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Lesson Sketch for EDT 313 Individual completing this lesson plan: Lesson title: Soil Saturation Model

Lucy Frey Date that lesson was taught: 4/11

Standards in 2 Domains:

Cognition and General Knowledge - Science - Earth and Space Science - Exploration of the Natural World - With modeling and support, recognize familiar elements of the natural environment and understand that these may change over time (e.g., soil, weather, sun and moon). Physical Well-Being and Motor Develop ent Strand: Motor Develop ent !opic: S all Muscle: touch grasp" reach" anipulate# $oordinate the use o% hands" %ingers and &rists to anipulate o'(ects and per%or tas)s re*uiring precise ove ents# Instructional objectives: list 2 observable/measurable objectives for this lesson. Use precise language w/ action verbs. !he student &ill 'e a'le to: 1# +ecogni,e di%%erent saturations o% soil through creating seven di%%erent representational odels o% soil layers &ith sponges and &ater# -# .se their %ine otor s)ills to pour &ater into the sponges as &ell as s*uee,e &ater out o% the sponges to create the di%%erent saturation odels#

E periences: Describe authentic (real life, hands-on not representational) materials and enticing/ creative e periences in
which children are activel! engaged. "afet! should be addressed if warranted.

!o start o%%" / &ill as) the students: &ho has ever seen rain &ash a&ay soil0 /% the students have seen this 'e%ore" / &ill as) the &here they have seen it# !hen / &ill e1plain to the students that &e &ill 'e creating &ater erosion using the sponges and &ater in %ront o% the # Each student will get a sponge, a pan of water as well as a water bottle filled with water. The sponge represents how much water soil can hold, and what happens when the soil is too saturated or has too much water in it and the water leaks through. They will go through a guided activity where I model and describe a soil saturation type (dry, runoff, saturation, capacity, and drainage). Before defining and modeling these different types, I will ask the students if they had ever heard of any of these words before. If they say yes, I will ask them what they think it means. After I model and describe the different types, I will ask the students which type they would like to try to replicate. Then, while they are recreating the soil saturation types, to check their learning I will ask them to back up the model they created with evidence. This evidence is the students verbally describing and naming the saturation type they created. This physical representation of soil will help the students to understand that soil needs water, but too much water will cause erosion.

Evidence of student learning: $hec)list o% students co pleting o'(ectives and pictures o% students co pleting the o'(ects

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