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Lakshadweep Samudram Package 4 Night/5 Days 3 Island visits.

Lakshadweep Samudram is a Five-day cruise to visit the islands of Kavaratti, Kalpeni and Minicoy by ship- M.V Kavaratti. he island tour is or!ani"ed durin! the day with lunch and refreshments ashore. #i!hts are spent on board the ship. Swimmin!, snorkelin! and other water sports are arran!ed durin! the day$ tour. Children from 1 year and above up to 10 years will be treated as child. 150 seats available in every voyage

Class of Accommodation
Diamond (Adult 10 yrs and above ) Diamond ( !ild 1 to 10 yrs) %tudent &rou'(2"(os )in)

Transportation Cost
Rs.13000 Rs.12"00

Tour Charges
Rs.9000 Rs.3000

Rs.68 0 Rs.#$ 9

Rs.22680 /Rs.1"9$9 /Rs.18""6 /-

In December

Class of Accommodation
Diamond (Adult 10 yrs and above ) Diamond ( !ild 1 to 10 yrs) %tudent &rou'(2"(os )in)

Transportation Cost
Rs.13000 Rs.12"00

Tour Charges
Rs.9000 Rs.3000

Rs.68 0 Rs.#$ 9

Rs.2#9#8 /Rs.1$"$$ /Rs.20#12 /-

Only Domestic Tourists can avail this ac!age MV Kavaratti. he ships have cafeteria, snack bars, doctor on call, entertainments and upperdeck promenade. Ship facilities include three independent !alleys, halls, recreation place with a swimmin! pool %temporally closed& and a helipad. 'hile plannin! your travel itinerary please provide a day at Kochi, both one way to Lakshadweep and on the way back. Ship pro!rammes()tineraries are sub*ect to chan!e without notice due to ships arrival ( departure or other unforeseen reasons. +eportin! time to our facilitation desk at the 'arf, 'illin!ton island at ,-.-- .M. Ship departure time ,/.-- .M.

150 seats in Diamond class accommodations in ".# $avaratti

ac!age Includes 0ntry 1ermit, 0ntry ickets and 2erita!e Fee 3us transfer to the ship from the boardin! point and back at 4ochin .ccommodation on board in 5iamond 4lass % wo 3ed& 'elcome drink at the island Mornin! 0venin! ea(4offee with Snacks, 3reakfast, Lunch 6 5inner .ll 7 )sland Si!htseein!, Kayakin!, Snorkelin!, 8lass boatin! in 7 island .ll 1ermit Formalities and ta9es :ur personal .ssistance on board and in islands

ac!age %&clude Scuba 5ivin!. 'or boo!ing For +eservation Kindly deposit ;-< of the 1acka!e cost and rest amount will be remit /- days before departure in our account by + 8S or #0F . .lso forward the details as per below to our email lactours=! Se x D O B & Age Nationality Food reference

Sl. No. Name in full


(emittance Options )*$+,*D-%% TO.(+ */D T(*#%)+0 4urrent .(4 no 112132410540 1.#-**%')3554C, )FS4(#0F > +6I/00003470 +tate 6an! of India0 Overseas 6ranch0 $ochi.
C*/C%))*TIO/ O)IC8 /-< cancellation char!e will be deducted if the bookin! is cancelled 7- days before departure of the ship. 7;< cancellation char!e will be deducted if the bookin! is cancelled between /?th to @th days before departure of the ship. #o refund if cancelled within @ days before the departure of the ship. (%'./D O)IC8 ,--< refund if the schedule is cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions and(or other une9pected technical faults. #o dama!es(claims will be payable e9cept money paid by them, +efund will be process ,; to /- workin! days.

Day wise Itinerary

Day 1
+eportin! time ,->-- ..M % ime may be chan!e based on Schedule Selectin!& at S1:+ S, /nd Floor Lakshadweep :ffice, 'illin! don )sland Kochi for collectin! your ickets, 3oardin! card, a!s etc, if you are already collected directly report Lakshadweep 1assen!er Scannin! 4enter, 'illin! don )sland Kochi. .fter security formalities take your bus and drop you in the wharf, board to M.V Kavaratti ship, Lunch and dinner will be served on board M.V Kavaratti. Ship departs Kochi after the completion of MM Survey around /A: clock 1M.

Day 2 Minicoy Island

Located between BC ,@C #orth Latitudes and @7C -DC 0ast Lon!itudes, 7?B km away from Kochi.

0arly mornin! Ship will reache Minicoy )sland %)sland may be chan!e based on Schedule Selectin!& Minicoy is, in a sense, isolated from the main !roup of islands and lies about /-kms south of the northern !roup. )t is ,-.E kms lon! and is the second lar!est island. Minicoy has one of the lar!est la!oons with a small uninhabited islet Virin!ili on its southern side. Minicoy is distinct from the northern !roup of islands in its culture, lan!ua!e dress etc. )t has a cluster of ,, villa!es, which are called$hF each presided over by an elected villa!e elder called 3odukaka. raditionally all powers to mana!e villa!e affairs are vested in him. 0ach villa!e has a villa!e house beautifully maintained and decorated. Minicoy is renowned for its tradition dance - the Lava performed on festive occasions. 4olorful race boats called FGahadhoniF are a feast to the eye of any tourist. . lar!e number of men from this island are employed as seamen in ships all over the world. Mahal is the spoken lan!ua!e. Minicoy is an important center for tuna fishin! and a tunacannin! factory on the island processes the catch. . 7---foot tall li!hthouse built in ,BB; by the 3ritish is a ma*estic landmark. he beaches have bathin! huts with chan!e rooms and facilities for water sports are available. .fter breakfast proceed to Minicoy by 1ablo boat, nonstop entertainment ashore in Minicoy island like swimmin!, snorkelin!, kayakin!, !lass boatin!, si!htseein! and divin!. hree ourist 4otta!es and a wenty 3edded ourist 2ome have been constructed for the stayin! tourists. 9This island is recently opened up for International tourists and is a part of +waying alm pac!ages.: ,7>-- to ,D>-- Lunch will be servin! in the beach buffet. ,D>7- to ,;>-- Folk dance will be arran!e ,;>7- to ,E>-- 0venin! tea will be serve ,E>7- 5eparture time to ship and move to #e9t )sland. ,?>7- to /->7- 5inner on board

Day 3 Kalpeni Island

Located between ,-C -;C #orth Latitudes and @7C 7?C 0ast Lon!itudes, /B@ km away from Kochi. 0arly mornin! Ship will reach Kalpeni )sland %)sland may be chan!e based on Schedule Selectin!& Kalpeni alon! with two small islets of ilakkam and 1itti and the uninhabited island of 4heriyam in the north form a sin!le atoll. . peculiar feature of Kalpeni is a hu!e storm bank of coral debris alon! its eastern and southeastern shorelines.

)t is a socially pro!ressive island and it was here that !irls first went to school when women$s education was considered taboo. :ne can swim, snorkel or reef-walk in the vast la!oon and indul!e in water sports on kayaks, sailboats and pedal boats. wo bathin! huts with chan!e rooms are available at Koomel 3each. . nonstop entertainment ashore in Kalpeni )sland. ,7>-- to ,D>-- Lunch will be servin! in the Kumel beach buffet. ,D>7- to ,;>-- Folk dance will be arran!e ,;>7- to ,E>-- 0venin! tea will be serve ,E>7- 5eparture time to ship and move to #e9t )sland. ,?>7- to /->7- 5inner on board

Day 4 Kavarathi Island

Located between ,-C 77C #orth Latitudes and @/C 7BC 0ast Lon!itudes, D-D km away from Kochi. 0arly mornin! Ship reached Kavaratti )sland %)sland may be chan!e based on Schedule Selectin!& Kavaratti is the 2eadHuarters of the .dministration since ,?ED and the most developed island. he beautiful and calm la!oon offers an ideal spot for water sports, swimmin! and snorkelin!. Sunbathin! or *ust la"in! around on the beach can be a heady e9perience. Marine life enthusiasts can visit the marine aHuarium, which has an e9cellent collection of aHuatic specimens. he multicolored underwater life in the la!oons can be viewed throu!h !lass-bottomed boats. Kayaks, wind surfers, water skiin! and sailin! boats are available. he 5olphin 5ive 4entre is attractions for those who love scuba dive. .fter breakfast around B>7- .M proceed to Kavaratti by boat. . nonstop entertainment ashore in Kavaratti )sland. ,7>-- to ,D>-- Lunch will be servin! in the beach buffet. ,D>7- to ,;>-- Folk dance will be arran!e ,;>7- to ,E>-- 0venin! tea will be serve ,E>7- 5eparture time to ship and move to Kochi. 9Domestic Tourists can avail to $*#*(*TI stay in the tourist huts at the tourist comple&. *s a part of Taratashi ac!ages.: ,?>7- to /->7- 5inner on board

Day 5

Mornin! -@>-- to ,@>7- after 3reak Fast around ,- .M Ship will reaches Kochi , disembarkation to Kochi, take your bus waitin! at the wharf drop you at the 1assen!er reportin! center, and :I+ 0#5 ') 2 S'00 M:M:+)0S F:+ 0V0+
Guest who want LTC LT! certi"icate please collect "ro# %avaratti while return &ourney to Kochi' anger SP!"#S$ on %oard .$

2ope the above is in orderJ do feel free to contact us for any further clarifications.

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