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theSun | MONDAY NOVEMBER 2 2009 3

news without borders

to brief him on their sincere decision constitution. of indiscipline.

MCA’s hiccup affecting BN to end their dispute for the sake of
MCA and Barisan Nasional (BN).
Ong, however, has the party con-
stitution behind him as it is clear the
The disease has spread to the
Barisan Nasional with Oct 29’s call in
Now to recap the actions and president can only be removed from Parliament by Sri Gading MP Datuk
News analysis by Ng Kee Seng differently as it opened a door for words of the third force. office in an EGM by two-thirds of the Mohamad Aziz that both Ong and them to take control. After the EGM, they wanted Ong central delegates. Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu
The outcome of the 10/10 EGM, to keep to his word to resign. Under When they realised that Ong is not Koon quit their party positions.
THE MCA leadership crisis started off generally resulting in a hung status, siege, Ong invoked his presidential about to buckle under their continu- Mohamad Aziz claims Ong had
with a struggle between two factions had convinced both Ong and Chua powers to call for another EGM so that ous pressure, they now say they want lost the confidence of his own party
led by party president Datuk Seri Ong that they have almost equal influence the 2,380 party central delegates can the same EGM that Ong had called for and Koh had failed to perform as a
Tee Keat and his former deputy Datuk in the party. decide whether they want fresh party before the unity plan was forged. minister.
Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. For the sake of party unity and its elections. Liow and his “comrades” in the CC The call is dangerous for BN
By right, the crisis should have future, both quickly sat down to set Ong had reasoned that the prin- now claim that they were not con- because it not only smacks of inter-
ended when both Ong and Chua came aside their differences, to stop their ciple of collective decision by the CC sulted by Ong on the unity plan? ference and lack of respect for the
to terms with the outcome of the Oct bickering and to start consolidating warranted that he should not take the While it is quite obvious the internal matters of other parties, but
10 extraordinary general meeting the party for the next 13th general rap for party decisions alone. unity plan was not detailed to Liow, it is will also trigger indiscipline in BN.
(EGM) and set aside the past to work election. The third force quickly shot down equally obvious that the gist of that plan There is also the question of the
for party unity. However, the third force suddenly Ong’s call for another EGM to let the must be the ability of Ong and Chua to real reasons for the call and interefer-
However, common sense was realised that their ambition to occupy central delegates decide. Why? That work as a team, as they commanded ence. Is it Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ)
not allowed to prevail as the party’s the seats of the president and deputy would mean risking their current posi- the biggest blocks of support. fiasco-related?
third force, comprising comrades led president is being jeopardised by the tions in the party. Ong has also said he will table the Can the BN leadership afford to
by central committee (CC)-installed Greater Unity Plan forged by Ong and They continued to press for Ong’s unity plan before the CC in due time. just sit and wait until a situation when
deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Chua, who had approached Prime resignation, urging him to respect But really, the most worrying de- its chaiman Najib has to call for his
Tiong Lai, interpreted the EGM results Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak the outcome of the EGM and party velopment in MCA now is the disease version of a greater unity plan?

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Tee Keat may disclose

details of unity plan
MCA president Datuk Seri Ong called off the Johor liaison
Tee Keat may disclose details committee meeting at the
of the greater unity plan at the eleventh hour out of fear that
central committee meeting Chua and Liow may join forces
tomorrow to stop his detrac- to hit out at him.
tors in the CC from resigning A source from Liow’s camp
en masse to force a fresh said Ong, who intended to
election. make Chua the Johor chief at
According to a report in the state liaison committee
Nanyang Siang Pau yesterday, meeting scheduled yesterday,
deputy president Datuk Seri had sensed something amiss
Liow Tiong Lai’s camp believed when three CC members
that following Ong’s last-minute aligned to Chua on Friday
cancellation of the Johor state voiced their support for the
liaison committee meeting re-election of CC.
yesterday – to announce the The source said a fresh
appointment of former deputy election forced by Liow’s camp
president Datuk Seri Chua Soi is already bad enough for Ong
Lek as state chairman – the as his support in the CC is now
party chief seems to have down to six to seven members,
something up his sleeve for what more if Liow and Chua
the CC meeting. join hands.
Liow’s camp also believed This prompted Ong to put
that Ong may reshuffle the CC his “Johor reshuffle plan” on
Chew with to pre-empt any attempt by hold, the source added.
other Wanita Liow’s and Chua’s men from “Nevertheless, Ong’s

Wanita MCA wants

members resigning en bloc to achieve change in mind is expected to
during their aim of having re-elec- annoy Chua and his supporters,
the press tion. further worsening the situation
conference Liow’s men, unhappy that within the party.”
yesterday. Ong is not playing by the rules, One of the CC members
has challenged the president who lobbied for a fresh elec-
to stop playing any more tricks tion, Datuk Liew Yuen Keong,

CC to quit for fresh polls

but to support the resignation said Ong and his supporters
of the CC en bloc and face should back the call and be
election. bold enough to face the central
They believed Ong has delegates.

Will MCA be forced into

by Giam Say Khoon
The plan was not well received
by 16 CC members who are requi-
CC members to trigger automatic
fresh party elections.
holding fresh elections?
sitioning for another round of EGM Wanita secretary-general Heng Philippines EVENTS today and tomorrow CC members who are likely
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita MCA on Thursday to call for fresh party Seai Kie, who is aligned to Ong, will be crucial to determine if to agree to resign are deputy
yesterday reached a “majority con- elections. said the resolutions was agreed
repairs MCA is to hold an extraordinary treasurer Datuk Edward Khoo
sensus” that it is necessary for party “We believe this (fresh party under the democratic spirit but damage general meeting (EGM) or see Keok Hai and Datuk Gan Tian
central committee (CC) members elections) will enable MCA to safe- some of the wing’s CC members after storm the resignation of the central Loo.
to resign en bloc to pave the way guard the integrity of the organisa- had also supported the unity plan committee (CC) en bloc which Some CC members lobby-
for fresh party elections to end the tion and allows the party to move and “these will be discussed in the
deaths will force fresh elections. ing for fresh elections are said
current leadership impasse. forward. It is also to avoid troubling CC meeting”. pg 8 Last Thursday, 16 CC mem- to be talking to others in the
Wanita chief Datin Paduka the central delegates from travel- “We have voiced out our differ- bers requisitioned an EGM to committee and they are hop-
Chew Mei Fun said the wing had ling for so many EGMs,” Chew told ence in opinions and there are no determine if fresh elections ing to rope in deputy secretary-
unanimously resolved that the a press conference after chairing right or wrong opinions. We have should be held, but many of general Datuk Loke Yuen Yow,
party constitution and results of the a five-hour Wanita CC meeting to respect the party constitution them are now lobbying for the Datuk Paul Kong Sing Chu, Dr
Oct 10 extraordinary general meet- yesterday. because it is the highest reference CC to resign en masse so that Por Choo Chor and Gan Ping
ing (EGM) needed to be respected Chew had refused to take any for the party although the outcome elections can be held. Sieu. Their aim is to get 20 to
but no one should be allowed or questions from the press but said of the EGM did not carry its mes- According to Sin Chew resign en bloc.
perceived to be above the deci- the proposed EGM resolutions sage, so we have to look at both,” Daily, 10 (elected CC members) The CC has 31 elected
sion. would be forwarded to the CC in a she said. out of the 16 have confirmed members but with Chua being
On Oct 10, the central delegates meeting on Tuesday called by Ong Wanita CC member and Pen- they are ready to resign and suspended from his post and
had passed a motion of no con- to brief CC members on the unity ang Wanita chief Tan Cheng Liang three CC members aligned to with the demise of another, it is
fidence against party president plan. said the unity plan must be given former deputy president Datuk left with 29 elected members.
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and re- Chew, vice-president Tan Kok a chance for the leaders to discuss Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek may be This means if 20 CC
jected Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek Hong and Youth chief Datuk Dr because it was a plan that could be ready to quit. members quit, they can force
as deputy president. Wee Ka Siong had signed for the accepted by party grassroots. Party insiders said apart fresh elections based on the
However, the duo had decided requisition for a new EGM. “We do not have time to fight from deputy president Datuk party constitution that a fresh
to call a truce by introducing the On Thursday, CC member and against each other, it will be good Seri Liow Tiong Lai, who has election should be held if
Greater Unity Plan on Oct 22 with EGM requisitionist Wong Nai Chee if unity plan can be accepted by said that he supported a two-thirds of the CC members
the blessings of Prime Minister said the group was still trying to everyone. So we will let the CC to fresh election, other elected resign or requisition for it.
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak. secure the support of two thirds the discuss about it,” she added.

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