Palamas, Scotus, Aquinas, Their Schools and Byzantine Mariology

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Ixx.cii.+i CoNciv+ioN
Why Thomas Aquinas Denied, WhiIe }ohn Duns
Scolus, Gregory IaIamas, and Mark Iugenicus
Irofessed lhe AbsoIule ImmacuIale Ixislence of Mary
.c.uixv oi +ni ixx.cii.+i
Niw niuiou, x.
!"#$%&%'$("& *+,-$./ $0 1%0%# %2
3,# 4"-5 %2 6,"-"&,7. - II
89. :;;"(,&"+. <%0(.7+$%0 is a book reared
for ubIicalion by lhe Academy of lhe ImmacuIale
|academyoflheimmacuIale.comj, IO 3003, Nev
edford, MA, 02741-3003.
2014 Academy of lhe ImmacuIale
AII righls reserved
<,; 7.#;$//, /,7.#$%#,;
March 25, 2014
The ermission of lhe sueriors is a decIaralion of
lhe Roman CalhoIic Church lhal a vork is free from
error in mauers of failh and moraIs, bul in no vay
does il imIy lhal she endorses lhe conlenls of lhe
ISN: 978-1-60114-065-4
TabIe of Contents
Dedicalion xiii
Ireface xv
The SchoIaslic Inigma of !"#$" &'#"()*+,#-"." 5
1.0 Gregory Nazianzen's (c.329c.390)
Designalion of lhe VM as '#/0".1"#.1($2" 18
1.1 ConlexluaIizalion of Gregory's Argumenls
vilhin His 3+(#" (c.380) 24
1.2 Gregory Nazianzens IaraIIeI belveen lhe
Iurihcalions of }esus and Mary 26
2.0 The '#/0".1"#.1($2" in Ialrislic TheoIogy "4
!(5.(6 7#(-/#$$ (6lh cenlury) 29
3.0 Sl. Sohronius lhe HagiooIile (560638) and
lhe Ireurihed One 30
4.0 The !"-$2.(#$,6 (680681) and Ils
Conhrmalion of lhe Ireurihed One 37
5.0 Sl. }ohn Damascene (675/6749): lhe
81#92/##1/"2 and lhe '#/0".1"#.1($2" 39
5.1 }ohn Damascene and His Adolion of lhe
MarioIogicaI Tradilion of lhe :"-$"26/2 of lhe
'#/0".1"#.1($2" 43
5.2 }ohn Damascene: A TheoIogian Iresenled vilh
a MarioIogicaI IrobIem 51
5.3 }ohn Damascene and lhe MiracuIous
Ireurihcalion of lhe VM's IIesh 52
5.4 }ohn Damascene's Inleresl in lhe Concelion of
lhe VM 59
6.0 Sl. Nicehorus of ConslanlinoIe (758828) and
lhe Ireurihed One 62
7.0 The ;/<,2 =1(/>/-$<,2 of lhe Lilurgy and lhe
'#/0".1"#.1($2" 64
8.0 asiI lhe Leasl, isho of Caesarea
(10lh cenlury): a MarioIogicaI Thread inlo
Chrislianily's Second MiIIennium 66
9.0 Andrev Libadenus (c.1308c.1361): a Lasl
MedievaI Wilness 67
?@ !AB=A! '?=CD! 69
10.0 The IaIamile ackground lo Mark of Ihesus'
MarioIogy 70
10.1 Gregory IaIamas: lhe HoIy Hesychasl as
Gregory Nazianzen Redivivus 72
10.2 Gregory IaIamas: a Second Slage of lhe
Tradilion of lhe '#/0".1"#.1($2" 77
10.3 The Crovning Touch of IaIamas' Doclrine of
lhe E".1"#.1($2" 79
10.4 Theohanes of Nicaea (1 1380): a IaIamile
Wilness of lhe '#/0".1"#.1($2" 82
10.5 (Sl.) NichoIas CabasiIas (1 1391): IaIamile and
Chamion of lhe F66"<,>"."! 85
10.6 }oseh ryennius (1 c. 1430):lhe
'#/0".1"#.1($2" and lhe Menlor of Mark
Iugenicus 90
11.0 Mark Iugenicus (. 1422): a Learned DisciIe
of IaIamile Maslers 93
11.1 Mark Iugenicus: lhe Monk and MarioIogisl (.
osl 1422) 95
11.2 Mark Iugenicus: Devolee of Our Lady of lhe
Way (:/4G-G.#$") 98
11.3 Mark Iugenicus' Sludy of IaIamism as a
IreIude lo His MarioIogicaI Insighl (1430's) 101
12.0 Mark's Iirsl Anlirrhelic againsl ManueI
KaIekas: lhe Conlexl of a Work Iromoling lhe
'#/0".1"#.1($2" 107
12.1 Mark's HisloricaI ?,<./#$."2 among Roman
CalhoIic TheoIogians 111
12.2 ConlexluaIizalion of Mark Iugenicus as a
CalhoIic TheoIogian (c.14376 }uIy 1439) 113
13.0 Marks Marian Conlribulion: Mary in lhe
Midsl of IaIamile TheoIogy 118
13.1 '#/0".1"#.1($2":lhe Ihesine's AH<,#2,2 inlo
MarioIogy 119
13.2 The '#/0".1"#.1($2" a roos AII Olher
Divinized MorlaIs 127
13.3 The '#/0".1"#.1($2": lhe Sub|ecl of a Irofuse
Irevenienl Grace 137
13.4 Mark Iugenicus' C(22/,#<(6(5. a roos Sl.
Alhanasius of AIexandria (c.296373) 142
13.5 }uslihcalion: Sucienl Reason for Marys
Sobriquel The urning ush 148
14.0 The '#/0".1"#.1($2", Iugenicus, and lhe
ImmacuIale Concelion al aseI-Ierrara-
IIorence 157
14.1 Mark's Consciousness of lhe ImmacuIale
Concelion al lhe CounciI of Ierrara-IIorence:
George-Gennadius SchoIarius (c.1400c.1472)
15.0 IniliaI ConcIusions:a Lalino-SchoIaslic
ImmacuIisl Resonse lo Ob|eclions a roos
!"#$" ',#-"." 170
15.1 IinaI ConcIusions:The InlerIay belveen lhe
yzanlino-IaIamile and ImmacuIisl-Scolislic
Tradilion 180
A Lexicon for yzanline MarioIogy and TheoIogicaI
AIhabelicaI Index of Names for rief
A Recommendalion of Rev. Ir. Chrisliaan W. Kaes'
ook on MarioIogy 251
Index: Names and Key Words 254
Wilhoul lhe suorl and lhe generosily of
numerous ersons, lhis vork vouId nol have been
ossibIe. Therefore, I am Ieased lo dedicale lhis vork
lo lhose resonsibIe for my educalion. Above aII, I
exress my hearlfeIl gralilude lo lhe foIIoving:
Thc Mnst Rcvcrcnd Dr. Char!cs Mnrcrnd, OP,
Bishnp nI Lausannc, Gcncva and Fribnurg, for
encouraging me in lhe sludy of yzanline Thomism
and yzanline IhiIosohy and for his recommendalion
for my osl-graduale sludies in Greece,
His Excc!!cncy Mr. Chris Lazaris, Ambassadnr tn
Egypt, for his generous assislance and kindness lo me
afler my osl-graduale seIeclion for sludies in Alhens.
Wilhoul his eorls I couId nol have begun my sludies
in yzanline lheoIogy,
Dr. Athanasia G!ycnIrydi-Lcnntsini, Univcrsity nI
Athcns, for her generous lime and assislance al lhe
Universily of Alhens and for inlroducing me lo lhe
yzanline Thomism of Demelrius Cydones,
Thc Mnst Rcv. Dr. Kyri!!ns Katcrc!ns, Bishnp
nI Avidnu, for his friendshi, his assislance al lhe
Universily of Alhens, and his encouragemenl in lhe
comIelion of my docloraI sludies,
Thc Mnst Rcv. Dr. E!pidnphnrns, Mctrnpn!itan
Archbishnp nI Bursa, for his generosily in direcling
my osl-graduale sludies al lhe ArislolIe Universily
in ThessaIoniki, vhich Ied lo my arecialion of
lhe lheoIogicaI insighls of Gregory IaIamas, Mark
Iugenicus, and Gennadius SchoIarius.
AddilionaIIy, I aIso vouId Iike lo exress my
hearlfeIl arecialion lo Mr. and Mrs. Slehen Kaes
for lheir heIfuI suggeslions and correclions of lhe
originaI drafl of lhe resenl lexl in honor of our aII-
ImmacuIale Lady, lhe 89.%+%=%/ and Iessed Virgin
T.oio O.o:ox., oooov qjo,.
+u_qv qyvio., ioi ooo io0qyioo.,
voov .iyooo+o, _oq+iiov . .of, oiqvqv
.oiooq+ov, .u_ov +..vo,, q ..\.uoi,, +of
Hovoyiou Hv.uo+o,, ioi (oq, oyvqv Mq+.o.
The overshadoving of lhe AII-HoIy Siril urihed
her souI and comIeleIy haIIoved her body, lhen
conslrucled a lemIe, having consecraled me as an
ensouIed conlainer of God, a divineIy decoraled lenl,
and lhe chasle Molher of Life!
|rcn inc Tnc Cancn cj jcnn Oanasccnc
cn inc jcasi cj Annunciaiicn
1.0 Grcgnry Nazianzcn's (c.329c.390) Dcsignatinn
nI thc BVM as '#/0".1"#.1($2"
AIlhough Gregory Nazianzens MarioIogicaI use
of 7#%="+9"#/$/ (reurihcalion) is nol unknovn among
Roman CalhoIic and Orlhodox lheoIogians (quca!
>.#?,;), il is queslionabIe vhelher or nol many of
lhem have given sucienl sace lo Gregorys doclrine
of reurihcalion (quca! scnicniian). The hrsl
seclions of lhis sludy viII aueml lo bring lo fruilion
lhe seminaI argumenls roosed some lime ago by
ManueI CandaI.
A modern-Ianguage anaIysis of lhe rehx re-,
as veII as lhe IngIish comound vord uri-hcalion,
naluraIIy drav one lo infer lhal somelhing suIIied
needs lo be made cIean before il asses on lo a
subsequenl slage. This deconlexluaIized dehnilion
of lhe lerm 7#%="+9"#+9.$/" has Iong caused confusion
among nol a fev Orlhodox lheoIogians (and Lalin
SchoIaslics), eseciaIIy during lhe eriod surrounding
lhe faII of ConslanlinoIe (1453).
Yel, in order lo
suIy a correcl inlerrelalion of Gregory Nazianzen's
semanlics of lhe lerm, ve viII hrsl need lo Iook al his
emIoymenl of lhis vord vilhin lhe conlexl of his
olher aulhenlic vorks. OnIy lhen may ve aueml lo
lransIale lhe ;."0$0' of lhis lerm as lhe aulhor mosl
IikeIy inlended il.
Of course, Gregory did nol oerale in a vacuum.
He vas confronled vilh lhe Greek vocabuIary of bolh
lhe OId and lhe Nev Teslamenls (hereafler, OT &
M. C.Nu.i, La Virgen Sanlisima 'reurihcada' en su Anunciacin, in
3#$.0+"&$" <9#$/+$"0" @.#$%-$(" 31 (1965) 241276.
M. }ioii, I|nnacu|cc Ccnccpiicn !ans ||criiurc sainic ci !ans |a ira!iiicn
cricnia|c. ciu!c nisicricc-!ccirina|c, Rome 1952, . 314347.
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
NT). Iven if many ScriluraI queslions (Iike lhe OT
and NT canon) had nol been dehniliveIy seuIed in his
lime, lhe GoseI of Sl. Luke roved lo be a hay &%(,/
+9.%&%'$(,/ universaIIy acceled by lhe Greek Ialhers.
Yel, desile ils soIid slanding, Luke's vocabuIary vas
cause for concern and caulion on lhe queslion of lhe
ersonaI and riluaI hoIiness of }esus and Mary. These
bibIicaI concerns are IikeIy lhe source of Gregory's
exIoralion of lhe VM under lhe quasi-lilIe of
oxo0o0.ioo, or a voman vho vas reviousIy
urihed. Luke's GoseI is lhe source of consideralion
for bolh }esus and Mary under lhe rubric of urihed
ersons. The IvangeIisl vriles:
And vhen lhe days of lheir |sciI., }esus' and
Mary'sj urihcalion (xo0otojoi oi:ov) vere
fuIhIIed according lo lhe Lav of Moses |.j (4,=.
2: 22)
Though ve do nol vish lo become unduIy
dislracled vilh lhe riluaI asecl of }esus' (and Mary's)
urihcalion afler His circumcision,
il is sliII vorlh
noling lhal lhis assage demands a lheoIogicaI
exIanalion, since il seems lo indicale lhal Chrisl vas
a.) riluaIIy imure, b.) in need of a IilurgicaI remedy,
c.) obedienl lo lhis recel, d.) al Ieasl remoleIy reIaled
lo sin, by lhe facl lhal lhe Mosaic Iav (from lhe NT
erseclive) vas a resuIl of lhe moraI fauIl of Adam
and vas imosed on mankind in need of |uslihcalion.
Whalever lhe nalure of lhis Iack of |uslihcalion, ils
Kot o:. ..qo0qoov ot qj.ot :oi xo0otojoi oi:ov xo:o :ov vojov
Moio.o, j.} (4,=. 2: 22).
Cf. 4.>$+$(,/ 12: 48.
+ni v.+is+ic +.ui+ioN niioi v.i.xisx
dearlh vas universaI and aecled each inslanlialion
of human nalure foIIoving Adam and Ive's faII.
SecondIy, Luke uses his ovn seciaIized
vocabuIary (borroved from lhe OT) lo describe a
arlicuIar kind of grace oured oul uon Chrisl (and
And |}ohnj vas reaching a balism of
reenlance unlo lhe remission of sins |.j And afler
}esus vas balized |.j }esus, fuII of lhe HoIy Siril
(.qq, v.ijo:o, oioi), relurned back from lhe
}ordan (4,=. 3: 3, 21, 4: 1).
efore confronling lhese lvo imorlanl lexls,
one musl nole lhal ?%+9 }esus "0- Mary undergo
urihcalions "2+.# +9. :0("#0"+$%0. Luke's use of
xo0otojo, furnishes his reader vilh a concel
simiIar lo Nazianzen's slrange lilIe for Mary, lhe
Lels Iook al Gregory's oralion
from lhe feasl of lhe Theohany, vhich deaIs vilh
($0+.# "&$") lhe alism of lhe Lord:
See A%;"0/ 3: 2224. N.., vilh bolh Aquinas and Scolus (above) lhis
assage of Sl. IauI is lhe slrongesl argumenl .B ",(+%#$+"+. againsl Mary's
aII-ure hrsl momenl of exislence and reservalion from OriginaI Sin. As
ve deveIo lhe yzanline doclrine of Mary ImmacuIale in subsequenl
seclions, il viII become cIear lhal yzanline lheoIogy concenlrales on lhe
VM's absoIuleIy immacuIale exislence. This oinl of focus may imIy
Mary's concelion as veII. Hovever, given lhe various lheories of lhe
rocess and slrucluraI momenls of concelion, yzanline lheoIogy's
focus on Mary's diachronic exislence is lheoIogicaIIy more recise. This
mode of aroaching lhe VM's nalure vas aIready menlioned in: M.
Gouiiio, L'ImmacoIala Concezione neIIa marioIogia dei aIamili, in
C$#'% :;;"(,&"+" 4, . 172.
xot q.0.v .i, ooov j:qv} .ioov :oi |ooovoi xqiooov po:tojo
j.:ovoio, .i, o.otv ojo:tov j.} xot |qooi po:to0.v:o, j.} |qooi,
o. .qq, v.ijo:o, oioi i.o:.].v oo :oi |ooovoi j.}
The 89./",#,/ 4$0',". 6#".(". records some severaI inslances of lhis
MarioIogicaI lerm being used from Homeric limes lo ..u. 1453. Cf.
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
And in every vay He became a man, save sin,
for He has been conceived from a virgin, afler she
had been reurihed (oxo0o0.ioq,) vilh
resecl lo souI and body lhrough lhe HoIy Siril
(for il vas necessary lhal His birlh be honored, and
virginily be honored rior lo lhal), and in every
vay He vas born a man, save sin |.j
In his Iasler oralion, Gregory reeals verbalim
lhe assage above.
Whal ve hnd vilh Gregory
(vilhoul conlexluaIizing his vocabuIary) is somelhing
(7#$;" 2"($.) lroubIing. The Virgin aears lo undergo
revenienl urihcalion |from sinfuIness`j in souI and
body. Yel, Gregory rovides his hearers vilh a frame
of reference lhrough lhoughl araIIeIs, nameIy: |usl
Gioov N.zi.NziN, :0 89.%79"0$": 3#"+$%0 38 (IG 36, 325 4142):
Kot ov:o iv.:ot, .qv :q, ojo:io,, ov0oo, xot ooxo
oxo0o0.ioq, :o |v.ijo:t (.o.t o xot .vvqotv :tjq0qvot, xot
o0.viov o:tjq0qvot) xot ov:o iv.:ot, .qv :q, ojo:io,,
ov0oo, j.} (.i, :o O.oovto 13, II. 2529). N.., lhe 7#%="+9"#+9.$/"
may be rendered in Lalin as 7#".7,#'"+" (Cf. IG 36, 326 4142). Comare
lhis lexl vilh iu., in Sancia Pascna. Oraiicn 45 (IG 36, 633C 78): .t :qv
ioiov .ixovo o.t, xot ooxo o.t oto :qv ooxo, xot ]i vo.o oto
:qv .jqv ]iqv jivi:ot, :o ojoio :o ojotov ovoxo0oiov xot ov:o
iv.:ot, .qv :q, ojo:io,, ov0oo, xiq0.t, j.v .x :q, |o0.voi, xot
]iqv xot ooxo oxo0o0.ioq, :o |v.ijo:t (.o.t o, xot .vvqotv
:tjq0qvot, xot o0.viov o:tjq0qvot) j.} Hovever, lhe hisloricaI
Lalin lradilion for lhe VM under lhis eilhel begins much earIier vilh
Ruhnus (1410), vho lransIales 7#%="+9"#+9.$/" inlo lhe vord immacuIale.
See Gioov N.zi.NziN, Oc |pipnaniis, in Tqranii |uni craiicnun Grcgcrii
Naziazcni nctcn inicrprciaiic, ed. A. IngeIbrechl (Corus Scrilorum
Lalinorum IccIesiaslicorum 46.1), Lisiae 1910, . 100.
Viz., |n Sancia Pascna. Oraiicn 45 (IG 36). N.., lhere is a somevhal comIex
hislory lo exIain lhe verbalim shared lexls in lhese lvo oralions. In
facl, lhe Iasler oralion is robabIy lhe source for Gregory's Theohany
cilalion. See G. G.svi, Ansc|n cj Canicr|urrq an! His Tncc|cgica|
Signicancc, urIinglon, VT 2004, . 150151. AddilionaIIy, lhe beginning
of Nazianzen's onlihcale coincides vilh rise of Chrislmas ceIebralions
al ConslanlinoIe. On lhe Sunday before Chrislmas lhe GoseI of Luke
and lhe Annuncialion IikeIy Iayed a IilurgicaI roIe. As such, yzanline
IilurgicaI ceIebralion of Mary as 89.%+%=%/ robabIy began al lhis lime.
See I. C.i.niio, The LilurgicaI CuIl of Mary in lhe Iasl and Wesl, in
1"0-?%%=, . 255256.
+ni v.+is+ic +.ui+ioN niioi v.i.xisx
as (irlh) is lo H(onor), so V(irginily) is lo H(onor)
lhough lemoraIIy (and quaIilaliveIy) rior. If ve Iel
'X' sland for Chrisl, ve can divine much of Gregory's
meaning from lhe lexl:
X vas necessary by a V, rovided lhal V is
reurihed by H(oIy)S(iril), lhus, is lo H, as V
is lo H.
We can read lhal H has vaIue because of lhe rior
VH. X requires V's reurihcalion by HS. In lhis
argumenl, Gregory seems lo |uslify Mary's roduclion
of a /$0&.// human nalure of Chrisl lhrough her ovn
sorl of araIIeI exerience via lhe HoIy Siril (i.e.,
sinIess nalure begels sinIess nalure). Iurlhermore, in
conlexl, he auaches lhe honorihc-sinIess birlh of Chrisl
lo Mary's rior honorihc-sinIess virginily. Though lhis
exIanalion does nol absoIuleIy necessilale Mary's
sinIessness from concelion, ve shouId kee in mind
lhal Chrisl HimseIf venl lhrough a simiIar urihcalion
al his ovn alism and al lhe Circumcision and
Iresenlalion. This conlexl salisfacloriIy exIains vhy
lhe Nazianzen's conlemorary (Ruhnus of AquiIeia)
feIl al ease lransIaling Nazianzen's oxo0o0.ioo
inlo Lalin as $;;"(,&"+". Ruhnus inlerrels Gregory's
c. 398399 oralion as saying:
The dale of comosilion is accuraleIy knovn due lo Sl. }erome's resonse
lo Ruhnus by 402. See CSIL, . xviii. N.., Ruhnus' lransIalions vere
shared vilh his one-lime inlimale }erome for his commenl. Ior lhis reason,
lhere are circumslanliaI reasons for beIieving lhal }erome's doclrine of
virginily being said of lhe angeIs (due lo lhe univocaI idea of incorrulion)
may accounl for lhe inlerrelalion of Nazianzen's leaching in lhis vay.
}erome may |uslify Ruhnus' ovn lransIalion vilh lhe vord $;;"(,&"+" (cf.
$02#", n. 397). The associalion of lhe VM's virginily vilh incorrulibiIily is
aIso a conlemorary Greek doclrine (c.390/395) in: Gioov Nvss., 4" >$.
-. !%D/., ed. }. DanieIou (Sources chreliennes 1.2), Iaris 1968
, . 118: j.}
otoooxoj.0o xot :o xo:o :qv |o0.vov jio:qtov o q, :o :q, 0.o:q:o,
o, .t.oj]ov :o ov0oivo pio oto .vvqo.o, ooto0oov .i.o.
:qv .o]ooov 0ojvov, :oi p.oo:oi :q, o0.vio, jq xo:ojoov0.v:o,
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
And He is made man vilhoul sin lhrough aII.
He vas broughl forlh from a virgin, herseIf loo
immacuIale ($;;"(,&"+") in souI and body, for il
vas necessary indeed lhal lhe birlhing of a human
crealion be honored, yel il vas necessary lhal
lhe gIory of virginily be reviousIy more highIy
Keeing in mind Gregory's originaI lexl, Iel's
nole lhe causaIily: (1.) lhe HS causes bolh VH and V
lo be reurihed, (2.) VH and V reurihed are
:o :oxo (E. >$+" !%/$/, 2.21, II. 15). TransIalion: We are laughl loo
aboul lhe myslery (on lhe sub|ecl of lhe Virgin), from vhom lhe Iighl
of lhe divinily shone uon human Iife via birlh. |This Iighlj kindIed lhe
incorrulibIe bush, afler lhe bIasluIa of lhe Virgin did nol cause her lo
vilher lhrough chiIdbirlh.
The Iaslern lradilion of lhe :;;"(,&"+" does nol have Iong lo vail in order
lo be huingIy rendered inlo Lalin: |i i pcr cnnia ncnc a|squc pcccaic
c!iius cx tirginc ciian ipsa anina ci ccrpcrc innacu|aia, cpcric|ai cnin ncncrari
qui!cn naiitiiaicn nunanac ccn!iiicnis, g|crian iancn tirginiiaiis pracjcrri (:0
|pipnaniis, 13, II. 1922). See Gioov N.zi.NziN, Oc |pipnaniis, in CSIL
46.1, . 100. Il is ossibIe lhal lhis Lalin lradilion of lhe prckainarincisa-
$;;"(,&"+" lakes ils oinl du dearl in SchoIaslic lheoIogy via Sl. AnseIm
of Canlerbury. See G.svi, Ansc|n cj Canicr|urq., . 150. AnseIm's lhree
aulhenlic Marian rayers can be daled lo 10731074. See R.W. Soi+niN,
Si. Ansc|n. a Pcriraii in a Ian!scapc, Cambridge 2000, . 107. Gaser cIaims
anilies belveen Gregory and AnseIm (7#%="+9"#+9.$/" ;,0-"+").
Though Gaser is correcl lo refer lo Nazianzen's ('#".(.) reurihed
(oxo0o0.ioo), Ruhnus' Lalin lransIalion (i.e., $;;"(,&"+") viII nol
do lhe necessary vork for AnseIm lo see lhis conneclion. SliII, AnseIm
seems lo araIIeI lhe Damascene's urgans vilh his mundans. This
Iink is secured in his MarioIogy: Qua|iicr auicn tirgc ca!an pcr !cn anic
ipsan ccnccpiicncn nun!aia sii j.} (E. (%0(.7+, >$#'$0"&$ 18, II. 2425).
In lhe resenl aulhor's |udgmenl, Gaser Iacks an underslanding of lhe
lerminoIogy of Gregory's Greek oralion (in addilion lo misunderslanding
Ruhnus' $;;"(,&"+" as referring lo lhe VM's body). These unforlunale
Iacunae and errors Iead him lo misinlerrel AnseIm's use of urihcalion
(or reurihcalion). AnseIm's reference lo Mary as one of lhe famous
urihed (;,0-"+$) "0+. 0"+$>$+"+.; <9#$/+$ indeed calegorizes lhe VM's
reurihcalion among olher famous reurihcalions, of vhich lhe Iaslern
Ialhers seak vilh regard lo OT Irohels $0 ,+.#%. Ior AnseIm, Mary
cerlainIy exceeds lhe reurihcalions of }ohn lhe alisl, elc. (sciI., Mary
;,0-$//$;", cf. E. (%0(.7+, >$#'$0"&$, 18, II. 1213). Cf. SAOO 2, . 119 (<,#
E.,/ 1%;%, II.16, II. 2035), cp.cii., . 139 (E. (%0(.7+, >$#'$0"&$, 18, II. 1225).
+ni v.+is+ic +.ui+ioN niioi v.i.xisx
a necessary condilion for/causes of H (i.e., sinIess
human nalure).
SlrangeIy, Gregory exIains lhal Chrisl is sinIess
|ccausc cj Marqs tirginiiq. In order lhal ve mighl
undersland 9%F lhal makes sense, he informs us lhal a
lemoraIIy rior reurihed virgin ?%+9 eIevales lhe
vaIue of virginily "0- makes Chrisl's birlh somelhing
of honor. Whalever lhe nalure of reurihcalion il is
cIearIy a necessary condilion bolh for lhe Savior's birlh
lo have honor and lo exIain His ovn sinIessness.
Therefore, lhis reurihcalion is eilher a necessary
condilion or a cause of lhe reaIizalion of lhe Redeemer
in lhe conlingenl order of crealion.
1.1 Cnntcxtua!izatinn nI Grcgnry's Argumcnts
within His 3+(#" (c.380)
The nexl IogicaI sle lo divining Gregory's
meaning musl be by reference lo his ovn lhoughl in
olher Iaces. Al lhis oinl CandaI's excelionaI arlicIe
on lhe VM as prcpurica!a comes inlo Iay. CandaI
noles lvo imorlanl assages for inlerreling Marys
The hrsl is mosl reIevanl, Iocaled in
Gregory's same Theohany oralion:
So lhen, a IiuIe Ialer, you viII see loo }esus
urified (xo0otoj.vov)
(in Iace of my
urihcalion) in lhe }ordan, bul beuer, He vas
Gregory's Theohany sermon is daled c. 380381. See . D.iiv, 6#.'%#5
cj Nazianzus (The IarIy Chrislian Church Ialhers), Nev York 2006, . 117.
C.Nu.i, La Virgen Sanlisima 'reurihcada'. , . 253.
Gregory's lheoIogicaI consideralions of }esus' balism may be guided by
one of lhe severaI manuscrils lhal read: Kot o:. ..qo0qoov ot qj.ot
:oi xo0otojoi oi:oi xo:o :ov vojov Moio.o, |.j (4,=. 2: 22). The
emhasis on ",+%, dravs auenlion lo minor readings lhal secify lhal %0&5
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
making hoIy lhe valers ?5 urihcalion (for indeed
He vas in no need of urihcalion, since He is lhe
one laking avay lhe sin of lhe vorId).
@#$;" 2"($., Gregorys lheoIogicaI asserlion shouId
ordinariIy shock lhe casuaI bul ious reader. Hov is il
ossibIe lo enlerlain any sorl of concel of a urihed
Chrisl` Yel, for our uroses, il demonslrales lhal lhe
dierence belveen lhe urihed Virgin and lhe urihed
Chrisl nov aears lo be one of mere lemoraIily. }usl
as a 7#$%# eIevalion of virginily vas earIier required as
a condilion for lhe eIevalion of (vhal vouId olhervise
be) mere chiIdbirlh (and lhe resuIlanl >$/$?&. human
nalure), so loo lhe VM undervenl a 7#$%# urihcalion
(i.e., reurihcalion), since Chrisl HimseIf vouId Ialer
undergo His ovn urihcalion al His balism.
Of course, Gregory is veII avare of lhe rimary
and normalive meaning of lhe rool kalhair (I cIean).
Gregorys vorks bear lhis oul, as CandaI has accuraleIy
noled. Oflen urifying and reurifying conlain
lhe idea of removing an obslacIe. In lhe Iife of lhe
souI lhis naluraIIy refers lo a ersonaI or moraI fauIl.
Hovever, Gregory is using urify in an equivocaI
sense here. We hnd ourseIves conslrained, aIong vilh
}esus (nol Mary) vas urihed in lhe lemIe. The crilicaI edilion of lhe NT
reads oi:ov. Cf. NT: "77"#"+,/ (#$+$(,/, . 185.
N.zi.NziN, |n Tnccpnania. Oraiicn 38 (IG 36, 329 5660): Mtxov j.v oiv
io:.ov o].t xot xo0otoj.vov |qooiv .v :o |ooov :qv .jqv xo0ootv
jo..ov o. ovi(ov:o : xo0oo.t :o ioo:o (oi o oq oi:o, .o.t:o
xo0oo.o,, o otov :qv ojo:iov :oi xoojoi) j.} (.i, :o O.oovto, 16,
II. 15). N.., ="+9"$#%;.0%/ :G/%,/ may be rendered in Lalin as 7,#'"+,/
:./,/ (cf. IG 36, 330 5758). This lradilion of :./,/ urihcalus enlered
inlo Wesl via Ruhnus (1410), lhus: |i pau|c qui!cn pcsi ti!c|is ciian ucnic
|cr!anis puricari |csun, sc! puricaiicncn ncan, innc pciius sui puricaiicnc
sanciicanicn aquasncn cnin ipsc puricaiicnc in!igc|ai qui ic||ii pcccaiun
nun!i j.} (|pipnania 16, II. 1518) See CSIL, . 104.
N.., 4,=. 3: 3 cIassihes }ohn lhe alisl's balism as a riluaI for lhe
reenlance unlo lhe forgiveness of sins.
+ni v.+is+ic +.ui+ioN niioi v.i.xisx
CandaI, lo admil lhal onIy lhe foIIoving meanings of
urihcalion are ossibIe in lhe overaII conlexl:
a.) Il is an exlerior sign oinling lo an oulouring
of a grace on a erson
b.) Il is an evenl vhich beseaks a seciaI
rearalion for ersonaI meril
1.2 Grcgnry Nazianzcns Para!!c! bctwccn thc
Puricatinns nI Jcsus and Mary
Yel, an ob|eclor mighl sliII vish lo rolesl
lhis exegesis of our TheoIogian, since Gregory
cIearIy aIerls his hearer lo a (">."+ vilh resecl lo
Chrisl's urihcalion, nameIy, he denies lhal }esus'
urihcalion is due lo sin. If Gregory vished his
reader lo lhink of lhe VM in a araIIeI manner
vilhin his oralion, vouId he nol be required lo
make his inlenlions knovn by means of an equaIIy
exIicil admonilion` Though lhis ob|eclion is
reasonabIe, il uIlimaleIy serves lo condemn lhe iely
of our hyolhelicaI inlerIoculor, for Gregory aIso
scandaIousIy vriles in a Iasl cilalion:
Nor vas a morlaI man fashioned by lhe ov of
morlaI seed: yel, lhus, He's from human esh.
Thal non-bride failhfuI Molher, lhe Siril urihed
rior (jvto. oo0.v),
As man, a conhned morlaI, He came: bul He vas
urihed (xo0qo:o) for my sake.
C.Nu.i, La Virgen Sanlisima 'reurihcada'. , . 253.
This is his dogmalic oem in Gioov N.zi.NziN, |.t oto0qxov xot, Xto:oi. Carnina |X (IG 37, 462A): Oio. io.t po:.
po:o, ...:o, .x o oo ooxo,, Tqv |v.ij jvto. oo0.v ovij.o
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
In his dogmalic oelry, Gregory resenls his
reader vilh a concise rearmalion of lhe revious
lvo oralions from Theohany and Iasler. Here, any
inlerrelalion of Gregory's use of urihcalion
necessariIy Iinking il lo moraI fauIl faIIs al on ils
face. Chrisl's ovn urihcalion is nov dehniliveIy
Iinked vilh lhe VM's rior sanclihcalion (i.e.,
The araIIeI is nov exacl! Iach vas
a urihed arlaker of lhe same arlicuIar esh (bolh
bioIogicaIIy and vilh resecl lo human nalure). The
inevilabIe resuIl shouId be a araIIeI exemlion from
any lainl of sin in .$+9.# Chrisl %# Mary.
In Gregory's lheoIogicaI lhoughl, lhen,
urihcalion may addilionaIIy be used for a rocess
lhal assumes a |uslihed and hoIy souI receiving
grace. In a Iasl assage, Nazianzen furlher |uslihes
lhis read vhen he reecls on IauIine lheoIogy.
In H <%#$0+9$"0/ 1: 30 lhe Redeemer is caIIed bolh
man's |uslihcalion (otxotooivq) and his hoIiness
(otoojo,). The imIicalions of IauI's assage are
lhal |uslihcalon is foIIoved by a ;%-,/ >$>.0-$ lhrough
some sorl of accomanying suernaluraI grace
(9"'$"/;%/). Gregory vriles of IauI's lerminoIogy:
jq:.o x.ovqv, Ai:ooq, po:o, q.0., xo0qo:o o .tv.x (E.
8./+";.0+$/ .+ "->.0+, <9#$/+$, II. 6870). This vork is ranked among lhe
TheoIogian's aulhenlic comosilions. See <@6 5, . 189.
AddilionaIIy, vhen seaking of Chrisl (vilh resecl lo H <%#$0+9$"0/
1:30), Gregory exIicilIy considers otoojo, as an equivaIenl lo
xo0oo:q,. Iurlhermore, he goes so far lo say: Whal is cIean gives
sace lo urihcalion. Gioov N.zi.NziN, Grcgcr tcn Nazianz. Oic junj
+9.%&%'$/(9.0 A.-.0, ed. }. arbeI, DsseIdorf 1963, . 192: otxotooivq o.,
o:t :oi o, oiov otot.:q,, xot otot:ov otxoio, :ot, io vojov xot :ot,
io otv, ]i xot oojo:t j.} otoojo, o., o, xo0oo:q,, tvo oq:ot
:o xo0oov xo0oo:q:t (E. I$&$%, 20, II. 3237).
+ni v.+is+ic +.ui+ioN niioi v.i.xisx
ul hoIiness (otoojo,) is |usl Iike urily
(xo0oo:q,), so lhal vhal is ure (:o xo0oov)
gives sace lo urily (xo0oo:q:t).
In concIusion, lhe Nazianzen is hay lo Iink
being haIIoved vilh being ure. In lhe case of
}esus and Mary, Chrisl is our |uslice and hoIiness,
vhich is anolher vay of saying our urily.
Whalever lhe nalure of reurihcalion il seems
lo incIude aIso lhe concel of being in lhe slale of
|uslihcalion and lhe hoIiness of Iife lhal roceeds
from il. In Mary's case, one exIicil manifeslalion
of her exislenl |uslihcalion and hoIiness vas al
lhe Incarnalion. This is incredibIy signihcanl, since
Chrisl had nol redeemed lhe vorId lemoraIIy as of
yel. Thus, lhe aIicalion of lhe redemlion need nol
be osl-crucihxionaI in rinciIe. As such, our read of
Mary's reurihcalion in lhe Theohany and IaschaI
oralions is slrenglhened by Gregory's inlerrelalion of
cIeanness being a synonym for, or even univocaI lo,
lhe lerm hoIiness. As he exIicilIy remarks, hoIiness
ilseIf need nol imIy a revious slale of uncIeanness.
||i!. The fuII assage viII become imorlanl in lhe fulure, since 9"'$"/;%/
is Iinked vilh bolh |uslihcalion and redemlion. The Greek above reIales:
ul |lhere isj |uslihcalion, because |lherej is one vho is a dislribulor of
vhal reIales lo moraI vorlh lhrough souI and body. WhiIe, loo, He lurns by
enlrealy lo eoIe under lhe Iav and under grace: on one hand, resuIling
in Ieading lhe vay, on lhe olher, being sub|ecliuing lhe slronger againsl
lhe veakervilh lhe resuIl lhal lhe inferior is overlhrovn by vhal is
beuer (cf. H <%#. 1: 29). ul hoIiness is |usl Iike urily, so lhal vhal is ure
gives sace lo urily. ul |lhere isj redemlion, as one freeing us, vho are
heId back by sin, afler He loo aIready made an exchange of HimseIf, as a
urifying rice of reIease of our enlire universe (cf. 1 Ccr. 1: 30).
+ni ixx.cii.+i coNciv+ioN
?@ !AB=A! '?=CD!
Iaslern lheoIogy has Iaid a greal deaI of emhasis
on lhe ="+9"#/$/ or urihcalion lhal Mary undervenl
al lhe momenl of lhe Annuncialion. Il viII be enough
for us lo recaII here lhe moving commenlary of Sl.
Gregory IaIamas on lhis oinl in one of his homiIies:
You are aIready hoIy and fuII of grace, O Virgin, says
lhe angeI lo Mary. ul lhe HoIy Siril viII come uon
you anev and reare you for lhe divine myslery by
an increase of grace.
jcnn Pau| ||, Hcni|q ai |pncsus, 30 Nctcn|cr 1979
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