isplay The Batch >etermination Search Strategy or ,ondition records can be created as below&

Step 1& Enter the Strategy Type 8 4or e$ample ,001 in !roduction order Scenario Step 7& !ress Enter Step 5& Zey combination is provided by the system to choose from. ,hoose a Zey combination for which you want to create the condition record for. The Zey combination in this case is @rder type W !lant W ,omponent. Step <& Enter the Halues for the order type# plant and the component combination for which you want the system to search the batches during batch determination. lso enter the Halidity !eriod for which the Batch Master Strategy would be valid and can be used by the system. Enter the values of the following fields while creating the batch strategy master data or you can also have the values of these fields brought in from the CBatch strategy type configurationE

-umber of allowed Batch splits 8 Enter the allowed number of batch splits during batch determination. Batch splits specifies the number of batches that can be pic"ed so as to satisfy the requirement quantity. Select the C,hange allowedE indicator 8 %f you want the number of batch splits to be fle$ible and it can be changed as per the situation# so as to satisfy the quantity required. @ver delivery llowed 8 %f you select this indicator# the batch split can pic" up batches whose batch quantity could possibly e$ceed the requirement quantity. 1@M to display the batch quantities in# during the batch determination process. %t could be in stoc" "eeping 1@M or in unit of entry of the document. Select the C>ialog for Batch determinationE 8 %f the batch determination is run in the foreground and if you want the results of batch determination to pulled0up in a dialog bo$# you should select this indicator. 4orget this indicator if batch determination is always carried out in the bac"ground. .outines 8 )ou can assign .outines to help in quantity proposal. %f there is no special routine that you have created for batch determination then you can set this field with a default value as C1E. .outines in S ! would carry out certain functions. 4or e$ample you can write a routine to select the batches in batch determination based on your own special rules and logics which cannot be covered by search procedures# selection classes and sort rules. Selection Type 8 Specifies the following options which are self e$plainable. %mmediate selection according to selection criteria -o selection at beginning of batch determination Selection with no selection criteria Selection criteria cannot be changed in batch determination

@ 4

Step 6& %f you are wor"ing with selection classes# you can assign the characteristics values for which you want the system to select the batches during batch determination as shown in the screen shot below. %f you are wor"ing with Sort rules as well# you can assign a sort rule 'create the sort rule before you create the Batch Search Strategy(.

/llustrati!n ! Batch %eterminati!n C!nditi!n -echnique C!n igurati!n

This particular %llustration of Batch determination condition techniques configuration is shown for S ! !!M!!!%.
Ste) >$ Create Batch Search Pr!cedure 0010 ,@0001 10 J!01 'E$isting Standard S ! Batch Search Strategy( 0010 J!0001 10 J!01 ' ssign here 0 Batch Search Strategy J001( Ste) 3$ Create Batch Search Strateg+ J001 ' ssign Dere 8 ccess Sequence J001( ,001 'E$isting Standard S ! Search Strategy( Ste) 2$ Create Access Sequence 0010 J001 10 ;01 J,>1 ' ssign Dere 8 ,ondition Tables J,>1( 0010 J001 70 ;07 J,>7 ' ssign Dere 8 ,ondition Tables J,>1( 0010 J001 50 ;05 J,>5 ' ssign Dere 8 ,ondition Tables J,>1( Ste) 1$ Create C!nditi!n -able ;01 J,>1 ',hoose Dere 8 ,ondition 4ields from a set provided( Ch!!se C!nditi!n <ields !lant Ste) 1$ Create C!nditi!n -able ;07 J,>7 ',hoose Dere 8 ,ondition 4ields from a set provided( Ch!!se C!nditi!n <ields ,omponent W !lant Ste) 1$ Create C!nditi!n -able ;05 J,>5 ',hoose Dere 8 ,ondition 4ields from a set provided( Ch!!se C!nditi!n <ields @rder type W !lants W Manufactured Material W ,omponent

Pre.requisite !r SAP Batch %eterminati!n in SAP PPCWM

Pre.requisite !r SAP Batch %eterminati!n in SAP PPCWM

Ahen you want to use batch determination in S ! !!MAM you should also use the CBatch EntryE 4ield in M.!5 Hiew&

4or the Batch >etermination to wor" in production order for the components# you should have a value for the Cbatch entryE field. The values if set to C5E will carry out batch determination automatically and if set to Cblan"E will not carry out batch determination for the components in the production. Batch %eterminati!n in "!gistical areas

Batch %eterminati!n in "!gistical areas

Batch %eterminati!n /n Pr!ducti!n
Batch determination is used in production to search for component batches in the production order or in the process order component list. %t also reserves the batches for the production order. These batches once assigned get included in the reservation list created for the order. The selection of inventoried component batches can be based on the simple batch search procedure techniques with or without the selection class and sort rules. >etermination of batches can be an automatic procedure or can be triggered manually. -ote that&

The components should be batch managed %f selection rules and sort rules are to be applied for determination of batches# the components should be classified with a class. Most of the times the selection is on Batch ,lass. Though you can select on the basis of any other class.

4or the batch search procedure to wor" as per your conditions records# selection rules and sort rules# you should configure batch determination in !roduction order andMor !rocess order 'as per the type of manufacturing set up( and maintain the required master data& a( ,reate the required configuration for Batch search procedures using the path 0 +ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" b( Then assign !roduction order andMor !rocess order Batch search procedure to the C@rder type and !lant combinationE using the path 00 +ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" III Batch Search !rocedure llocation and ,hec" ctivation III ssign Search !rocedures to !roduction and ctivate ,hec"

c( ,reate condition records in the front end using transaction code ,@B1 ',hangeM>isplay 0 ,@B 7M ,@B5( 12am)le$ s a simple e$ample# you would want to manufacture a product M1 with batch managed components ,1# ,7# ,5* out of which you would li"e to have the system automatically select batches for the product ,5 based on the following rules& The selection classes and the sort rules can be illustrated as below&

Select Batches which has a selection class 'Batch ,lass( called as ? J,@M!@-E-T. This batch class should have been assigned to the component The Halues of the following characteristics are entered while creating the selection class. The other characteristics which e$ist in the class are not used for selection purpose.
o o o o

pD ? S?5 ,@+@. ? .E> +@BMB.+J ? S 100 >ays '.emaining Shelf +ife for Batch( +@BMBJ1ST> ? C.eleasedE 'Standard ,haracteristics for Batch Status(

-h!ugh )lease n!te that use of selection class is optional* this e$ample uses selection class since the business process demands. >epending upon the batch master strategy or the condition record created for a given production order or process order strategy type 'for e$ample with a "ey combination ? Manufactured Material W !lant W ,omponent( and depending upon the selection class rules set for the selection classes# the system would select the component batches.

Selection of the component batches should also be based on a 4%4@ Sort rule '4irst %n 4irst @ut( so that the component batches lying in stoc" do not age out. To do this you would create the sort rule with a ,haracteristics 8 +@BMBDS> T '>ate on which batch was produced( placed in ascending order and 4%4@B+ STB3.B> TE 'which is a reference characteristics referencing the field last 3. data 8 M,D W +AE>T( also placed in ascending order of selection. DSO(-:S1E:1 8 !roduction @rder ,omponent Selection Sort Sequence Characteristics +@BMBDS> T 4%4@B+ STB3.B> TE AscendingCdescending scending scending

Batch %eterminati!n /n Sales and %istributi!n

Batches can be assigned to the quantity based contracts or in quotations early in the process so that they can be reserved for the customer. Though assigning to these ob9ects can loc" your inventory# thus disallowing it to be used for any other customer delivery. Similarly in the sales order# you can assign the batches through automatic determination based on condition techniques supported by selection classes andMor sort rules. )ou could have the determination done manually as well in the sales order. ssignment of the batches to the Sales orders is required if the customer requests batches of a certain specification set or if you want to choose batches in the sales order based on certain sort rules or based on certain characteristics values maintained by you to classify the inventory. Since there is no Batch Split in Sales order Batch determination allowing the system to assign multiple partial batches# the system finds itself incompetent to assign multiple partial batches to satisfy the sales order line item demand. Even though with such as shortfall in functionality# if you still want to allocate batches to the sales order line item through Batch determination you can do so and call the batch selection screen through manual batch determination and have the batches chosen manually to satisfy the quantities. Ahereas %n @utbound >eliveries# you can use Batch determination and have the system allocate batches or pic" the batches. The 3ood -ews is that outbound delivery has the functionality of Batch split and allocation of multiple batches to satisfy the sales order line item quantity. Daving Batch determination late in the sales business process would ma"e sure that the inventory is not loc"ed up for a very long time. Batch determination in the outbound deliveries can be triggered manually or can be automated as per the configuration. )ou can also change the determined batches and overwrite the same till they are issued to the customer. Batch >etermination in outbound deliveries can be made using the condition techniques# the selection classes and the sort rules. 4ollow the e$ample below to "now more about batch determination in outbound deliveries. 4or the batch search procedure to wor" as per your conditions records# selection rules and sort rules# you should configure batch determination in Sales and >istribution and set up the required master data&

d( ,reate the required configuration for Batch search procedures using the path 0 +ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" e( Then assign Sales and >istribution Batch search procedure to the Csales area and document typeE using the path 00 +ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" III Batch Search !rocedure llocation and ,hec" ctivation III llocate S> Search !rocedureM ctivate ,hec" f( ,reate condition records in the front end using transaction code H,D1 ',hangeM>isplay 0 H,D7MH,D5(.

12am)le$ %f you want to carry out batch determination for all the materials that are sold out of the plant through an outbound delivery# then you can create a condition technique with or without the selection classes and sort rules. Though in Toutbound delivery/ batch determination# most of the customers would mandatorily base their batch allocation on selection classes# values of the characteristics in these classes and sort rules. The selection classes and the sort rules can be illustrated as below&

Select Batches which has a selection class 'Batch ,lass( called as ? J,@M!@-E-T. The Halues of the following characteristics are entered while creating the selection class. The other characteristics which e$ist in the class are not used for selection purpose.
o o

+@BMB.+J ? S 70 >ays '.emaining Shelf +ife for Batch( +@BMBJ1ST> ? C.eleasedE 'Standard ,haracteristics for Batch Status(

-h!ugh )lease n!te that use of selection class is optional* this e$ample uses selection class since the business process demands.

Selection of the finished product batches should also be based on a 4%4@ Sort rule '4irst %n 4irst @ut( so that the batches lying in stoc" do not age out. To do this you would create the sort rule with a ,haracteristics 8 +@BMBDS> T '>ate on which batch was produced( placed in ascending order and 4%4@B+ STB3.B> TE 'which is a reference characteristics referencing the field last 3. data 8 M,D W +AE>T( also placed in ascending order of selection. DSO(-:S1E:2 8 @utbound >elivery Selection Sort Sequence Characteristics AscendingCdescending

+@BMBDS> T 4%4@B+ STB3.B> TE

scending scending

Batch %eterminati!n /n /nvent!r+ Management

%t is logical that for all the movement types which are involved in goods issue# you would want to search for batches from inventory. The business processes can be goods issue to production order or process order# transfer posting# return to supplier etc. 4or the batch search procedure to wor" as per your conditions records# selection rules and sort rules# you should configure batch determination in inventory management and set up the required master data& g( ,reate the required configuration for Batch search procedures using the path 0 +ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" h( Then assign %nventory management batch search procedure to the Cmovement typesE using transaction code @M,3 '+ogistics III Batch Management III Batch >etermination and Batch ,hec" III Batch Search !rocedure llocation and ,hec" ctivation III llocate %M Search !rocedureM ctivate ,hec"( i( ,reate condition records in the front end using transaction code MB,1 ',hangeM>isplay 0 MB,7MMB,5(. %f you want to be generic# you can have the condition tables set at the !lant level or Movement type W !lant level* whereas if you want to be more specific or detailed you can have the condition tables set at Movement type W !lant W Material level. @n the other hand# if you have forgotten to enter any batch determination condition techniques or if you have forgotten to assign them to the movement types# the system would eventually carry out an availability chec"s and choose a batch for you 'for which you would have to put an asteris" 0 R# in the batch field while creating the goods movement. 1se in %nventory Management 0 Ahen you create the goods issues# you can enter an steris" CRE in the Batch 4ield and e$pect the system to throw up a batch number. !utting an asteris" would provide an available batch number from the stoc" or provides a batch number as per the batch search condition techniques set. nd if you have forgotten to configure batch determination in inventory management# the system would search the batches based on standard availability chec"s and provide you with a batch number.

%e ine Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure

%t is observed that S ! provides Standard Base 1nit of Measure# which is the stoc" "eeping unit of measure# and also offers lternate 1nit of Measure# which can be used as goods issue unit or production unit of measure or even sales unit of measure# apart from the standard base unit of measure. The alternate unit of measure is a directly or indirectly proportional to the base unit of measure through a maintained conversion in the material master. This tool is powerful in situations when the alternate unit of measure is always convertible through the base unit of measure# though in case when the alternate unit of measure is not convertible through the base of unit of measure and the conversion factor is ever changing then this tool called Batch Specific 1nit of Measure comes into play. The same can be e$plained below&

Big Euesti!n$ S ! offers Base 1nit of Measure and Batch Specific 1nit of Measure& lternate 1nit of Measures then why does S ! offer

a( The Base 1nit of Measure is the primary 1nit of Measure 'stoc" "eeping unit(# but there are so many production processes# purchase processes or sales processes which have to ta"e in to consideration dynamic alternate unit of measures# which are not based on a theoretical conversion factor. b( S ! offers lternate 1nit of Measure which is based on theoretical material master conversion factors which cannot be changed during the actual e$ecution of the process. %t can be only changed as a part of material master data changes. 4or e$ample if you are in the manufacturing of Steel Billets# you would probably wor" with a base unit as CEachE or C!iecesE and an alternate unit with a fi$ed conversion factor as CZgE or CTonE# let/s say 1 E ? 700 Zg c( So for production processes or purchase processes or for sales processes# there can be an alternate unit of measures which could vary every now and then or could change for every lot that is produced or purchased. Therefore S ! has come up with something called Batch Specific 1nit of Measure. d( %n Batch Specific 1nit of Measure configuration# you would normally define the base unit of measure# the corresponding batch specific unit of measure and the conversion

factor which is to be maintained as a characteristics value in the batch that would be received from purchase or production# thus allowing maintenance of an ever changing conversion factor for every batch. e( Batch Specific 1nit of Measure allows you to change the conversion factor for every batch that is produced or procured# allowing the derivation of quantities in actual alternate unit of measure and not based on a theoretical alternate unit. f( So# at the point of 3oods .eceipt# conversion of quantities maintained in alternate units based on a conversion factor maintained as batch characteristics level is called CPr!duct 9nit . Based Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! MeasureE. g( Similarly you can also use batch specific unit of measure to calculate the proportions of ingredients with respect to the base unit of measure. 4or e$ample 100 milliliters of a particular batch of fruit 9uice contain 50.0 milligrams of vitamin , and 10.6 grams of sugar# as well as the fruit 9uice proportion. This is called C Pr!)!rti!n based Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! MeasureE.

Ste)s t! Set.u) Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure

Ste)s t! Set.u) Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure

Ste) 1$ Activate Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure s a part of configuration you should first activate Batch Specific unit of measure. 4or activating batch specific 1nit of measure# you have to ma"e sure that batch management is also active. Similarly the materials involved should also be batch managed in S ! E,,.

Ste) 2$ %e ine the Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure s a part of configuration# you are supposed to inform the system# the alternate unit of measure which you are going to use as batch specific unit. %f the standard S ! does not provide this alternate 1@M 'which have decided to mar" as the batch specific 1@M( you have to create it in S ! using the transaction code ,1-%. 4or e$ample& The Base 1nit of measure can be C!%E,ESE while the alternate 1@M which you are going to treat as the batch specific 1@M can be CZgE. Through the use of the following configuration transaction code '%M3 III +ogistics 03eneral III Batch management III Batch specific material unit of measurement III Edit batch specific material unit of measure( you are supposed to update the Batch Specific 1@M that you would be using# for e$ample CZgE as shown below& 'The screen for configuration would loo" as e$actly as below( -ew Entry >etails 8 Edit Batch Specific 1nit of Measure 1@M Batch Specific 1@M 1oM .ef 1oM Z3 Zilogram Z3 Zilogram

>imension Te$t -o >imension

Ste) 3$ Create the 9OM !r the Batch S)eci ic C!nversi!n <act!r

%n order to run Batch Specific 1nit of measure# a characteristic is required to be added to the batch class that would carry the conversion factor for deriving the alternate Batch0Specific 1@M. Therefore it is mandatory to create this 1@M prior to going ahead in your aim. %f this 1@M already e$ists in the system then you can go to the ne$t step. Ae should create the Cnon0dimensional 1@ME that would be used as a 1@M for the characteristics through the use of a S ! transaction code ,1-%. 4or e$ample create the 1@M 8 CZMEE 8 Zilograms per !iece* this is the 1@M of the characteristics used as the conversion factor value. 1sing the conversion factor characteristics with a 1@M brings us closer to solving the 9igsaw.

Ste) >$ Create the C!nversi!n <act!r Characteristics !r the Batch Class ,reate the ,haracteristics in the transaction code ,T0< and assign the same to the batch class of the product which requires the batch specific conversion. Ahen you create the characteristics you should assign the 1@M created in the step 5 8 Batch Specific conversion factor 1@M. 4or e$ample you can create characteristics called CZ3BE E with a description Zilograms per !ieceE and the 1@M can be ZME The characteristic that is created should be a numeric format characteristics and it cannot carry multiple values.

Ste) 5$ Assigning the C!nversi!n <act!r characteristics t! Batch Class 1se the transaction code ,+07 and assign the characteristics 'conversion factor characteristics( to the batch class. part from 9ust assigning the characteristics to the class# you also need to classify the Batch class at the header as a Special Batch ,lass by entering a value CSE 'Substance Steel( in the class header for the field 8 C@rganiKational reaE. )ou also include the value CSE for the characteristics in the screen where you list the characteristics of the class 'characteristics tab of the Cclass changeE transaction(. This activity would ensure that S ! would use this characteristic in carrying out the batch0 specific unit of measure functionality. -ote 8 This batch class should be assigned to the material master which requires the functionality of batch specific 1@M. 4or e$ample you can assign the characteristics CZ3BE E to the class CSTEE+BB%++ETE. ssign this Batch class to the material 8 CSTEE+BB%++ETB00001E

Ste) 6$ <!r Pr!duct Euantit+ C!nversi!n C!n igurati!n This step requires one# to define the C,onversion of Base 2uantities from product quantityE or Cdefine conversion from product quantities from Base quantityE. s a part of configuration you have to disclose or educate the system about the 7 1nit of measures involved in the conversion and the 1@M that would be assigned to the characteristics carrying the conversion factor. To do this you should add information about the following& a( 1nit of Measure of the ,onversion 4actor characteristics used in Batch Specific 1nit of Measure 8 %nclude the 1nit of measure created for the batch characteristics conversion factor involved in Batch Specific 1nit of Measure. 4or e$ample enter this value as CZMEE 'Zilogram per Each( b( Base of Measure 8 Specify the base of measure involved in the conversion. 4or e$ample CEachE 'or pieces(

c( Batch Specific 1@M 8 Specify the alternate unit of measure which would be calculated through the conversion factor entered in the batch characteristics. 4or e$ample CZilogramE. 2uantity in terms of "ilogram would be derived in the batch specific 1@M calculations. This would help the system to convert from the Base 1@M to Batch Specific 1@M* similarly you can also configure the conversion of Batch Specific 1@M to Base 1@M. Transaction Path& %M3 III +ogistics 03eneral III Batch management III Batch specific material unit of measurement III product quantity conversion III >efine calculation of !roduct qty from Base qty 'Dere we are deriving the product quantity from the base quantity# though you could also derive the base quantity from the product quantity( The screen for configuration would loo" something as below& Batch.S)eci ic 9OM . %e ine calculati!n ! Pr!duct qt+ r!m Base qt+ 4ew 1ntries B %etails ! Added 1ntries 9nit ! Measure !r characteristics ,ommercial 4ormat ZME Editable 4ield values Technical 4ormat ZME -on 0 Editable 4ield values Measurement 1nit te$t Zilograms per !iece -on 0 Editable 4ield values Calculati!ns Base 1nit of Measure Batch0specific 1@M

E Z3

Editable 4ield values Editable 4ield values

Ste) @$ Activate Batch Management !r the material

4or Batch Specific 1nit of measure to wor"# you should activate the batch management for the material. Batch Management for the material can be activated in the purchasing view if the involved material is an e$ternally procured material. Similarly the batch management can be activated for the material in the wor" scheduling view if the material is an in0house manufactured material. )ou can also select batch management in the plantMstorage location views used for inventory activities.

Ste) A$ Activate 0ariable Order 9nit in the FPurchasing 0iewG i +!u want t! use the uncti!nalit+ in Purchasing? )ou should activate Hariable @rder 1nit in the C!urchasing HiewE if you want to use the functionality in !urchasing. The functionality in terms of product 1nit is always triggered when the goods receipt is created.

Ste) 7$ Maintaining Material Master C!nversi!ns !r data required !r Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure Ahen you create the material master# you should first assign a base unit of measure 0 for e$ample 8 CE E 'Each(# then go to the Cadditional >ataE of the material master where you can maintain the following in the CproportionalMproduct unit tab& Maintain the type of batch specific unit of measure used 8 !roduct 1nit or !roportional 1nit Maintain the characteristics that would carry the conversion factor 8 The conversion factor as required for deriving the value for the batch specific 1@M or the alternate 1@M is maintained in the Ccharacteristics fieldE. The system allows you to enter only those characteristics which are included in the class with CSE as organiKational class. Maintain the !lan value 8 Maintaining a C!lan HalueE of the conversion factor which would help the system a planned batch0specific quantity. This plan value for the CcharacteristicsE conversion factor is entered in the material master to suggest a default value which can be overwritten during goods receipt. This value behaves a bac"0up0plan

in case you have forgotten to enter the conversion factor at the time of goods receipt or prior to goods receipt in the to0be0received0batch master. Enter the Batch0Specific 1@M that is to be used for the planned value of the conversion factor Set the indicator 0 +1n indicator 'leading batch0specific unit of measure(. Ahen you are dealing with multiple conversion factors for multiple batch specific units# you have to mar" one of them as leading batch specific 1nit. %t is noticed that when you are using batch specific unit of measure# you are allowed to enter the quantities in both the unit of measure 0 base unit and the alternate unit which is defined as batch specific unit* entering the values in any other alternate 1@M which is not defined as batch specific 1@M# the system automatically sets the quantities in the Cleading alternate 1@M defined as batch0specific unit of measureE. Set the indicator 0 H1n indicator 'valuation based on batch0specific unit of measure( if you wish to carry out product valuation based on batch0specific unit of measure. )ou can maintain multiple CBatch Specific 1@ME for a given material

Ste) 1,$ 9sing the Batch S)eci ic 9nit ! Measure <uncti!nalit+ in SAP Ahen you use batch0specific 1@M in purchasing or in production# the planned conversion factor maintained in the material master is used as a default conversion factor. /llustrati!ns$

a) Use of Batch Specific Unit of Measure while creating a Production order or a process order for the material ,reate a production order for quantities in base unit of measure# say you create an order for 1 E '1 each is the base unit of measure(. The !roduct 1nit or the batch0specific unit 'Z3(# at this point of time is not visible in the production order 'as shown in the screen shot below( unless and until you enter the order quantity in terms of batch0specific unit of measure. Entering the quantities in batch specific unit of measure 'in Z3( would add a field to the order to specify the quantities in base unit of measure 'as shown in the screen shot below(. Such conversions from batch specific unit of measure to the base unit of measure and vice0versa# always uses the planned conversion factor in the material master. %n this case the planned conversion factor is 1E ? 700 Z3.

b) Use of Batch Specific Unit of Measure while creating a Goods Receipt from Production order or a Process order or even from a purchase order

Ahen a goods receipt in created from a production order or even from a purchase order# the derivation of goods receipt quantities 'or proportions( in terms of batch8specific 1@M ta"es place first based on the planned conversions 'as set in the material master(. )ou can then enter the actual goods receipt quantities for the Tbase 1@M/ and quantities in terms of Tbatch specific 1@M/ to derive a Tconversion factor for the batch/ @r )ou can set a conversion factor in the batch classification to derive the quantities in terms of Tbatch specific 1@M/ for a given 3oods receipt quantity in base 1@M. %t should also be noted that you can set a conversion factor in the batch master data well before the conversion and use the batch in the goods receipt. !his thought is reall" provo#ing isn$t it% The 2uantities in alternate batch0specific 1@M can be viewed in the standard S ! stoc" overview 'MMBE or MB67( or it can be viewed in the Batch ,oc"pit 'BMB,(. c) Use of Batch Specific Unit of Measure in Production order or a process order component list Similarly you can use the same functionality for the batch managed components in a S ! manufacturing order 'for components already set with the batch Specific 1@M functionality(. ,omponent quantities 'which have batches allocated( can be entered in Base 1@M or in Batch Specific 1@M which forces the system to in turn derive the other 1@M through the use of planned conversion factor in the Material Master. %t would not be wrong to say that you can play with the ,onversion factor in the component batches to arrive at the correct Base or Batch Specific 1@M. d) Use of Batch Specific Unit of Measure in purchase order& Sales order& 'utbound deliveries or inbound deliveries !roportionately you can use the above functionality# of having the material quantities for batch managed stoc"s* to be entered in Base 1@M or Batch Specific 1@M# in the !urchase order creation# in the sales order creation# in the Sales orderMST@ delivery# or even in inbound deliveries. The planned conversion factor or the entered conversion factors in the batch characteristics# allows the system to derive the Batch Specific 1@M.

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