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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System


The objectives are:

• Examine the process flow for installing Microsoft Dynamics™ AX

• Review the basic steps for setting up Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.
• Create the database manually or by using the install wizard.
• Install the Application Files server.
• Install the Application Object Server (AOS).
• Explain the steps for setting up the AOS on a Network Load
Balancing cluster.
• Install the client.
• Review the startup process for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.
• Install the Business Connector.

Successfully installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 requires more than running
the Setup program. It is important to complete all the required tasks to prepare
the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 environment, in addition to all post-installation
tasks. A good installation process performed carefully and in phases is essential
to a successful implementation.

After configuring the hardware environment and verifying the required software
components, this section follows the steps to install Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0,
including the following tasks:

• Reviewing the installation flowchart to become familiar with the

proper steps for installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
• Installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 using the Graphical User
• Examining the installation process for each of the core components:
database, file server, Application Object Server, and client
• Verifying that Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 will start without error

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Installation & Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0

Global Trade and Manufacturing (GTM) is a mid-sized manufacturer of various
light products. Although their customer base spans multiple countries, their target
is mainly North America. They plan using much of the functionality within
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 plus many of the additional modules.

After a successful fiscal year, GTM wants to broaden its market share by:

• Focusing their sales efforts on their best customers

• Extending their product availability through an external Web site
• Reducing their cost of sales through reduced production costs

The implementation consultant leading the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
implementation completed the needs analysis, the necessary hardware and
infrastructure is ready for the installation, and they are ready to start the
installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.

The implementation consultant will install Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 on
Microsoft® Windows Server™2003 with 25 clients. The implementer must create
a database in the database server, and install the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
components, File server, Application Object Server, and clients, on their own

The implementation consultant must follow these steps:

1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup Wizard.

2. Complete the setup steps for each Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
3. Use information gathered from the planning steps to set up the
necessary information in some of the setup fields.
4. After finishing of all the setup steps, make sure Microsoft Dynamics
AX 4.0 will successfully start.

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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System

Installation Process Flowchart

Create database: The database stores the Microsoft

Dynamics AX 4.0 data as part of an existing Microsoft®
SQL Server®.

Install file server: The application file server holds the

files where the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 business logic
is stored.

Install AOS: An Application Object Server (AOS) is a

Microsoft® Windows® service that controls
communications among all the Microsoft Dynamics AX
4.0 roles.

Install client: A client is the graphical user interface

(GUI) to the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 data and

Start system: After installing the core roles, it is time to

start the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 system.

Basic Setup Steps

Start Setup
Insert Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 DVD into the DVD drive of each computer
that will receive one of the components. If the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup
Wizard does not start automatically, browse the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
DVD and double-click the Autorun.hta file in the root directory of the DVD.

From the initial form, the implementer can perform many tasks. It is a
recommendation that anyone installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 read the
Implementation Guide. Because there will be updates to the Implementation
Guide, a link to download the most recent version is included as part of the form.
Also included is a link to Microsoft Dynamics AX Online where the most up-
to-date information is located.

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1. To start the installation process, click Microsoft Dynamics AX in

the Setup Wizard.

On the Prerequisites check page, Setup validates that the software

required to install Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 is present. If it is not,
click Install. To continue after the update finishes, click Next.
2. On the Welcome page of the Setup Wizard, click Next to continue.
3. On the License agreement page, read the license agreement and
then click I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept the
license terms and conditions. Accepting the license agreement
enables the Next button. To continue, click Next.

BEST PRACTICE: Implementers can print the License terms by clicking the Print
button. It is good practice to keep a hard copy of the license agreement on file.

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4. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and

then click Next. Implementers will use the Custom installation for
live installations. Use the Custom installation when installing:

• Each role on its own computer

• Additional object servers
• An additional client computer

When implementers use the Custom installation in a live environment, the

expectation is that each role resides on a separate computer. This configuration
provides better performance and scalability over the Single computer

If implementing a distributed object server environment, the implementer is to

use the Custom installation to install each additional object server. The same is
true when installing additional client computers.

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NOTE: A single computer may have multiple roles installed. In a production

environment, system implementers must make sure that the computer hardware is
sufficient to run multiple roles.

Test Your Knowledge − Basic Setup Steps

What are the two help options available on the initial form of the setup for
Microsoft Dynamics AX?

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Create Database
The Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 database is part of an existing Microsoft SQL
Server that stores the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 data. A Microsoft SQL Server
database can be set up from any computer, as long as the installer has appropriate
rights to connect to the database server and create databases.

The procedure that follows assumes the installation of a single role on a single
computer. A single computer may have multiple roles. If the implementer installs
multiple roles on a single computer, the order of the pages in the Setup Wizard
changes based on the selections chosen.

SQL Server Collation Support

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 supports Unicode collations. When a user selects a
Unicode collation, it must:

• Be case-insensitive
• Match the Microsoft Windows locale of the computers that are
running instances of Application Object Server (AOS).

For a new Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation, select a Windows collation

instead of an SQL collation. The regional settings on the computer control the
Windows collation that the SQL Server will automatically detect during

Components Installed
When a user sets up an SQL Server database, it creates a database to store the
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 data structures. Additionally, it creates an SQL
Server user Logon for the Network Service account of the computer that is
running the AOS instance.

Verify Prerequisites
For the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 database, install the SQL Server using
Windows Authentication, and run und the Local System account.

When creating a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database on a database server that is
not on the same computer as the Application Object Server (AOS), configure the
database server as follows:

1. Enable remote connections.

a. Open the SQL Server Management Studio (START→ALL
MANAGEMENT STUDIO), log on, and then right-click the appropriate

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b. Click Properties, click Connections, and then select Allow

remote connections to this server. Click Ok.


2. Enable named pipes.

a. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager (START→ALL

b. Expand SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration, select

Protocols for MSSQLSERVER, right-click Named Pipes, and
then click Enable.


NOTE: If there is a firewall installed on the computer running SQL Server, make sure
that the port for the instance of SQL Server is open. The default port for SQL Server is

Restart the SQL Server after these changes.

Verify Rights
The installer must log into an account that is a member of both:

• The Administrators group on the computer where running the Setup

• The Database Creators server role in an instance of SQL Server
where creating the database

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Create an SQL Server Database

To create the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 database, the implementer can follow
these steps:

1. On the Select computer role page, select Database, and then click


2. On the Connect to an instance of SQL Server page, in the SQL

Server name box, type or select the name of the SQL Server to
connect to, and then click Next.

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To connect to a named instance of SQL Server, enter it in the format


3. On the Create SQL Server database page, in the Database name

box, enter the database name that Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 will
use. The database name defaulted by the setup program is Dynamics.


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BEST PRACTICE: Establish a use of a specific naming convention for all aspects of an
installation. This includes the database name, AOS name, and directory name for the
application file server.

A recommended naming convention includes a short form of the customer name, the
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 version, the service pack version, and a code describing
what the installation will be used for, such as Cust_AX_Live.
For more information about naming conventions, refer to the Naming Conventions

4. On the Ready to install page, review the summary of roles for the
computer. To continue, click Install.
5. On the Installing page, implementers can monitor the progress of the
installation progress as the Setup proceeds.
6. On the Completing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup page,
review the summary of roles for the computer. To exit the Setup
wizard, click Finish.

Manually Create an SQL Server Database

Manually creating the database in the SQL Server database for Microsoft
Dynamics AX 4.0 is possible; however, the recommended procedure is to use the
Setup program to create the database.

Before manually creating an SQL Server database for Microsoft Dynamics AX,
first create a database using the Setup program to use as a template database.

1. Follow the procedure from Create a SQL Server Database to

create a template database on the SQL Server.
2. Manually create any needed SQL Server databases.
3. If the new database is on a different computer from the template
database then create a DomainName\AOSComputerName$ Logon
– Create the DomainName\AOSComputerName$ user in the
new database.
– Assign the database roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and
db_datawriter to the AOSComputerName$ user.

4. Copy all objects and users from the template database created by
using the Setup program to the new database.
For more information about the manually creating an SQL Server database, refer
to SQL Server Books Online.

Test Your Knowledge − Create Database

Describe the recommended naming convention.

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Install Application File Server

The application file server contains the files in which the Microsoft Dynamics
AX 4.0 business logic is stored. Examples of the files in this directory include
indexes, headers, and labels for each layer. The directory must be available to all
Application Object Server (AOS) computers.

The recommendation for permissions on this directory is that they be highly

restrictive because data stored can include sensitive customer data. Only the AOS
Windows service and Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 administrators must have
write access to the directory. If the AOS is remote to the application file share,
then the DomainName\AosComputerName$ needs Read and Write rights to
the application share. Client computers do not require access, and must not be
granted access to the directory.

The installer must be at the application file server computer to install the
application files. The procedure that follows assumes installation of a single role
on a computer. A single computer can have multiple roles installed. When
installing multiple roles, the order of the pages in the Setup Wizard changes
based on the selections.

Components Installed
Setting up a computer as an application file server installs application files that
are used by an instance of Application Object Server (AOS) and the clients
associated with it.

Verify Prerequisites
The installation directory for the application files must be available to all the
AOS instances on the network.

Verify Rights
Implementers must log on with an account that is a member of the
Administrators group on the computer where running the Setup.

Install the Application File Server

To install the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Application File Server, the
implementer can follow these steps:

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1. On the Select computer role page, select File server, and then click


2. On the Select region page, select a region to install.


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When installing a application file server, implementers can decide to install

additional regional functionality. Regions provide country-specific tax and
financial functionality.

The following list includes the countries/regions whose tax and financial
information is included in all installations.

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark

Finland France Germany Ireland Italy

Malaysia Netherlands New Norway Singapore

South Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand
United United
Kingdom States

NOTE: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 supports only one additional region per installation.

NOTE: Not all countries may be available. More countries will become available as
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Service Pack are released.

3. On the Install application files page, type or connect to the

installation location of the shared application files. The default
location automatically fills in. Make sure to note the location,
because the AOS setup requires the installer to know this location.


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BEST PRACTICE: Establish and use specific naming conventions for all aspects of an
installation. This includes the database name, AOS name, and application file server
directory name.

A recommended naming convention includes a short form of the customer name, the
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 version, the service pack version, and a code describing
what the installation will be used for, such as Cust_AX_Live.
For more information about naming conventions, refer to the Naming Conventions

4. On the Ready to install page, review the summary of the

installation. To continue, click Next.
5. On the Installing page, implementers can monitor the installation
progress as the Setup proceeds.
6. On the Completing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup page,
review the summary of roles for this computer. To exit the Setup
wizard, click Finish.

Sharing the Application Folder

Each AOS instance must have access to a share created in the <Drive>:\Program
Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\40\Application folder. To create the share follow
these steps:

1. Right-click the <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics

AX\40\Application folder and select Sharing and Security.
2. Select Share this folder. Insert a name for the share in the Share
3. Select the Permissions button to display the Permissions for
Application window.
4. Select the Add button to display the Select Users, Computers, or
Groups window.
5. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter the
DomainName\AosComputerName$ of the AOS instance.
6. Select the Object Types button to display the Object Types window
and make sure that the Computers object is marked. Click Ok to
close the Object Types window and then click Ok to close the
Select Users, Computers, or Groups window.
7. Highlight the newly created DomainName\AosComputerName$ in
the Permissions for Application window and make sure that it has
Change and Read permissions. Click Ok to close the Permissions
for Application window. Click Ok to close the Application
Properties window.

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CAUTION: Do not set Full Control permissions for the share as that gives more control
over the folder than is necessary, which causes possible security vulnerability.

Test Your Knowledge − Install Application File Server

Who needs write access to the application file server?

Install Application Object Server (AOS)

An Application Object Server (AOS) is a Microsoft Windows service that
controls communications among Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 clients, databases,
and applications. Implementers can install an AOS on a single computer or on a
cluster by using Windows Network Load Balancing.

It is possible for a single system, used for demonstrations, development, or test,

to be set up with more than one AOS instance. For this installation, the
implementer is installing a single AOS instance on a single computer.

This procedure assumes the implementer is installing a single role on a computer.

Implementers can install multiple roles on a single computer. However, the order
of the pages in the Setup Wizard will change based on the selections.

The Application Object Server (AOS) install must occur at the computer where
the AOS will reside.

Components Installed
Installing an AOS instance installs the following components:

• Application Object Server.

• Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Server Configuration Utility.

Verify Prerequisites
Before setting up a computer that has the object server role, it is best practice that
the database server and application file server are already in place.

NOTE: If not performing the installation in this order, use the Server Configuration
Utility to set the database and application file share locations.

If a firewall exists on the computer installing the AOS, then the user must open
port 2712 before the system will function.

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Verify Rights
The person performing the installation must log on with an account that is both:

• A member of the Administrators group on the computer where

performing the Setup.
• A member of the Security Administrators server role on the
Microsoft SQL Server that the AOS will connect to.

Install an AOS instance

To install the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Application Object Server, the
implementer can follow these steps:

1. On the Select computer role page, select Object server, and then
click Next.


NOTE: If the computer does not have HotFix 913184 installed, a warning may appear. If
this warning appears, the implementer must install this HotFix. A restart of the computer
may be necessary after installing the HotFix.

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FIGURE 4-13: HOTFIX 913184

2. On the Create an instance of Application Object Server page, in

the Instance Name name box, enter a name for this AOS. In the File
location name box, type or connect to the installation location of the
Server files. The default location will automatically fill in.


BEST PRACTICE: Establish a use of a specific naming convention for all aspects of an
installation. This includes the database name, AOS name, and application file server
directory name.

A recommended naming convention includes a short form of the customer name, the
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 version, the service pack version, and a code describing
what the installation will be used for, such as Cust_AX_Live.
For more information about naming conventions, refer to the Naming Conventions

3. On the Select database type page, select the type of database to

connect to, and then click Next.

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4. On the Connect to an instance of SQL Server page, in the Server

name box, type or select the name of the SQL Server That Is Used to
hold the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 data. Remember that the logon
for the implementer must be an account that is a member of the
Security Administrators role in order to connect to an instance of
SQL Server. Click Next.


5. In the Connect to SQL Server Database, in the Database name

box, type the name of the database to connect to and then click Next.


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6. On the Locate application files page, if the location of application

files does not fill-in automatically, then type or connect to the
installation location of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 application
files. Click Next to continue.

NOTE: Make Sure That the AOS account has a share and NT rights to the application
folder using a UNC path. For instructions, check Sharing the Application Folder topic
under Install Application File Server.

7. On the Ready to install page, review the summary of roles for this
computer. To continue, click Next.


NOTE: If performing an upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0, make sure to clear
the Start the AOS Windows service as part of installation check box.

8. On the Installing page, implementers can monitor installation

progress as Setup proceeds.
9. On the Completing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup page,
review the summary of roles for this computer. To exit the Setup
wizard, click Finish.

NOTE: The AOS Windows service can take several minutes to start the first time after
the installation. To determine whether it has started, open Administrative tools >
Services, and review the status of the Microsoft Dynamics service.

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GTM is implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0. GTM recognizes the critical
nature of the processes and data in the business management system and they
want to configure the system to make sure that there is a high level of

At their main location in North America, GTM expects enough data requests that
they will use multiple servers for the Application Object Server.

Because of number of concurrent users and the business processes involved,
GTM expects that one server for the AOS will not be able to handle the data
volume. In addition, GTM expects significant growth and plans for additional
users soon.

The goal for GTM is to deploy a system that meets all their needs. The system

• Be able to handle the current volume of data requests

• Have possibilities for equipment failure
• Be able to easily grow as the company grows

To meet all their requirements, GTM deploys the Application Object Server
using AOS load balancing. The load balancing features include:

• A cluster of servers that balances the network data requests to the

AOS across all available servers
• Client requests are distributed to other servers in case of a server
• Easy scalability to handle increased data requests

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Manage AOS Load Balancing

Load balancing is used to help spread the user load when there are many clients
connecting to Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 at the same time. With Microsoft
Dynamics AX 4.0 it is possible to load balance the AOS across multiple
computers that are running Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 AOS instances.

Set Up Load Balancing

The options for a load balancing topology include:

• Add AOS instances to a cluster and run the cluster without a load
• Add AOS instances to a cluster and configure one or more AOS to
be a load balancer.

To set up a cluster without a load balancer, use client configurations to set clients
to connect to one or more AOS instances that have load balancing enabled. If an
administrator needs to remove a computer from the cluster, and one or more
client configuration is pointing to it, the client configuration must be updated. No
additional hardware is required for this topology.

To set up a cluster with a load balancer, use client configurations to set clients to
connect to the AOS that has been set as the load balancer. The administrator can
then add and remove instances from the cluster without needing to update client
configurations. Additional hardware may be required to set up a computer as a
load balancer.

Add AOS instances to a cluster

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (START→CONTROL


2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are
the correct ones to modify.
3. Select Make this AOS instance part of the load balancing cluster.
4. Set a value for the maximum number of client sessions that the AOS
instance will accept.
Set Up an AOS to be a Load Balancer

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (START→CONTROL


2. Verify that the currently selected Application Object Server (AOS)

instance and configuration are the correct ones to modify.

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3. Select Use this AOS instance for load balancing only (accept no
client connections).

Manage Members of a Cluster

As part of maintenance, it may be necessary to temporarily add and remove AOS
instances from a cluster. Adding and removing members to a cluster controls
whether an instance will accept or reject new client connections.
Set an AOS Instance to Reject New Clients

1. Open a Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 client.

2. Open the Online users form. (Administration> SysUsersOnline).
3. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
4. When the number of clients connected to the AOS reaches zero, it is
safe to perform maintenance.

Add an AOS Instance to a Cluster

1. Open the Online users form. (Administration > SysUsersOnline).

2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
3. Select the Permissions button to display the Permissions for
Application window.
4. Select the Add button to display the Select Users, Computers, or
Groups window.

Install Client
A client is the interface to Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 data and functionality.
The person installing must be at the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 client computer
to install the client. If the implementer is installing multiple clients, the
recommendation is to share the installation files on a file server and connect to
the location from the computer where the implementer has to install the program.

This installation Client procedure assumes the implementer is installing a single

role on a computer. Implementers can install multiple roles on a single computer.
However, the order of the pages in the Setup Wizard will change based on

Components Installed
Setting up a computer as a Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 client installs the
following components:

• The Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 interface that connects to an

Application Object Server (AOS).
• Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client Configuration Utility.

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Verify Prerequisites
Make sure to install the database, application file server, and AOS before the
installation of the clients.

Verify Rights
A user must log on with a member account of the Administrators group on the
computer running the Setup program.

Start Setup
To install the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client, the implementer follows these

1. On the Select computer role page, select Client, and then click
2. On the Select language page, select the initial language that will be
used with Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0. If there is a later decision to
change languages, administrators can modify the user language
within the client. Click Next to continue.


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3. On the Select Help language page, select the Help languages that
will be used for this installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0. The
recommendation is to install all the Help languages required for the
system during initial installation. Click Next.


NOTE: If there is more than one Help language installed, users can switch between
languages by changing the user settings within the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 client. If
users are not installing all the Help files during initial installation, they can install
additional Help files by running the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup program again,
selecting the Client installation path, and then selecting any additional languages

4. On the Install files page, click Next to accept the default location, or
click Browse to designate a different location. Click Next.
5. On the Connect to Application Object Server page, type the name
of the computer that is running the AOS instance. Click Next to

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To specify a connection to a specific AOS instance, enter the server

information in one of the following formats:

Format Example
Instancename@Servername AOS2@Dynamics
Servername:Portnumber Dynamics:2713
Instancename@Servername:Portnumber AOS2@Dynamics:2713

NOTE: If the name of the Application Object Server is unknown and is running locally,
check its name under Administration Tools>Services.

6. On the Ready to install page, review the summary of roles and

components for the computer. To continue, click Next.
7. On the Installing page, implementers can monitor the installation
progress as Setup proceeds.
8. On the Completing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Setup page,
review the summary of roles and components for the computer. To
exit the Setup wizard, click Finish.

Test Your Knowledge − Install Client

What components are installed during a client install?

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Set Up a Business Connector

Business Connector is a Microsoft Dynamics™AX component that enables
applications to interact with Application Object Server instances. Microsoft
Dynamics AX ships with two versions of Business Connector:

• The .NET Business Connector.

• The COM Business Connector.

The .NET Business Connector is new to Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.

Applications using Microsoft .NET Framework or ASP.NET can interface with
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 by using the .NET Business Connector.

Microsoft Dynamics AX supports applications built with the Component Object

Model (COM) components or Active Server Pages (ASP). Enhancements to this
connector include Microsoft® Windows® authentication and automatic
component registration.

Installing the Business Connector enables users to access Microsoft Dynamics
AX functionality through the Enterprise Portal, Application Integration
Framework, or Reporting Services using a Web browser. A Business Connector
is the bridge that connects components to Microsoft Dynamics AX.

In addition, the .NET Business Connector can be installed as a stand-alone

component and used to develop other applications that integrate with Microsoft
Dynamics AX.

The Business Connector

A Business Connector is a software component that connects an application, such
as Enterprise Portal or a custom application, to communicate with the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS). Each application that needs to
communicate with an instance of AOS must do so through a Business Connector.

The .NET Business Connector is automatically installed when Enterprise Portal

server and the Application Integration Server are installed.

To continue to provide an interface to applications that use COM, the COM

Business Connector is still available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0. Some
improvements and changes have been made to the COM Business Connector,

• Microsoft Windows authentication must be used for all versions of

the Business Connector.

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• Automatic registration of the .NET Business Connector because it is

now installed into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
• Use of the Business Connector Proxy for "act-on-behalf of"

Business Connector Requirements

Users must install the correct version of Business Connector on each computer
that is intended to run an application that requires it. The .NET Business
Connector is automatically installed when Enterprise Portal server and the
Application Integration Server are installed. If the user has created a custom
application that also requires the .NET Business Connector, then he or she must
install the connector on each computer that will be running the application.

Before installing a Business Connector, the following must be available in the
Microsoft® Active Directory® domain that contains Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0:

• A core Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.

• Active Directory configured to run in native mode.

Users must log in to the computer on which the Business Connector is to be
installed with an account that is a member of the Administrators group.

Additional Requirements for "Act-on-behalf-of"

If an application requires "act-on-behalf-of" functionality to enable external users
or users that are unable to connect to use the application, then a Windows domain
account is required to act as the Business Connector Proxy. The Business
Connector proxy enforces a strict security policy for users when accessing
Microsoft Dynamics AX using an application that is dependent on Business

IMPORTANT: If a malicious user learns the Business Connector proxy credentials

(name and password), that user may gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. For
this reason, only Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators can know the proxy

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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System

It is best to have a new account created solely for use by the Business Connector
before it is installed. Microsoft recommends that the account be set up with:

• A Business Connector Proxy domain account not set up as a

Microsoft Dynamics AX user.
• A password that does not expire.
• No interactive logon rights

Create a Proxy Account in Active Directory

Create a unique user in Active Directory. This user must not have the same name
as an existing user in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers, click Start, click

Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then
double-click Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. In the console tree, right-click the folder in which you want to add a
user account.
3. Point to New, and then click User.
4. In First name, type the user's first name.
5. In Initials, type the user's initials.
6. In Last name, type the user's last name.
7. Modify Full name to add initials or reverse order of first and last
8. In User logon name, type the user logon name, click the UPN suffix
in the drop-down list, and then click Next.
9. In Password and Confirm password, type the user's password, and
then select the appropriate password options.
10. Select the Password does not expire option.
11. Select the No interactive logon rights option.
12. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.
It may also be necessary to add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows
Group and to configure the IIS application pool. These procedures can be found
in the Microsoft Dynamics AX documentation.

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Install Business Connector

Do the following to install the Business Connector:

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD into your drive. If the

Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup Wizard does not launch
automatically, double-click the Autorun.hta file in the root directory
of the DVD.
If you are installing from a network location, share the installation
files and connect to the location from the computer on which you
want to install the Business Connector.

Business Connector is a type of Microsoft Dynamics AX client. If it

is the first client you are installing on a computer, Setup requires that
you set the display and Help language.

2. On the opening screen, click Microsoft Dynamics AX.

3. On the Prerequisites check page, Setup validates that the software
required to install Microsoft Dynamics AX is present. If it is not,
click Install. To continue after the update completes, click Next.
4. On the Welcome page of the Setup Wizard, click Next.
5. On the License agreement page, read the license agreement and then
click I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept the
licensing terms and conditions. Click Next.
6. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and
then click Next.
7. Select the version of Business Connector you want to install, and
then click Next.
8. On the Install files page, click Next to accept the default location, or
click Browse to designate a different location.
9. On the Connect to Application Object Server page, type the name
of the Application Object Server you want to connect to, and then
click Next.
10. On the Install files page, click Next to accept the default location, or
click Browse to designate a different location.
11. On the Ready to install page, review the summary of roles and
components for your computer. To proceed, click Next.
12. On the Installing page, you can monitor installation progress as
Setup proceeds.
13. On the Completing Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup page, you can
review the summary of roles and components for your computer. To
exit Setup, click Finish.

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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System

Test Your Knowledge

1. Describe the basic function of the Business Connector.
2. Explain the importance of the Business Connector Proxy and the “act-
on-behalf-of” function.

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0

After installing the core components of Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0, the
implementer can start the system for the first time.

The AOS Windows service (displayed as Dynamics service under

Administrative Tools > Services) starts to run when it has been installed, but
can take several minutes to start the first time.

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0

To start the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client, the implementer can follow
these steps:

1. On the computer that is running the Microsoft Dynamics AX client,

start Microsoft Dynamics AX (Start > All Programs > Microsoft
Dynamics AX).

NOTE: The AOS Windows service can take several minutes to start for the first time after
initial installation. To determine whether it has started, open ADMINISTRATIVE
TOOLS→SERVICES and review the status of the Dynamics service.

2. If this is the first time starting Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0, the

Installation checklist will display to the left of the navigation pane
and workspace.

NOTE: For information on completing the Installation checklist, refer to the section
named "Configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0."

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Installation & Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0

Installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 is less complicated than previous versions
because of the new installation wizard. The wizard alone cannot install the
program; it depends on skilled implementers who know the install process and
follow the proper prerequisites and sequential steps

This section showed implementers how to:

• Create and prepare a new database, both with the wizard and
manually, to hold the data for the application.
• Set proper permissions and communication so the AOS can post and
retrieve customer data.
• Set up the proper regions, for tax and financial information.
• Create a file server share to enable AOS to access the business logic
held within the application file server files.

This section also examined the installation process for a typical production
environment installation. Developers, testers, and sales persons may not need this
set up for their own computers. The section titled "Installing a Development
System," shows implementers how to install Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 on a
single computer.

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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System

Lab 4.1 − Create Database

You are part of the implementation team installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.
The computer roles have been identified and all hardware and software have been
installed. You need to create the database as part of the installation process.

Challenge Yourself!

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program

2. Install a new database, called Development, on the existing server

Need a Little Help?

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 setup program.

2. Select Install Microsoft Dynamics AX.
3. Select Database server under Core roles.
4. Select database server.
5. Enter database name.

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Lab 4.2 − Install Application File Server

The application files server stores everything in the Application Object Tree.
This data will be entered, modified, and stored based on business logic specific to
the customer. This business logic is stored in the Application File Server. After
the database has been created, the Application File Server needs to be installed.

Challenge Yourself!

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program.

2. Install the Application File Server.

Need a Little Help?

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 setup program.

2. Select Install Microsoft Dynamics AX.
3. Select File server under Core roles.
4. Select location path.

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Chapter 4: Installing a Core System

Lab 4.3 − Install Application Object Server

The database and application file server have been installed. Another core
component that needs to be installed is the Application object server. This
component is required to coordinate communication between the clients and the
application and database.

Challenge Yourself!

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program.

2. Install the Application File Server.

Need a Little Help?

1. Run Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program.

2. Select Install Dynamics AX.
3. Select Object server under core roles.
4. Enter Instance name.
5. Select the database type, server name, and database name.

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Lab 4.4 − Install Client

The database, application file server, and application object server have been
installed. These provide the data and processes specific to the client company. In
order to access the data, a client application must be installed to enter and view

Challenge Yourself!

1. Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program.

2. Install the client.

Need a Little Help?

1. Run Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 installation program.

2. Select Install Dynamics AX Client.
3. Select Help language.

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Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned

Take a moment and write down three Key Points you have learned from this




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