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Small Ensemble Test (SET) #2

Overview Mrs. Shatto will split the choir up into small ensembles consisting of eight singers (two per voice part). These octets will be asked to perform Now is the Month of Maying, focusing on producing correct diction, intonation, accuracy, balance, and vowels. As some voice parts are smaller than others, some singers will be asked to perform more than once. The first performance of each student will be his or her test. Objectives This SET will fulfill the following objectives as outlined in the Spring 2014 Syllabus: 1. Perform an appropriate instrumental or vocal part demonstrating rhythms and pitch accuracy, articulation and expression, following the cues from a conductor. 2. Read music that contains level-appropriate technical demands, expanded ranges, and varied interpretive requirements. 3. Perform in groups, blending vocal/instrumental sounds, matching dynamics, breath control, phrasing, and interpretation in response to the conductor. 4. Perform in a small ensemble or as a soloist using appropriate musical technique. 5. Interpret/perform a musical selection, respecting the intent of its creator. 6. Demonstrate interpersonal skills by working collaboratively and productively with others. 7. Perform level-appropriate musical works with expression and technical accuracy. Grading Please see the attached GRADING RUBRIC for detailed information on how you will be graded. Each student will be individually graded on the following items: 1. Correct words and dictionall the verses of the song must be sung in the correct order; each student is responsible for producing correct diction of the consonants F, L, M, and N. 2. Voice part is clearly heardeach voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) is clearly heard both alone and with the group. 3. Intonationeach singer matches their starting pitch, and stays in tune for the entirety of the song. 4. Accuracy of noteseach singer knows his or her notes, and sings them on the correct pitches. He or she does not sing another voice parts notes. Each ensemble will be graded together on the following items: 1. Ensemble balancethe 3 voice parts are balanced amongst each other, meaning no one voice part is louder or softer than another; listening to each voice part is essential to creating a balanced ensemble. Credit will be given for making adjustments to balance if the ensemble notices one voice part overpowering another. 2. Vowelsall vowels must be choral/Latin vowels, also called pure vowels. This requires the jaw to be dropped and space to be within the mouth. The ensemble must make an effort to have their vowels match each other. Final note If a significant portion of the class receives a score of 24/30 or below, I will grade this SET on a curve (meaning the highest score will become 100% and all other scores will be adjusted accordingly).

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