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Romeo and Juliet - Act 3 Organizer

Figurative Language / Figures of Speech you NEED to know: So i o!uy- when a character, alone on stage, utters his/her thoughts aloud. A usion reference to a historical person, place or event; reference to mythology; reference to another piece of literature (think of hakespeare!s various references to "upid throughout the play#. "ersonification giving human characteristics to inanimate o$%ects A iteration the repetition of the initial consonant. &here should $e at least two repetitions in a row. #etaphor a comparison of two distinctly different things. Si$i e a comparison of two distinctly different things using 'like( or 'as(. Dra$atic %rony& is a situation in which the reader or audience knows more a$out the immediate circumstances or future events of a story than a character within it %$agery descriptive language meant to appeal to one or more of the five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound#

/. (a# 0ow is dramatic irony used $y hakespeare when the >urse finally arrives. ($# -hat is the intended reaction of the audience to the use of this device. +. -hat role does the >urse continue to play here. Act 3) scene 3 *. ?riar @aurence scolds Romeo for his ina$ility to control his passions6 '0old thy desparate hand6/2rt thou a man.( -hat specific advice does he give Romeo in this speech. /. -hat figure of speech does hakespeare use in lines *5+-*55.

Act 3) scene , *. 8n this scene, "apulet and )aris 'arrange( Juliet!s future marriage. 1ake direct reference to the te:t in your answers. a. -hy has "apulet suddenly decided that )aris may wed Juliet. $. 8s this consistent with his character as we have seen it so far. -hy or why not. c. -hat other changes in character do you see in this scene (as compared to *.,#. -hat is the effect of the short time frame (three days# proposed for Juliet!s marriage to )aris.

/. 'ey Scene (uestions answer on a separate piece of paper. )oint- form is fine. Act 3) scene * *. "ount the references to 'heat( in the first +, lines. -hy does hakespeare refer to this. /. (a# -hy does Romeo refuse a duel. ($# 0ow does 1ercutio react to this refusal. +. -hat does 1ercutio mean when he says, '2 plague o! $oth your houses(. (+.*.34# 5. -hat does Romeo!s line6 '7 8 am fortune!s fool( (+.*.*+,# reveal a$out his character. Act 3) scene + *. Juliet!s (a# ($# (c# (d# (e# (f# olilo9uy (lines *-+/#

Act 3) scene *. -hich figure of speech does hakespeare use in lines *-+. /. -hy does @ady "apulet think Juliet is crying. 5. -hat had @ady "apulet come to tell Juliet. Ae specific, make reference to the te:t. ,. 2t the $eginning of the play, Juliet is an o$edient child. 0ow has she changed. <. -hat is "apulet!s ultimatum to Juliet. B. 2t the end of this scene, what does Juliet see as her only options. 1ake reference to the te:t in your answer.

-hat is Juliet thinking a$out during her solilo9uy. -hat figure of speech is $eing used in lines /-+. 0ow does hakespeare use personification in lines *4-**. -hat words are e:amples of alliteration in lines *4-**. ;:plain the $etaphor that hakespeare uses in lines /<-/=. -hat figure of speech does hakespeare use in lines /=-+*.

./A0A.1E0S -hat is going on with each character in this 2ct2 3hat are his/ her significant actions) fee ings) thoughts2 Reference specific 9uotations for each character.

-hat is going on with each character in this 2ct. 3hat are his/ her significant actions) fee ings) thoughts2 Reference specific 9uotations for each character.

"apulets Juliet

1ontagues 1ercutio

>urse Aenvolio

&y$alt Romeo

@ord "apulet

?riar @aurence @ady "apulet


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