The Simple Factory and Factory Pattern: Luca Viganò

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The Simple Factory and Factory Pattern

Luca Vigan
Dipartimento di Informatica Universit di Verona

Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Software 13.05.2011

Luca Vigan (Universit di Verona)


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Identify the aspects that vary

Lets say you have a pizza shop, and you might end up writing some code like this:
Pizza o r d e r P i z z a ( ) { Pizza p i z z a = new Pizza ( ) ; p i z z a . prepare ( ) ; p i z z a . bake ( ) ; pizza . cut ( ) ; p i z z a . box ( ) ; return pizza ; }

For exibility, we really want this

Pizza p i z z a = new Pizza ( ) ;

to be an abstract class or interface, but we cant directly instantiate either of those.

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But you need more than one type of pizza...

So then youd add some code that determines the appropriate type of pizza and then goes about making the pizza

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But the pressure is on to add more pizza types

You realize that all of your competitors have added a couple of trendy pizzas to their menus: Clam Pizza and Veggie Pizza. And you decide to take Greek Pizza off the menu:

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Encapsulating object creation

Wed be better off moving the object creation out of the orderPizza() method. But how?

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Building a simple pizza factory

Were going to dene the class SimplePizzaFactory that encapsulates the object creation for all pizzas.

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Whats the advantage of this? It looks like we are just pushing the problem off to another object. One thing to remember is that the SimplePizzaFactory may have many clients. Weve only seen the orderPizza() method; however, there may be a PizzaShopMenu class that uses the factory to get pizzas for their current description and price. We might also have a HomeDelivery class that handles pizzas in a different way than our PizzaShop class but is also a client of the factory. So, by encapsulating the pizza creating in one class, we now have only one place to make modications when the implementation changes. Dont forget, we are also just about to remove the concrete instantiations from our client code!
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Questions (2)

Ive seen a similar design where a factory like this is dened as a static method. What is the difference? Dening a simple factory as a static method is a common technique and is often called a static factory. Why use a static method? Because you dont need to instantiate an object to make use of the create method. But remember it also has the disadvantage that you cant subclass and change the behavior of the create method.

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Reworking the PizzaStore class

Back to the client code. We rely on the factory to create the pizzas for us. Here are the changes:

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Simple Factory dened

Simple Factory isnt actually a real Design Pattern: its more of a programming idiom, but it is commonly used and some developers do mistake this idiom for the Factory Pattern". Lets take a look at the class diagram of our new Pizza Store:

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Franchising the pizza store

Everyone wants a PizzaStore in their own neighborhood. As the franchiser, you want to ensure the quality of the franchise operations and so you want them to use your time-tested code. But what about regional differences? Each franchise might want to offer different styles of pizzas (New York, Chicago, and California...), depending on where the franchise store is located and the tastes of the local pizza connoisseurs.

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Franchising the pizza store

With the SimplePizzaFactory idiom, we create three different factories, then we can just compose the PizzaStore with the appropriate factory.

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But youd like a little more quality control

You test marketed the SimpleFactory idea, and what you found was that the franchises were using your factory to create pizzas, but starting to employ their own home grown procedures for the rest of the process: theyd bake things a little differently, theyd forget to cut the pizza and theyd use third-party boxes. Rethinking the problem a bit, you see that what youd really like to do is create a framework that ties the store and the pizza creation together, yet still allows things to remain exible. There is a way to localize all the pizza making activities to the PizzaStore class, and yet give the franchises freedom to have their own regional style.

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A framework for the pizza store


Put the createPizza() method back into PizzaStore but this time as an abstract method, and then create a PizzaStore subclass for each regional style.

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Allowing the subclasses to decide

Remember: the Pizza Store already has a well-honed order system in the orderPizza() method and you want to ensure that its consistent across all franchises. What varies among the regional PizzaStores is the style of pizzas they make:
New York Pizza has thin crust Chicago Pizza has thick crust

and were going to push all these variations into the createPizza() method and make it responsible for creating the right kind of Pizza. The way we do this is by letting each subclass of PizzaStore dene what the createPizza() method looks like. So, we will have a number of concrete subclasses of PizzaStore, each with its own pizza variations, all tting within the PizzaStore framework and still making use of the well-tuned orderPizza() method.
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How do subclasses decide?

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How do subclasses decide?

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Lets make a PizzaStore

Now, you get all the PizzaStore functionality for free. All the regional stores need to do is subclass PizzaStore and supply a createPizza() method that implements their style of Pizza. Heres the New York regional style:

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Brain Teaser

Write the Chicago and California PizzaStore implementations...

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Declaring a factory method

With just a couple of transformations to the PizzaStore weve gone from having an object handle the instantiation of our concrete classes to a set of subclasses that are now taking on that responsibility.

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Declaring a factory method

With just a couple of transformations to the PizzaStore weve gone from having an object handle the instantiation of our concrete classes to a set of subclasses that are now taking on that responsibility.

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The Factory Method Pattern: the Creator classes

Luca Vigan (Universit di Verona)


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The Factory Method Pattern: the Product classes

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Parallel class hierarchies

Luca Vigan (Universit di Verona)


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Factory Method Pattern dened

The Factory Method Pattern denes an interface for creating an object, but lets subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. As with every factory, the Factory Method Pattern gives us a way to encapsulate the instantiations of concrete types.

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Factory Method Pattern dened: the class Diagram

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