The Human Body

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The Human Body

Editor's Note: This occasional series of articles looks at the vital things in our lives and the chemistry they are made of. You are what you eat. But do you recall munching some molybdenum or snacking on selenium? Some 60 chemical elements are found in the body, but what all of them are doing there is still unknown. Roughly 96 ercent of the mass of the human body is made u of !ust four elements" o#ygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, with a lot of that in the form of water. $he remaining % ercent is a s arse sam ling of the eriodic table of elements.
Some of the more prominent representatives are called macro nutrients, whereas those appearing only at the level of parts per million or less are referred to as micronutrients. These nutrients perform various functions, including the building of bones and cell structures, regulating the body's pH, carrying charge, and driving chemical reactions. The FDA has set a reference daily inta e for !" minerals #calcium, iron, phosphorous, iodine, magnesium, $inc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and chloride%. Sodium and potassium also have recommended levels, but they are treated separately. However, this does not e&haust the list of elements that you need. Sulfur is not usually mentioned as a dietary supplement because the body gets plenty of it in proteins. And there are several other elements ' such as silicon, boron, nic el, vanadium and lead ' that may play a biological role but are not classified as essential. (This may be due to the fact that a biochemical function has not been defined by e&perimental evidence,( said )ictoria Dra e from the *inus +auling ,nstitute at -regon State .niversity. Sometimes all that is nown is that lab animals performed poorly when their diets lac ed a particular non/essential element. However, identifying the e&act benefit an element confers can be difficult as they rarely enter the body in a pure form. (0e don't loo at them as single elements but as elements wrapped up in a compound,( said 1hristine 2erbstadt, national spo esperson for the American Dietetic Association. A normal diet consists of thousands of compounds #some containing trace elements% whose effects are the study of ongoing research. For now, we can only say for certain what "3 or so elements are doing. Here is a 4uic rundown, with the percentage of body weight in parentheses.

Oxygen #567% and hydrogen #!37% are predominantly found in water, which ma es up about 53 percent of the body by weight. ,t's practically impossible to imagine life without water. Carbon #!87% is synonymous with life. ,ts central role is due to the fact that it has four bonding sites that allow for the building of long, comple& chains of molecules. 9oreover, carbon bonds can be formed and bro en with a modest amount of energy, allowing for the dynamic organic chemistry that goes on in our cells. Nitrogen #:7% is found in many organic molecules, including the amino acids that ma e up proteins, and the nucleic acids that ma e up D;A. Calcium #!.67% is the most common mineral in the human body ' nearly all of it found in bones and teeth. ,ronically, calcium's most important role is in bodily functions, such as muscle contraction and protein regulation. ,n fact, the body will actually pull calcium from bones #causing problems li e osteoporosis% if there's not enough of the element in a person's diet. Phosphorus #!7% is found predominantly in bone but also in the molecule AT+, which provides energy in cells for driving chemical reactions. Potassium #3."67% is an important electrolyte #meaning it carries a charge in solution%. ,t helps regulate the heartbeat and is vital for electrical signaling in nerves. Sulfur #3."67% is found in two amino acids that are important for giving proteins their shape. Sodium #3.!67% is another electrolyte that is vital for electrical signaling in nerves. ,t also regulates the amount of water in the body. Chlorine #3.!67% is usually found in the body as a negative ion, called chloride. This electrolyte is important for maintaining a normal balance of fluids. Magnesium #3.367% plays an important role in the structure of the s eleton and muscles. ,t also is necessary in more than :33 essential metabolic reactions. Iron #3.3357% is a ey element in the metabolism of almost all living organisms. ,t is also found in hemoglobin, which is the o&ygen carrier in red blood cells. Half of women don't get enough iron in their diet. Fluorine #3.33:<7% is found in teeth and bones. -utside of preventing tooth decay, it does not appear to have any importance to bodily health. Zinc #3.33:"7% is an essential trace element for all forms of life. Several proteins contain structures called ($inc fingers( help to regulate genes. =inc deficiency has been nown to lead to dwarfism in developing countries. Copper #3.333!7% is important as an electron donor in various biological reactions. 0ithout enough copper, iron won't wor properly in the body.

Iodine #3.3333!57% is re4uired for ma ing of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate and other cellular functions. ,odine deficiency, which can lead to goiter and brain damage, is an important health problem throughout much of the world. Selenium #3.3333!>7% is essential for certain en$ymes, including several anti/o&idants. .nli e animals, plants do not appear to re4uire selenium for survival, but they do absorb it, so there are several cases of selenium poisoning from eating plants grown in selenium/rich soils. Chromium #3.33333"?7% helps regulate sugar levels by interacting with insulin, but the e&act mechanism is still not completely understood. Manganese #3.3333!<7% is essential for certain en$ymes, in particular those that protect mitochondria ' the place where usable energy is generated inside cells ' from dangerous o&idants. Molybdenum #3.3333!:7% is essential to virtually all life forms. ,n humans, it is important for transforming sulfur into a usable form. ,n nitrogen/fi&ing bacteria, it is important for transforming nitrogen into a usable form. Cobalt #3.33333"!7% is contained in vitamin @!", which is important in protein formation and D;A regulation.

The Chemistry of Life: The Human Body

9ichael Schirber

pH Balance For Your Body Can Make You Feel Incredible

The Basics Of pH $he first ste to a healthier you is understanding how certain foods can u set your body&s natural ' balance. Your body should ha(e a neutral ' of se(en. 'a(ing a ' higher or lower than this can cause a (ariety of un leasant hysical sym toms. )ost indi(iduals do not know that their body needs to ha(e a certain ' balance. *ne reason for this is that the harmaceutical industry wants to sell you e# ensi(e and dangerous ills to fi# your roblems. $hey do not want you to know that there is a safe, ine# ensi(e solution to many of your hysical ailments.

Your body&s ' balance is determined by the foods you eat. +f you eat too many acidic foods, you can e# erience acidosis. ,lternati(ely, if you are not eating enough acidic foods, your body could ha(e too low of a '. $his condition is known as alkalosis. Raw foods are generally more acidic than cooked foods, although there are some e#ce tions to this rule. You can find charts online that tell you e#actly how acidic or how alkaline a certain food is. $hese charts are (ery hel ful when you are trying to manage your body&s '. )any eo le feel tired and sick all the time without ha(ing any idea why they feel so badly. $hey do not think that the foods that they eat could ossibly be a roblem because they mainly eat healthy foods. 'owe(er, many healthy foods can u set your body&s delicate ' balance if eaten in e#cess. Symptoms Of A Low Or High pH $he list of health roblems that can be caused by an unbalanced ' le(el is long. -omen who are rone to yeast infections find that addressing their ' roblems holistically reduces the fre.uency of their yeast infections. Both men and women also notice a decrease in the duration and se(erity of urinary tract infection. -hen your body&s ' balance is correct, your body is less rone to infection. +f an infection does occur, the ro er ' balance im ro(es your body&s ability to fight that infection off. +f you ha(e skin issues, such as acne or soriasis, you will e# erience an im ro(ement in the smoothness and clarity of your skin in you can !ust get your ' back in balance. $hese are !ust a few of the roblems associated with a ' that is too low or too high. How To Determine Your pH +f you are e# eriencing some of the health roblems associated with an unbalanced ' le(el, you need to test yourself to see if you ha(e this roblem. You can buy ' testing stri s at many health food stores. $hey are also a(ailable online. *nce you find out whether or not your body has a ' issue, you can start to treat yourself. Your body is (ery .uick to heal once you start eating the right foods in the right amounts. )any indi(iduals notice a fast im ro(ement in their sym toms. How To Achieve pH Ba ance +f you ha(e a low or high ' and you want to restore harmony to your body, you need to change the way you eat. $here are lenty of resources both in rint and online that contain reci es s ecially designed to kee your ' balance at the erfect le(el to ensure ideal human health.

Colloidal Systems

Colloids and colloidal systems are essential to life. They function in every body cell, in the blood, and in all body fluids, especially the intercellular fluids. All life processes take place in a colloidal system, and that is true both of the normal fluids and secretions of the organism, and of the bacterial toxins, as well as, in large measure, of the reactions, which confer immunity. The three main branches of chemistry are organic, inorganic, and colloidal. Organic chemistry pertains to carbon, and is the study of all compounds related by carbon, usually in combination with hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon is considered to be the foundation of living matter. That is, atoms in the molecules of life are organized around is--somewhat like a hub. roteins, fats and carbohydrates are all examples of compounds that contain carbon. Inorganic chemistry means there is no carbon, and is the study of substances in the mineral kingdom. Colloidal chemistry deals with both organic and inorganic substances affected by two conditions! "#$ size of particles, and "%$ particle dispersion in a medium, such as a li&uid. Together, the particles and the medium are called a colloidal system. 'uch of the chemistry of the body is colloidal and supported by colloidal systems. Colloids and systems are most important for their electrical and vibrational &ualities, and this is especially critical in the fluid that bathes all the cells of the body. A colloidal system may consist of one kind of colloid or a combination of solid, li&uid or gas colloids dispersed in the medium. (ssentially, particle size distinguishes colloidal systems from other material systems, such as suspensions and solutions "suspensions have larger particles and solutions have smaller$. There is no visible accumulation of inorganic or organic particles either in the solution or settled on the bottom. article size is extremely small, ranging from ).# to ).))# of a micron in diameter. A micron is one-millionth of a meter, and a meter is about *) inches. Therefore, a micron is four one-hundredthousandths of an inch. +o, at ).# to ).))# of a micron, a colloid measures about four-millionths of an inch to about four one-hundred-millionths of an inch, or #) angstroms at the small end of the range. The smallest colloids are only about #) times larger than the smallest atom hydrogen. ,f the particles are within # to #)) nm and are uniformly charged, no stabilizer is re&uired to maintain suspension indefinitely in deionized water, as long as there is no disruptive influence. Colloids do not settle, and are filterable by ordinary techni&ues in the same sense as filterable bacteria, whereas coarser particles in the dispersion size range are retained. They differ from -particles- in molecularly dispersed systems in that dispersed colloids cannot pass through the fine pores of passive membranes. .ecause of their size, colloids diffuse slowly. The number of particles varies according to the cube of the size change, so if size is reduced /)0, the overall number is multiplied by eight. ,deal size is element-dependent. ,n manufacturing, size is controlled by frequency, amperage and micromeshes, among other things. The highest &uality colloid will have a certain maximum

number of particles. They will be of the minimum possible size, and ideally no more than a -handful- of atoms hooked together per molecule of water utilized, and in a negatively charged state! This will prevent further aggregation at that size. A clear colloidal dispersion will appear turbid when a sharp and intense beam of light is passed through. The scattered light also takes on a cone shape within the solution. A critical indicator of a colloidal system1s &uality is its color. Color varies with concentration and particle size, as well as the use of stabilizers, and presence or absence of other trace elements. 2ne of the properties of colloids is tremendous surface area. ,magine a one-inch cube with its six sides. 3ow cut it in half. 4here the cut was made, you now have two new surfaces, each an inch s&uare. Thus, the total surface area of the two pieces has increased from six s&uare inches to eight. The more cuts, the more total surface area. 2ne cubic inch of a mineral like colloidal gallium, after being cut into trillions of pieces, will cover seven and one-half acres and still be a continuous sheet5 The significance of such a large area is the high total energy from the electrical charge each surface is capable of carrying. The most important characteristic of colloidal systems is surface charge on the particles. Charged particles repel each other, overcoming the tendency to aggregate and remaining dispersed. article size plays a ma6or role in the capacity to bear a charge, and the colloidal size range is set by this capacity. The smaller the particle, the greater the surface and the greater the charge, that can be applied. 2nly heterogeneous, highly dispersed colloidal systems, containing the smallest possible particles, have a well-developed surface area. article charge is not automatically increased as the substance is made finer, but total charge in the system will increase. ,n a colloidal system, the colloids represent 7)0 of the total system by volume, and the container-medium 8)0. The (arth is made up of 7)0 colloids and 8)0 water, as is the human body. This specific ratio is not a coincidence, but a conse&uence of 3atural 9aw. ,n addition to particle size and ratio, a colloidal system must have three other &ualities: "#$ ,t must be heterogeneous, meaning that it contains at least two dissimilar components, such as gold particles and a water medium: "%$ The system must be multiphasic, meaning that it is a combination of solid;li&uid, gas;li&uid, etc.: "7$ The particles must be insoluble, meaning they don1t dissolve in the medium. These three &ualities interact with each other to give colloids their uni&ue nature. A fascinating thing about colloids is that the system retains its colloidal properties as long as a larger number, if not all, of the particles are in the proper size range. Also, even though the particles aren1t dissolved, they don1t pile up due to gravity unless disturbed. A solid dispersed in a li&uid is called a sol: a solid or semi-solid colloidal system is a gel. An emulsion consists of one li&uid dispersed in another. An aerosol, such as smoke or mist, consists of a solid or li&uid dispersed in a gas. +ome alloys are

solid-in-solid colloids. The most common system, especially where human physiology is concerned, is the sol, or solid-in-li&uid dispersion. Coarse particles will tend to fall out even if they have received an electrical charge like the smaller particles, because gravity will have a greater influence than the electrical forces that maintain the dispersion. <iven a constant particle size, the more likely the attraction force will overcome the repelling charge, creating larger masses. At some point, the mass will precipitate out due to gravitation. At lesser concentrations, the attraction force is insufficient for precipitative particle bonding, and groups are light enough that gravitation will not pull them out of solution. This is an ideal colloidal system. Colloid systems can be destroyed because particles can aggregate, become larger and non-colloidal in size, and drop out of the medium. This is of extreme importance to health. ,t is crucial in the blood, the fluid systems in body cells, and especially in the fluid surrounding cells. Collapse of the colloidal system immediately precedes the onset of symptoms because the charge is lost and the energy level plummets. This compromises cellular communication and threatens the functioning of the cells, as toxins and waste cannot be removed. (ventually, the flow of life stops and there exists a dead zone. ,t is a focal area for the condition, which underlies disease symptoms. Colloidal integrity thus plays a very important role in health. A colloidal system holds a state of balance in which the mutual repulsion of its particles staves off coagulation or combining. The living colloidal elements are capable of combining with themselves and with all substances in the human body--even heavy metals--as well as with nearly all other chemical compounds. They will do so when conditions re&uire it, and at some point in the process, the colloidal system may be destroyed. =rom this combining, result astronomical numbers of compounds and structures, including repair proteins, and then the morbidly evolved upper development forms. ,f the body is in balance, colloidal combination will be harmonious, which is to say naturally constructive or healthfully destructive. The colloids of life will immediately sense any electrical compromise in the medium, and this will signal for response, such as evolution to more complex forms. An area where this is particularly significant is blood clotting. Although it contains particles much larger than colloidal size, the blood contains an alkaline colloidal system. The colloids of life normally form platelets, which clot the blood. ,f the colloidal system is compromised by loss of charge "acid diet$, one response of the colloidal microzymas in the blood is to polymerize. latelets become excessive and start forming aggregations, and blood clots are also formed. As aggregations fall out of the system, they may bind to the walls of arteries and veins, which are predisposed to this by mycotoxic damage. The individual may then have symptoms of oxygen deprivation! low energy, cold hands and;or feet, light<

headedness, high blood pressure, poor circulation--all of which precede stroke and heart attack. All living things are dependent upon colloids from the soil for life and health. .y absorption, the root systems of plants assimilate colloids of life. These plants ultimately participate in building and fueling the bodies of all living things that consume them. Thus, all -health symptoms,- as well as infectious and degenerative disease symptoms, originate from the same microforms--the colloids of life. .eing in harmony with our colloids of life means energy and health. .eing out of harmony with them is the 2ne >isease, which ultimately leads to the 2ne +ickness, "malnutrition and toxicity$ which then leads to poor &uality of life--and low &uality of death5 Important Colloidal Minerals Colloids of the metal transitional elements can play an important role in maintaining the delicate balance between energy or tiredness, health or disease, life or death. As a supplement, they are ready to combine and work with the body1s colloids. Taken under the tongue, they are rapidly absorbed, bypassing the digestive process, which is usually compromised to some degree and often greatly. #. Gallium is a metalloid "resembles a metal$ known to form anti-tumor compounds. ,t has specific areas of catalytic activity in the human brain and has been reported to reduce the rate of brain cancer in laboratory animals. +upplementing the diets of pregnant women with gallium reduces the rate of brain cancer in their children. %. Gold has several valuable effects in the body. rior to about #?*#, and as early as the 1%)s, colloidal gold was used in the presence of arthritis, skin ulcers, burns, certain nerve-end operations, and various types of punctures, obesity, and inoperable cancer. ,t then fell into disuse with the advent of antibiotics and other toxic drugs of the orthodox pharmacopoeia. Colloidal gold can have a psychologically balancing and harmonizing effect, particularly with regard to unstable mental and emotional states such as depression, seasonal affective disorder, melancholy, sorrow, fear, despair, anguish, frustration, and suicidal tendencies. <old has the potential to repair damaged >3A. <old is also a conductor of electricity, which may help in cellular communication, metabolism, and regeneration. 7. Rhodium and Iridium are superconductors. +uperconductors are materials that allow electric current to flow through them without resistance. The superconductive potential of these substances may be activated in biomolecules. @esearch shows that cells in living tissue communicate with each other in a superconductive fashion. (lectrons that flow through a superconductor are

known to pair off and convert into light, and this may be happening during the process of cellular communication. These conductive metals are effective in stimulating electrical impulses at the cellular level, inducing the flow of electricity in and among cells. Asing precious metals in the presence of cancer has been shown to correct altered >3A through the coupling of these elements with the cells, via a transfer of encoded bursts of ultraviolet laser light. +uperconductors assist light transfer, and gallium, gold, rhodium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, palladium and platinum increase the light found in the human body. (lectrical conductivity plays a role in our level of awareness, or level of consciousness. 2ur nervous system is a complex antenna system. There is infinite information constantly vibrating all around us. The way a dowser finds water isn1t with the stick, but a resonance between water1s subtle vibration and the idea "thought is vibration$ of water in the dowser1s consciousness. ,n the brain, certain nerve cell structures called dendrites can be encouraged, by mental focusing to grow and increase the number of interconnections. This powers up the brain and increases receiving ability, thus raising awareness. ,ncreased electrical conductivity and light transfer may encourage dendrite growth, and vice versa. ,n research, these metallic elements have been used as agents against mycotoxins, tumors, adenocarcinoma, reticular fibrosarcoma, reticular cell sarcoma, lymphosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and other cancers. They have also been used in clinical settings in the presence of AI !, decreased mental capacity, hepatitis, diverticulitis, increased retinal blood pressure, sleeping disorders, toxicity, allergic reactions, high blood pressure, deviant blood parameters, heavy metal toxicity, and oxygen deprivation. eople taking these elements have expressed a profound clarity of mind and increased energy levels. Colloids of these precious elements have been found in high concentrations in the following healing foods and herbs! carrots, aloe leaf, grape seeds, slippery elm, "atercress, acemannan, !t# $ohn%s "ort, blood root, &ssiac tea, shar' cartilage, bilberry (uice, and sheep sorrel# Colloidal Behavior +ince surfaces present, and interact through, electrical and magnetic energies, the electrical characteristics of colloids take on fundamental importance. =or example, sick, dead and broken-down cells are attracted to colloids by electromagnetic force, as iron filings are attracted to a magnet. The resulting complexes are carried into the lymph, which recycles what it can, while the rest are carried to the bloodstream to be eliminated. The recycling;breakdown process is carried on by a normal level of fermentation, and it is highly likely that colloidal microzymas provide the enzymes. The surface energies of colloids have powerful effects on physical and chemical activity. ,t is well known that like

charges repel and opposite ones attract, thus surface charges on colloids maintain an energetic system that resists coagulation. 2ften behaving like enzymes in life processes, certain colloids act as catalysts in chemical reactions. The high surface energies that may accompany them account for the action and sensitivity of colloids in the living system. The electrical potential on the surface of a colloid is known as the zeta potential. Beta potential is basic to life. @ed blood cells become immobile and aggregate due to loss of zeta potential. The highly negatively charged particles of colloidal minerals impart a vibrational energy which breaks the cells apart and restores the zeta potential--the negative spark of life. The Colloid Computer All living organisms are composed of highly structured colloidal systems and these form the basis of a gigantic colloidal computer. (very cell has an internal colloidal system arranged in patterns to create specific functions. The cells surrounding nerve fibers--glial cells in the brain, !ch"ann cells in the rest of the body--are made up of high-zeta-potential colloids arranged in a structured matrix. ,n an analog computer, information is transmitted by voltage levels or by current intensity. <lial and +chwann cells form the basis of a direct-current analog healing system. The body produces a negative electrical current across a bone break or damaged tissue, which mediates the healing process--by attracting nutrient ions to the area. <lial cells and +chwann cells are semiconductors 6ust like transistors and there is a direct correspondence between these cells and the acupuncture meridian system. The blood-brain-barrier is very likely an electrochemical phenomenon in which the balance of electrolytes in the brain and nervous system is critical. 4hen the electrolyte balance is disturbed and the crystalline structure of this vital li&uid changes, "cell phone usage$ unwanted materials may pass the barrier. +ince a colloidal system supports intercellular fluid, the same situation may exist here, so that if the colloidal system is compromised, the electrolytes loose their ability to re6ect unwanted substances. The permeability of the barrier is altered by external, pulsed electrical and magnetic fields of extra-low fre&uencies such as signals transmitted by cell phones, computers, power lines, and hundreds of industrial and household products. (verything from hair dryers, razors, electric ranges and ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, TC sets, computers, washing machines, clothes dryers, even electric wrist watches emit these fre&uency waves. otentially the existence of the human race is threatened by these signals, as they alter the chemistry of life. Colloidal dispersion is threatened with collapse by (9= signals when the zeta potential of the colloidal system is low. At this point, it takes very little stress to

trigger flocculation in the system. This occurs with most colloids at a zeta potential of around # millivolt. The increase in zeta potential achieved by adding high energy colloids and anionic electrolytes to the body will protect us from these harmful energies. Colloids and electrolytes relate to and support one another by their electrical bio-energy. Dealth is vitally characterized by organized matter that carries a high negative surface charge. >eath;disease is the neutralization of a colloidal system in an area of the body by the positively charged influence of toxins, residues from acid-forming food, and resulting morbidly evolved microforms and their acids. There are dead-zones that exist in the blood as rouleau, as fused cells in tissues, and in the intercellular fluid itself. Toxins and debris in the system promote loss of negative surface charge and act as mortar to glue cells together, reducing function and efficiency. <iven the chance, the body will deal with these areas in an electrical manner. Dighly negatively charged colloidal mineral particles will be attracted to these zones, exert their influence and re-establish balance, allowing blood cells to dissociate and open up cellular communication in tissue. They do this by providing the negative spark of life. A most crucial area for appreciating the significance of colloids and their flocculation is the intercellular fluid. The flow of life is maintained in the space between cells, where the living system has enclosed part of the ocean, so to speak. The specialized cells of the tissue spongework rely upon this substance that bathes them, maintains pD, brings in oxygen and nutrients, carries away wastes, and shields them from toxins. The flow moves from the capillaries through the interstitial spaces, then, after exchanges with the cells, back into the lymphatic channels. ,f the lymphatic flow is not maintained, chemical changes take place in the stagnant fluid. The parts beyond cease to receive the materials needed. +hould this movement be arrested in any part of the body, however small the area, and however short the time--what is called disease begins. ,t may be some time before the signs of obstruction become evident, for the surplus capacity of the system is so great. There is only one disease. All the *#* or so diseases described in textbooks of medicine are fundamentally forms of one and the same disorder. The problem to be solved in every case of sickness is, for what reason has the flow of intercellular fluid ceased, and in what site has it ceasedE .ut the final reason is the presence is the fluid of the microform "pathogen$, which is really a chemical toxin. 3utritional deficiency, the other ma6or factor, must be addressed. There is an intangible circulation--the flow of vitality, life-force, bioenergy--along the neuro)endocrine system, following the physiological processes of absorption, assimilation, and elimination. As long as this flow is unhindered, the individual is in a state of health. ,t is the extraordinary surface areas of he colloidal system,

which makes it capable of carrying a high level of charge and thus vibrational energy, or bioenergy. The neuro)endocrine system, the neuro)lymphatic system and the muscular system are all tied together via the acupuncture meridians. ,n addition to food, the body ingests, assimilates and excretes subtle vibratory energies, including normally invisible light fre&uencies. The interstitial and lymphatic system is a vital site of parenteral digestion. ,n the lymphatics there is a real digestion of the entering fluid carried on by the ferments supplied by their cell population. And in the intercellular fluid, there is a constant building up and tearing down, through enzyme activity. oisonous waste products from dietary sources find their way into the fluid and interfere with the flow because they cannot be perfectly digested. They are acid decomposition products, which create a condition of anoxia in the fluid. .esides the anoxia, the lack of ferment needed to break up the pathological substances itself causes interference with the flow. =ailing the breakdown of the materials in &uestion, deposition will occur. 4hen flocculation "precipitation, deposition$ occurs, the signs of disease appear. 2ur fundamental anatomical elements, the colloidal microzymas in every cell are the electrical, or bioenergetic nature of the fluid that supports the flow, and it is primarily a colloidal system, in concert with molecular electrolytes, that constitutes its electrical nature. Colloids play a critical role in the vital function of intercellular communication. The >3A molecule transmits its blueprint information to other cells by means of encoded bursts of ultraviolet laser light. The optical pathways for this information are -light tubes- consisting of highly structured cellular water. The structure of cellular water is created by minute &uantities of highly charged colloidal minerals. ,n the billions of cells comprising tissues and organs, energy is obtained from certain metals, among them iron, iodine, manganese and copper. There are some 7% minerals in the body, with traces of at least as many others. Colloidal nutritional chemistry is the science, which converts those elements into particles so minute they can be utilized directly by cells and the intercellular fluid. ,deally, a nutrient should be administered in such a form that its essential constituent will travel through the body until it reaches the part where it is re&uired, and that it arrives at that organ or tissue in such a state as to be used to the greatest advantage. To administer a substance in chemical form because it has been isolated from matter, may be to misunderstand the chemical and physical changes which take place in assimilation, and thus to supply the material in a form from which it has to be converted. (ven though the body can convert substances, this is no reason for the administration of agents in less than ideal form, especially when the physiology is weakened. The treatment of a disease condition by the administration of various compounds is much more completely understood when it is realized that the reactions deal largely with colloidal materials and systems. 3utritional and

remedial treatments become most efficient when they can be based entirely upon this principle or can include it, eliminating or minimizing further disturbance to the system. An element in the ionized state is always associated with its corresponding ions. Thus, ionized potassium chloride separates into potassium ions and chlorine ions, and the net charge of the system is neutralized. 4hen the element is administered in the colloidal state, however, it is introduced alone as an active agent, the charge in the particles is &uite definite, and activity is correspondingly great. The extreme toxicity of many combined or non-colloidal elements is avoided when administered in the form of colloidal sols. The remarkable fact that colloidal silver and iodine do not stain the skin, whereas pharmaceutical preparations of silver and iodine do so strongly, is a further indication of the striking difference between colloidal sols and ordinary solutions. A substance, to be fully efficient, must be in a colloidal state, or very easily convertible to it in the body of the sub6ect. The electrically charged particles of some metal sols have activity and catalytic power so great as to be barely conceivable. They can induce chemical reactions, which would otherwise re&uire conditions unattainable in the human sub6ect. They cause strong chemical actions out of all proportion with the &uantity of matter brought to bear. This intense power of promoting reactions and of being themselves left free at the end of the reaction results in very small &uantities of metal sols being capable of effecting changes highly disproportionate to the amount of sol present. 'etal sols have the additional therapeutic advantage of acting most rapidly in slightly alkaline solutions, so that when properly prepared they are not affected adversely by normal blood.


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