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Lucille M.

Teves Environmental Law 1 Executive class 1:00-2:00 Saturday

THE G !S "ET#EE$ %&'EST'( )&*E $* +TS )T, L +M!LEME$T T+&$ : !'&!&SE* LTE'$ T+-E %&' THE ,SE &% #&&* !'&*,)TS

+$T'&*,)T+&$ %orests in t.e tro/ics .ave a ric. 0iodiversity. More 1i1ty /ercent o1 all t.e /lants and animals in t.e world are to 0e 1ound in t.e rain1orests. More 2300 s/ecies o1 /lants and animals4 T.e constantly .i5. tem/eratures and t.e continuously .i5. .umidity in t.e tro/ics ma6e 0iodiversity /ossi0le. T.e tem/erature is in most tro/ical rain1orests 0etween 23 and 23 de5rees )elsius. ,n1ortunately7 t.e 1orests are t.reatened. *avid &rr correctly o0served 8 i1 today is a ty/ical day on /lanet eart.7 we will lose a0out 207000 .ectares o1 rain1orests7 or 1200 .ectares /er .our7 or 21 .ectares /er minute.9 #orldwide only twenty /ercent o1 t.e ori5inal tro/ical 1orests is le1t. T.e de1orestation .as to 0e sto//ed to save t.e 0iodiversity and t.e /roductivity o1 t.e 1orest as a natural resource. +1 not7 t.ere will 0e no rain1orest le1t in 2013. T.e current 1orestry /olicies are 0est inter/reted and analy:ed in relation to t.e !eo/le;s !ower 'evolution <E*S = in 1>?@ com0ined wit. t.e emer5ence and u/sur5e o1 environmental consciousness and in1luential media <%airman 1>>@=. Exce/t 1or t.e 'evised %orestry )ode o1 1>A3 <!* A03=7 most o1 t.e /olicies were enacted a1ter 1>?@. T.e 1>?A !.ili//ine )onstitution7 t.e .i5.est law o1 t.e land7 lays down t.e tenet o1 natural resources mana5ement. T.e Executive &rders <E&s= durin5 t.e 1irst year o1 t.e Buino administration carried executive and le5islative mandates in su//ort o1 1orestry /olicies. T.e 'e/u0lic cts <' s= 0y t.e !.ili//ine )on5ress 1rom t.e Buino to t.e rroyo re5imes re1lect dee/ly rooted concerns 1rom t.e lawma6ers and t.e executive 0ranc. on .ow t.e !.ili//ines could conserve its 1orest resources and su//ort sustaina0le natural resource develo/ment and mana5ement. THE *EM $* %&' %&'EST !'&*,)TS $* +TS E%%E)TS %orest su//ly t.e raw materials 1or lum0er 7 /lywood7/a/er7/ac6a5in5 and wood -0ased materials are sta/les o1 modern li1e. +ncreasin5 demand 1or commercial tim0er and wood and /aroducts .as encoura5ed many entre/renuers to indul5e into lo55in5 and ille5al lo55in5 0ussiness 0ut /ressures on ra/idly diminis.in5 natural 1orest .ave not 0een reduced.

T.e !residential *ecree A03 descri0ed ille5al lo55in5 as 1orestry /ractices or activities connected wit. wood .arvestin57 /rocessin5 and trade do not con1orm to law. C+lle5al lo55in5 is t.e .arvest7 trans/ortation7 /urc.ase or sale o1 tim0er in violation o1 national laws. T.e .arvestin5 /rocedure itsel1 may 0e ille5al7 includin5 usin5 corru/t means to 5ain access to 1orestsD extraction wit.out /ermission or 1rom a /rotected areaD t.e cuttin5 o1 /rotected s/eciesD or t.e extraction o1 tim0er in excess o1 a5reed limits.C +lle5alities occur ri5.t t.rou5. t.e c.ain 1rom source to consumer7 t.e .arvestin5 /rocedure itsel1 may 0e ille5al7 includin5 corru/t means to 5ain access to 1orests7 extraction wit.out /ermission or 1rom a /rotected area7 cuttin5 o1 /rotected s/ecies or extraction o1 tim0er in excess o1 a5reed limits. +lle5alities may also occur durin5 trans/ort7 includin5 ille5al /rocessin5 and ex/ort as well as misdeclaration to customs7 0e1ore t.e tim0er enters t.e le5al mar6et. #e can se/arate Cille5al lo55in5C in t.ree main situations. %irst in line are activities wit. /ure criminal nature. includes lo55in5 wit.out o11icial /ermissions7 tim0er t.e1t7 1alsi1ication o1 documents7 usa5e o1 violence a5ainst local in.a0itants7 5ross law violation 0y aut.orities and corru/tion. $ext are mass ille5al activities in 1orest 0y /oor /eo/le7 loo6in5 1or satis1action o1 t.eir 0asic needs - 1ood and 1uel. Some o1 t.ese /ractices are 1orest in1rin5ement7 1orest conversion 1or a5ricultural usa5e and ille5al tra11ic6in5. Last are activities due to lac6 o1 law en1orcement. ,nlaw1ul cuttin5 o1 trees .as devastatin5 im/act on t.e world;s 1orest. +ts e11ects includes declination o1 1orest resources w.ic. causes loss o1 0iodiversity7 insta0ility and massive erosion o1 u/land soil7 serious dama5e to our river and under5round 1res.water ecosystem7 1lood and 1uelin5 climate c.an5e. +n t.e !.ili//ines7 decades o1 ille5al lo55in5 contri0uted to t.e devastatin5 wrou5.t 0y storms. #it. t.ousands o1 innocent /eo/le lost t.eir lives due to 1loods and landslides7 t.e worst amon5 t.em 0ein5 t.e tra5edies in &rmoc7 Leyte in 1>>17 urora and Eue:on !rovinces in *ecem0er 200F7 and St. "ernard7 Sout.ern Leyte last %e0ruary 200@7 in 2010 lessons o1 ty/.on &ndoy as well as all ecolo5ical disasters t.rou5. t.e years7 0lame .as 1allen on ille5al lo55ers w.o .ave stri//ed .illsides 0are and turned 5reen 1orests into deat. tra/s. re we 0lind or are we actin5 li6e a 0lindG T.e crime o1 ille5al lo55in5 .as already destroyed muc. o1 t.e ori5inal 1orests in t.e !.ili//ines. ram/ant ille5al lo55in5 .as a11licted many /arts o1 t.e country H destroyin5 t.e liveli.ood o1 many %ili/inos7 t.reatenin5 0iodiversity and causin5 environmental .a:ards. decisive action is ur5ently needed to secure t.e 1uture o1 our c.ildren. #e must o//ose all 1orms o1 1orest destruction and remain vi5ilant and committed to /rotect our national /atrimony. !'&!&SE* LTE'$ T+-E %&' THE ,SE &% #&&* !'&*,)TS T.e use o1 wood /roducts is inevita0le7 t.atIs w.y we need to /lant trees 1or t.e many uses o1 it7 and most im/ortantly to destruction o1 t.e 1orest and ultimately .el/ address t.e /ressin5 /.enomenon on climate c.an5e. #.ile it is true we can not elliminate t.e use o1 wood /roducts ways can 0e maximi:ed in order to lessen t.e demand o1 it. " M"&& S $ LTE'$ T+-E "am0oo is emer5in5 as an alternative resource to ty/es o1 wood. +n t.e /ast7 /eo/le

intuitively used it as a 0asic material 1or ma6in5 many di11erent .ouse.old o0Jects and small structures. However7 on5oin5 researc. and en5ineerin5 e11orts are ena0lin5 us to reali:e 0am0ooIs true value as a renewa0le7 versatile and readily availa0le economic resource. 1ter 0rie1ly ex/lorin5 t.e 0asic 1acts and traditional a//lications o1 0am0oo7 article .i5.li5.ts t.e c.emical and materials en5ineerin5 0e.ind t.e 5rowt. o1 re1ormed 0am0oo as well as t.e structural en5ineerin5 issues involved in 0uildin5 lar5er and sturdier 0am0oo structures. +ntroduction Tree stum/s cry out to t.e .ars. 0eat o1 t.e sun and 0irds torn 1rom lost .omes 1ly aimlessly in t.e s6y. 'ains swee/ 0lac6 sediment into rivers. T.ese are Just a 1ew o1 t.e adverse environmental circumstances caused 0y t.e /.enomenon o1 de1orestation7 w.ic. .as resulted 1rom societyIs demand 1or material resources. s resources de/lete and t.e environment deteriorates7 /eo/le are loo6in5 towards alternatives suc. as 0am0oo to re/lace conventional materials. "am0oo is a 5iant 5rass commonly 1ound in t.e tro/ical re5ions o1 sia7 1rica and Sout. merica. +t comes in 17300 varieties7 1rom t.e /o/ular .ouse.old /lant to ones 5row .undreds o1 1eet tall. "am0oo is Ct.e 1astest-5rowin5 woody /lant on Eart.C <%arrar=D it can reac. maturity in mont.s com/ared to woods7 w.ic. ta6e decades. "am0oo is Ca totally renewa0le resourceDyou can clear cut it7 and it 5rows ri5.t 0ac6C <%arrar=. "am0oo .as 0een used in t.e eastern .emis/.ere 1or centuries. +t is o1ten la0eled as t.e C/oor manIs tim0erC 0ecause develo/in5 countries in sia7 1rica and Sout. merica rely on it 1or 1ood and as a 0uildin5 material. "am0oo can 0e used to /rovide s.elter on a limited scale7 mainly t.rou5. its use in tem/orary and small structures. s environmental concerns rise7 turnin5 towards alternative sources is vital. 'esearc. is also 0ein5 done to 1ind ways to im/rove 0am0ooIs structural ca/a0ilities to increase its value as a material resource. T.e increasin5 mar6et 1or 0am0oo will .o/e1ully also .el/ stimulate 5rowt. in develo/in5 economies. //lications o1 "am0oo Historically7 0am0oo .as 0een used to 0uild numerous ty/es o1 o0Jects s/annin5 1rom musical instruments to containers to .ousin5 1rames. T.e Cex/andin5 movement in t.e #est to start ma6in5 0etter use o1 ama:in5 resourceC <%errar7 2002= is ex/andin5 t.e mar6et o1 0am0oo. !eo/le all over t.e world are discoverin5 innovative ways to use 0am0oo. "am0oo sca11oldin5 is used in Hon5 Kon5 1or its sturdiness and relia0ility. %or centuries7 0am0oo .as 0een used 1or sca11olds7 tem/orary /lat1orms su//ort construction wor6ers w.ile t.ey do exterior wor6 on a 0uildin57 in /laces li6e ).ina and Hon5 Kon5. T.ou5. used minimally in ).ina now7 0am0oo is still relied u/on .eavily in Hon5 Kon5. +t is an art 1orm to 0uild t.ese @0 1oot sca11oldsD 1ew .ave learned to las. /oles ti5.tly and .ow to Cscam/er u/ swayin5 sca11olds wit. lon5 0am0oo /oles slun5 over t.eir s.ouldersC <Landler=. Many /re1er 0am0oo sca11olds 0ecause t.ey C0end in .i5. winds7 w.ile steel sca11oldin5s 0rea6C <Landler=.

&n a smaller scale7 0am0oo is 0ein5 used to 0uild 0icycles in ustralia and *enmar6. #.ile a 0icycleIs 0asic desi5n is almost 1lawless7 t.ere is muc. sco/e to im/rove t.e material it is made 1rom. )onventionally7 Cli5.t 0icycles are made 1rom aluminum7 w.ic. is one o1 t.e most resource- demandin5 materialsC in existence <Heinsen=. "am0oo 0i6es are li5.ter t.an7 and Just as stron57 as 0i6es made usin5 aluminum. Moreover7 0am0oo is a more readily availa0le resource. *urin5 t.e 1>?0Is7 t.e +nternational *evelo/ment 'esearc. )enter <+*')= 0e5an to ta6e note o1 /eo/leIs reliance on 0am0oo. +nternational wildli1e ex/ert Lane Stevens o0serves stron5 +*') su//ort 1or 0am0oo researc. .as resulted in 1undin5 to t.e tune o1 a0out 10 million dollars7 used 1or national researc. /ro5rams involvin5 more @00 scientists and en5ineers in 1F nations <Stevens=. T.ese studies and ex/eriments .ave .el/ed de1ine t.e ca/a0ilities and stren5t.s o1 0am0oo7 wit. t.e additional 5oal o1 im/rovin5 0am0oo to ma6e it a more com/etitive resource. "am0oo )om/osite "oards M Laminates "am0oo %loorin5 Tile "am0oo is one o1 t.e 1astest renewa0le /lant wit. a maturity cycle o1 2-F years7 ma6in5 it a attractive natural resource com/ared to 1orest .ardwoods. "am0oo o11ers 5ood /otential 1or /rocessin5 it into com/osites as a wood su0stitute. "am0oo laminates could re/lace tim0er in many a//lications suc. as 1urniture7 doors M windows and t.eir 1rames7 /artitions7 wardro0es7 ca0inets7 1loorin5 etc. "am0oo laminates are made 1rom slivers milled out 1rom t.e 0am0oo culm. 1ter /rimary /rocessin5 com/risin5 cross cuttin57 s/littin5 and 2-side /lanin57 t.e slivers are treated 1or starc. removal and /revention o1 termiteN0orer attac6. T.e slivers are t.en su0Jected to .ot air dryin5 1ollowed 0y F-side /lanin5 1or attainin5 uni1orm t.ic6ness. T.ese slivers are coated wit. 5lue on t.e sur1ace and are arran5ed systematically. T.ey are su0Jected to a curin5 in a .ot /ress <@;OF; 2-day li5.t= at tem/. P A0 0) usin5 steam M /ressure P 1A K5Ncm2. T.e /ressed laminate </anelsNtiles= is t.en /ut t.rou5. trimmin57 sandin5 M 5roovin5 mac.ines to 5ive a /re-1inis. s.a/e.T.e 1low M intermediate Buality control /arameters 1or manu1acturin5 0am0oo com/osites are mentioned 0elow. T.e /roJect on /roduction o1 0am0oo com/osites M laminates is 0ased on t.e 1ollowin5 /remises: -alue-added /roducts 1rom "am0oo )ost-e11ective com/ared to 5ood solid wood sections 1or 1urniture *iversi1ication 1rom traditional /lywood to 0am0oo 0ased /roducts )om/lete ran5e o1 0am0oo com/osite laminates 1or 1urniture7 1loorin5 tiles7 0oards7 door M window 1rames to re/lace t.e use o1 tim0er 1or domestic as well as international mar6et

'e1ormed "am0oo &ne 1orm o1 0am0oo currently /o/ular in t.e mar6et is Claminated7 or en5ineered 0am0oo lum0er ma6es 5or5eous 1loorin57 /lywood and 1urnitureC <%errar=. T.ere are di11erent ty/es o1 en5ineered 0am0oo on t.e mar6et7 t.e most develo/ed o1 w.ic. is re1ormed 0am0oo. +n t.e 1uture7 re1ormed 0am0oo could 1ill some o1 t.e demand 1or industrial aluminum alloy. luminum alloy is an im/ortant resource used in ma6in5 t.in5s li6e 1urniture7 en5ines7 rims and even t.e carryin5 case o1 Macintos.Is newest la/to/. 'educin5 t.e demand 1or aluminum alloy will .el/ /reserve t.e environment since lesser Buantities o1 constituent metals will 0e extracted 1rom t.e eart.. T.ere are several variations o1 re1ormed 0am0oo 0ein5 /roduced: t.e /lain re1ormed 0am0oo <'"=7 t.e re1ormed 0am0ooNaluminum com/osite <'"N l=7 and t.e re1ormed 0am0ooN5lass 1a0ricNaluminum com/osite <'"NG%N l=. T.e 0asic '" is cra1ted 0y s/littin5 t.e 0am0oo len5t.wise7 t.en .eatin5 it to adJust t.e moisture o1 t.e material and so1ten it. T.e 0am0oo is t.en com/ressed and /ressuri:ed so its /ores contract and t.e moisture is set. '"N l and '"NG%N l are variations w.ere aluminum and 5lass 1a0ric are layered onto t.e s.eets o1 t.e '". #.ile t.ese variations .ave /roven to 0e stron5er '"7 t.e cost and time len5t. o1 t.e /roduction /rocess tends to increase 0ecause o1 t.e added variants. +n t.e develo/mental /.ase o1 researc. and testin57 re1ormed 0am0oo was s.own to 0e stron5er normal 0am0oo. +t is denser normal 0am0oo7 and contains more 0am0oo com/onents t.e same volume. is analo5ous to com/arin5 t.e density stren5t. o1 a .ollow tu0e and a solid tu0eD t.e .ollow tu0e is 0rittle w.en com/ared to t.e solid tu0e. *ue to its 5reater density7 re1ormed 0am0oo is more 1lexi0le and com/ressi0le <Li=. '"N l is stron5er 0ot. aluminum and re1ormed 0am0ooD t.e com0ination o1 t.e two creates a stron5er material. '"NG%N l is t.e sturdiest o1 all t.ree variations 0ecause it a0sor0s t.e least amount o1 water under di11erent conditions <Li=. #it. a0ility to resist water7 '"NG%N l does not 0ecome saturated and wea6. To use analo5y7 a sti11 /iece o1 /a/er 1alls a/art w.en it 0ecomes drenc.ed wit. water. ll t.ree ty/es o1 re1ormed 0am0oo may 0e used in t.e 1uture as a 0uildin5 resource. C'"NG%N l is an environmentally 1riendly material7 more ?0Q o1 its content 0ein5 re1ormed 0am0oo7 w.ic. is 0iolo5ically re5enerated. 'e1ormed 0am0oo can 0e directly de5radedD 5lass 1a0ric and aluminum are also recycla0leC <Li7 et al=. '"NG%N l is t.e ty/e o1 re1ormed 0am0oo wit. t.e most additives7 yet it is environmentally 1riendly com/ared to conventional resources. T.ere1ore7 usin5 any o1 t.e t.ree varieties o1 re1ormed 0am0oo as a construction material would .el/ conserve /recious resources. 'estraints on ,se o1 "am0oo in Structures s t.e advanta5es o1 0am0oo 0ecome well 6nown7 /eo/le are attem/tin5 to ex/erimentally 0uild lar5er structures wit. 0am0oo. #.ile t.ere are many small and tem/orary s.elters made o1 0am0oo7 researc.ers are now tryin5 to 0uild lar5er and sturdier .omes. +t is di11icult

1or researc.ers to 0e5in trial runs on 0am0oo .omes due to existin5 restrictions /laced 0y t.e +nternational )on5ress o1 "uildin5 )odes <+)"&=. CT.e +)"& .as never esta0lis.ed en5ineerin5 criteria 1or t.e structural use o1 0am0ooC <Mc $arie=. *ue to a deart. o1 en5ineerin5 studies and researc. re5ardin5 t.e stren5t. and ca/a0ilities o1 di11erent varieties o1 0am0oo7 it .as 0een .ard to esta0lis. common criteria 1or evaluatin5 all 0am0oo. Studies .ave 0een done on certain 6inds o1 0am0ooD .owever t.ere are 17300 ty/es o1 0am0oo wit. varyin5 c.aracteristics. )learly7 esta0lis.in5 a uni1orm code 1or all 0am0oo is a 1ormida0le .urdle. +n Hawaii7 /eo/le are tryin5 to develo/ .omes are a//ro/riate 1or t.e re5ion7 usin5 0am0oo s/eci1ic to t.e area. Leimana !elton7 a renowned desi5ner and 0uilder o1 0am0oo structures in Hawaii7 comments a0out .is crew wor6in5 on 0am0oo .omes: C#eIre tryin5 to come u/ wit. /ractical and a//lica0le solutions7 w.ic. we 0elieve are /articularly a//ro/riate 1or t.e lower !una section7 since i1 lava comes <down=7 t.ese structures are easy to remove.C T.ere are several 0uildin5 codes must 0e /ro/osed7 /assed and /ut in /lace 0e1ore 0am0oo can le5ally 0e used to construct new .omes in Hawaii. En5ineers at a com/any on t.e island o1 Maui .ave 0een testin5 di11erent 0am0oo s/ecies to .el/ esta0lis. t.e 0uildin5 codes. T.ey .ave sent results to t.e +)"& and .o/e to 5et t.e codes im/lemented soon 1or t.ese s/eci1ic ty/es o1 0am0oo. #it. new 0uildin5 codes 1or 0am0oo7 Hawaii will 0e t.e 1irst merican state to allow 0am0oo construction. *evelo/in5 Stron5er "am0oo Homes +t is common to see small7 tem/orary structures and 1urniture 0uilt o1 0am0oo in develo/in5 nations. is 0ecause Cnatural materials suc. as 0am0oo are availa0le in a0undant Buantities in many develo/in5 countries7 w.ile conventional construction materials suc. as steel are not only ex/ensive 0ut also di11icult to o0tainC <Li=. "am0oo .as a s.ort li1e s/an i1 not treatedD its .i5. starc. content causes insects to devour it. dditionally7 t.e 5rooves in 0am0oo collect water7 ma6in5 0am0oo .omes /rone to saturation and mildew dama5e. Many countries7 es/ecially ).ina and )osta 'ica7 .ave researc. teams develo/in5 new 0am0oo 0uildin5 desi5ns will 0e stron5er t.ose currently exist. T.e new .omes are 0ein5 develo/ed to last lon5er and survive conditions li6e rain7 winds and eart.Bua6es. +n )osta 'ica7 en5ineers are develo/in5 sa1e ways to incor/orate 0am0oo into .ouse.old structures. T.e country s/onsored a $ational "am0oo !roJect in 1>?@ as a Cnew tec.nolo5ical a//roac. to /revent de1orestation in )osta 'ica. T.e idea was to re/lace t.e use o1 wood wit. an alternative7 cost-e11ective7 and seismically-sound 0uildin5 materialC <Li=. T.e team 0uilt 20 .omes 0y usin5 t.ic6 0am0oo as a 1rame and t.en casin5 it wit. woven 0am0oo covered wit. mortar. T.ese .omes were /ut to a test w.en a @.A ma5nitude eart.Bua6e <same ma5nitude as t.e $ort.rid5e eart.Bua6e in 1>>F= ri//led t.rou5. )osta 'ica wit. its e/icenter 0ein5 very close to t.e location o1 t.e .omes. C$ot one o1 t.e <0am0oo= .ouses .ad a sin5le crac6C <Stevens=7 w.ile many near0y structures colla/sed.

T.e uniBue c.aracteristics o1 0am0oo allowed t.ese structures to wit.stand t.e eart.Bua6e7 w.ile t.e .eavy7 in1lexi0le concrete structures did not. T.e 0am0oo used in t.e $ational "am0oo !roJect could su//ort 300 6ilo5rams /er sBuare centimeterD is nearly twice t.e stren5t. o1 concrete <Stevens=. Handley adds a to/ sur1ace area o1 10 sBuare centimeters o1 0am0oo can su//ort a 300065 ele/.ant <Handley=. +n addition7 t.e 0am0ooIs 1lexi0ility and li5.t wei5.t allowed t.e .omes to CdanceC wit. t.e eart.Bua6e until t.e waves ceased. "ene1its o1 ,sin5 "am0oo "am0oo is environmentally 1riendlier ty/es o1 wood. "am0oo is renewa0le7 w.ereas woods ta6e .undreds o1 years to reac. a mature sta5e. #it. 0am0oo re/lacin5 conventional lum0er7 1ewer 1orests would .ave to 0e cut down 1or .uman consum/tion7 reducin5 t.e 5reen.ouse e11ect and adverse environmental im/acts o1 de1orestation. ,sin5 0am0oo as a main construction resource will 0oost t.e mar6et 1or 0am0oo and stimulate 5rowt. in develo/in5 economies. "am0oo is a stron5 and c.ea/ construction material and more 5overnments are investin5 in researc. to 0uild sa1er .omes 1or t.eir /eo/le. Moreover7 0am0ooIs li5.t wei5.t ma6es it 1avora0le 1or construction and easy trans/ortation. "am0oo is a stron5 alternative material is s/awnin5 a new worldwide trend towards renewa0le natural resources. #.en researc. and 0uildin5 codes 1or 0am0oo structures are success1ully im/lemented7 suc. structures will a//ear more commonly around t.e world

Litrature )ited

%errar7 *ere6. C"elievin5 in "am0oo.C Hana Hou4 T.e Ma5a:ine o1 Hawaiian irlines -3$37 &cto0erN$ovem0er 20027 F0-F27 F?. Handley7 )at.y. C"uildin5 wit. "am0oo.C Eart.Bua6e Ha:ard )entre $ewsletter v2 $27 Lanuary 1>>>7>>N/a5e@..tmS. Heinsen7 Steen. C"am0ucicletas.C merican "am0oo Society7 0am0oo.or5NGeneral+n1o!a5esN"am0oo"icycle..tmlS. Landler7 Mar6. C%or 'aisin5 S6yscra/ers7 "am0oo *oes $icely.C T.e $ew (or6 Times7 Marc. 2A7 2002 / F col 2. Levine7 CT.e 0am0oo /eo/le.C %or0es v133 n127 Lune 1>>37 ?@.

Li7 S.H.7 S.(. %u7 ".L7 T.ou7 E.(. T.en5 and O.'. "ao. C'e1ormed 0am0oo and re1ormed 0am0ooNaluminum com/osite.C Lournal o1 Material Science 227 1>>?7 21FA-2132. Li7 S.H.7 L.'. *e #iJn7 K. *e Groot7 E.(. Ten5 and ".L. T.ou. C'e1ormed 0am0ooN5lass 1a0ricNaluminum com/osite as an ecomaterial.C 1>>?7 21FA-2132. Li7 Ton5Jin7 ).un-!on5 Liu and Ton5xi (u. CLaminate o1 'e1ormed "am0oo and Extruded %i0er-'ein1orced )ementious !late.C Lournal o1 Materials in )ivil En5ineerin57 Se/tem0erN&cto0er 2002723>-2@3. Mc $arie7 lan. CHome-Grown Homes: )an "am0ooIs !romise 0e %ul1illedGC Hawaii +sland Lournal7 Stevens7 Lane. C"uildin5 wit. "am0oo.C Tec.nolo5y 'eview v.>A7 u5ustNSe/t

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