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) Inquiry Project Proposal

Topic For my inquiry project I plan to research the career of social work. Through my research, I will find the answers to several questions I have about pursuing a career in this field. What is the definition of social work? What are the different areas of social work? What education is required to practice social work? What are the difficulties and benefits of the social work profession?

Background I already possess some background knowledge about the field of social work, some of which comes from my aunt having a bachelors degree in social work, and the rest from my current enrollment in the class Social Work 1101. I know that social work is considered to be a helping profession and requires many skills that deal with caring, patience, and having a helping personality. There are several types of careers that you can pursue once becoming a qualified social worker, some of which include working for the Department of Social Services, a prison, school, hospital, nursing home, or non-profit organization. This topic relates to my identity in a very strong sense due to the fact that I intend to become a social worker, and am currently majoring in social work. This profession is very important to me because I have a very strong desire to give back to the community and help people that are unable to help themselves.

!"#$%&'(%)*(+,&) -./.01) 2&34(56)007-) ) Research

For my research I will use several credible academic sources.

National Association of Social Workers. (2014). NASW National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from This is the official website for the National Association of Social Workers and will be very helpful in getting an idea of what the profession is all about.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2014, Jan 8). Social Workers. Retrieved from This site will be useful in my search for answers to the questions of what education is required to practice social work and what the different areas are.

Pragati Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. (2014). Retrieved from I will use this website in order to answer the question of the difficulties and benefits of the career.
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Multimodal Project For my multimodal project I am planning to build a website outlining the social work profession. My audience will be anyone interested in pursuing a career in social work, specifically high school or early college students trying to decide on a major. My

!"#$%&'(%)*(+,&) -./.01) 2&34(56)007-) ) ) ) goal is for the audience to learn the requirements, pros, and cons of being involved with this kind of work.

Project Plan My plan for completing research and the multimodal project is as follows: 2/2/14 - Complete and turn in project proposal 2/3/14 Begin research and annotating 2/10/14 Begin making annotated reference list 2/23/14 Complete and turn in annotated reference list 2/24/14 Begin working on multimodal project 3/24/14 Have multimodal draft completed

In order to have all components of the project completed by the class due dates, I will follow the due dates I have set for my own progress as closely as possible and work as efficiently as I can.

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