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Internet Resource Guide for Speech Language Pathologists

Leah Byers February 11, 201 !nglish 202"

#able of "ontents
Preface $hat%s in this guide $ho%s the guide for $hat the guide assu&es users 'no( )o( the Guide is organi*ed for use #ips for using the Guide General Information !lectronic +atabase PubMed Go,ern&ent Resources Catalog of U.S Government Publications Statistical Abstract of the United States Professional Information -S)Certified Schools Audiologists Specific Information for Penn State Students Penn State +epart&ent of "o&&unication Sciences and +isorders Undergraduate Clinics and Programs ## #% #3 ! " #$ 5 6 3 3 4 4 4

$hat%s in this guide
#his guide contains infor&ation useful to undergraduates studying co&&unication sciences and disordersIt includes (eb lin's to docu&ents (ith topics for a helpful during the student.s study as (ell as specific areas taught/ #he resources pro,ided gi,e the reader tools leading the& to infor&ation on a topic, finding the right school or the latest ne(s in the &a0or, 0ust to na&e a fe(/ For e1a&ple, one resource identifies schools that you can attend in your state/

$ho%s the guide for

#his guide is for undergraduates attending Pennsyl,ania State 2ni,ersity &a0oring in or considering a degree in co&&unication sciences and disorders// It discusses the professional paths they could ta'e beside speech language pathology/ #here is additional infor&ation regarding continuing education (hen going into graduate school, (hich is helpful to all of those interested/ #here are sources that include course(or' infor&ation, (hich can be beneficial to those (ho (ish to attend or ha,e an interest in the &a0or/ -dditionally, there are sources that &ention organi*ations for those (ho attend Penn State (ill find useful/ #he readers of this guide (ill recei,e helpful infor&ation used during their acade&ic and career life/

Preface (continued)
$hat the guide assu&es users 'no(
#his guide assu&es that readers ha,e an interest in pursuing a degree in co&&unication sciences and disorders/ In addition, the user of this guide (ill benefit no &atter the grade le,el/ $e assu&e the reader has a basic understanding of ho( to use the internet, such as na,igating tool bars for topics/ #his guide (ill gi,e users the tools needed to find infor&ation regarding topics in the field/

)o( the Guide is organi*ed for use

#he organi*ation goes fro& basic infor&ation to topics that are &ore specific co&&only seen and helpful in the field/ #he table of contents helps the user find the topic they (ish to read (ith ease/ It contains go,ern&ent resources used for research and resources co&&only used in the career field/ !ach source contains the (ebsite, abstract and ho( to use it/ -long (ith the abstracts are tips to gi,e the reader infor&ation they &ay ha,e not 'no(n/

#ips for using the Guide

#here are aspects included that aid in na,igating the guide as (ell as tips that (ill ta'e you through the steps in the (ebsite &entioned/ 2se the table of contents3 it follo(s the e1act order of the guide/ !ach section includes the (eb lin'3 clic' the lin's to follo( to the resources used/ #he tips at the end of each section contain infor&ation regarding the resource pro,ided/ For e1a&ple, the tips &ay include ho( to use the search engine on a particular resource that see&s hard to understand/ Re&e&ber to 'eep these in &ind (hile reading the guide/

$eb lin'4 http455(((/libraries/psu/edu5psul5databases/ht&l

Pub6ed is an online database (ith acade&ic 0ournals and boo's that allo(s you to search for topics in health related professions/ #he 7ational "enter for Biotechnology Infor&ation, 7"BI, &ade the database/ Pub6ed contains o,er 12 &illion citations dating fro& the 1890s/ 6ost of the records presented are in the !nglish language3 ho(e,er, co,erage is (orld(ide/ #he database allo(s you to search 0ournals fro& the subscription (ith Penn State/ Penn State students can ha,e access through the lin' abo,e by logging into their account/ It is ,ery useful for (riting research papers/ :nce on the site, the user can type in the search bar their topic on interest/ #here are steps to follo( (hich can &a'e the search easier/

1/ #ype in the topic desired into the search bar/ 2/ :n the left side, go under ;#e1t -,ailability/< Select ;Free full te1t abstract/< =/ #his (ill include search results (ith the full te1t that is free to ,ie(/ :ther options besides the free te1t are a,ailable/ #he user can choose any filters on the left that (ill help in further research of infor&ation/

Catalog of U.S Government Publications

$eb lin'4 http455catalog/gpo/go,5F

#he "atalog of 2/S Go,ern&ent Publications >"GP? (or's as a search engine to retrie,e publications fro& the 2nited States go,ern&ent/ It has o,er @00,000 records, updated daily, and pro,ides a (eb lin' to those a,ailable/ #he "GP can find records as far bac' as the 1A00s, allo(ing a person to find ne( and historical publications/ #hey can search for a docu&ent by 'ey(ord, sub0ect, title, or author/ #he ad,anced search uses different categories li'e (ord5phrase, for&at, year, language, and catalog/ #he "GP (or's for speech pathologist for specific infor&ation in the field/ For instance, if you (anted to learn &ore about aphasia you (ould get access to &ultiple sources, such as a (eb lin'/ #o gain access to an internet resource for aphasia as sho(n abo,e use the follo(ing tips/

1/ :n the "atalog of 2/S Go,ern&ent Publications ho&e page, go to the drop bo1 labeled ;'ey(ord< and select ;title/< 2/ #ype ;aphasia< and clic' ;Go/< =/ "lic' on the title you are interested in, in this case ;-phasia Belectronic resourceC/< Dou are directed to further infor&ation regarding the docu&ent, select the hyperlin' ne1t to the bo1 labeled ;Internet -ccess/<

Statistical Abstract of the United States

$eb lin'4 http455(((/census/go,5co&pendia5statab5

#he Statistical -bstract of the 2nited States co,ers a (ide ,ariety of statistical infor&ation/ #he publishing dates bac' to the late 1A00s and co,er a ,ariety of fields/ #he user can easily find statistics on the internet or in print/ #he site includes sources fro& &any Federal agencies and pri,ate organi*ations/ #here are t(o different (ays of searching on the database/ :ne (ay is the search bar on the top right/ -nother (ay is a &enu of the left/ #he &enu on the left is a list of sections to bro(se, sorted in a ,arious topics, crossing different fields/ :nce the user selects a section, it gi,es either sub0ects to choose fro&, in e1cel or P+F for&at/ For e1a&ple, if the user (ere researching health conditions in children, it (ould be found under the ;)ealth E 7utrition< tab/

1/ #he &enu helps find statistics based on the ,arious sections listed/ For a search that you 'no( falls under the category, use the &enu/ 2/ For specific searches you (ant to find, use the search bar/ Dou can type in the infor&ation you are loo'ing for and results that relate (ill co&e up/

$eb lin'4 http455(((/asha/org5

-S)-, -&erican Speech Language )earing -ssociation, co,ers all aspects in the field of speech and hearing/ It has o,er 199,000 &e&bers consisting of audiologists, speech language pathologists and other speech and hearing related professionals/ -S)- ai&s to supporting these professionals such as by &a'ing ad,ances in science and setting standards/ It is the &ost resourceful tool for anyone studying co&&unication sciences and disorders/ #he (ebsite includes lin's designed for students, audiologists and speech language pathologist/ By clic'ing the lin' labeled ;Speech Language Pathologist< it co,ers a (ide range of infor&ation, specifically ai&ed to the&, such asF/

1/ In the top left hand corner, select ;Speech Language Pathologist< 2/ #his brings the user to different topics such as (or' setting resources, publications and the -S)- pri,acy policy/

Certified Schools
$eb lin'4 http455(((/asha/org5edfind5

-S)-%s !dFind finds certified schools at any le,el of education/ It includes o,er =00 institutions for audiologists, speech language pathologists and other speech and hearing related fields/ It sorts by criteria including degree type, area of institution or location/ In addition, the user can search by the na&e of the institution they are interested in attending/ :nce one clic's on an institution of interest, it includes if the school is accredited, progra&s offered and ad&ission reGuire&ents/ For e1a&ple, to find a school in Pennsyl,ania for so&eone interested in a &aster.s degree of speech language pathology, follo( the steps belo(/

1/ Select the degree type, 6aster.s 2/ Select the area of study, SpeechHLanguage Pathology/ =/ Select the location, Pennsyl,ania/ / - list of 1 institutions (ill be on display, select a school of interest that (ill also include a (ebsite to read &ore on the institution/

$eb lin'4 http455(((/asha/org5aud5

#he -&erican SpeechHLanguage )earing -ssociation recogni*es the i&portance of audiologists in the field/ -udiology (or's in the diagnostic and treat&ent ser,ices for auditory, ,estibular and hearing i&pair&ents/ #he age group they (or' (ith ,aries fro& birth to childhood/ - person interested in the co&&unication sciences and disorders could ha,e an interest in ta'ing the route of audiology/ #he si&ilarities include (or'ing (ith speech and hearing disorder patients/ #he difference is audiologist diagnose and treat the disorder (ith hearing aids or cochlear i&plants (hereas the speech language pathologist uses therapy/ In addition, audiologists reGuire a doctorate to practice in their field of study/ #hey can (or' in different settings3 -S)- pro,ides infor&ation for all of the&/

1/ 2nder the te1t, ;$or' Setting Resources< clic' on any of the &entioned (or' areas/ 2/ For e1a&ple, under pri,ate practice it includes a resource guide designed for the setting/ So&e of the resources include policy docu&ents, patient education &aterial and professional and consu&er organi*ation, to na&e a fe(/ =/ -fter selecting one of the resource guides, &ore infor&ation is gi,en/

Penn State !epartment of Communication Sciences and !isorders

$eb lin'4 http455csd/hhd/psu/edu5

#he site &entioned abo,e is for Penn State students/ It gi,es infor&ation regarding the &a0or for people (ho attend the school/ "o&&unication sciences and disorders has been at Penn State since 18==, in 18AI they 0oined (ith the "ollege of )ealth and )u&an +e,elop&ent/ #he -ug&entati,e and -lternati,e "o&&unication, --" Progra&, at Penn State is the nu&ber one progra& in the 2nited States/ --" is an alternati,e (ay using co&&unication boards to help people co&&unicate/ #he site includes a list for specific infor&ation such as &ore about the depart&ent, undergraduate and graduate infor&ation/ For students attending or planning to attend Penn State, the undergraduate tab has the necessary 'no(ledge one (ould need to 'no(/

1/ #here is infor&ation about the depart&ent, (hich displays data on the effecti,eness of the uni,ersity/ 2/ #he contact infor&ation is useful for all (ho ha,e Guestions regarding the depart&ent/ -lso, those (ho (ant ad&ission into the school/ =/ #he Speech, Language, and )earing "linic tab discusses the clinics and labs at Penn State and the professors (ho are in charge of it/ Dou can read &ore about these and the (or' achie,ed in the&/

$eb lin'4 http455csd/hhd/psu/edu5undergrad

#he undergraduate study at Penn State is a fourHyear progra&/ It includes course(or', (riting, obser,ations, and e1periences in nor&al and disordered aspects in speech, language and hearing/ #he &ain page &entions the location of the depart&ents building as (ell as the ad,isor and professorHinH charge.s contact infor&ation/ #he source (or's (ell guiding the person interested through the e1pectations of the progra&/ !,ery institution presents their progra& in a uniGue (ay3 Penn State gi,es you all the infor&ation necessary, gi,en at their uni,ersity/ For e1a&ple, co&&on Guestions regarding the &a0or ha,e ans(ers under the ;F-J< tab/ #here are four separate sections pertaining to the profession, undergraduate progra&, students in the &a0or at Penn State, and graduate school/ #o find out &ore about the &a0or at Penn State, si&ply clic' on the te1t titled ;F-Js fro& students in the "S+ &a0or/< #his leads directly to a set of Guestions about the topic and include lin's that (ill help the user/

1/ For undergraduates, contacting the ad,isor (ill help (ith personal Guestions and acade&ic goals/ 2/ #he organi*ations a,ailable help (ith future resu&es and a (ay to get &ore in,ol,ed in the &a0or/ It is also a great (ay to &eet &ore people in the &a0or/

$eb lin'4 http455csd/hhd/psu/edu5outreach

Penn State conducts clinical (or' and research at the 2ni,eristy Par' ca&pus #he Penn State Speech and )earing "linic is located at the +epart&ent of "o&&unication Sciences and +isorders/ #he roo&s are located on the first floor of the building/ #here are se,eral different roo&s based on age group and each contains one (ay &irrors as (ell as sound syste&s/ In addition, an audiology lab tests hearing and chec's to see if hearing aids are (or'ing properly/ Besides clinics, faculty &e&bers share their 'no(ledge (ith students as (ell as the public and other clinicians/ #he faculty staff (or'ing at Penn State &ade i&pro,e&ents in the field and share it (ith the co&&unity/ For e1a&ple, +r/ Kanice Light has contributed to the study of -ug&entati,e and -lternati,e "o&&unication, --"/ :n the (ebsite, there are lin's directing to the research (or' done/ #he (or' done by +r/ Light has a lin' that ta'es the user to her (or'/ It had ,ideos and success stories that sho( her (or' is &a'ing i&pro,e&ents/

1/ #he (or' done at Penn State co,ers a ,ariety of topics in the field but the (or' done in --" research is the &ain focal point/ $hen (anting to continue a degree in speech language pathology, it is i&portant to loo' at the (or' done by the school because that is the focus/ 2/ Find other institutions (or' they focus on in their depart&ent to see if it is (hat you (ould li'e to study throughout graduate school

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