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TEST: PART 1 An application in which an analog meter would almost always be preferred over a digital meter is Ans: the

he signal strength indicator in a radio receiver. Which of the following statement is false? Ans: The current in a dc circuit is divided up among the resistances. The ohm is a unit of Ans: opposition to electrical current. A wiring diagram differs from a schematic diagram in that Ans: A wiring diagram shows the component values, but a schematic diagram might not. In which of the following places would you be most likely to find a wirewound resistor? Ans: A dc circuit location where a large amount of power must be dissipated. The number of protons in the nucleus of an element is known as the Ans: atomic number. A hot wire ammeter Ans: can measure ac as well as dc. Which of the following units indicates at which energy is expended? Ans: Watt Which of the following states Ohms Law? Ans: Ohms equal volts divided by amperes. The current flowing into a power in a dc circuit is equal to the current Ans: Flowing out of that point. In a loudness meter in a hi-fi system is generally calibrated in Ans: Decibels. An electrically charged atom (either positive or negative) is known as Ans: an ion. The peak voltage in an ac wave is always Ans: is greater than or equal to the average voltage. A primitive device for indicating the presence of an electric current is Ans: a galvanometer. A disadvantage of mercury cells is the fact that they

Ans: can adversely affect the environment when discarded. Which of the following is not a common use for a resistor or set of resistors Ans: Helping a capacitor to hold its charge for a long time. When an electrical charge exists but there is no flow of current, the charge is said to be Ans: static. The sum of the voltages, going around a dc circuit, but not including the power supply, has Ans: an equal value, but the opposite polarity from, the supply. A watt-hour meter measures Ans: Energy. Every chemical element has its own unique type of particle, which is known as its Ans: Proton. An advantage of magnetic disk over magnetic tape for data storage is the fact that Ans: data storage and retrieval is faster on disk. A sample of material with resistance so high that it can be considered infinite for most practical purposes is known as Ans: an insulator. Primary cells Ans: cannot be recharged. A rheostat Ans: can be used in high voltage and/or high power dc circuits. How much a typical dry cell provide? Ans: 1.5 V. A geomagnetic storm Ans: can disturb the earths magnetic field. The advantage of an alkaline cell over a carbon zinc cell is the fact that Ans: the alkaline cell can deliver useful current at low temperatures. A unit of electrical charge quantity is the Ans: Coulomb. A unit of conductance is the Ans: Siemens. The main difference between a lantern battery and a transistor battery is the fact that

Ans: A lantern battery has more energy stored in it than a fresh transistor battery. Nickel based batteries would most likely be found Ans: in handheld radio transceivers. A voltmeter should have Ans: High internal resistance. The purpose of a bleeder resistor is to Ans: protect people against the danger of electric shock. A dc electromagnet Ans: has constant polarity. The rate at which charged carriers flow is measured in Ans: Amperes A device commonly used for remote switching of high-current circuits is Ans: A relay. Memory in nickel-based cell or battery Ans: can usually be remedied by repeated discharging and recharging. A material with high permeability Ans: concentrates the magnetic lines of flux. A chemical compound Ans: consists of two or more atoms. The main problem with bar-graph meters is the fact that Ans: they cannot give very precise readings.

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