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The Arts of Chaos




TheArtsofChaosBusinessPlan JenniferBrigitte This document andtheinformationcontainedhereinareprovidedtopotentialinvestors regarding the proposed film The Arts of Chaos. It is confidential and proprietary to the Company and is intended only for the persons to whom it is transmitted by the Company or its representatives. By accepting this document, the recipient agrees to keep the contents in strictest confidence and not to reproduce or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent of the Company. Thisisabusinessplan.Itdoesnotimplyandshallnotbeconstruedasanofferingofsecurities. Recipients of this business plan are not to construe the contents of this document as investment,legalortaxadvicefromeithertheCompanyorthepreparersofthisdocument. Each recipient of this business plan specifically understands and agrees that any estimates, projections,revenue models, forecasts orassumptionsare bydefinitionuncertain.Thisbusiness plan contains forwardlookingstatementsandissubject torisks,uncertainties,andassumptions by the Company. The Companys actual operations and results thereof may differ materially fromtheforwardlookingstatements. Market data and certain industry forecasts used throughout this business plan were obtained from internal surveys, market research, publicly available information and industry publications. Industry publications generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but that the accuracy and completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Similarly, internal surveys, industry forecasts and market research, while believed to be reliable, have not been independently verified by the Company, andnorepresentationsastotheaccuracyofsuchinformationisbeingmade. Use of movie titles and commercial products in these materials are for informationalpurposes and illustrative purposes only and without the permission of the ownersand/or rights holders of the movies or thecommercial products. Useof the movie titlesandcommercial productsisnot meant to suggest any endorsement, sponsorship or approval by the owners and/or rights holders. This business plan contains projections of future financial performance. Such projections are based onnumerous estimates and other assumptions about future events and circumstances, many of which will not bewithinthecontroloftheCompanyanditsmanagement.TheCompany believes that such estimates and other assumptions are reasonable under the circumstances, but no representation,warrantyorotherassuranceisgiven thatsuchprojectionswillberealized. There may be variances between such projections and actual events and results of such variationsmaybematerial. Unless otherwise indicated, this business plan speaks as of the date hereof. Delivery of this

business planshall not create any implication thattherehasbeennochangeintheaffairsof the Companyafterthedatehereto. TABLEOFCONTENTS THEINTRODUCTION: Premise ExecutiveSummary MissionStatement ObjectiveGoals KeystoSuccess

THEPRODUCTION: CreatorandRights FundraisingSummary MarketingAnalysisandStrategy Strategy Content Creative Digital Brand Audience InnovationandIntegration SocialMedia TargetMarketSegmentation

INTHEMAKING: Logsheet ConceptoftheFilmandCharacterDesign MarketingStrategy WebPlanSummary

STATEOFPLAY: ManagementSummary FundingForecast BudgetBreakdown

THEINTRODUCTION PREMISE: A dysfunctional Hollywood marriage joins two city swingers on a filmed sabbatical to a hippie compound where they quickly get involved in their subjects social experiment successfully mimicCharlesMansonsmurdersforthesakeofperformanceart. The Arts of Chaos areaboutthelengthspeoplego throughtoseekothersinorderto giveupthe feelings of abandonment. The film is about a loveless marriage and the feelings of resentment we endure when we force ourselves to be a part of society and the establishment. In the joy of rediscovering each other, Patrick and Gemma Quinn meet Easton Caldwell, ahot shot movie director interested in meddling in their marriage as if it was nothing more than a project. The connectionbetweentheQuinnsandCaldwellisKirstenJames,Caldwellsnewmuse. Caldwell and James invite the Quinns on Caldwells quest in search for his utopian oasis, far away from Hollywood. He invites the Quinns, the husband and wife filmmakers, to travel alongside with him and be a part of his film crew. At first, they find themselves surrounded amongst occupy anarchist junkies who ran away from the problems in search for their own answers. But soon, theQuinnsrealizestheyhavebeen entrappedbyCaldwellandhisvisionsof a degenerate society in which sustainability is mythology created by the establishment. His views of society parlays on how thehumansarecompartmentalizedinacastesystemandhow Hollywood and the people who run the world has created thissocioeconomicbarrierseparating and creating chaos amongst the people. When the programming fails, they are annihilated. Caldwell envisions aManson like murder spree in order to instigate a riot against a New World Order. The real test is how he studies his subjects. He knows they fear change and howa switch in their routine can work as a symbolof chaos.Heobservesthatifonenevertakestheplunge,we are systematically becoming the repressed individual that they wantustobe.Thesacrificefora social changeneeds to take place.So,ultimately,thefilm isaboutthementalbreakdownpeople suffer once their monarchprogramming is shutting down. Theoffseteffectsofinnerturmoiland veiledrepressionspellsthedemiseforthemainplayersinTheArtsofChaos. EXECUTIVESUMMARY At the core of the The Arts of Chaos, the film is about the repercussions of sexual repression and the distinction between gender and sex. The film also explores sexual liberation, occult brainwashing, and the gender bias of Monarch Programming(between killersand sex slaves). ChaosbackdropisontheHollywoodsoundstage,takingtheaudienceintoanimpressivebehind the scenes look inside the seedy darkness of Tinseltown's playground. The film deliberately presents sustainable living societies in a cult mentality as the basis fora social experiment to proveapoint. Thefilmexplorestwocouplesandtheircommonobstacle toremainrelevant.Theyalldisruptthe naturalorderoflifeinordertogaindominance.Thefilmexploresthreedistinctsexdrives: Hypersexuality HotandCold


The characters in the film (Patrick, Gemma, Easton, and Kirsten) all experience and battlewith the three idiosyncraticsex patterns. Sex is animportantcomponentofagoodrelationship.Itthe physical and mental entanglement of the bodies releasing estrogen and testosterone that balances out the emotional desires in order to create a stable and long lasting relationship. When the sex drive is unhealthy and devoid of reciprocated affection or love, then the relationshipbecomesapowerplayforcontrol.Thecontrolthusmanifestsindifferentsociopathic formsofabuse(emotional,mental,verbal,andphysical). In order to havea committedrelationship,thespousesmustunderstandwhatunconditionallove means. A couple needs to follow the essential five languages of love that are indeed five prerequisitesofgreatsex.Thefollowingshouldbeconsidered: 1. Vulnerability: This is the act of taking risks and exposing yourself to your partner.It is throughvulnerabilitythatyoucanexpressyourtrueself. Inarelationship,onemusttakea risk and forego the fearof being rejected. If the rejection takes place, pick up thepieces and move on. One will always have fear and trepidations at the beginning of the relationship, leaving the person emotionally guarded. Nobody wants toget hurt, but it is not okay to allow that guard up, especially when the other person in the relationship is willing to commit to this partnership. It is impossible for someone to make themselves vulnerable if they haveinvested most of theirlifecreatinganelaborateandrigidfalseself tohideherhighlydamagedtrueself. 2. Trust: Trustyourpartner. Acknowledgethatyourpartnerwantstobethere,committedto this relationship. Accept that he is there for you and will not deliberately hurt you. If you cannot trust this person, that means this relationship will end with irreconcilable differences. A relationship is never like a dystopian society. It should neverfeel like the beginningsof a game of survival of the fittest. Nobody is out toget anybody. If thats the case,therelationshipisnevergoingtowork.Theprojectionwillbecomeamanifestation. 3. Intimacy: Know somebody,insideandout.Neverleaveanystoneunturned.Thisisabout sharingandgettingclosephysically,psychologicallyandemotionally. 4. Empathy: This requires being in tune with the other person and being able to see how theyfeelandwhattheywantandneed. 5. Respect: Sex is the personification of the relationship. It is the consummationandthe reality of thislove. Ifthereisnorespect,thenyouaretreatingyourspouseasanobjectof affection rather than an equal. Putting someone on a pedestal and loving the image of that person, discounting any flaws they have is notlove. Itisaborderlineobsessionasa result to fixate on perfectionbecause in their eyes, they cannot accomplish this illusion. But they cannot rationalize that nobody is perfect and everyone has flaws. Love is not about loving the person despite their flaws, it is about loving someone because their flaws are what makes them human. One cannot run out on someone because they cannot emotionally cater to their partners needs and expecttobebelievedthattheylove youinreturn.Bottomline:Theydonotrespectyou. As The Arts of Chaos progresses throughout the story, the roles in a relationship between the couples are defined. In each relationship, the partners use, sexual repression as a tool to manipulate the other in staying in the partnership. They associate their constraints with ample amount of guilt or shame,partaking into BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism) more

indepthintoeroticsexualdenialinorderofdominance. TheMarriageofPatrickandGemmaQuinn:NYMPHOMANIA To the world, Patrick and Gemma are the perfect marriage. They are an extremely attractive couple with a lucrative career. Behind closed doors, the Quinns representsalovelessmarriage tarnished by the insecurities of Patrick and the developed hypersexuality of his wife, Gemma. Their marriagefoldsinsideaworldofsexualrepression,liberation, andimprisonmentinsidetheir Hollywood playground. Like Daisy and Tom before them, their relationship draws Fitzgerald undertones about the old and new money societies mingling in hedonistic lifestyles under the notionofunhappiness. PATRICK QUINN: Patrick sees Gemma has his gratification tostayalive.Heenvisionshimself as someone thatis notparticularlyinteresting.Helacks charismaandstaminatodoanythingon his own. Therefore, he isan alcoholic, acknowledging withouta care that hedrinkstonumbthe pain away. He lacks imaginationto run away sohestayswithinhisunhappiness.Gemmaisthe more extravagant, beloved character. He latches on to her because he feels he has no importance. His asexuality stems from his emotional immaturity to grasp the concept of love. Patrick has compartmentalized his intimacy and with his professional life. He rationalizes love and sex from a purely linguistic manner, forcing his wife down the path of a cheating partner because she builds up sexual frustrations and deprives his wife ofsexandtheneedto orgasm. His whole concept of genderand intimacy is in the oversexualized false imageof self and the partner they are with. By confiscating sex altogether, Patrick conceals hispowerlessness and erotophobia of the opposite sex with power and control of their carnality, advocating the exploitation and manipulation of their partners emotional needs and feelings. The mistreatment of sexual urges and desires causes for the Quinns marriage to becomeless humanandmore mechanical. GEMMA QUINN: At first, Patrick seemed like theperfectmatch.Handsome,ideal,andsincere. Gemma isthequintessentialfemmefatale.Sheusesher bodyandgoodlookstotrapherlovers. She ensnares her her lovers with her promises to complete their desires and quench their urges. The master manipulator exploits the emotions of anyone she feels can take her to the next level. She is a sexual vampire, leeching off the virility and will of her lovers by using her charms and hypersexuality toposition both Patrick andEastonindangerouslydeadlysituations. During the narrative, Gemma is a victim of circumstance. She becomes a femme fatale out of necessity. She cannot escape herdestiny.Herhusbandwillnotsexuallyplease.Hecontrolsher body. She has not consummated her marriage in more than a year and her chances of becoming a mother are dwindling. She islovedasatrophy,atrinketawardedtoherhusbandas a reward for being such a gimmick. She wants to feel loved and wanted as abody and not a relic. Her sexual indiscretions give her a break from reality. She wants to be loved and not abandoned. She uses her body and face as an extension of her life, a ticket to sexually liberate herself from her husbands eroticphobia and forced martial celibacy. Gemmas histrionic characteristics and narcissism reinforce her to use herlusttoseekout menelsewherewhoare willingtoloveherthewaysheneedstobeloved.Shesimplywillnotbedenied! TheRelationshipofEastonCaldwellandKirstenJames:INTHEGARDENOFEDEN The sick relationship between Easton Caldwell and Kirsten James captures the essence of a relationship build upon the concept of Stockholm Syndrome. Its the bestial consumption of

staying in an abusiverelationship because of security. TheunionofCaldwellandJamesbrings forth a Lolita power playof the corrupt insecure abuser using the monarch programmingonhis subject. He audits her into believing she is a sex kitten. She is aclass below Easton, a Beta woman. He mind controls her to behis sex slave. It is hintedthroughoutthestorythattheMuse is really his programmed sex slave that he runs everything through. Hehasherastheseducer, someone who uses her vulnerability to get depraved men to her reach. When we see Kirsten, we associate with purples,cats,andanimalprints.Thesearesymbolsthatcapturetheessence ofherprimitiveservitudetoEastonCaldwell.Thatishercommitmenttohim. EASTON CALDWELL: To the brainwash media culture, Easton Caldwell is the symbol of success. He is handsome, talented, a prodigal genius whose projects highlight the subliminal realities of Monarch Programming. He has six films under his belt, all of which has vastly succeededbeyonditsexpectations.Charmingbynature,fansandidolatersflocktohimasa sex symbol. Girls, especially, drive in droves tocatchaglimpseofCaldwell.Butbehindclosedoors, Easton partakes in the enjoyment of psychological manipulation of others. He is a powerful ringleader and handler in the secret society circles in which heperformscultandsatanicrituals under the guise of the read cloaked masked sexual fiend. Caldwell uses psychological manipulation toexploit the emotions of the damagedandthenarcissist.Hisprojectsaretoolsto create social influence in theelitist circles to draw attention to his cultish socialexperiment.His aim is to change perceptions through abusive and sexual tactics. He preys on the feeble and extremely insecure souls as he panders to their sexual deviances and needs. He pushes the envelope in the lives of his prey to exploit and manipulate their interests at their expense. He feels that as whole, the establishment channels and highlights the possession and brainwash entities ofthemedia,culture,andthepawnsusedtocreatetheillusion.Eastonisascharismatic ascultleaderandheknowsit. Caldwellexploitsthevulnerabilitiestohisadvantage(IE.Kirstens masochism and Stockholm syndrome, Gemmas narcissism, sexual, and emotional dependency, and Patricksoverintellectualization)to throwhisownagenda.Hefindspleasure in leading the blind into a feigned oasis in which he films the mass vagabonds recreationally join drug inducedBDSM and occultistsritualistic parties. It is there where theringleaderofmayhem plans to facilitate hisbiggest art piece yet, asocialexperimentaboutSocialDarwinismbetween laissezfaire capitalists (the establishment) vs. the occupiers (the vagabonds).Allthisunderthe false pretenses of stirring up a revolution. In reality, Eastons sexualization of murder and fear coincideswithhisneedtopumpadrenalineandcreatetheultimateprovocativeperformance. KIRSTEN JAMES: Years in spending all her days in the hands of her captor has ledKirstento defending hot shot movie director Easton Caldwell. Easton has taken advantage of the drifter. Kirsten does not havea home, friends, or family. She has mistaken lack ofabuse for an act of kindness. She psychologically believes she loves him because ofthe lifeshehashadwithhim. She is the living incarnation of a 21st century gypsy, enacting as Eastons muse,a figment of fixation. Kirsten is the victim of Monarch Programming, a mind control technique that installs mind bending multiple personalities compartmentalized to justify their actions and their mistreatment. Kirsten is a victim ofsex slavery,packaged as the film directors muse. Instead, Easton created a newidentity for Kirsten. Her past life is vastly unknown.Whatisknownisshe loves Easton for not giving up on her. She is the only victim of his that hasnot run away from him. Kirsten identifies with the colors purple, flowers, butterflies, and animalprint.Shehasbeen a Beta programmed into a sex kitten sex slave. Kirstens new identity has eliminatedanymoral convictions. She is the first one of the main four characterstoexhibit potentiallydeadlyprimitive animalisticbehaviorismsasaresultofbeingcontrolledlikeapantingcat.Sheisshackledwitha

Proverbial ball and chain to Easton. Asthemuse,Kirstenispubliclyparadedaroundwithchains and whips and cat masks to identify her as her owners main slave. Furthermore, Kirstens vulnerability and inability to enact adult emotions as her own true feelings have been severed away from her, has helped Easton exploit her Lolita complex into a lucrative childassimilation pornography in which Kirsten (of age) dresseslikeaLolitaandenactsinsexuallycompromising circumstances. Kirsten also stars in many of Eastons erotic art films as the prime sexual vulnerableobjectofaffection.Eastonhastrappedherinsideasexuallypromiscuousfelinelolita. PLASTICAMBITIONS Once the two couples interact within the narrative, theybringforththeirrollercoasterofbaggage withthem,creatingapentupsexualtension programmed bytheoversexualizedidealsofwhatis sex and how to exploit thecompulsive behaviorisms that lead the characters seeking a rush of adrenalinethroughsex,alcohol,alcohol,andmurder. To understand the characters need to deconstruct their programming and personalities, one must understand their compulsiveness and liken it to that of an addict. With the heightened hypersexuality, drug and alcohol addiction affectstheirsocialandsexualinhibitions,alteringhow thebrainlooksandfunctions. Alongside the recreational usage of powerful drugs, increased sexual desires releases a surge of dopamineinthebrain,whichtriggerthecravingsfor pleasure.Yourbrainstoresthesefeelings and when the neuronshitthenervespotsinthe brainthatignitethefeelingsnecessity,it iswhen cravings are set in. In the case of the movie, the sex becomes a powerful drug that fulfills a valuable need, forging relationships altogether. By using sex as a love drug, Each character uses his addiction to sex asa wayto disassociate from reality, running away from their actual problemswhichleadstoEastonscommencementofsocialexperiment. ESTABLISHINGQUOTE: What I want to do is present a social experiment of how the wild can be infiltrated by the cavemen inside of us. I feel like wehave been conditioned to have aprison mentality. That the environment won't change the circumstances and actions in our lives. EASTON CALDWELL The scene of theQuinns,Caldwell,andJamesat MillenniumRestaurantestablishestheforayto the second of the film inwhich all the glamour is striped. The real faces of the four characters are exposed. They want to run away as fast as they can to escape persecution and responsibility. Their flaws and dirty laundry are exposed against natures background. Easton exploitsthemtoexposetheirtruevisions,ametaphorforbreakingtheprogramming. How far will one go to run away from all his problems andemotionalentanglementsthat groundhiminreality? The social experiment conducted in this project is an exit strategy to escape from reality. Our characters, thus create a universe for themselves where they run away from their problems, escaping the establishments predetermined laws and rules. They program their minds into believing their emotional baggage is a symbol of conforming to societywheninrealitytheyhave repressed their feelingsfor so long, they have beenlostcitizenswithoutanydirection.Everyone

inTheArtsofChaoshasarunawayfreighttrainmentalitytojustifytheiractions. How farwillyougoforfame,fortune,andeverything thatgoeswithit?Whatis yourprice forfame? The end result of the break from the cults programming is seeking validation of self worth through the fixation offame.Intrueform,intheveinofCharlesMansonsHelterSkelter,Caldwell enlists the his followers to commit the murders of the chosen victims in order to spark a revolution. ESTABLISHINGQUOTE: We are in a severe gender and race culture backlash. The establishment has allowed for the misappropriation of raceandgender to contaminate the mass market. That'swhy Iidentifywith yourworks.Weseethesamethings.EASTONCALDWELL In the end,Easton and the gangs performance art (Death ofthe Establishment) severtieswith reality. The four characters break the programming and showcases various displays of dissociativeidentitydisorder. PATRICKQUINN:Catatonic,comainducedstate GEMMAQUINN:Histrionicpersonalitydisorder,delusionsofgrandeur EASTONCALDWELL:Sociopathy,socialanxiety,andborderlinepersonalitydisorder KIRSTENJAMES:Victimizationandcodependencydisorder

This project is an ambitious yet relatively inexpensive production, therefore, witha budget of 5 million dollars, the artists can cometogetherandmanifestthissocialexperiment.The5million dollarbudgetwillbeallocatedthroughthefollowinglist: Costumes and Wardrobe:The budget for the wardrobe is broken downinthreedifferent mediumsthatwillgivemaximumexposuretovariousdesignersaroundtheworld. Hiring upcomingfashiondesignersandsketchartiststo createthespecialtylooks for the film (IE. The Rothschild meets Met Gala inspired party hosted by Easton Caldwell) Fashion accessories and specialty pieces found from artists around the world through ecommerce retailers on Etsy (such as the fascinators, headdresses, Gemmasfinaldress) Local vintage retail storesin California and household brand such as Forever 21 andEtsy Cast and Crew: The payment of every cast and crew member involved in the project (actors, director, writer, editor, cinematographer, etc.) Also, for actors not yet part of SAG/AFTRAtobeinstated. LocationPermits:Procurementandlocationpermitfeesforeachandeverylocationused inthepicture. TejonRanch:56minutesofthefilm EastonCaldwellEstate:11minutesofthefilm Ballroom:12minutesofthefilm SwingersParty FinalParty

TheVictimsEstate:14minutesofthefilm SoundStage:18minutesofthefilm The Quinns Apartment (living room, office, bathroom with shower, bedroom,diningroom) Jail MillenniumRestaurant Restaurantsrestroom CinemaParadiso(Movie&PerformingArtsTheater):3minutesoffilm Landfill:3minutes StreetShots:1minuteoffilm Endorsement Deals and Product Placement: Creating a sponsorship package to have bigchainbrandssponsorourfilmthroughproductplacementandcatering Forever21HavingForever21endorseChaosasthefemalecharacters,Gemma andKirsten,weartheirclothesandaccessoriesthroughtheproduction. ModclothSamedealasForever21. Gap Same deal as Forever 21 and Modcloth but this time, have it inclusively for all four characters, (Patrick, Gemma,Easton, and Kirsten). For both Forever 21 and Gap, create a splashy campaign with the stars of the film, modeling the clothesforbothcommercialprintandtelevisionadvertisement. JustFab Having JustFab endorse the film for the female characters shoe accessories Endorsement deals from food chains such as Subway or Togos to cater for the movies2monthshoot. Post Production Maintenance: Hiring a studio to create the motion art for the title and credit sequences of thefilm. Also hire a studio to become the inhouse editing team for thefilm. Brand, Marketing, and Publicity: With the help of PublicRelationsagenciesandsecuring brandingwithRockItLab,aMiamibrandingagency,tocreatethebuzzallaround. Networking Parties: Meeting potential fans, investors, and insiders to generate wordofmouth SendoutpressreleasestonewsagenciesthroughPRWeb Generate buzz through art, film, fashion, and entertainmentmagazinesandsites inordertogeneratebuzz Social Media: Social media buzz like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other sites togainanameforthebrand. RockIt Lab Agency: Hire RockIt Lab, an advertising agency in Miami, Florida, to generatethebuzzandprojectthebrandimageofthefilm. Merchandise: We want our Chaotics to be the first to wear merchandise exclusively fromtheChaoscollection. ClothingandAccessories Posters Books Marketing and Fundraising: Procurement of startup cost for the production, predominantly used for small ventures like merchandise and specialty items from ecommercesitessuchasEtsy. Face to face fundraiser: To procure the capital for the picture, events like fundraisers to at nonprofitevents to gain both a followingandnetworkwithother industrypeople.

Crowdfunding: The Kickstarter page will help backers and audiences createthe film they want and not a Hollywood version of this psychological drama. The crowdfunding for fans ofthe subject and the artists ofthefansaliketohelpmake up the initial startup fees such as location fees, SAG registrations, musical clearances, websites, merchandise, Etsy specialty wardrobe, publicity, and interactive marketing come alive. We hope togetartistswithfandomsinvolvedto helpChaosreachitsgoal.Theinitialstartupcostis$10,000. Grants:ProcuringgrantssuchasthatofBurningMantoputinplaceforfunds. The Arts of Chaos website, www.?.com, will store all the information on contests, updates, merchandise, and uptodate newsaboutthefilmproject.Inaddition,thewebsitessisterTumblr blog, The Arts of Chaos (, will facilitate a very artistic and interactive showcase for the social media audience. Chaos short stories will be sent out to different literary sites will the scriptsend tovarious contests. The core market audience willbe detailedfurtherintheMarketSegmentationsectionofthebusinessplan. MISSIONSTATEMENT Real life married filmmakers, Patrick and Gemma Quinn, meet a charismatic film director, Easton Caldwell and hismuse Kirsten James, at a swingers' partyhostedby Caldwell himself. Caldwell and James arepolar opposites of the Quinns. JamesisCaldwellselusivemuseinhis Factory parties. The Quinns join Caldwell and James at their film sabbatical. The communes charismatic leader invitesthemtofilmtheirworld.Thefilmmakersgoundercover ina deadlycult whoisinspiredtomimictheMansonmurdersofSharonTateandfriends. SigmundFreuddescribestheegoisthebalancebetweentheimpracticalhedonismofthe id and theequally self righteous moralism of the superego. Infact, hedescribes the ego as the chariot racers pulling the reins on the id. The id provides the velocity and horsepower while the ego is the navigator.In this feature film, the character of Easton Caldwell instructs his idolaters to forgoanyinhibitionstheyhavetoholdoutandrepresstheirpleasureprinciple.Infact,Caldwell exploits the pleasure principle as a means to kill societysconditioneddefergratificationinorder to regress our impulsivity to that of the infant and child who live under the law of immediate gratification,theaimtosatisfycravingssuchashunger,thirst,andsex.InTheArtsofChaos,the core idea of the story is to feedtheego,thusallowing themasksandalternatepersonalitiesthat we have created for ourselves be consumed. In Caldwells social experiment for his performanceartfilm,hewantstoexpose thetruestformofbeinginhisthreerecruitstheformbeforetheir conditionedpersonas. The Arts of Chaos take on a sabbatical in which the four characters rediscover their existence through psychological manipulation. At first, Caldwell and James instigate the exploitation ofthe Quinns feelings, but as the film continues, we see both Patrick and Gemma strip down their facades. Years of lies and psychological repression towards their love life and Patricksinability to emotionally and physically consummate the marriage comes to the light. His sexual repression is destroying his marriage. Gemma, a pathological narcissist, caves under the pressure of beingneglected by herhusband.Shefeelslikeadoll,nevertakenoutofherboxand all she wants is for somebody to play with her to give her the attention shecraves and has been denied.The film, proposed byCaldwellandhismuse,isabouttheprimalinstinctsofthose livinginnaturecreatingthe

conflict of man's vs. nature. But as the story continues, the realityis that the filmis the mirror reflecting back at its subjects, showing the audience the characters truest traits. As the filmmakers and James continue on the sabbatical, they lose themselves to the environment. They do not have any forms of social influence to predetermine how they think and what they feel,therefore,theyearsofsuppressionfinallyyieldsitsuglyhead.Theyfour characters experience an externalized breaking point. Through cultish rituals, sacrifices, hallucinatory drugs, and sex (all evidences of their breakaway from the culture of fear). In the movies emotional apex,the characters anger inducedadrenalineinfluencetheperformanceart for the film within a films heinous climax. Thus, exploitation of personal boundaries and the repression of ones true self becomes the catalyst breaking protocol, or mind control against whomtheyseehaspawnsinthemediamanipulators(IE.Theestablishment). The Arts of Chaos biggest allyis that society is awakening and feels inundated by the visceral images of media and crowd manipulation through subliminal stimuli. Seeping through the mainstream films from the 60s, films like A Clockwork Orange, Lost Highway, and Inception depict the subliminalmessages realities of mind control, altered states, and the exploitations of psychological manipulation. This film explores the mind bending realities of sexual repression and pent up aggression caused by society influenceandexposedbybrandishingangertowards hisvictims. The Arts of Chaos is 118 minute psychological character study of breaking through the id, the ego,andthesuperegoapexforPatrick,Gemma,Easton,andKirsten.Itisaveiled surrealist dystopian that atitscore, it is astriped down portrayal of tworelationshipsbondedby abuse and manipulation. It is simply about a bad romance between two couples. It discusses that violent, obtrusive,vilifiedrelationshipundertheguiseofloveispowerfullyaddictivelikealove drug. The goal is to gain endorsements,grants,andaproductiondealtohelpfinanceandproducethe independent feature. We want to start filming summer 2014 in order to send ourrough cuts to the 2015 film festival circuits.Oneofourmostvitalgoals(moreon that underObjectiveGoals) is to acquire the best team of musicians that can aptly contribute to the feature films dangerously escapist wall of sound that captures the films tones (debauchery, voyeurism, sadomasochism, anger, repression, hedonism) and themes (Monarch Programming, cult, Satanism,murder,exploitation).Wewantateamofsongwritersand,most importantly, singerswithvoicesthatcangeneratethesameemotionseachcharacterindividually posseswhileneverlosingthemoodofoverallscenes. It goes without said that music is driving beat that makes the heart go faster asif nothing else matters. In this instance, the collection of artists brings an eclectic and charismatic soundthat makes the wall of sound more apparent. The soundtrackmust beacinematicworkofart.Itcan be like a compilation of obscure tunes much like Quentin Tarantino soundtracks or Michael Manns little known classic Manhunter or a great moody soundtrack like thosefromThe Social NetworkandDrive.WithTheArtsofChaos,themovieneedsits own power (personalized) soundtrack that emits all the emotions and storytelling that the films script possess. The lyrics and composition needs to match the emotions ofthescreenandthe script. For the movies promotionaltrailer, we want to go with a cover of a known song that will setthemoodofthefilmthroughthewordsofapreviouslyknownsongthroughaninnovativeand freshtake.

Examples of this in recent years have been David Finchers trailers for The SocialNetworkand The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. In The Social Network, enlists the help of Scala and Kolacyna Brothers (a little known Belgian women's choral group) to turn Radioheads signature song Creep into a hauntingly beautiful ghost love score to invasive intrusion on peoples rights to privacy. A year later, Trent ReznorandAtticusRoss (from Nine InchNailsandAcademyAward Winner for his The Social Network soundtrack) teamed up The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Karen O to cover Led Zeppelin'sThe Immigrant Song. In order to capture that essenceforthetrailers,we willacquirethemusicclearancesforthechosensong ThepotentiallongevityforthisindependentfeatureismuchlikethatofDavidFinchersadaptation of Chuck Palahniuks transgressive literature Fight Club. In fact, The Arts of Chaos follow the same trajectory as films like A Clockwork Orange, Dont Deliver Us From Evil, Fight Club, American Psycho, which follows the pathologyofthecharacterswhofeeltrappedbyconfinedof societal norms and break the boundaries through illicit and brutally violent ways. The topics of extramarital affairs, highly dysfunctional relationships, partners swapping, indulgent sexual fetishes, drugs, urban violence, and violence against women all under the accordance that the knowledgetheyacquireisattheedgeoftheirexperiences. OBJECTIVEGOALS We have created a twolevel goal structure ready to take this project a step ahead of the pack and into the widespread independent feature film to the film festival, VOD,and theater markets allacrosstheglobe. ShorttermGoals: Post quality content on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTubeinordertocreateabuzz. Preparethegroundworkandfoundationtogetthisprojectahomeproduction. Production Company Film Proposal The goal is to acquire a production company in ordertofacilitatetheproductioninfullmotion BusinessPlan(designthebookandPowerPoint) OfficialOutline Storyboard(DesignsandVideo) FinalizeScript(workshops) BudgetPlan SpecialtyPiecesWardrobeBudgetPlan LocationLetterofInquiryforPermits EndorsementDealSponsorshipPackage ProducetheTemplatefortheKickstarterpagewiththerewardsready MediaAgencyFilmProposalRockItLabformalproposal GrantProposals TheRoyW.DeanFilmandWritingGrants ThePacificPioneerFund BurningMan Cinereach(affiliatedwithSundanceInstitute) AlfredP.SloanGrant SanFranciscoFilmSociety(SFFS/KRFFilmmakingGrant) Publicityshotstogettestthelooks

OneSheetDesign Merchandise endorsementproposalacquireecommerce sitesandlocalartiststocreate theChaoslook Create the media proposal to promote The Arts of Chaos and Jennifer Brigitte in magazines,(art,fashion,film,business)blogs,andnewspapers LongTermGoals: Acquirethecastandcrewthatwillcomprisethemakingofthefilm from preproductionto postproduction LocationManager CastingDirector MusicClearances Cater/CraftService ProductionAssistant SetDesigner Director TitleArtists LineProducer DirectorofPhotography Producer AssistantDirector Editors Gaffers SoundMixer PostProductionStudio Screenwriter PropManager StoryboardArtist ScriptDoctor PromotionalDesigner CostumeDesigner Hair Makeup Accessories EntertainmentLawyer Photographer Vehicles Musical Clearance Proposals Acquiringthemasterrightstothetrailerpiece forTheArts ofChaos Seek out and acquire the musical artist(s) to compose, produce, and sing the concept soundtrackalbumofthefilm Submit the rough and final cuts of the film to prestigious film festivals showcasingand discussing the film in a panel discussion for the 2015 film circuit,especiallyforBrigittes homebaseinMiami,Florida SundanceFilmFestival MiamiInternationalFilmFestival CannesFilmFestival

TorontoFilmFestival TribecaFilmFestival VeniceFilmFestival BerlinFilmFestival KarlovyVaryFilmFestival GainadistributiondealfortheaterandVODshowcase Create the Kickstarter and piggyback on the artists fandoms to design a winning campaign Designtheimmersivewebsitetocoincidewiththesocialmediasites A five city minicollege tour with discussions based behaviorisms of sex, personality disorders, programming and cults, dystopian literature, and Social Darwinism discussion panel with the main actors, screenwriter, director, and soundtrack producer plustheshowcaseofthefilm Miami:FloridaInternationalUniversity LosAngeles:UniversityofSouthernCalifornia SanFrancisco:UniversityofBerkley NewYork:NewYorkUniversity Chicago:UniversityofChicago LaunchParty

KEYSTOSUCCESS ProductionQuality:We haveadutytoupholdwiththeTheArtsofChaosbrand thatany material we release under our name is to be of the very best quality for those who will investinus,whetheritiswiththeirmoneyortime. Implementation of Business Structure: Every authorized delegate in the The Arts of Chaos brandhasthetasktodelegatetotheirteamsthedutiesinordertocoordinatetheir taskstomakethisprojectsuccessfullytakeplace. Marketing: The ArtsofChaosbrandhasthedutytocreateandupholdthestipulationsin themarketingcontractinordertobringawarenesstothisproject.

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