Task 8 Planning Booklet

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Planning Documentation

Vegetarian Society Recipe Card Project

Names: Melissa and Olivia

Production Schedule

Week 1 Tue:


First of all we will split the work so we have four recipe cards each. Then we will find stock images using the Internet. Sort out the stock images so we have the right images needed for the recipe cards. Download the fonts that we have chosen. Make sure that we have the exact blues and other colours throughout each card. Make sure we both have the stencil layout for the recipe card.

Start the first two cards. Start the recipe card in Photoshop and design the die cut top. Transfer the stencil into InDesign and add the text. Do the front of the card before lunch following the stencil. After lunch, start on the back. Look over the front to make sure everything is up to a high standard. Compare both our work to make sure it looks the same. Edit if needed. Finish the first two cards.

Week 2 Mon:

Start the seconded two cards.


Start with the die cut top on Photoshop and then transfer to InDesign and add all of the features. Do the front of the card before lunch following the stencil. Fill in the colours on Photoshop and add the colours to the stencil. Add the pictures to the front and back. After lunch, start on the back and look over the front to make sure everything is up to a high standard. Compare both our work to make sure it looks the same. Edit if needed. Finish the seconded two cards. Compare them with the first two to evaluate how the work is going so far. Start the third two cards. (5&6) Do the front of the card before lunch. Add the front picture to the card in the box that we provided to fit the picture in. Add the font to the front of the card. Naming which city the card is representing. After lunch, start on the back. Make sure the recipe is written out on the back correctly. Check for grammatical errors. Overlook all the cards so far.


Start the fourth two set of cards. Do the front of the cards before lunch. Add the image to front and on to the back following the boxes we provided for them. Add the fonts. After lunch, start on the back and if things need altering on the front. Look over the front to make sure everything is up to a high standard. These are the last cards being made. Compare all the cards and make sure everything is to how we want it. Edit anything on the cards if needed.

Week 3 Mon:

Overlook every card and make sure everything is to perfection. Make sure all work is completed. Go back to any work that needs to be improved. Hand in recipe cards.

Risk Assessment
Personnel Date/Time Location Melissa Storey and Olivia Bolt 6th May 19th May 2014 York College

Hazard Power Cables (Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992).

Person(s) / Equipment at Risk

Risk Control Taken

People are at risk from tripping By tidying them up and over power cables around securing them behind the computers. computer they will not be in the way. Try not to use laptops on low charge as they will need a power cable and this will cause trips and falls as some people may not be able to see the power cable. Long periods looking at a Both of us will be at risk from Having short breaks when computer screen may result in straining our eyes if we are using the computer will reduce headaches aches and pains. I looking at the screen for a long headaches and our eyes wear contact lenses which time. We will also get a pain in straining. Do not sit close to may cause disruption and our neck from looking down the screen and sit upright the irritation in my eyes. on to the keyboard. This could prevent aches and pains. With cause a headache/migraine. contact lenses if you do not want to wear glasses blink more often and use eye drops to keep the eyes moist. This is from the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992. Drinking and eating near Could spill on the machines Eat and drink away from the computers (Display Screen and break them, which would computers and make sure all Equipment Regulations 1992) then lose all our work. liquids are sealed. Make sure all electrical Can cause danger to us by the Computers and Macs must be equipment is safe. chance of being electrocuted PAT tested too make sure they or burnt. are safe to work with.

What Health and Safety legislation might you need to consider in this project? We need to consider the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992. For the safety of the use of the electrical equipment we will be working on to create the cards e.g. Macs. The Equality Act 2010, is another act we need to take into consideration because we are dealing with a group of people who have strong views about the food they eat. And we need to treat them equally. We also want to take into consideration the Discrimination Act as when we are producing our cards we do not want to include anything that vegetarians think we are discriminating them. The Health and Safety Act 1974 will make sure that we are following the rules that make us safe when working and makes sure we are not putting ourselves in danger the work place or those around us.

Team members: Responsibilities:


Four cards to produce Four cities within the cards as a theme Graphic Designer Photography Sourer Copy Writer Layout Designer


Four cards to produce Four cities within the cards as a theme Graphic Designer Photography Sourer Copy Writer Layout Designer


Risk to project

Contingency plan

Loosing work by it being wiped off the computer or losing a device such as a memory stick that has all the work on.

Leave a day spare after finishing in the schedule that is these to put together something if its really desperate. Work should always be saved in multiple places, such as the computer and a memory stick for backup. And make sure each of us has a copy of all the work as another source of backup.

The die cut on the top could go wrong and end up looking not as good as we hoped. It could mess up and not work with the card.

Have multiple images that we could use. So we are able to change the image to another if the original cut does not work out.

If one person in the team is ill and are not in college. This will slow is down and we will get behind.

At the start we will make sure both of us have the schedule and are up to date. If a person is ill the other person will know which stage they are up to by keeping in contact with each other through email and marking the schedule when we have completed a task, this way we can then know where each of us are with the production. Make sure both of us has each others work so if one finishes the other one can help the other. We can finish work off on the last day we have after production, which we have left for unfinished work.

Cards taking longer to make than we planned.

We have left a day in the schedule, after finishing the product, so we are able to run over onto it with the production if need be. But we will make sure we stick to the schedule.

Cost per item/hour 30.00 1.50 0.05 25.00 1.98 0.50

Item Graphic Designer Transport Recipe card print Stock photography Die cut Laminate

Number Total 30 900.00 6 9.00 3500 175.00 16 400.00 3500 6,930 3500 173.00 Total 8,587

(The die cut does not print the card, you have to give them the product to die cut for you.)

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