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Format For Directed Writing

The writing skill is one compulsory paper and students have no choice but to
make an attempt in writing if they want to pass the English paper. Hence it is the
objective of this module to help and guide weak students to have the basic
knowledge of the required format of the writing task so that they can at least
score the minimal of 3 marks for format.
There are many types of format which can be tested in directed writing and we
try to cover all of them here. Some common types include :
1. Writing Letters : Formal and Informal
2. Making speeches and talks for different occasions
3. Articles for magazines and journals
4. Reports and Reviews a) newspaper

d) school activities

b) police

e) book review

c) minutes of a meeting
5. Dialogues/ Interviews/ Telephone calls : Friendly and Formal
6. From graphic to non-graphic (written) calls.

1. Letter Writing :
1.1) Types of Formal letter
i) job application letter

iv) appeal letter

ii) invitation letter

v) enquiry letter

iii) complaint letter

vi) notification letter

1.1a) Tips when writing Formal Letter

Use formal language. Keep tone formal throughout.

You have to follow the format of a formal letter. An error free format is
worth 3 marks.

1.1b) Format of a formal letter

108, Jalan Panglima,

Taman Bersih,
30650 Ipoh,

The Human Resource Manager,

Box Globe Sdn Bhd,
27, Jalan Silam,

Dear Sir,

17 APRIL 2007

Application for the Post of Salesperson

With reference to the above, I wish to apply for the post of Salesperson as
advertised in The Star dated 12 April 2007.
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________

I would be pleased to attend an interview at your convenience.

Thank you.

Yours truly,
(Mohd. Ali b. Taib)

Sample Question
You came across the following advertisement for the post of clerk in a
computer shop.

Gensen Computer Sdn. Bhd.


Female aged 20 25

Pass SPM with credits in Bahasa Melayu and English

Computer literate

Interested applicants are required to write in together with a recent passport-sized

photograph to:
The Manager,
Gensen Computer Sdn. Bhd.
Lot 68, Meru Industrial Area,
30560 Ipoh,
Write a letter of application to the manager.
In your letter, include the following:

the reasons for your interest in the job

your ability to work independently

Do remember to :

use the formal letter format

use all the points given

write in paragraphs

1.2) Types of Informal Letter

i) keeping in touch with family members, relatives & friends
ii) giving advice or encouragement to someone
iii) congratulating or conveying condolences
iv) thanking someone

1.2a) Format of an Informal Letter

108, Jalan Panglima,

Taman Bersih,
30650 Ipoh,
Dear Shamsiah,
How are you getting on? Received your letter last week but
Im sorry I could not reply earlier as I was preparing for my exam.

Guess thats all for now. Hope to hear from you soon and
stay in touch.
Your friend,

Sample question

2. Speeches and Talks

Types of Speeches and Talks
i) formal and informal occasions
ii) welcome or bid farewell speech
iii) thank you speech
iv) specific topic at seminar, assembly, etc

Format of a Speech
A very good morning to our Principal, teachers and fellow friends. I am
Amalina, the President of the English Society, and Im very honoured to be
given this opportunity to talk to you about the hazards of smoking.

In conclusion, smoking is dangerous and we must Say NO! to it in order

to live a healthy life. Thank you.
Sample Question
Types of articles
i) can be in the form of a review, response to a magazine or newspaper
report / article.
ii) formal account of a specific topic or subject.

Format of an Article
Mobile Phones Addiction
By : Ng Yin Yin
The addiction to mobile phones is no different from any other types of
addiction, may it be drugs, compulsive buying or alchoholic drinking.

4. Reports and Reviews

There are many types of reports and each one has a different format.
i) newspaper report traffic accidents, fire & natural disasters, sports
ii) police report victim / eye-witness give report on robbery, traffic
accidents, kidnap, murder, etc
iii) school report clubs activities & incidents in school
iv) book or movie reviews
v) school minutes
Format of a Newspaper Report

Close Shave for Sixteen

IPOH : A bus driver and fifteen passengers had the shock of their lives
when the road under them gave way causing the bus to roll onto its side.

Format of a Police Report

Made by

: Gunung Rapat Police Station

: Mr. Chan Chee Seng
: Robbery at No. 45, Jalan Lima, Taman Cantik, Gunung Rapat.
: 17 April 2007

I was visiting my friend, Mr Wong Ah Tek at his house, No. 45, Jalan
Lima, Taman Cantik, Gunung Rapat, Ipoh on 17 April 2007 at 7.35pm. We
were talking in the sitting room when suddenly two robbers rushed into the
house. One of them pointed a gun at us.
Signed by,
Chan Chee Seng
(Chan Chee Seng)
I/C : 600606-08-1234
Sample question

Format of a School Society Meeting

Minutes of the English Society Meeting of
SMK Bintang Utama.



17 April 2007
2.30 p.m.
Form 5A classroom
32 members and 2 teacher advisers
i) Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
ii) Programme for the day.
iii) Matters arising
President :
Secretary :
Vice-President :
Treasurer :
Committee Members :
Teacher Advisers :

1. Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were read out by the Secretary
_____________. Proposal of the minutes to be passed:
Proposed by : ____________
Seconded by : ____________
2. Programme for the day
3. Matters arising
The meeting was adjourned at 4.00 p.m. It was resolved that the next
meeting will be held on the 8th May 2007.
Prepared by,

Approved by,

English Society,
SMK Bintang Utama.

Teacher Adviser,
English Society,
SMK Bintang Utama

Sample question

Format of a Report of a A School Activity

A Trip To Lake Kenyir
By the members of the English Society of SMK Bintang Utama
The English Society of SMK Bintang Utama, Ipoh organized a trip to
Lake Kenyir on 15 April 2007. The aim of the trip was to instill an awareness
of nature among students.
Prepared by,
(Sofian b. Afundi)
English Society,
SMK Bintang Utama.
Format of a Book Review
Title of Book
Year published
No. of pages


( Synopsis of story theme, plot, main characters and
moral values. )
This book is highly recommended as its ( give opinion regarding the
message of the story, the language used by the author, the setting, the
development of characters and any other interesting aspects.

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