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European Journal of Pharmacology 391 Ž2000.


Ondansetron modulates pharmacodynamic effects of ketamine on

electrocardiographic signals in rhesus monkeys
Paolo B. DePetrillo a,) , Allyson J. Bennett b, d’Armond Speers c , Stephen J. Suomi d ,
Susan E. Shoaf e, Kamran Karimullah a , J. Dee Higley b
Laboratory of Clinical Studies, Unit of Clinical and Biochemical Pharmacology, DiÕision of Intramural Clinical and Biochemical Research, National
Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH 10 r 3C103, 10 Center DriÕe MSC 1256, Bethesda, MD20892-1256, USA
Laboratory of Clinical Studies, the Primate Unit, DiÕision of Intramural Clinical and Biochemical Research, National Institutes of Health, National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, PoolesÕille, MD, USA
Intelligent Systems, Thomson Labs, RockÕille, MD 20850, USA
Laboratory of ComparatiÕe Ethology, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Child Health and Human DeÕelopment, PoolesÕille, MD, USA
Laboratory of Clinical Studies, Unit of Pharmacokinetic Studies, DiÕision of Intramural Clinical and Biochemical Research, National Institutes of
Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, MD, USA
Received 29 November 1999; received in revised form 12 January 2000; accepted 18 January 2000


Electrocardiographic signal dynamics were examined in rhesus monkeys Ž Macaca mulatta. before and after treatment with ketamine
andror ondansetron. Ketamine exerts differential pharmacodynamic effects on behavior in animals stratified according to a measure of
central serotonergic turnover. We hypothesized that measures of serotonergic turnover might explain some of the variance in the
electrocardiographic ŽECG. response to ketamine. Electrocardiographic recordings of animals were obtained at baseline, after administra-
tion of either saline or ondansetron Ž0.125 mgrkg., and after administration of ketamine Ž15 mgrkg.. Electrocardiographic signal
dynamics were measured using an algorithm that extracts the Hurst parameter Ž H . of the interbeat interval ŽIBI. time-series. H decreased
after ketamine administration, Žmean " S.E.M.., 0.33 " 0.04 vs. 0.12 " 0.02, P F 0.001, n s 10. Cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindole-3-
acetic acid Ž5-HIAA. concentrations, a measure of serotonergic turnover, predicted the monkeys’ response to ketamine, H s 0.001
Ž5-HIAA, pmolrml.-0.130, R s 0.66, P F 0.003, n s 18. Ondansetron attenuated the response to ketamine, 0.14 " 0.02 vs. 0.08 " 0.02,
P F 0.05, n s 8, ondansetron vs. saline. These data provide evidence that naturally occurring differences in serotonin function alter the
ECG response of the animals to ketamine and that activation of the serotonin type-3 receptor by ketamine is involved. q 2000 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ketamine; Ondansetron; 5-HT Ž5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin.; Heart rate; Electrocardiography; Fractal

1. Introduction increases serotonin type-3 Ž5-HT3 . receptor-mediated

Ca2q-currents by a mechanism not dependent on inhibition
The pharmacodynamic effects of ketamine and on- of the serotonin transporter ŽMartin et al., 1988; Peters et
dansetron alone and in combination on electrocardio- al., 1991; Nishimura et al., 1998.. Areas of the brain stem
graphic ŽECG. signal dynamics were investigated in rhesus such as the nucleus tractus solitarius involved in heart rate
monkeys. It was hypothesized that ketamine administration regulation are rich in 5-HT3 as well as excitatory amino
would strongly perturb cardiac signal dynamics because acid receptors ŽNieuwenhuys, 1985.. Profound effects on
racemic ketamine antagonizes the N-methyl-D-aspartate the reflex regulation of heart rate are seen following
ŽNMDA. receptor, blocks the serotonin transporter, and pharmacologic manipulation of NMDA and 5-HT3 recep-
tor activities ŽChianca and Machado, 1996; Sevoz et al.,
1996, 1997; Lo et al., 1997; Pires et al., 1998..
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-301-496-9420; fax: q1-301-402-
Inter-individual differences in cerebrospinal fluid con-
0445. centrations of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid Ž5-HIAA. ex-
E-mail address: ŽP.B. DePetrillo.. plain some of the variance in the pharmacodynamic re-

0014-2999r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 2 9 9 9 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 5 6 - X
114 P.B. DePetrillo et al.r European Journal of Pharmacology 391 (2000) 113–119

sponse to ketamine. Ketamine-induced sleep time in rhesus indicators of underlying signal dynamics. We theorized
monkeys is inversely proportional to cerebrospinal fluid that the pharmacodynamic effects of ketamine could be
5-HIAA concentration, which is a measure of serotonin characterized at a higher resolution by H than by mean
turnover in the central nervous system ŽShannon et al., and standard deviation measures derived from groups of
1997.. This measure is a stable trait in primates, allowing IBI data.
its use as a surrogate marker of serotonergic functioning
ŽHigley and Linnoila, 1997, 1998.. We hypothesized that
ketamine would differentially alter cardiac signal dynamics 2. Materials and methods
in animals varying in degree of serotonergic turnover,
since serotonergic activation is involved in regulation of
2.1. Animal procedures
heart rate. We therefore included measurements of cere-
brospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentrations as a possible ex-
planatory variable for variations in cardiac signal dynam- All procedures were approved by the NIAAA Animal
ics. Care and Use Committee ŽProtocol aLCS75 and LCS-AB-
We measured cardiac signal dynamics by calculating 01.. The investigation conforms with the Guide for the
the Hurst parameter Ž H . of the electrocardiographically Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US
derived interbeat interval ŽIBI. time-series. We used H as National Institutes of Health ŽNIH Publication No. 85-23,
the pharmacodynamic outcome variable because it was revised 1996..
found to be a more sensitive measure of drug-related Animals were 10 male rhesus monkeys Ž Macaca mu-
cardiac effects in human subjects than measurements of latta. between 655 and 898 days of age Ž M s 851 days,
heart rate magnitude alone ŽDePetrillo et al., 1999b.. The S.D.s 74. at the onset of testing for the first experiment,
Hurst parameter was conceived by Hurst Ž1951. and for- and eight female rhesus monkeys Ž M s 1128 days, S.D.s
malized by Mandelbrot and Van Ness Ž1968. as a way of 76. for the second experiment.
measuring time-series dynamics. The value of H varies as Animals were selected to represent the full range of
0 F H F 1. As can be seen from the synthetic time-series CNS serotonin functioning on the basis of CSF 5-HIAA
in Fig. 1, when H approaches 0, rapid alterations in the concentrations obtained prior to testing. These values
magnitudes of the IBIs give the time-series a very rough ranged from 286 to 486 pmolrml Ž M s 365, S.D.s 73.
texture as seen in the upper left of the figure. By contrast, for the first experiment, and 155 to 292 pmolrml Ž M s
as H approaches 0.5, there is less variation in the R–R 216, SD s 47. for the second experiment, within the norms
IBIs and the time-series curves have a smoother appear- for 2-year-old rhesus monkeys ŽHigley et al., 1991..
ance. Since all these time-series were designed to have the Prior to the first test day, a 2-ml cisternal cerebrospinal
same mean and standard deviation, it is apparent that fluid sample was collected from each monkey less than 20
dispersional measures in the time domain are not sensitive min after it was anesthetized with ketamine hydrochloride
Ž15 mgrkg i.m... Previous studies ŽBacopoulos et al.,
1979; Brammer et al., 1987; Higley et al., 1996. have
shown monoamine concentrations to be unaffected if cere-
brospinal fluid samples are obtained within 25–30 min of
capture. Samples were obtained with a 5-ml syringe and a
22-gauge needle, immediately aliquoted and frozen in
liquid nitrogen, and then transferred to storage at y708C.
Cerebrospinal fluid samples were assayed for concentra-
tions of serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA using high perfor-
mance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detec-
tion and internal standardization ŽScheinin et al., 1983..
The within-day and between-day variations for the assay
were 3% and 5%, respectively. The average within-animal
correlation of serially sampled cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA
over a space of 7 months showed R s 0.80.

2.2. Experimental procedure

ECG IBI data was collected as follows. To begin

testing, an individual animal was hand-captured, removed
Fig. 1. IBI time series and associated H parameters. The synthetic time
from its homecage and physically restrained. The anterior
series were generated to have the same mean Ž346 ms. and S.D. Ž6. as the chest wall was shaved beginning approximately at the
experimentally derived time-series M 0.04. mid-axillary line and proceeding to an area just below the
P.B. DePetrillo et al.r European Journal of Pharmacology 391 (2000) 113–119 115

nipples on the left and right. Gel ECG electrodes ŽCon- 20 min, after which a 15 mgrkg dose of ketamine hydro-
Med, Utica, NY, USA. were attached to the anterior chest chloride was administered. Monkeys were then recorded
wall, with the positive electrode placed at approximately for the remaining 20 min while they were unconscious.
1-cm below and lateral to the left nipple, and the negative Where necessary several minutes of recording time
electrode placed just below the right nipple. Proper place- were added to the awake segment in order to compensate
ment of the electrodes was documented using a CD-200 for data lost to bouts of movement. The dose of ketamine
oscilloscope monitor. For some animals, better tracings used resulted in complete loss of muscle tone in the
were obtained with one or both leads placed on the limbs. animals for approximately 20 min and produced the level
Sometimes the electrode placement required moving the of anesthesia typically used for routine veterinary surgical
positive electrode medially to produce an adequate QRS procedures.
voltage complex with positive deflection of the R wave.
When the electrodes were securely placed, the animal was
restrained on a plastic board with restraint straps. Elec- 2.3. Data analysis
trodes were wired to a MM Polar XR transmitter in
communication with a Mini-Logger Series 2000 receiver Cardiac IBI data, in milliseconds, were retrieved from
ŽMini-Mitter, SunRiver, OR, USA., which was used to the Mini-Logger receiver using Version 3.5 of the Mini-
store the IBI data. The logger configuration file was Logger software on an IBM 433DXrDp Personal Com-
adjusted in consultation with the manufacturer to allow puter running MS DOS 6.22. The IBI data were filtered
reliable capture of IBIs corresponding to heart rates of up using linear interpolation if any single IBI was more than
to 320 beats per min. The sampling rate for the device is twice the magnitude of the previous IBI. The maximum
500 Hz and results in a timing accuracy of F 1 ms in the number of data points requiring adjustment for any IBI
measurement of the IBIs ŽRuha et al., 1997.. time-series examined were always less than 3.5% of the
The experimental design is illustrated in Fig. 2. In both total number of IBI data points, and in most individual
experiments, the first 20 min of the heart beat IBI record- cases was less than 0.2%.
ing took place while the animal was awake but restrained Data was analyzed as previously reported ŽDePetrillo et
on the board. Heavy cloth was placed over the animal’s al., 1999a. using software incorporating an algorithm,
eyes to minimize distress and external stimuli. In the first which extracts the fractal dimension D of the time-series
experiment, 20 min of baseline recording was followed by and derives the Hurst value as H s 2 y D. The software
a 15 mgrkg dose of ketamine hydrochloride administered application used for these analyses, running on Windows
via intramuscular injection into the upper posterior left ŽTM. 95, 98 or NT, can be obtained through a procedure
thigh followed by 20 min of recording under anesthesia. In outlined at ftp:rrhelix.nih.govr pbdpr.
the second experiment, the animals were given either The value of the dimensional embedding constant used
ondansetron 0.125 mgrkg or an equal volume of saline for the analysis was estimated by increasing the embed-
IV, and awake recording was continued for an additional ding dimension in increments of 1 until D reached a stable
value. Empirical testing showed that a maximal embedding
dimension of six resulted in a stable measure of D for all
time-series tested.
An automatic procedure was used to slice the IBI
time-series into 1000 data point segments. The second
1000 point segment was used to calculate the baseline H
value. The first 1000 point segment that occurred at least 5
min after ondansetronrplacebo andror ketamine adminis-
tration was used to calculate the post-ondansetronrplacebo
or post-ketamine H value. The time point obtained after
the dose of ketamine point corresponded to the minimum
value of H reached after ketamine administration.
A repeated-measures analysis-of-variance was calcu-
lated to determine whether there were significant differ-
ences in the values of H or IBI magnitude before and after
ketamine administration. The resulting parameters were
used to derive the P-values of the mean differences.
Multiple linear regression models using baseline cere-
Fig. 2. Illustration of the experimental design. In experiment I, ns10 brospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentration Žpmolrml., age at
animals were given ketamine Ž15 mgrkg. at the time indicated, while in
Experiment II, ns8 animals were given either ondansetron Ž0.125
testing Ždays., and gender as the independent variables and
mgrkg. or saline, followed by ketamine Ž15 mgrkg. at the time indi- measured value of H before and after ketamine adminis-
cated. tration as the dependent variables were calculated. Inde-
116 P.B. DePetrillo et al.r European Journal of Pharmacology 391 (2000) 113–119

pendent variables were retained in the models with a value

for retention set at P F 0.05.

3. Results

The R 2-value for the linear regressions used for the

calculation of H values were all 1.00, suggesting that a
strong scale-independent power law relationship ŽPeitgen
et al., 1992. applies to the rhesus monkey IBI time-series.
The relationship of the IBI time-series and the calculated
H parameter is shown for one animal in Fig. 3.
A large decrease in H occurs after administration of
ketamine, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. In both sets of
experiments, there were small but significant increases in
IBI after ketamine administration when compared to base-
line. Ondansetron attenuated the effects of ketamine on
Fig. 4. Mean values of the Hurst parameter Ž H . and values of the IBI in
cardiac signal dynamics as measured by the H parameter.
millisecond are shown at baseline ŽA. and after ketamine administration
Compared to placebo, ondansetron pre-treatment increased ŽB. for ns10 monkeys obtained from experiment I. The lines above and
post-ketamine H from 0.08 " 0.02 to 0.14 " 0.02 ŽM " below the columns represent the positive displacement of the S.E.M.
S.E.M.. as shown in Fig. 5. There are significant differences in the values of H and IBI before and
Baseline cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentrations after ketamine, Ž0.33"0.04 vs. 0.12"0.02, p- 0.001. and Ž271"9 vs.
296"11, p- 0.03. between the two conditions.
were correlated with post-ketamine H values, as shown in
Fig. 6 but not with pre-ketamine H values, nor the pre-or
post-IBI values, P ) 0.3. A multiple linear regression cal-
culated using the post-ketamine H value as the dependent gender were retained in the final model. The complete
variable and the baseline cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA con- model is: measured value of H after ketamine administra-
centrations and age at testing and gender as the indepen- tion s 0.001Ž5-HIAA, pmolrml. y 0.130. Ž R s 0.66, P F
dent variables was calculated. The results show that only 0.003.. A parallel model using the same explanatory vari-
baseline cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentration is a
statistically significant predictor of H. Neither age nor

Fig. 5. Mean values of the Hurst parameter Ž H . and the values of the IBI
in millisecond at baseline ŽA., after ondansetron or saline ŽB. and after
Fig. 3. The IBI time-series and corresponding H-values from one experi- ketamine ŽC. in ns8 animals, obtained from experiment II. The light
mental animal are shown. The y-axis shows the magnitude of each IBI and dark columns represent the mean data obtained in the Saline or
and value of H =1000. A window comprising 1000 data points is moved Ondansetron conditions, respectively. The lines above and below the
along the IBI time-series, the H-value is determined, and the window is columns represent the positive displacement of the S.E.M. There are no
advanced by one beat number. The process is repeated until the end of the significant differences between Saline and Ondansetron conditions either
IBI time-series. The H-values are anchored to the midpoint of the IBI or H at ŽA. and ŽB.. At the time point indicated by ŽC., H s 0.08"
window of the IBI time-series. The arrow points to the beat number at 0.02 vs. H s 0.14"0.02, significantly different at P F 0.04 for Saline
which ketamine was given. vs. Ondansetron.
P.B. DePetrillo et al.r European Journal of Pharmacology 391 (2000) 113–119 117

accounted for differences in the cardiac response to ke-

tamine. This is unlikely since the time points chosen for
determination of H were obtained shortly after drug ad-
ministration. Changes in levels of active drug would have
been minimized even if a difference in drug metabolism
was operating.
We included age as a possible explanatory variable
because of the previous observations that cerebrospinal
fluid 5-HIAA concentrations decrease with age ŽHigley et
al., 1991.. However, the age range in our sample may have
Fig. 6. Correlation between baseline cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concen- been too small and the variance in 5-HIAA may have been
tration and the value of the Hurst parameter Ž H . obtained after adminis- too large for age to remain a significant explanatory
tration of ketamine. The linear regression value of H after ketamine
variable in our model. Gender was also included as a
administrations 0.001Ž5-HIAA, pmolr ml.y0.130. Ž Rs 0.66, P F
0.003.. possible explanatory variable because of reports that hu-
man heart rate variability may be increased in females as
compared to males ŽRyan et al., 1994.. However, we failed
ables with H determined before ketamine administration to find a significant gender-related effect in 5-HIAA val-
was rejected. ues, suggesting that hormonal environment may modulate
central neural systems at a level which is not reflected in
measures of serotonin turnover.
4. Discussion Serotonin differences were unrelated to both heart rate
and the change in heart rate following ketamine adminis-
Ketamine administration decreased the value of H in tration Ž P ) 0.40., suggesting that other factors may con-
all animals tested. Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antago- trol heart rate and that these factors are dissociated from
nist, attenuated these effects. Taken together, these results variability measures. Baseline cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA
suggest that ketamine exerts some of its effects on cardiac concentrations were also not correlated with H prior to the
signal dynamics via activation of 5-HT3 receptors. These administration of ketamine. Since under these conditions
results parallel similar studies in mice, where ketamine the monkeys were awake, restrained, and under stress, it is
was also found to increase R–R interval variability possible that any serotonin-mediated difference in cardiac
ŽMitchell et al., 1998.. signal dynamics may have been attenuated by high levels
Our results demonstrate that interindividual differences of circulating catecholamines.
in serotonergic activity are associated with differential The results of this study support the use of the Hurst
responses to ketamine-induced alterations in cardiac signal parameter as a measure of drug effect on the cardio-
dynamics. Following ketamine dosing, much of the vari- vascular system. Estimates of parameters, which quantify
ance in H could be explained by the previously obtained heart rate dynamics are usually obtained from the time-do-
central nervous system serotonin turnover measurement. main or frequency-domain ŽStein et al., 1994.. Results
Lower indices of cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentra- obtained with these methods are confounded by the chang-
tions were associated with increased values of H after ing statistical properties of heartbeat IBI time-series. As
ketamine. The variance of IBIs increases in humans after shown in Fig. 1, time-domain measures such as the mean
treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as parox- and standard deviation lose all phase information, while
etine, fluoxetine and doxepin ŽTucker et al., 1997; Khaykin frequency-domain measures rely on assumptions of sta-
et al., 1998.. Taken together, these data point to an impor- tionarity, i.e., that the means and standard deviations of the
tant role for serotonergic activation in the modulation of compared signals are equivalent. These criteria are not met
heart rate variability. with biologically derived physiological data such as the
Higher 5-HT3 receptor sensitivity induced by lower IBI. Measurement of cardiac signal dynamics using H
serotonergic exposure may have led to the increased car- does not require stationarity for the signals being com-
diac response associated with ketamine in animals with pared, and H can thus be used to quantify drug effects
naturally occurring low levels of synaptic serotonin, as under dynamic conditions as in the present study.
reflected by low cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentra- While the time-domain measures are all the same for
tions. The sensitivity of 5-HT3 receptors to agonist-in- the time-series presented in Fig. 1, the value of H changes
duced channel-opening is known to be tightly regulated, as it reflects the magnitude and strength of the autocorrela-
and is dynamically altered by exposure to serotonin or tion in the values of the time-series. H values approaching
other agonists via a reversible post-translational mecha- 0.5 from either extreme Ž0 or 1. are symptomatic of a
nism ŽVan Hooft and Vijverberg, 1995, 1997.. breakdown in the long-range correlations of the heart IBI
A faster metabolic rate of ketamine in the monkeys with signal. These long-term correlations may represent an opti-
high cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA concentrations might have mal level of feedback regulation between central and
118 P.B. DePetrillo et al.r European Journal of Pharmacology 391 (2000) 113–119

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