Proyecto de Ingles22

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Worthy Autonomous University of Puebla October 2nd 1968 High School


Students name Ana Karen Prez Bonilla 3er Grade A Teachers name M.C. Fernando G. Andrade Bonilla

Index Introduction Objective Hypothesis Research questions Methodology Part I Introduction Development Conclusions Part II Introduction Development Conclusions Part III Introduction Development Conclusions General conclusions..5 Bibliography and references. .5 Appendixes 5 School conception.. 4 The wide world conception..4 Bulimia origin 4

INTRODUCTION This project is about bulimia and it is organized in three main parts that correlate between the objective and the hypothesis of the scientific research. The first part describes the origin of the study subject and its evaluation across the human life history. The second part points the branches of the science where the study subject is correlated. Also this describes the conception of the bulimia according to the world, Latin America, Mexico, Puebla and the community. The third part is about a field research which describes the notion about the study subject. This presents the result of a survey that supports the conception of bulimia that influences in the school community. Finally, the general three parts conclusion expresses the findings and results of the objective, hypothesis, research questions and point of view from the author. It includes suggestions, attached documents and bibliography to help for further researchers about this study subject. OBJECTIVE This project is designed to make people of this school having more information about bulimia. It pretends to clarify from science approach how this topic affects our society and knowledge.

HYPOTHESIS If teachers, student and school staff get more information about bulimia they will have open mind and increase their knowledge in this part of science.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1 When and how has this phenomena been presenting in our culture? 2 What are the general, particular and specific conceptions in our culture? 3 How much does school community know about bulimia?

METHODOLOGY The methods that are going to be developed a long this research is a group of methods and technical such as statistics methods for interpreting results, dialectic method for expressing ideas and findings, research document strategies for reporting new information and so on.

Part I Origin of bulimia This part of research is about the starting point of the subject of study that is considered as bulimia. It describes when and how this started to influence in the human race. The author of this work shows the conditions of the beginning all the way through by a history time-line. This resource shows the history of bulimia into several smaller categories in order to help you achieve a greater understanding of the evolutionary processes that have made bulimia what it is today. According to Wikipedia (2010) The term bulimia comes from Greek (boulmia; ravenous hunger), a compound of limos (hunger ). Literally, bulimia nervosa means disease of hunger affecting the nervous system Catherine of Siena (1380) said that the vomiting was used as a method of punishment and penance for religious feudal era and she evacuated their guilt through vomiting and abuse of diuretic herbs. James (1743) described as true bolimus entity characterized by an intense preoccupation with food, intake of large quantities of food in short periods of time followed by fainting and another variant caninus appetitus where after eating vomiting appeared Cruz (1999) says that bulimia usually affects a person who is going through a difficult transition, trauma or loss such as puberty, marriage, divorce etc.. Hall (1998) says that the characteristics of a bulimic person is too bad, morally tend to be safe and are physically strong but on the contrary, they present very bad factions, and says that in the last years this eating disorder affects more number of young.

According to the history time-line, (see appendix 1) the author remarks some fragment of the history that shows evolutionary processes, such as:
Siglo X the Romans were self-induce vomiting after extensive banquet. Siglo lX Vomiting was used as a method of punishment and penance. Siglo XIII The Greeks considered fasting as a supreme blessing of God. Siglo XIX In early nineteenth-century medical dictionaries to bulimia described as the presence of voracious appetite followed by vomiting own hysteria.


In conclusion the author of this research thinks that controversies that surround bulimia continue to create disagreement amongst city officials/law enforcement and writers who wish to display and appreciate work in public locations. There are many different types and styles of bulimia and it is a rapidly developing art form whose value is highly contested, reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction.

Bibliography Cruz A. (1999). Bulimia. Mxico: Selector Hall Lindsey. (1999). Como entender y superar la bulimia. Estados Unidos: Gurze Books Catherine of Siena (1380) Bulimia. Recuperado de According to Wikipedia (2010) Orgenes de la Bulimia. Recuperado de Hall (1998) Historia de la Bulimia. Recuperado de James (1743) Caractersticas de la bulimia. Recuperado de

Appendix 1

siglo X

siglo lX

siglo XIII

siglo XIX

The Romans were self-induce vomiting after extensive banquet

Vomiting was used as a method of punishment and penance

The Greeks considered fasting as a supreme blessing of God

In early nineteenthcentury medical dictionaries to bulimia described as the presence of voracious appetite followed by vomiting own hysteria

PART 2 Bulimia in the Conception of the World

This part of research is about the correlation of subject of study Bulimia and the Branches of Science. The author of this research describes the way to thin her scope in a particular branch of science. She would like to track when doing her project. She is showing how his subject of study is interconnected into the major disciplines to give a point of return. Also this science project should demonstrate the performance and the answer of the hypothesis. A long with some background research for showing the perception of the subject of study in the world, Latin America, Mexico, Puebla and his community. The important task in this science project display should accomplish to communicate the autho rs journey took while doing her project and show off the results of work. The subject of study is located in the branches of science see concept map in Appendix 2. According to the author of this research Bulimia is considered by science as an eating disorder. Cultural factors are causing bulimia eating habits and new prototypes. The psychology also affects bulimia because people do not have a good self esteem or are influenced by people. Nowadays the concept of graffiti has different approaches as the author describes below: According to Sains (2001) the world the conception about Bulimia is considered In Spain as in other developed countries, cases of bulimia and other unspecified problems have far exceeded those of anorexia. And that has made substantially change the profile of patients. Having an eating disorder is no longer synonymous with extreme thinness. In fact, the prevalence of obesity associated with these diseases has not only increased in the last 10 years By the other side Molinero (2009) affirms that in Europe the bulimia affects girls 12 and 13 years, and in women between 30 and 40 years of age. The number of girls affected by anorexia and bulimia has not declined, but society has been used to observe the problem, and this is because we live in a time of "pressure" from the media and advertising. In China Wng (1998) says that in his book tells us that no matter how you are, not what others say you only care about how you feel and that can make you feel something you do not have

In Argentina Saer (2005) points that According to their report, "one in ten teenagers suffers some disorder Argentine food." At present, distributed interdisciplinary teams in hospitals and health centers locals, serving about 400 patients and their families, the researchers In Chile Arancibia (2004) said that was 20 years ago in Chile these paintings began to be more evident. Since then, the treatment has varied only nutritional approach to multidisciplinary treatment nutritionists, internists, psychologists and psychiatrists. However, the same patients are better equipped to resist the therapy, and chile is looking the best form of treatment. In Mexico Hernandez (2011) argues that the demand for care in cases of bulimia and anorexia has increased alarmingly in the past 10 years according to the National Institute of Psychiatry at the UNAM.

Leon (2004) says that "we record cases of anorexia or bulimia in marginalized and indigenous communities, and high social states. Perfectionists have little control over their impulses, come from dysfunctional families, where girls are overprotection and abuse physical and emotional. " In Puebla Flores (2008) affirms that we say that bulimia is a big factor affecting our society, as it is almost like a role model for the young, which begin to consider it as correct and the number of them increases faster. In conclusion, the author of this project tells us that the main concept that the world has about bulimia is that it is fast becoming a disease with as many people and at the same time this is affecting the younger generation.

As we can see in the concept map, bulimia has different branches, such as science, psychology and culture at the same time; bulimia is a very important issue in the world today.In Argentina, the largest number of adolescents is one that is affected by this disease, and in this country are being created every day more support centers for people falling in this disorder, in order to prevent the number of patients increases . In Chile, this disorder is a different thing because there are many doctors and specialists working every day and solves this problem. On the other hand, according to the recent studies in Mexico last tell us that in the last years this disease been growing and affecting up in indigenous communities. Finally, in Puebla bulimia know that is something you see day by day and people most affected is the young generation, and that much of this is due to the prototypes or models that society imposes.

Appendix 2 Concept Map The correlation of Graffiti and the Branches of Science

PART 3 Bulimia inside the Conception of School Community

This last part of the research shows the survey applied in this scholar community. This was considered the thirty percentage of each sector of the school, such as teachers, students and staff. The results show the midfield of research where the sectors of this school state the point of view of the subject of study. The author considers pondering the most important perspective from different sectors. First of all, the author thinks describing the research instrument for the survey so as to show what the supporting records in the questions to inform his general conclusion. The reason to use this survey was to show everybody how the subject of the study is considered in this school. See appendix _ (attached document section). The field research was based in three questions such as: 1. - Do you know what bulimia is? 2. - You know who you affects bulimia? 3. - You know how to help someone with bulimia? As results that the author got, she presents the graphs and analysis below: Example 1

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Si

Teachers Opinion
1 2 3


30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1

Staffs Opinion
Si No

As it can be appreciated in the box, it shows most of students do know what is bulimia and what kind of help is necessary. They consider that bulimia is only done by teens. Some of them state that is a kind of problem to self steem . A few of them thinks that just gangs use this expression. Finally, a minimum of them say bulimia is a problem. In conclusion the author shows that it is very necessary to inform the student and teacher of what is bulimia population, as this is a very important issue in our society. The community should have prepared more Information as so they can have fewer problems. Knowing that bulimia does not affect in the same way to everyone, and when it affects someone can help in many ways.

Conclusions generals In this part of the research the authors retakes her perspective from each part. she states analyzing the results and balances the advantages and disadvantages from consequences of the study. Also suggest further information for new researchers on this subject of study.

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