What Is BPR?: Why Reengineer?

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What is BPR?

Business Process Re-engineering or BPR is the analysis and redesign of workflow and processes within and between Organizations. BPR is the Fundamental rethinking and Radical (fundamental) redesign of Business Processes to achieve Dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance Such as Cost, Qualit , Service and Speed.

Why BPR?
!h Reengineer"
ustomers #emanding Sophistication Changing $eeds ompetition %ocal &lo'al hange (echnolog Customer Preferences

!ncrease Performance Cost Qualit Service Speed

"he Problem is that we are in the #$st century with Processes and %rgani&ations designed in the $'th entury to work well in the #(th entury) We need entirely different PR% *++*+ for %R,-.!/-"!%.+ in the #$st entury0 Processes become comple1 2 inefficient with passage of time with addition of sub3processes to handle e1ceptions with changes in en4ironment and with increase in customer e1pectations


)igh Performing Organization improved operational performance *e.g., effectiveness and efficienc +, through evaluation and improvement of its 'usiness management and human capital practices , -ith the help of BPR *+.

3 Goals of BPR
ustomer Friendliness o .eeting customer re/uirements closel o Providing convenience

*ffecti4eness o Outcome-'ased approach o &aining lo alt of customers o 0mage and 'randing *fficiency o Cost o (ime o 1ffort

4 Steps in BPR Process

2. 3nderstanding the Current Processes 45S 0S6 stud 7 mapping current processes 5nal sis of Root Causes for 0nefficiencies 0dentifications of Pro'lems, 0ssues 8. 0nventing a $1! Process *4(O B16 Process+ Surve of Best Practices Consultation of Stakeholders 9. Constructing the $1! Process Bringing in ne- %a-s and Rules 5dopting #isruptive (echnologies :. Selling the $1! -a of functioning Change .anagement Communication Strateg

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Advantages of


Performance improvement 0ncrease in profits 0ncrease in productivit 1normous cost reduction Speed up 'usiness processes 0mprovement in emplo ee satisfaction, Qualit , customer service.

Disadvantages of BPR
0t never change management thinking. %ack of management support for the initiative and thus poor acceptance in organization. 1;aggerated *overstate+ e;pectations regarding the 'enefits of BPR 3nderestimation of resistance to change -ithin organization. 0mplementation of generic 'est practices that do not fit specific compan needs. Over-trust in technolog solutions.

BPR is a'out Radical Redesign of 'usiness processes BPR 'rings 1fficienc , 1ffectiveness , Customer-friendliness BPR needs adoption of a structured methodolog (op management commitment , Change .anagement are critical to success

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