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Providing Passage for Better Living

Why is Salt Lake City such a popular destination for many? How does the Airport provide place to many who are wanting to experience Utah? From the everyday resident to the industrial guru the Airport is key to the survival and expansion of this great city we call Salt Lake City!

History: Provoking Change

*In 1911 A cinder-covered landing strip in a marshy pasture called Basque Flats (after the Spanish- French sheepherders in the area) was the rudimentary beginning of the airport. It was originally used for aerobatic flights and was the site of the "Great International Aviation Carnival. * It was not till 1920 that Salt Lake City purchased 100 acres surrounding the landing strip for $40.00 per acre. The resulting airfield was named "Woodward Field," after local pilot John P. Woodward. World heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey was on hand to help christen the airfield, which was a mail service facility only.

History: Provoking Change

*From 1939 till 1945 Americans were fighting World War 2 with the Nazi Germany. This war made it so in 1943 the airport became a training base and replacement depot for the U.S. Air Force. There was so many people involved in the war that they had to build another airport Salt Lake City Municipal Airport II was built at the southwest end of the Salt Lake Valley to accommodate the number of trainees. It is now South Valley Regional Airport.

*1950 The jet age ushered in major improvements including upgrading of the three runways to support the largest commercial jet aircraft, and equipping the primary runway with a Category II Instrument Landing System (ILS).

*It was not till 1968 The airport was renamed the "Salt Lake City International Airport."

Why come to SLC?

*The airport allows millions of college students to travel to and from loved ones while getting a top education. *Wasatch front is home to 5 universities. *Highest rate of literacy in US. *4th highest graduation rate in high schools. *11th highest of collage graduates.

*The airport allows for us to let others come experience our better living. *7th lowest in violent crimes. *3rd longest life expectancy . *One of the lowest heart disease and cancer rate. *Highest rate of job growth. (4.5) *29.6 population growth more than doubled the nation. *Employment migration accounts for majority of migration. *Growth attributed to natural increase 88% rather than immigration 12%. *National rank is 35th in population growth. *Largest city in the state with a population of 181,743 *1.2 million in the SLC area. *27.1 Average age. (35.2 Nation) *77.7 Life expectancy *3.13 average people per household *Main religions practiced are Mormon, Catholic.

Why come to SLC?

Tourist Attractions
*The Airport facilitates millions to pass through because of our tourist attractions. *From its giant mountains filled with snow to its complete religious influence. SLC is a major tourist attraction to followers all around the world. Many companies are able to capitalize because of these key influences.

Why come to SLC?

Workforce Expansion
*The Airport

has a direct effect on workforce expansion. *50 Major companies who range from consumer products, healthcare, business management, and Computer Tech are able to thrive among the top 5,000 companies in the states. *Profits for these companies in 2013 ranged from 2.4 million to 278.5 million. *Many companies who are starting new companies are able to thrive here because of there central location to the western market.


* The Salt Lake City is commercial to 2.5 million people and is within a 30 minute drive of 1.3 million jobs. *20,186,474 passengers flew through Salt Lake City in 2013. * 25th busiest airports in united states for passengers. *Delta uses Salt Lake City Airport as a central hub for the west which makes 73.69% of the market share in 2013. * The Salt Lake International Airport provides close proximity to the consumers and the workforce. *Is know for its short flight delays. Cheap, Quick, and Efficient standards. Extreme Cleanliness, and its multiple internet and power ports which allow the many business travelers. *Deltas workers who work at the main hub call center are provided with free flight benefits, great healthcare, and an un-unionized workforce with great pay and vacation plans. *The Airport is financially self sustaining with revenue generating from airline and passenger fees, concessions, vehicle parking, fuel, and leases for office hanger space. * Airport Played a major role in the 2002 Olympics which provided a major economic boost to Salt Lake City to this day.

Influencing Greatness
*With having such an economic influence and making its living by not taking anything from the State. The airport to me is seen as a powerhouse to better schools, better living, and most of all Economic upturn. With so many companies that this small piece of land influences how can we not be successful as future residents, commercial business owners, and industry powerhouses in the future of Salt Lake City. Overall the Airport is place and makes place for millions of people who live and pass through here on a yearly basis. Through the heavy influence in the Mormon church and the values practiced here on a daily basis by people not in the religion. Salt Lake City Airport is a place where people of all races can travel through to come to this state where people strive to live honest lives. The airport has a direct effect in the decisions of many major companies coming here to Salt Lake City. Without this we would not have so many thriving, top fortune 500 companies wanting to move here.

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