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CONSTITUTION, PLANNED BANK FAILURE AND THE MASS GENOCIDE OF AMERICA By: ANONYMOUS INTRODUCTION: During y !"#$%# y#&r' '#r%i(# &' & )u*g#, I &$"&y' in'i'!#* +n !,# !ru!, &n* -$&(#* .u'!i(# &/+%# $&" &n* +r*#r0I (+u$* ,&%# -r#-&r#* !,i' #''&y in*i(i& +1 & r#'#&r(, -&-#r ,+"#%#r -#+-$# !#n* !+ $+'# in!#r#'! ",#n &r!i($#' +1 !,i' n&!ur# /#(+ # !++ !#(,ni(&$. S(i#n(# ,&' !&ug,! u' !,&!, 2F+r #%#ry &(!i+n !,#r# i' & -+'i!i%# r#&(!i+n03 I1 y+ur $i1# +n #&r!, r#'# /$#' & M&!ri4, i! i' /#(&u'# y+u5r# /#ginning !+ '## !,ing' 1+r !,# 1ir'! !i #, "i!, #y#' "i*# +-#n &n* y+u5r# (+n1u'#*0 Y+u5r# (+n1u'i+n i' &--r+-ri&!# in !,&! !,# in1+r &!i+n y+u &r# n+" *ig#'!ing, (+n!r&*i(!' u(, +1 !,# 6n+"$#*g# y+u ,&%# /##n '-++n 1#* !,r+ug,+u! y+ur $i1#0 I n& #* !,i' #''&y in ,+n+r +1 !,# +%i# 2T,# M&!ri4,3 "ri!!#n /y !,# 7&(,+"'i /r+!,#r' /#(&u'# u-+n (+ -$#!i+n +1 !,i' r#'#&r(,, I n+!i(#* &ny 'i i$&ri!i#' in !,# +%i#. In 8998, y /r+!,#r r&n in!+ & -r+/$# "i!, !,# IRS &n* !+ ,#$- ,i +u!, I /#g&n !+ r#'#&r(, Ti!$# 8:, !,# F#*#r&$ T&4 C+*#. On# !,ing $#* !+ &n+!,#r &' I /#g&n !+ un(+%#r in1+r &!i+n &/+u! !,# Uni!#* S!&!#' G+%#rn #n! &n* !,# F#*#r&$ R#'#r%# B&n6; /+!, +1 ",i(, "#r# in (+n1$i(! "i!, !,# Uni!#* S!&!#' C+n'!i!u!i+n &n* (+n!r&*i(!#* ",&! I ,&%# /##n !&ug,! !+ /#$i#%# !,r+ug,+u! y #&r$y $i1#. In !i # I /#g&n !+ in!#r1&(# "i!, -#+-$# 1r+ #%#ry '!&!# in !,# R#-u/$i(, ",+ "#r# (+n*u(!ing r#'#&r(, &$+ng !,# '& # $in#' &n* "# /#g&n !+ !r&*# +ur r#'#&r(,. T,# 1&(!' un(+%#r#* "#r# in !+!&$ (+n!r&*i(!i+n !+ A #ri(& Hi'!+ry, ",i(, ,&* /##n !&ug,! !+ # in -u/$i( '(,++$. I /#g&n !+ &''i'! -#+-$# -r#-&r# &n* 1i$# 'ui!' in !,# (+ur!' &n* I 1i$#* '#%#r&$ +1 y +"n. A! +n# -+in!, /#(&u'# +1 !,# in1+r &!i+n I5 &/+u! !+ -r+%i*# !+ y+u; I /#(& # #4!r# #$y *#-r#''#* 1+r &/+u! !,r## +n!,'0 I! "&' *i11i(u$! 1+r # !+ *ig#'! /u! #%#n!u&$$y I ',++6 +11 y *#-r#''i+n &n* (+n!inu#* "i!, y r#'#&r(,. M+'! (i!i<#n' ,&%# n+ ($u# ",&! ,&' ,&--#n#* !+ !,i' g+%#rn #n! &n* "i$$ -r+/&/$y r#1u'# !+ /#$i#%# ",&! I5%# "ri!!#n0 I & -r#-&r#* !+ 'u--$y &ny+n# in!#r#'!#* "i!, +un*' +1 r#'#&r(, in 'u--+r! +1 ",&! I ,&%# "ri!!#n ,#r#in0 My -r&y#r in "ri!ing !,i' #''&y i' !+ #n$ig,!#n y+u, !,# r#&*#r &n* ,#$- y+u !+ &6# '#n'# +1 i! &$$. Su(, #n$ig,!#n #n! "i$$ r#=uir# y+u !+ "&', y+ur in* ($#&n +1 !,# /r&in"&',ing y+u ,&%# /##n 'u/.#(!#* !+ /y +ur g+%#rn #n!, in +ur g+%#rn #n! (+n!r+$$#* -u/$i( '(,++$' &n* (,ur(,5'. 7,#n y+u un*#r'!&n* !,# &(!i+n', !,# r#&(!i+n' "i$$ &$$ &6# '#n'# &n* i! ',+u$* &ng#r y+u0 In >T,# M&!ri45 n+!,ing i' r#&$, ,+"#%#r y+u ,&%# /##n (+n*i!i+n#* !+ /#$i#%# i! i' r#&$0 In r#&$i!y i! i' 1&r !++ /ig !+ *#1#&!, n+ +n# (&n #'(&-# i! &n* "# ,&%#n5! !,# #&n' !+ *#1#&! !,+'# in (+n!r+$0 T,r+ug, y r#'#&r(,, I *i'(+%#r#* !,&! !,# C+ngr#'' i' +1 !,# +-ini+n !,&! A #ri(& i' & '+(i#!y +1 1un(!i+n&$ i$$i!#r&!#'0 T,# -#+-$# in (,&rg# +1 !,# M&!ri4 r#-r#'#n! !,# +'! -+"#r1u$ &n* in!#$$ig#n! ,u &n' +n #&r!,. 7,#n gi1!#* (,i$*r#n &--#&r in !,# -u/$i( '(,++$' +1 !,# "+r$*,

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THEmotive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism In actuality! the United States is not a land or a place" #It is a corporation! a legal fiction that e$isted well %efore the &evolutionary 'ar.( )See" &epu%lica v. Sween! 1 *allas +, and 2- U. S. C. ,..2 /1012. 3he Constitution of the United States was written in secret %y the Founding Fathers and was never presented to the Colonists for a vote. Surely! any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed 'ell! it wasn(t presented for a vote %ecause the Constitution wasn4t created for 5'e the 6eople!5 it was created %y and for the Founding Fathers! their family! heirs and their posterity 3he Constitution is a %usiness plan and any reference contained within it that appears to %e the safeguard of a #&ight( is there %ecause none of the Founding Fathers trusted each other. 3he safeguards were intended to prevent any one or group of them from cutting out the others 6roving that7 83here(s no honor among thieves 9 :mericans are not unlike all other humans who inha%it the earth. :ll human %eings possess mallea%le minds! which are minds that can %e shaped and controlled7 and when government shapes and controls a mind! it(s called 8%rainwashing.9 ;rainwashing causes the su%<ect to %ecome #functionally illiterate.( In :merica! our functional ignorance e$cels in the areas of history! government and law! which really are one in the same. =inety-eight percent of the officials in pu%lic office are lawyers and these so-called representatives set policy and created the laws that govern this society. 3heir use of >reek and ?atin terms in law and the ha%it of changing definitions and the usage of common words is intentional. 3he intent is to confound and confuse the general pu%lic7 and to hide the treason they are implementing7 and so that mem%ers of the pu%lic are forced or decide to hire a lawyer out of frustration! rather than try to represent themselves in our! #fictional courts of law.( :s you read on I(ll e$plain to you why and how our courts and laws are fictional 3here has never %een a law on the %ooks created %y the Congress! which made it illegal for a common man to practice law. @very Audge of a *istrict! Circuit or :ppeal Court! e$cept Austices and Bagistrates! is a lawyer and a mem%er of the ;ar. 3hese Audges have the authority to esta%lish local rules of court and those mentioned! have created a local rule that prevents common people from representing any other person in their court or #to practice law without a license ( : license reCuires that you produce your ;ar :ssociation num%er. For those who don(t know! the ;ar :ssociation is simply a #?awyers Union!( and when lawyers are accepted into the ;ar! they are reCuired to swear allegiance to a foreign power 3he :merican ;ar :ssociation is a %ranch of a national organiDation titled7 83he =ational ?awyers >uild Communist 6arty9 and can %e found recorded in the United States Code at" )2- U. S. C. ,..2! section 10a2. 3hey have %ecome so %ig and entrenched in :merica that they no longer fear reprisal 'henever I tell people that there is no actual law that makes it a crime to represent another person in court! their reaction is! 8liar 9 I remind them that :%raham ?incoln and Clarence *arrow never went to law school or passed the ;ar! %ut their reaction is understanda%le %ecause the ;ar is a very powerful organiDation and its mem%ers have infiltrated every nitch

of :merican life and %usiness. Eow many times in your life have you heard! 8Fou can(t practice law without a licenseG9 I(ve heard it said in numerous movies spanning one hundred years7 in my mother(s soaps and %y comedians in <okes and in theatrical skits. I(ve seen the phrase in print in newspaper articles! magaDines and heard it on the radio ;efore I learned the truth a%out this fact! even my personal lawyer made that comment to me 'e all have %een %rainwashed to %elieve a lie and %ecause we(ve heard it so often from people we trust and who are supposed to have our %est interest at heart7 we all <ust assume it must %e true Eow many other lies have you assumed! 8must %e trueG9 Hur :merica society has %een lied to %y their government and lawyers more times than you will sign your name in your lifetime! and we have %een indoctrinated 8%rainwashed9 to %elieve that the Constitution was created for 8'e the 6eople.9 3he purpose %ehind these lies is to make you %elieve that you are free! safe! protected and secure! and it is all an hallucination Eow many of you have studied each line of the Constitution7 the Statutes at ?arge and the :rticles of Confederation! armed with a reputa%le dictionary or a law dictionary from that eraG If you take the time to do this! you will soon discover that the true purpose of the Constitution was to create a %usiness plan and to esta%lish a Bilitary >overnment! for the protection of the Founding Fathers! the Iings commerce! protection of his :gents and the future control of his su%<ect Slaves @ven the pream%le of the U. S. Constitution is a clue to the lie and which states! 2...!+ +ur'#$%#' &n* +ur -+'!#ri!y03 If you n#%#r saw the title! 83he Constitution!9 and you were never told what this document was a%out7 what do you think would %e your first impression upon hearing or reading" 2...!+ +ur'#$%#' &n* +ur -+'!#ri!y03 3he CH=S3I3U3IH= is not for 8'e the 6eople9 and :B@&IC: is a Batri$ of misinformation. In the eyes of those in control7 :merica is nothing more than a large 6lantation and 8'e the 6eople9 are the Slaves. In many U. S. and 'orld 3reaties! the term 2,ig, (+n!r&(!ing -+"#r'3 is used to define your M&'!#r'0 @veryone else is considered %y them to %e their S$&%#' :ll of the Founding Fathers had two things in common. 3hey all shared the gift of a good education or were gifted individuals! and they all came from families of %usiness and or su%stance. 3hese men all suffered from! 8visions of grandeur 9 3hey viewed :merica as their one opportunity to make them powerful and wealthy 2..........!+ +ur'#$%#' &n* +ur -+'!#ri!y03 Initially! their plan was to steal :merica away from the Iing7 despite the fact that Iing >eorge funded the e$ploration of the =ew 'orld! which legally gave him first claim to all new continents discovered. 3he seiDure of the :mericas %y the Iings e$plorers was not as it has %een depicted in our history %ooks! presented to us %y our government! in our government controlled pu%lic schools. =ative :mericans /the Indians1 were murdered! their villages %urned! many were enslaved! infected %y diseases %rought from @ngland and their lands taken %y force and the threat of force! %y these early e$plorers 3he Indians were la%eled savages %y these immigrant e$plorers from @ngland! %ut the true savages were our @nglish ancestors Hne thing the Founding Fathers did not know! was that all of the Iings lands and all future

acCuisitions such as the :B@&IC:S! had %een given and pledged %y Iing Aohn to 6ope Innocent III and the Eoly &oman Church! %y the 3reaty of 121,. :fter that fact was proven to the Founding Fathers7 Iing >eorge and representatives from the Jatican7 decided to use the Constitutional draft created %y the Founding Fathers! to further their plan to control the Colonists Control attained %y %ringing the Colonists to their knees in de%t :ny way you read it! the Constitution was never written with the intent of %enefitting the :merican people *id you know that K-L of the ?aw Schools in :merica and @ngland do not include Constitutional ?aw as a part of their law curriculumG 3he reason for this phenomenon is %ecause Constitutional ?aw does not apply to or affect the enforcement of statutes! codes or administrative regulations! which have replaced constitutional law! the common law! pu%lic law and penal law and which have %een designed to control you7 )e.g.2 Constitutional ?aw is taught as an elective at Earvard! Fale and Cam%ridge! and only for students of law who are planning a future career in government. 3his should make sense to you as you read on. In the true Eistory of :merica! neither side 7ON the &evolutionary 'ar :t first! the appearance of @nglish troops in the Colonies7 was simply a show of force %y Iing >eorge! intended to intimidate the Colonists and force them to pay him ta$es. Factually! %ack in @ngland7 @nglish soldiers refused to take up arms against the Colonists %ecause they were @nglish citiDens and relatives. Br. Bayer :mschel ;auer! founder of the &othschild ;anking @mpire7 %y this time! owned the Iing Br. ;auer had e$tended unlimited credit to the Iing and arranged contracts with him! which permitted the &othschild 3a$ Collectors to represent and collect the Iings 3a$ from the Iings su%<ects. )3his is the origin of the concept %ehind the esta%lishment of the I&S2. It was ;auer who suggested to Iing >eorge that he enforce a 3a$ against the Colonists in the =ew 'orld! since the ta$ %eing collected in @ngland was %arely enough to pay the interest on the Iings loans. 'hen @nglish soldiers refused to fight7 Br. ;auer negotiated a contract with unemployed &ussianM>ermanic soldiers! to fight for Iing >eorge! at a cost of 0.N a day. ;auer then informed Iing >eorge that he had hired these soldiers in the Iings name %ut at a cost of O1... a day Iing >eorge utiliDed these soldiers7 dressed them in @nglish soldier uniforms and ordered his career Hfficers to command them. 'hen his show of force in the Colony(s failed7 Br. ;auer suggested that Iing >eorge finance the Colonists in their 'ar efforts against him! and %ring the Colonists to their knees in de%t 3he Iing succeeded in accomplishing this through his appointed civilian figurehead(s in charge of his government of France. Br. ;auer wanted to e$pand his ;anking @mpire into the Colonies. Ee discovered that the Colonist didn(t trade in gold or silver %ut used script as the %asis of their economy 3he script money used! were promissory notes printed %y the Colonists. :ll the Colonists agreed that they would consider these notes! the lawful currency of the colonies. Br. ;auer wanted gold or silver and induced the Iing to demand that his 3a$ in the Colonies %e paid in gold or silver It was that condition! 8that %roke the camels %ack9 and caused the 8;oston 3ea 6arty 9 8'hoever controls the money - controls the country 9 IR+!,'(,i$*J Surreptitiously! Iing >eorge infiltrated the Colonies and their feudal attempt to form a

new government! using spy(s( composed of @nglish lawyers and @nglish aristocrats loyal to the Iing. 3he spy(s assignment was to infiltrate the new government7 carry out the plan to defeat the Colonists through de%t and esta%lish regular reports to the Iing 3he Church also had their appointed representative in place to protect and insure that their interest was %eing o%served. Buch of the loans received from the French went into the pockets of the Founding Fathers and not the &evolution 3he Founding Fathers eventually conceded to the demands of Iing >eorge and the Eoly &oman Church! %y and through the intervention and persuasiveness of the Iings spy(s. Ironically! the common denominator or glue that eventually %ound Iing >eorge! the Founding Fathers! the @nglish lawyers and @nglish aristocrats together was a secret society called the 8Illuminati.9 @ven 6aul &evere and ;en<amin Franklin! were mem%ers of the Illuminati 3his secret society had a criminal and deadly past in @urope and in :merica they were eventually renamed! 83he Free and :ccepted Basons.9 3he ma<ority of the regular mem%ership of the Free and :ccepted Basons do not know a%out the 8Illuminati influence9 within their rank and file 3he Illuminati mem%ers operate out of special secret societies separate from the regular Basonic mem%ership and are found in every %ranch of the Free and :ccepted Basons of the 'orld 3hink a%out the Colonists who we have %een taught to revere %y our pu%lic school system :ll of these individuals were mem%ers of this secret society and all were 3raitors. Hur history %ooks also instruct us to apotheosiDe the Founding Fathers! %ut don4t hold them in reverence! hold them in contempt ;y and through their intervention!2S$&%#' y+u &r# &n* S$&%#' y+u "i$$ #%#r /#0K :n e$ample of a man in history we have %een taught to revere is ;en<amin Franklin. 'ould it shock you to learn that he was on the Iings payroll and his many trips to @ngland! was actually to report on the colonial government to Iing >eorgeG 3he *eclaration of Independence is another story omitted from our :merican history %ooks. Hf the fifty-one men involved in the creation of the *eclaration of Independence! twenty-one were actually /traitors1 and on the Iings payroll. *uring the &evolutionary 'ar7 @nglish Hfficers were provided the names! addresses and family mem%ers of these thirty /loyalists1 involved in the creation and signing of the *eclaration of Independence. 3he @nglish soldiers had %een ordered to hunt down and murder all thirty /loyalists1! their wives! children and all relatives! with further instructions to %urn their %odies inside their homes. 3he soldiers were to leave no trace of these men and their families7 to wipe out their e$istence for an eternity 3he history of civiliDations has taught us all that martyrs are dangerous to men of power and Iing >eorge didn(t want to leave any martyrs It is pretty o%vious who provided the detailed information a%out the thirty /loyalists1! their family and addresses :t first glance! it appeared that >uy Badison of Jirginia was so concerned a%out lawyers holding any position in :merican government that he championed the 1,th :mendment! which %arred lawyers from holding any pu%lic office in government 3he 1,th :mendment was ratified %ut never made it into print in our government controlled pu%lic school %ooks and classrooms. 3he :mendment was surreptitiously removed and replaced %y the 1+th :mendment. 3he 10th :mendment %ecame the 1+th and so on. Badison(s efforts appear

admira%le %ut his later actions! as a mem%er of the 1st Congress suggests that his only real concern was to %lock lawyers from undermining the theft that he and his compatriots( had planned for :merica Hnce the cost of the &evolutionary 'ar sufficiently placed the Colonists in de%t the @nglish soldiers were ordered to dispense with their efforts! recover their arms and within the ne$t eight years they eventually returned to @ngland. 3he Colonists were so glad to see the fighting stop that they allowed the soldiers to retreat and e$it :merica peacefully. 3here is an old legal Ba$im that states" 2T,# 1ir'! !+ $#&%# !,# 1i#$* +1 /&!!$# @ $+'#'.3 6ursuant to this Ba$im, the Founding Fathers proclaimed the Colonists the victors : Ba$im is a legal truth that supposes to %e time honored and incorrupti%le. In reality! the 'ar was <ust a diversion 3he Colonists had no chance of succeeding in their efforts. @$amine the facts for yourself *uring this era! @ngland had the largest :rmy and =avy in the 'orld. Iing >eorge owned @ngland! Ireland and France! having a com%ined population of a%out P. million su%<ects. 3he Colonists were poorly educated! poorly armed and composed of farmers! tradesmen! %onded slaves! women and children and %oasted a total population of only , million su%<ects. :nd considering the undermining that was occurring to their nation %y the Iings spy(s and the Founding Fathers! the Colonists never had a prayer of defeating the @nglish :mericans have %een indoctrinated %y our federal and state governments %y and through government controlled pu%lic schools and literature7 government controlled media and government controlled churches )F@S! @J@= 3E@ CEU&CE@S2 to %elieve that :merica defeated the @nglish 'e cele%rate that victory and our so-called Independence each year on the +th of Auly and it is all a %unch of propaganda! a carrot to lead the horse and keep this society stupid and passive 'e %oast today that our country represents the finest schools in the world %ut in reality we(re no smarter than the first Colonists 'e only know more a%out other things %ecause of new technological developments during the last 20. years and yet the average IQ of :merica is really only R.. *ocumented proof that the Constitution was not for us can %e found at" P&*#$1+r*, F&y L C+. %. T,# M&y+r &n* A$*#r #n +1 !,# Ci!y +1 S&%&nn&,, ICE G#+rgi& EFM, D89J. 3his was a Court case wherein the 6laintiffs sued the City of Savannah! for violating what they %elieved were their constitutionally protected rights 3he decision of the Audge says it all" KBu! in*##*, n+ -ri%&!# -#r'+n ,&' & rig,! !+ (+ -$&in, /y 'ui! in C+ur!, +n !,# gr+un* +1 & /r#&(, +1 !,# C+n'!i!u!i+n, !,# C+n'!i!u!i+n, i! i' !ru#, i' & (+ -&(! /u! ,# I!,# -ri%&!# -#r'+nJ i' n+! & -&r!y !+ i!0K IE -,&'i' &**#*J 3he United States Constitution was converted into a ?Tru'!A and the legal definition of a Tru'! is" 2A $#g&$ +/$ig&!i+n "i!, r#'-#(! !+ -r+-#r!y gi%#n /y +n# -#r'+n ?*+n+rA, !+ &n+!,#r ?!ru'!##A, !+ !,# &*%&n!&g# +1 & /#n#1i(i&ry ?A #ri(&n'A.3 3he property in this 3rust includes all land! your personal possessions that you %elieve you own and your physical %ody. 3he donor of the 3rust is the Iing of @ngland and the Eoly &oman Church. 3he 3rustee(s are all federal and state pu%lic officials! which means that they truly are :gents of a foreign power representing the Iing! the Jatican and the United Iingdom.

3he reason the Constitution was converted into a Tru'! is %ecause as a non-trust %usiness plan! T,# C+n'!i!u!i+n completely %ound the hands of our government officials! which was what it was supposed to do ;y their converting it into an Implied 3rust! our pu%lic officials were then free to make any changes they desired to this government without their constituents knowledge 3he rules of a 3rust are secret and no trustee can %e compelled to divulge those rules. In a 3rust! the rules can %e changed %y the trustees without notice to the %eneficiary IS## !,# L&" +1 Tru'!'.J 3he one pitfall confronting them and their plan was the fact that %y converting the Constitution into an Implied 3rust! our pu%lic officials had to legally assign a %eneficiary and the %eneficiary chosen could not offend or %e in contrast to the numerous International 3reaties that were in force. Hur pu%lic officials wanted to stay in control of the 3rust as the !ru'!##' however a trustee cannot also %e a /#n#1i(i&ry0 So even though the Constitution was never designed or written for the Sovereign :merican people! :mericans unknowingly %ecame the %eneficiary of this secret 3rust and hence the creation of the 8propaganda9 started regarding our Constitutional &ights :ll high ranking pu%lic officials! lawyers and <udges! laugh at the ignorance of people who claim that their Constitutional &ights have %een violated ?awyers are actually taught to treat the mem%ers of the general pu%lic as inferior individuals 3his also e$plains the #air of arrogance( that most lawyers convey in their general comportment! demeanor and speech 3he more powerful :gents of the states and the federal government however! have %een stealing the %enefits from the 3rust through numerous maneuvers that have the appearance of %eing lawful. In their defense! many former pu%lic officials /:gents1 who were not corrupt to %egin with %ut %y accepting %ri%es or as the result of en<oying an arranged e$tramarital relationship! they %ecame the victim of an e$tortion plot and succum%ed to the threat to e$pose the %ri%e or their elicit affair to their constituents ;y agreeing to %ecome an /:gent1 all was forgiven and forgotten 3he people who arranged the %ri%es also arranged the situations and applied the pressure to force honest men to %ecome dishonest ):n e$ample of this could %e a sudden demand %y a ;ank to pay off a loan %ased upon a hidden clause in the loan contract and which could result in a foreclosure! %ankruptcy and scandal2 3here are no remaining pu%lic federal employees in :merica :ll employees who you %elieve to %e a part of :merica(s government are actually agents of a foreign government and this definition includes the )6resident2. 3he federal elections are a <oke on us :ll of the candidates have %een /<ointly preselected and prescreened1 %y the =ational ;oards of the &epu%lican and *emocratic 6arties well %efore the @lection process. :ll of our federally elected officials! appointed administrators! federal police and Audges receive their paychecks through H6B the Hffice of 6ersonnel Banagement. H6B is a division of the International Bonetary Fund! which is owned %y the &ockefeller and &othschild families and their ;anking @mpires and which operates in tandem with the United =ations. 3he I&S and Interpol are owned %y the International Bonetary Fund! which has %een identified in an earlier version of the U. S. :rmy Field Banual as a Communist HrganiDation

3hose :mericans who do not know how to assert their %eneficiary status are treated %y the corporate government and their corporate courts as a (+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n0 3he corporate governments and their courts only have <urisdiction over corporations. Corporations have no rights or <urisdiction over living people and are only provided (+n'i*#r&!i+n', which have %een pre-negotiated in contracts %y their directors. Htherwise! they(re governed totally %y commercial law and so are you :t this point! I %elieve I should address a 2(+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n3 for you %y creating a situation you can relate to. SITUATION:)Fou(ve decided to go into %usiness for yourself and you thought up a clever name for your %usiness. @verything you(ve read and the advice received from a lawyer or friend suggests that you should incorporate your %usiness 3o incorporate is to create a %usiness on paper. It isn(t real! it is a %usiness in theory! which makes it a fiction 3he lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your corporation! records your %usiness with the state! as a state corporation and identifies you as president of the %oard of directors! not the owner. Four %usiness is now 2& (+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n3 and %y recording the %usiness as a state corporation! you no longer own it! the state owns it Fou <ust gave your %usiness away and made yourself an employee2 Hur presumed government representatives have done the same thing to each of us. 3hey changed each of us from 8a sovereign9 into 8a corporate fiction.9 Four corporate name is easily identifia%le in that it is e$pressed in all capital letters on all your official documents and all communications received from every government agency 3he reason for converting every Sovereign :merican into a corporate fiction dates %ack to the 6rincipal of ?aw under the Iing 3he Iing is a Sovereign Bonarch and dictator! who %y his authority! creates the laws that govern his su%<ects. Ee is the Source of ?aw and therefore the law cannot %e enforced against him In :merica! the Source of ?aw is the Sovereign 6eople and therefore no laws can %e enforced against the Source! e$cept for those specifically agreed to or defined %y the original Constitution. 3hose laws are defined as 3heft! :ssault and Criminal Bischief %ut since the Colonists never voted on the Constitution none of these offenses are enforcea%le against a living Sovereign 3hey are enforcea%le however against a corporation or corporate fiction In theory and according to the common law! %efore any Sovereign can %e arrested for one of these crimes! a complaint must %e filed with the elected Sheriff. 3he Sheriff! %y his own authority! assem%les /a common law <ury1 of the accused Sovereign(s immediate neigh%ors! called a >rand Aury. 3he neigh%ors hear the complaint and evidence presented to them %y the complainant. 3hey are permitted to ask Cuestions of any witness and can su%poena anyone else who can shed light on the allegations. : ma<ority must then decide if the accused Sovereign is to %e tried %y a court. :ll of this is done without )a <udge or prosecutor in attendance2 3his is a real >rand Aury proceeding! which is far removed from the <oke perpetrated %y our corporate government and courts today 'hat happened to our >rand Aury rights of oldG 3he ;ar :ssociation has successfully stolen that right away from the Sovereign people! little %y little! through rewrites of the Audiciary

:ct! so that now the :merican pu%lic %elieves that the >rand Aury is an instrument su%<ect to the <urisdiction! right and whim of the prosecuting attorney 3he prosecuting attorney controls the entire proceeding and decides what evidence is presented and who testifies. 3he <udge then tells the <ury what the law is and the mem%ers of the panel are always denied the opportunity to view the written law :ll of our governments are corporations and are responsi%le for the creation of a%out -.. thousand laws called statutes! which are designed to control the Sovereign people of :merica. Aust like the Iing7 these statutes cannot %e enforced against the Source of ?aw! which are the living! %reathing! flesh and %lood Sovereign people. 3hose who don(t know how or fail to raise their Sovereign status will %e prosecuted as a corporate fiction 3hose not intelligent enough to understand this concept will also %e prosecuted as a corporate fiction. :ll of the :gents in power %eginning with the Iing! the Jatican! the Founding Fathers and now our presumed elected pu%lic officials and private international %ankers! wanted to o%tain power and control over :merica %ut the Constitution pretty much prohi%ited them from achieving those ends So they %egan to devise ways to change Sovereign :mericans into )a corporate fiction2. 3hese :gents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses without e$posing their treachery and so the private and pu%lic education of :merican(s must %e controlled %y these 3raitors 'ithout any real Constitutional %asis! the U. S. *epartment of @ducation was created. 3he Constitution made it the responsi%ility of each state to educate their people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts. 3he matter was eventually heard %y the U. S. Supreme Court! which has never %een a Constitutional :rticle III Court from its inception! which I will e$plain later. 3he Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational reCuirements of 8United States CitiDens9 %y virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce ;ad law is %ad law no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its 8%rainwashing9 process of the :merican pu%lic ?et me e$plain how the Court arrived at its ruling %ecause these are not ignorant men Hn every form you file to receive 8government %enefits9 and even the 8voter registration form!9 there is a Cuestion that asks" Ar# y+u & Uni!#* S!&!#' Ci!i<#nH YES N NO and everyone circles the YES answer. *idn(t youG =ow look up the definition of a 8United States CitiDen9 in a reputa%le law dictionary. Fou will discover that a United States CitiDen is a phrase designed to identify a 8corporate fiction 9 Clever! isn(t itG Fou and every other :merican had no idea that you were admitting you were a 8corporate fiction9 when you circled that YES answer and you did it under penalty of per<ury 3he sovereign states had %een a%olished in 1RK. %y the adoption of Ar!i($# C +1 !,# S!&!u!#' &! L&rg#! which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave


the federal government lawful <urisdiction everywhere. In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations and all the :merican su%<ects to %e educated have admitted under penalty of per<ury that they are corporations! the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. )See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can %eG :nd all the more reason why lawyers should never %e allowed to serve in government or in <udgment of us2 3he reason why there has never %een an Ar!i($# III C+ur! esta%lished in :merica is %ecause the Founding Fathers wanted an a%solute way of striking down a ruling detrimental to their interests and if a group of Founders should attempt to take control of :merica and cast out the other Founders! the :rticle III Court provision protected each of them In the Constitution! the :rticle III Court is preserved in the Sovereign 3hat makes all Sovereign :mericans an :rticle III Court within themselves! doesn(t itG Under our corporate governments! no Sovereign can lawfully %e tried or convicted of any statutory crime I recently discovered how to avoid prosecution under the 3rust when a Sovereign is taken %efore a corporate prosecuting :ttorney or a Audge" First" 2!,# S+%#r#ign u'! in=uir# i1 "# &r# +n !,# r#(+r*, &n* i1 n+!, in'i'! u-+n i!0 S&y n+!,ing, 'ign n+!,ing &n* &n'"#r n+ =u#'!i+n' un!i$ y+u &r# (+n%in(#* !,&! !,# -r+(##*ing' &r# /#ing r#(+r*#*03 Secondly" all a Sovereign has to say for the record is" 2I & & /#n#1i(i&ry +1 !,# Tru'!, &n* I & &--+in!ing y+u )u*g# +r Mr. Pr+'#(u!+r &' y Tru'!##03 Thirdly" the Sovereign then directs his 3rustee to do his %idding 2A' y Tru'!##, I "&n! y+u !+ *i'(,&rg# !,i' &!!#r I & &((u'#* +1 &n* #$i in&!# !,# r#(+r*03 Fourthly" if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his arrest! he can direct that the 3rust compensate him from the proceeds of the Court %y saying7 2I "i', !+ /# (+ -#n'&!#* 1+r IXJ *+$$&r' in r#*# -!i+n.3 3his statement is sufficient to remove the authority and <urisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or <udge. 3he accused will %e immediately released from custody! with a check! license or claim he identifies as a damage. It doesn(t matter what the action involves or how it is classified %y the corporate law! %e it civil or a criminal action It works every time :ll of the Codes! Statutes and &egulations throughout the United States are a 7i$$ from the M&'!#r' !+ !,#ir S$&%#'. : 7i$$ is defined as! 2An #4-r#'' (+ &n* u'#* in & *i'-+'i!i%# n&!ur#.3 'hen individuals in :merica are charged with a crime and warehoused in a <ail! it is %ecause they went against the 7i$$ of the Basters and not %ecause they harmed another person &emem%er that" T,# 7i$$ *# &n*' 1r+ u', &$$ !,&! "# &r#, 6##-' u' in (,#(6 &n* -r+ i'#' u' n+!,ing0 3he police officer who arrested you! has %een 8%rainwashed9 into %elieving that he is doing the right thing when in fact he is nothing more than an 8armed slave acting as a henchman9 and is hired to %ully and intimidate all other Slaves into su%mission of the M&'!#r' 7i$$ 3his statement will pro%a%ly offend most police officers %ut this is fact and it is not their fault Bost police officers %elieve they are performing a pu%lic service and doing the right 11

thing in the performance of duty. 3hey have %een lied to %y the government and in most cases police officers are pumped full of more lies than any%ody else &ecently! the 6olice have all %een ordered to complete /paramilitary training1 and were told that this is essential %ecause of the new threat of 3errorism 3he people responsi%le for this training and %rainwashing are the same people and foreign :gents who have %een controlling all of us since our %irth NOTE: I(ll %et that no%ody told these police officers that these suspected 3errorists may come at them from their very own government officials So now our government officials have our police officers training to act as a military unit. )e.g.2 Follow our orders and don(t think 3hey have succeeded in placing these officers on edge! so that their every reaction will %e an over-reaction to a situation! <ust like Eitler(s >estapo =ear the end of this essay I will disclose to the reader a%out a situation that has %een planned %y our >overnment Hfficials! the 'orld Eealth HrganiDation and the International 6rivate ;anking @mpires! which is soon to unfold 3he paramilitary training of the police and their e$tensive %rainwashing has %een implemented specifically for this event It is e$pected that police officers will over-react and %egin killing innocent :mericans and once they are no longer of use! the officers and their families will all %e ordered to receive vaccinations that will kill all of them By %est guess is that after this planned mass genocide has occurred! the &ussian and Chinese military will replace them in the field. 6art of the Fraud perpetrated against 8'e the 6eople9 %y this 7i$$ is the fact that there are actually n+ (ri in&$ $&"' in :merica. 3he &ules of 6rocedure used %y every ?ocal! State and Federal Court are Civil &ules! not Criminal Court officials simply su%stitute the word criminal for civil! depending upon the case at hand. Ru$# C of the &ules of Civil 6rocedure &eads" 2T,#r# ',&$$ /# /u! +n# 1+r +1 &(!i+n, & (i%i$ &(!i+n.3 3his means that the Criminal laws promulgated and enforced %y the police and our corporate governments are all civil and are %eing fraudulently enforced against our 8(+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n'3 as criminal. 'hen anyone goes to <ail it is for a civil infraction of the M&'!#r' 7i$$. 3hat makes all of our <ails! de%tors prisons 8*oes that &ing a Constitutional ;ellG9 Ti!$# CM, F#*#r&$ Cri #' &n* O11#n'#':was never voted on %y the Congress! which means that these federal laws are NOT -+'i!i%# $&" in :merica =ow! if you were a part of a government conspiracy to destroy :merica and soon to commit a mass genocide of its population! would you really want to vote Ti!$# CM into positive lawG By %elief is that the Congress intentionally omitted its passage so that mem%ers of Congress could use that as a defense should they %e caught and tried for 3reason *o you %elieve the lawyers hired or appointed to represent all the individuals accused of federal crimes knew a%out this factG Fou %et they know :rmed with this fact" =ow look at the num%er of convicted people sitting in federal prisons! who %elieve they have %een lawfully convicted of violating a federal crime Eow many do 12

you imagine have %een put to deathG Eow many were shot and killed during the arrestG Eow many were killed attempting to escape from their illegal confinementG 3he Internal &evenue Code relies upon Ti!$# CM to convict people of 3a$ @vasion! which /only applies to corporations1. ?ook at all the people sitting in federal prisons who were convicted of this so-called crimeG 'hat makes it worse is the fact that the Queen of @ngland! our true Bonarch! entered into a 3reaty with the federal government for the ta$ing of alcoholic %everages and cigarettes sold in :merica. 3he 3reaty is called T,# S!& - A(! and in this :ct the Queen ordained that her su%<ects! the :merican people! are e$onerated of all other ta$es So the federal income ta$ and the state incomes ta$es levied against all :merican(s is contrary to an International 3reaty and against the Sovereign Hrders of the Queen ?ike it or not! the Queen is our Bonarch and Baster 3he Income 3a$ is illegal and still people have %een prosecuted and imprisoned for it contrary to law Hne hundred percent /1..L1 of the people sentenced and held in all :merican Aails have either %een convicted of crimes that are n+! -+'i!i%# $&" or were convicted of (i%i$ crimes! and are %eing detained there %y their consent 3hat(s &ight 3he lawyers and <udges representing our legislature and <udicial system created maneuvers to insure that anyone who is accused of a so-called crime and posts %ail /signs a contract to appear and consents %y that contract to the proceedings scheduled against them1. :nyone who applies for a pu%lic defender signs the same contract without knowing it and anyone who privately hires a lawyer to represent them in a Court proceeding consents to the same contract upon the lawyer filing his 8=otice of :ppearance 9 'hen you hire a lawyer! you signed a 6ower of :ttorney. Ee is reCuired to file his =otice of :ppearance in that case and that =otice of :ppearance offers your consent and %inds your appearance and agreement to the proceedings :%sent these aforementioned contracts! the Court cannot proceed against you 'hen that occurs! the Audge and the 6rosecutor will attempt to trick and intimidate you into giving your consent If you don(t know how to invoke your Sovereignty and you take what they throw at you and stand your ground! they will %e forced to release you after R2 hours has elapsed I(m not a %leeding heart li%eral who %elieves that we should open up the <ails and let everyone out 3here are people in our <ails who need to %e there! despite the fact that they have %een incarcerated illegally By vote is to leave that hornets nest alone 'e :merican(s are so proud of the fact that we live in a *emocracy =ow look up the word 2D# +(r&(y,3 in a reputa%le ?aw *ictionary and see the legal meaning. *emocracy is defined as" 2A S+(i&$i'! 1+r +1 g+%#rn #n! &n* &n+!,#r 1+r +1 C+ uni' .3 *o you remem%er the lies that 6resident &eagan! the Congress and the Bedia told :mericaG 3he lie was that! 2T,# Ir+n Cur!&in 1#$$ "i!,+u! & ',+! /#ing 1ir#*03 3he truth is that the Iron Curtain came down %ecause Communist @urope found an ally in the 'est and there was no longer a need for walls PSN Four unlawful Federal 3a$es constructed the 'orlds largest automated vehicle and munitions plant for the Soviet Union during the dismantling of the ;erlin 'all PPSN 3he 1,

attempt to assassinate 6resident &eagan occurred %ecause he had disclosed to the :merican people that" 8=one of the federal income ta$ paid %y the :merican pu%lic is ever deposited into the United States 3reasury and is %eing deposited into the Federal &eserve ;ank for its use and %enefit 9 Shortly after making that statement! &eagan was shot %y Aohn Einkley! who was Cuickly declared insane so that there never would %e a pu%lic trial If you recall! 6resident &eagan was never the same leader after that incident 3he Basters don(t play around - they eliminate pro%lems and radically curve attitudes Hn Septem%er 1R! 1R-R! twelve State delegates of the 3hirteen State Colony(s approved the United States Constitution! not the Colonists and %y their doing so! the States %ecame 2(+n'!i!u!+r'.3 : 8constitutor9 is defined under civil law as! 8Hne who %y simple agreement %ecomes responsi%le for the payment of another(s de%t.9 )See" ;lacks ?aw *ictionary! Pth @dition2. Bany early immigrants to the United States arrived here as ;onded Slaves. : person of wealth or su%stance %ecame the )payor2 %y offering to pay or promising to pay or )%ond2 the de%ts of another person and usually paid the cost of his or her voyage to :merica. 3his made the payor a )constitutor2 and gave him title as )master2 over the de%tor )slave2 %y written contract. : 8;onded Slave9 is a (+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n. 3he payor(s new title and power as the 8;ond Baster9 of the de%tor! causes the immigrant to %ecome the property of the ;ond Baster! until such time he is paid %ack his investment %y the ;ond Slave or %y someone else 3his means that the ;ond Baster can %uy and sell these contracts If a ;onded Slave was mistreated %y his ;ond Baster7 the law did not represent him %ecause the ;ond Slave /a corporate fiction1 had no human rights afforded to him %y any law in place Corporate fictions have no rights If the ;onded Slave desired rights! he was o%ligated to negotiate them in his contract with the ;ond Baster %efore accepting the contract. If the ;onded Slave runs away from his a%usive ;ond Baster! the law in place attached a %ounty to him! hunted him down and returned him to the ;ond Baster. &emem%er also that the first Slaves in :merica were /Indian1 and then Caucasian of @nglish! French! Irish and >erman ancestry. T,# C+n'!i!u!i+n i' n+! 1+r, 27# !,# P#+-$#:3 :s mentioned %efore! the Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage and approval %ecause the Constitution was never written for them and has %een rewritten two more times since then %ut only our government officials know a%out that :nd now! so do you CA Ar!i($# ONE +1 !,# C+n'!i!u!i+nallows the Congress to %orrow against the full faith and credit of the :merican people without end. It keeps us eternally in de%t and makes all loans the government received from the Iing or any other entity! valid and enforcea%le against 8'e the 6eople 9 Eow is that good for usG 8A Ar!i($# ONE, S#(!i+n EIGHT, C$&u'# ?CDA +1 !,# C+n'!i!u!i+nreads that it is the Bilitias <o% to e$ecute the laws of the Union. 3he Bilitia is a military unit something like the 6olice or =ational >uard and is composed of mem%ers of our local community. 3he new State Constitutions however make Bilitias illegal e$cept in time of war and 1+

authoriDes the 6olice to arrest the mem%ers of a Bilitia! should they attempt to reform their ranks Eow is that good for usG FA Ar!i($# ONE; S#(!i+n EIGHT +1 !,# C+n'!i!u!i+n gives the Congress complete power over the Bilitary. 'hat do we do when it(s the Congress who we need to have arrested for 3reason and 6eonageG Eow is that good for usG 6resident H%ama has changed the Bilitary Hath. Soldiers no longer swear to support or defend the Constitution %ut rather to support and defend the 6resident =ow! isn(t that convenientG EA Ar!i($# SIX, S#(!i+n ONE +1 !,# C+n'!i!u!i+nis the law that makes :merican CitiDens responsi%le to file income ta$ returns and not %ecause of 3itle 2P of the United States Code. 6arts of our flawed history! taught to you %y our government controlled school system! accurately descri%ed that the @nglish people had %een ta$ed into a state of poverty %y Iing >eorge and was +n# of the reasons the Colonists fled @urope for the =ew 'orld. 'hy then would that %e made a part of the Constitution and how is this good for usG 3he I&S is not a U. S. >overnment :gency! they are :gents of a Foreign 6ower! operating under a private contract and your o%ligation to pay and file federal ta$es is a scam Hnly federal employees and persons %orn in 'ashington! *C and the federal territories were ever o%ligated to pay and file! prior to T,# S!& - A(! %ut we were never informed of that fact Hur government has %rainwashed us into %elieving that the =ational *e%t is all our responsi%ility and that it is your patriotic responsi%ility to pay your fair share Eere(s the 3ruth a%out that su%<ect 3he =ational *e%t is a Federal *e%t and always has %een 3he name change was the clever use of 8propaganda9 intended to invoke our civil patriotic pride 3he foreign :gents in charge of our government have %een %orrowing funds to line their pockets with7 to %uy influence and to make %usiness deals and seal 3reaties with communist 3hird 'orld Countries and *ictators! which will never %enefit 8'e the 6eople.9 3hey have lied to us! enslaved us! imprisoned us and sold our gold to the Jatican in 1K,, and invested the proceeds for their own %enefit 3he money they have %een %orrowing since 1K,, is not real money %ut! 8negotia%le de%t instruments!9 which is the same thing as monopoly money 3his means that in order to pay off the FederalM=ational *e%t all they or anyone ever had to do was print a money order! without any account num%ers on it and in the amount of the entire de%t! sign it and present it to the lender )3he Federal &eserve ;ank2 and the de%t is paid in full 3he foreign agents who purport to %e our pu%lic officials are responsi%le for eliminating the strength of the :merican ?a%or Unions! the elimination of our <o%s! the erosion of our inaliena%le rights and with the aid of the International 6rivate ;anking @mpires! have instigated every war or conflict we have ever %ecome involved with in history and /they convinced us that it was the other guys fault1 3he ;anks finance %oth sides of a war and clean up regardless of the winner 3hey have converted us into corporate fictions and sold us


as securities to foreign corporate investors and have denied us our heritage @verything they have %een doing is designed to undermine our freedom! li%erty and representative form of government 3heir goal and final %low against! 8'e the 6eople!9 is our mass genocide and the total conversion of our representative government into communism DA T,# SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT !+ !,# C+n'!i!u!i+n! regardless of the dispute of how it was adopted! permits the Federal >overnment to assess and collect a direct ta$ against! 8'e the 6eople.9 Bost :mericans do not know that the Federal >overnment is and always has %een financially self sufficient! the result of tariff(s imposed upon imports! e$ports and commerce. =ot one penny of the *irect Federal Income 3a$! paid through the I&S! is ever for or deposited into the United States 3reasury. 3hose 3a$es are deposited into the Federal &eserve ;ank for the Basters use. So how is this direct ta$ good for usG Fou may %e wondering a%out now! how the United States government can collect ta$es from! 8'e the 6eople!9 when we are Slaves! who own nothing and are not a party to the ConstitutionG *espite its legality! it is done under a process known as 8de%t collection9 through private contractors )the I&S2 and through a private contract! the United States Constitution. 3he I&S %elongs to the International Bonetary Fund! who also owns the Federal &eserve ;ank. 3he IBF holds the controlling interest in all the %anks in :merica 3he IBF is the &ockefeller and &othschild @mpires along with the eleven wealthiest families in the 'orld. 'hen you see or hear of a ;ank closing - it is a diversion and is intended to in<ure and panic the pu%lic 3he condition of the economy in the 'orld today is %eing manipulated %y these people 3heir schedule for the adoption of the N#" 7+r$* Or*#r is close at hand and these pu%lic :gents need to scare us into %elieving that this new form of government is our salvation Factually! it will only %e good for them and it will %e our ruin :A Ar!i($# C8 +1 !,# Ar!i($#' +1 C+n1#*#r&!i+npromises the full faith and credit of the :merican people to repay all loans made %y the United States government. 3he money %orrowed %y the United States to finance the &evolutionary 'ar came from France. 'ho owned FranceG /Iing >eorge 1 'ho was the opposition in the &evolutionary 'arG /@ngland.1 Hur Founding Fathers promised our la%or! eCuity! full faith and credit! to repay those de%ts that will! in theory! never come to an end So how is that good for usG OA T,# Bi$$ +1 Rig,!'was not for your protection. 3hey(re laws that represent one mans a%ility! with the assistance of the State! to control another mans actions and since they(re included under the U. S. Constitution! they(re not for you So how is that good for usG MA T,# T,ir!##n!, A #n* #n! %arred lawyers from ever holding a seat in pu%lic office. 3he :mendment was ratified however! during the second secret writing of the Constitution! this :mendment was dropped and replaced %y the 1+th :mendment and the 1+th :mendment was replaced %y the 10th :mendment and so on. 3he replacement wasn(t done %y a Constitutional Convention! it was simply omitted 3he original Constitution is the ?aw of the ?and and was designed to regulate our government 3he 1,th :mendment still is positive law %ut now a%out K-L of our pu%lic officials are lawyers so if we filed motions to remove them from office! who would sign themG 'asn(t that convenient for themG


GA Hn :ugust +! 1RK.! Ar!i($# ONE +1 !,# U. S. S!&!u!#' &! L&rg#! pages 1,- - 1R-! &/+$i',#* the States of the &epu%lic and created Federal *istricts In the same year the former States of the &epu%lic reorganiDed as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions! a%sent defined %oundaries! which they presented to the people of each State for a vote 'hy this timeG ;ecause the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people 2Ci!i<#n'3 of the new Corporate States. : CitiDen is also defined %y law as a 2(+r-+r&!# 1i(!i+n.3 3he people were %ound to the Corporate State and the States were %ound to the Corporate United States! which fraudulently o%ligated all of us to pay the de%ts of the Federal >overnment owed to the Iing 3his was necessary for the Founders %ecause the United States was officially %ankrupt on Aanuary 1! 1R-- and /our Founding Fathers1 who %enefitted the most %y these &evolutionary loans! reCuired a guarantee to present to the Iing :%sent that guarantee! they were personally o%ligated to repay the de%ts as Constitutors 3he state constitutions were rewritten again during the Clinton :dministration! e$cept now they are called the Constitutions of Interdependence 3hese Constitutions read <ust like the *eclaration of Independence! e$cept that 8'e the 6eople9 have %een eliminated. 3his is the Bagna Carta of the pu%lic officials and designed to protect them under 3he =ew 'orld Hrder Communist >overnment 3he pu%lic was never informed of this! like everything else and the media never reported any of the Fraud %eing perpetrated against :merica %y their pu%lic officials I could go on and on! discussing :rticles and :mendments of the Constitution %ut suffice it to say that the #%enefits( the government dangled in front of our 8naive noses9 has %een used as an inducement for us to volunteer and that all of these #%enefits( are received %y us at a terri%le cost 'hen we apply for government %enefits! the foreign government agents in charge! convert our living sovereign person into a corporation and then records our person as 2g+%#rn #n! &''#! -r+-#r!y3 3he States use to provide protection! sta%ility and security for the people %ut over time the focus of their attention has changed to the control of our minds! %odies! spirit and assets. 3o take a loyalty oath to support! defend and o%ey the Constitution now! is to swear an oath to your M&'!#r' to %e ever loyal to them KS$&%#' y+u &r# &n* '$&%#' y+u "i$$ #%#r /#0K M+r# #%i*#n(# +1 +ur S$&%#ry i' &' 1+$$+"': a1 3he primary control and custody of infants is with the corporate state government through the filing of government issued Bir!, C#r!i1i(&!#'! which are held in a State 3rust and therein each applicant is recorded under the D#-&r! #n! +1 Tr&n'-+r!&!i+n as a State owned Jessel and financial asset. : government issued ;irth Certificate was never needed as proof of %irth %ecause a %aptismal record or a family %i%le entry of %irth! was and still is an e$ception to hearsay and constitutes legal proof of %irth Ead your parents never applied for a government issued ;irth Certificate! none of the Federal or State Statutes! Codes or &egulations in place! would %e enforcea%le against you and no government official or agency could ever tell you how to raise your children! declare you an unfit parent or take your children away from you )See" 3illman v. &o%erts! 1.- So. P2 )and2 3itle 2P U. S. C. RR.1 )and2 1- U. S. C. Section -2.


'e all made fun of the :mish of 6ennsylvania and yet the government cannot touch them %ecause they do not participate in anything these corporate governments have to offer. 3he title to their land is recorded as an @cclesiastical 3rust. 3he Jatican /the Eoly &oman Church1 actually owns all the land! territories and insular possessions called :merica and as long as the :mish remain an @cclesiastical 3rust and remain a passive Christian Society! the Jatican will protect them. 3he Eoly &oman Church possesses the power to protect or crush anyone and anything %1 Social Security is not a 3rust or Insurance policy or insurance against disa%ility. 3he U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is a government giveaway program funded %y a government 3a$! which is why and how the Congress can periodically dip into the assets of the fund anytime they want and never have to pay it %ack 3he %ack of the Social Security card states that the card is the property of the government and not you Four %irth name appears on the front of that card and has %een modified in the same way as your %irth certificate! from upper and lower case letters to all capital letters! pursuant to a U. S. >overnment 6rinting Banual! which instructs government agencies on how to su%tly convert a living man into a corporation. 3he actual *irector of our Social Security Fund and :dministration is the Queen of @ngland and from which she is paid a generous salary. Four Social Security Card is issued %y the United =ations through the International Bonetary Fund and your Social Security =um%er is actually your International Slave =um%er Hn the reverse side of that card is an 8@9 letter followed %y eight num%ers. 3hat is a 2(u'i-3 num%er! which is reCuired on all securities Fes Fou have %een converted into a marketa%le security! like stocks and %onds and your person was offered for sale and sold to domestic and foreign corporate governments and investors c1 : Barriage ?icense :pplication is a reCuest to your 8Basters9 for permission to marry. If you ever had any claim of sovereignty %efore that date! you lost it completely when you applied for and married under a marriage license. Sovereignty means" 83o assert ones independence and to claim to %e self-governing.9 3he license isn(t necessary and never has %een %ecause a marriage has always %een <ust a contract! witnessed %y >od! %etween a man and a woman 3he 3reaty of 6aris and the ?ouisiana 6urchase %oth promised this fact 'ho told you that you must apply for a licenseG It was the official you chose to conduct your ceremonyG 3he official <ust happens to %e a licensed government official and his license prevents him from conducting marriage ceremonies without the issuance of a marriage license. *id Boses or Aesus ever say or profess that a marriage is not recogniDed %y >od! without a licenseG H#r#5' !,# Fr&u* /#,in* !,# Li(#n'#: 3hose who apply for and marry pursuant to a marriage license have now added a third party to their marriage contract 3he third party is the M&'!#r! %y and through his :gent! the Corporate State. 3he marriage license %estows the State with the legal right to decide the fate of the hus%and! wife and the possessions they procured and the children they conceived during their marriage. Should the marriage fail! their divorce must now %e decided %y and through the State Corporate Court %y a Corporate Audge and the Audges first and foremost concern is the 8interest of the State.9 3he interest of the %ride and groom is now secondary. IS##: B&nK+'!#n %. B&nK+'!#n, CDE N.E. CE:J.: comment %y the Audge deciding this 1-

divorce says it all 2T,# u$!i &!# +"n#r',i- +1 &$$ -r+-#r!y i' !,# S!&!#: in*i%i*u&$ '+@ (&$$#* +"n#r',i- i' +n$y /y %ir!u# +1 g+%#rn #n!, Ii.#.J $&"' & +un!ing !+ #r# u'# u'! /# in &((+r*&n(# "i!, $&" &n* 'u/+r*in&!# !+ !,# n#(#''i!i#' +1 !,# '!&!#.3 ):lso See" Senate *ocument =o. +, of the R,rd Congress! 1st Session2 and );rown v. 'elch! U. S. Superior Court2. d1 3he term 2$i(#n'#3 is defined in law as! 8: permit to do something illegal.9 )See" ;lacks ?aw *ictionary! Pth or Rth @dition2. 3herefore! all licenses are permits to violate the only real law Inaliena%le rights are the rights %estowed upon all living men %y >od at %irth :ll other laws are su%ordinate to >od(s law. 3he controlling government wants us to rely on their laws! so they demand that we apply for a license :nother e$ample is a 8*rivers ?icense.9 It is your >od given right to travel the roadways of this nation and no government has any right to restrict! ta$ or license your pursuit of happiness 3he only e$ception is a *river of a Commercial Jehicle. 3he governments have a right to regulate Commerce! which means trade. :nyone operating a vehicle in Commerce must %e licensed %ut all others are a%solutely free to travel without one 3he foreign :gents in power have changed the common use meanings of words to encapsulate and control every Sovereign. 3hey succeed in this intimidation through the corporate courts and police enforcement %y officers who have %een %rainwashed! which is reinforced %y mandatory training programs taught %y lawyers! the :gents for the Basters. e1 3he use of 2Tru'!'3 %y the Basters and their :gents is for a good reason : Tru'! %y law is '#(r#! and neither the Basters nor their agents )the Corporate >overnment and Courts2 can %e compelled to e$pose the rules or regulations of the Tru'! and those regulations can change with the wind! without notice to the participants )See" 3he ?aw of 3rusts2. f1 Slaves cannot own property. ?ook at the *eed to your home. Fou are identified as the IT#n&n!J of the property and never the Hwner Four ?ocal and State land ta$ is actually a 2r#n! +r u'# 1##3 assessed %y the State for the lease on the land. Fou gave them the land after closing via your ?awyer. *id he ever tell you thatG Eere(s how that happened" :fter closing! your ?awyer recorded the deed with the Court. 3he law only suggests recording the deed! it doesn(t mandate it Upon recording! you gave the land %ack to the State via your ?awyer(s 6ower of :ttorney. 3he State then leases it %ack to you for as long as you live there Isn(t that where you have constructed your home! your castleG I(m paying for it! doesn(t that make the land mine! you askG If you fail to pay the States assessed 2r#n! +r u'# 1##!9 which has %een cleverly disguised as a direct state ta$! you will %e evicted from your castle and land and the state will take title and sell your home under commercial law. Commercial ?aw ordains that! 5:nything permanently attached! is retained %y the owner 9 'ho is the owner of the landG 'hy the State %ecause you so graciously donated it to them Hh! I almost forgot! your ?awyer receives a fee from the State for recording your deed for their use and %enefit Eow do you feel a%out your lawyer nowG *idn(t you pay him to represent 8your interests9 at the closingG =ow you see why lawyers are the %runt of numerous <okes and have such a poor reputation


Its %ecause they deserve it g1 Foreclosures are nothing more than evictions! %ased on a different kind of fraud. 3he illusion of a de%t IM+r!g&g#J that never e$isted =o individual or family who has %een foreclosed on and evicted from their home in the United States is legal 3he only e$ception to this is owner-financing Hther than owner-financing! the people who purchased their homes through a Bortgage Company! actually owned their homes 8completely9 on the day of the closing. 3he real legal definition of a 8closing9 means that all legal interest as to title is concluded. )See" any reputa%le *ictionary from the 1-..(s2. 3he definition has %een changed %y our government lawyers to conceal the fraud. IE4-$&n&!i+n +1 !,# &/+%# '!&!# #n!J First you must know that the federal government took :merica off the gold standard in1K,,! during a staged %ankruptcy called the 8>reat *epression9 and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as! KN#g+!i&/$# D#/! In'!ru #n!'.K )F@S! 3E@ >&@:3 *@6&@SSIH= ':S S3:>@* 2 3he government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions and >od-given rights 3he process of creating a catastrophe was discovered %y %ehaviorists 3ake away a persons food! comfort and safety long enough and they won(t care or Cuestion the illusion provided! as long as their stomach is full! they have shelter! a comforta%le %ed and the means /real or imagined1 to keep or continue their comfort 6resident &oosevelt unconstitutionally collected :merica(s gold %y @$ecutive Hrder and sold it to the Jatican %y way of China! to conceal its true ownership. 3he gold in Fort Ino$ %elongs to the Jatican and not the United States :%sent a gold %ase! Commerce now essentially trades in 8de%ts.9 So if you %orrowed money for a Bortgage and there(s no gold or real value to support the paper called U. S. Currency7 what did you actually %orrowG Factually! you %orrowed de%t 3he Bortgage Company committed the ultimate fraud against you %ecause they loaned you nothing to pay off the imaginary %alance! not even their own de%t instruments. 3hey then told you that you owe them the unpaid %alance of your home and that you must pay them %ack with interest! in monthly installments H#r#5' ,+" !,#y *i* i!. :t your Closing! the Bortgage Company had you sign a 2Pr+ i''+ry N+!#3 in which you promised your sweat! your eCuity! full faith and credit against an unpaid %alance. 3hen without your knowledge! the Bortgage Company sold your 6romissory =ote /your credit1 to a 'arehousing Institution such as! Fannie Bae or Freddie Bac. 3he 'arehousing Institution uses your 6romissory =ote /your credit1 as collateral and generates loans to other people and corporations with interest. Collateral is essential to a corporation %ecause corporations have no money or credit. 3hey(re not real! they(re a fiction and reCuire the sweat! the eCuity! the full faith and credit of living individuals to %reathe and sustain the life of the corporation. Corporate >overnments operate under the same principle. 3he 'arehousing Institution makes money off the 86romissory =ote9 /your credit1 and even though the profits made are nothing more than new /=egotia%le *e%t Instruments1! 2.

those instruments still have %uying power in a /=egotia%le *e%t @conomy1. 3hese de%t instruments are only negotia%le %ecause of the human ignorance of the :merican people and the human ignorance of people in other countries of the 'orld! who have all %een lied to! told this has value! and the people don(t know the difference *id you ever give your permission to the M+r!g&g# C+ -&ny to sell your creditG So where is your cut of the profitsG If the Bortgage Company invested n+!,ing of their own in the purchase of your home! why are you making a monthly Bortgage payment to them with interestG :nd where do they get off foreclosing on or against anyone or threatening to forecloseG 3hey do it %y fraud and the M&'!#r' &n* !,#ir Ag#n!' /the governments! the courts and the %anks1 all know it @verything done to us and against us is a%out sustaining their lives! the lives of the corporate governments they command and to keep 27# !,# P#+-$#3 under their complete control 3hey accomplish this control %y taking away or threatening to take away your comfort and independence 3hey all use fraudulent means! disguised as law N+!#:'hen you applied for a Bortgage! the Bortgage Company ran a credit check on you and if you had a %lemish on your credit record! they charged you points /money1 to ease their pain and lighten the risk /a credit risk1 of their loaning you a Bortgage Bore Fraud 'hy are you paying points! when they never loaned you a dime 3he credit report is <ust another scam. If you have a high credit report! the government and %anks identify you as an 8H%edient Slave9 and yet your 86romissory =ote9 sold for the same value as the 86romissory =ote9 endorsed %y the man who is /a credit risk1 Credit didn(t matter. 3he fact that you are a living person is what matters M+r# Fr&u*: 3he M+r!g&g# C+ -&ny maintains two sets of %ooks regarding your Bortgage payments. 3he local set of %ooks! is a record that they loaned you money and that you agreed to repay that money! with interest! each month. 3he second set of %ooks is maintained in another State office! usually a ;ank %ecause the Bortgage Companies usually sell these loan contracts to a ;ank and agree to monitor the monthly payments in order to conceal the fraud In the second set of %ooks! your monthly Bortgage 6ayment is recorded %y the %ank as a savings deposit %ecause there is no real loan 'hen you pay off the fraudulent mortgage! the ;ank waits /K.1 days and then su%mits a reCuest to the I&S. 3he reCuest states" 83hat someone! unknown to this facility7 deposited this money into our custody and has a%andoned it Bay we keep the depositG9 3he I&S always gives their permission to the %ank to keep the deposit and your hard earned money <ust feathered the nest of the &ockefeller! &othschild and eleven other wealthy families in the world @Cuity ?aw! which once controlled :mericas( Corporate Courts! has %een replaced with :dmiraltyMBaritime ?aw! pursuant to 3itle 2- of the United States Code and the Audiciary :ct of 1R-K. 3his is the ?aw of Berchants and Sailors. Under :dmiraltyMBaritime ?aw7 the Courts presume you owe the Bortgage or the 3a$ or that you committed a crime defined as a Criminal Statute and it is your o%ligation to prove you(re innocent /3his means! you(re guilty until you prove you(re innocent1! which is the


same standard and procedure used in a Bilitary Court Bartial. Eaven(t we always %een told that! 8Fou are innocent - until proven guiltyG9 ?ies! ?ies and more ?ies 'e are not free men7 we are slaves! and %ound to our Basters %y adhesion contracts and secret 3rusts. 3he goal of the Basters and their /agents1 our elected officials! is to keep the people oppressed and su%servient to them :s the Basters agents! they utiliDe propaganda techniCues through government controlled schools7 churches7 the media and mind control %y force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement 6olice officers in :merica have %een pumped full of more %ullshit than a manure spreader and %ecause of their trust! pu%lic school conditioning and training! they haven(t the a%ility to see what is going on Bany have %een conditioned %y previous military service! not to think for themselves %ut <ust follow orders! which makes many of them as dangerous as a 3errorist =ow ask yourself7 who are the real 3errorists in :mericaG >uess what7 8the Constitution isn(t for the 6olice either9 and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it 9 3he more regulations! statutes and codes created! and the greater the num%er of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them7 the greater the Basters control over their Slaves and that is mind control %y force and threat of force! %y the very people we rely on! to protect and serve :t some point in history the foreign :gents in control of our Federal >overnment! decided that they needed to create Federal 6olice :gencies to protect them I can(t %lame them If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the :merican people hanging me for 3reason! I(d want %odyguards too =ow! if you are one of these pu%lic officials7 how do you <ustify the employment and e$pense of %odyguards! when no%ody is trying to in<ure you! and you don(t want anyone to know that you are committing 3reasonG Instead of confessing your motives7 you must find a way to accomplish your o%<ective and %lame it on someone else E@=C@" 3he %irth of a %ad law! T,# B+$'!#&* A(! and the %eginning of 2Pr+,i/i!i+n03 @nterprising people %egan to make money and others organiDed. 3hose who organiDed %ecame mo%s and when the mo%s %egan killing each other! the free lance %oot-legers and innocent people in drive %y shootings7 our federal officials sat %ack and en<oyed the show 3hey did a%solutely nothing until the pu%lic was literally %reaking down the doors of the Capitol ;uilding" )Aust like they had planned it 2 3he F;I e$isted %efore this time. 3hey were a small investigative unit under the :ttorney >enerals Hffice. 3he :gents had no arrest powers and were prohi%ited from carrying guns. 3heir only authority was to investigate federal employees and make reports to the attorney general! who then decided if the matter was serious enough to concern the government and whether to prosecute the employee 3he F;I was eventually armed! e$panded and provided national <urisdiction to fight the gangsters =one of which would have %een necessary had it not %een for 3he Jolstead :ct Slowly! the agency has grown into the giant it is now and ironically7 the ?egislature never authoriDed their e$pansion. @verything was done %y the :> administratively 'here does it say in the Constitution that a federal employee has the authority to create law! create a police authority or e$pand a current oneG


*o you see how our government has circumvented the restrictions placed upon them %y the Constitution and manipulated the :merican peopleG @very catastrophe! calamity or disaster has %een planned and financed %y our so-called pu%lic representatives with an ulterior motive in mind. 3he creation of Eomeland Security was done in the same way : 3errorist attack was staged %y hired men having connections to the Biddle @ast. I(m not going to go into the conspiracy! other than to say that 6resident ;ush and the F;I were as guilty as the men who high-<acked the commercial airplanes 3he director of the F;I confessed to the Congress of his :gencies involvement under 6residential Hrder. Ee was relieved of his position and Congress took no action against 6resident ;ush and the media did not report any of this to the :merican people 3reason charges were filed against 6resident ;ush! Jice-6resident Cheney and the F;I %y a two star >eneral from the 6entagon and no action has ever %een taken and nothing was ever reported to the :merican pu%lic! upon the orders of 6resident H%ama. 3his was <ust another government catastrophe designed to make you /the pu%lic1 %eg the government to come to your aid and protect you @ach time one of these catastrophe(s are staged7 our representatives steal more of our li%erty and freedom from us! %ut :merica doesn(t care %ecause now they feel safe once again :nd that(s what these foreign :gents want us to %elieve and feel 'e complain today that government has eroded our rights It(s true %ecause we were lied to directly and indirectly and told to %elieve something other than truth 3he correct term here is" 56ropaganda5 and all government controlled entities and institutions mentioned! are Cuite e$pert in the use of it 'hen I was a child7 during a period la%eled 8the Cold 'ar79 I remem%er my teacher(s telling the class how e$pert the Communists are in the use of 8propaganda 9 I can say now with a%solute certainty that no one is as e$pert as the :merican government In fact I %elieve that our government officials taught the 'orld I don(t %lame my teachers. Bost of them were su%<ected to and spoon fed the same propaganda under direction of these foreign :gents and corporate entities that now employ them. Hur teachers are simply spoon feeding our children with the same propaganda that was fed to them =aturally! if a teacher %ecomes too creative and steps outside the %o$! or thinks outside the %o$! the penalty for such creativity is the termination of employment! their future profession and %enefits >enerally! the reason used for termination is" 8Failure to adhere to the esta%lished curriculum and or meet the needs of this esta%lishment 9 'ho esta%lished the needs and curriculumG 'hy the government agents under the U. S. *epartment of @ducation! acting through the foreign :gents representing the Basters *uring the ;ush :dministration! a 3reaty called the =orth :merican :lliance was negotiated and signed %ut the content was not reported to the :merican pu%lic. 3he 3reaty guarantees that the %oundary lines dividing Be$ico! the United States and Canada will dissolve and %ecome one country to %e called =orth :merica! upon the installation of the =ew 'orld Hrder >overnment 3he currency for =orth :merica is %eing manufactured %y the United States Bint. 3hey are gold coins called :B@&HS. I have pictures of these coins %eing minted! that were taken %y an employee and smuggled out


@verything in your life has %een controlled from %irth and you(re still %eing controlled 3he free-thinkers of the world have either %een murdered or institutionaliDed in asylums. Freethinkers are a detriment to the Basters and their :gents 3hey have the potential to %ecome /Bartyrs1! especially if the populace %egins to pay attention to what the free-thinkers have to say or teach ?ook at what happened to Aesus7 Aohn Iennedy7 ;o%%y Iennedy7 Aohn Iennedy! Ar. and Bartin ?uther Iing! Ar. If you %elieve Aohn Iennedy! Ar. was an accidental death! then you pro%a%ly %elieve that on K11! the attack on the twin towers was a real 3errorist attack II1 y+u '!i$$ !,in6 !,i' "&y, &1!#r ",&! y+u ,&%# r#&*: P$#&'# '!+- r#&*ing; -u! y+ur !,u / in y+ur &'' &n* ($+'# y+ur #y#'0 Y+u &r# u(, !++ gu$$i/$#, ign+r&n! &n* /r&in *#&* !+ /# ,#$-#* &n* y+u *#'#r%# !,# !r#&! #n! y+u &n* y+ur 1& i$y &r# (#r!&in !+ r#(#i%#0J Contrary to popular %elief! nothing has changed since the day of Aesus If Aesus was alive today! he would %e declared a 3errorist and locked up in an asylum and slowly poisoned to death through the use of drug com%inations that are designed to slowly consume life instead of heal. :s long as free-thinkers profess their thoughts! they will %e institutionaliDed until their death Society will %e told that these men are dangerous and or they will %e classified as 3errorists 3he entire 'orld is a #Slave 6lantation( and is set up under this same principle %y the Basters! 8the high contracting powers!9 who have %een identified in certain International 3reaties as the 6opeMJatican! the United =ations! the IingMQueen of /@ngland or United Iingdom1 and principals of the International Bonetary Fund. 3he coming of a 8Hne 'orld >overnment!9 which pu%lic representatives and the media have %een talking a%out! actually %egan in 1RK. with the passage of the :rticles of Confederation 3hese :rticles and the principles therein! were first suggested in the Bagna Carta and later %ecame the foundation of the U. S. Constitution %ut! 2!,#r# n+! 1+r y+u03 3he Capitol City of the 'orld has %een identified as =ew Fork City! according to the United States Code. 3he United =ations with the %lessings of the Jatican! keeps the 'orld divided and in flu$! under the principle of 5*ivide and ConCuer!5 and all religious orders within the United States are instructed to keep us passive 6eople! populations! economies! religions and political agendas of every country on earth are manipulated %y the Basters! which keep each Country in a euphoric flu$ against the other. P&r!i&$ -r++1 +1 'u(, P+"#r: 'e are presently living under the ;a%ylonian 3almud! which was introduced to @ngland in 1.PP and has %een enforced %y the 6ope! various Iings and every religious Hrder since. 3his ;a%ylonian 3almud represents total and relentless mind control in that people are taught to %elieve in fictions! things that do not e$ist )e.g.2 6rivate International ?aw is now Commercial ?aw! which only deals in fictions7 8fictions called persons! money! politics! 2+

government and authority.9 3he Uniform Commercial Code! known as the ?aw of Berchants! which is P... years old! was derived from ancient ;a%ylon and is now 6rivate International ?aw. )See" 3he Uniform Commercial Code! section 1-2.12. 6SM Euman rights do not e$ist in fictions 6rior to 1.PP! many of the Iings su%<ects )?ords and *ukes2 held allodial deeds to land! which are land grants from the Iing or past Iings and which prevented the present Iing or his agents from ta$ing! trespassing or enforcing his will upon those su%<ects. ?and protected %y an allodial deed and improved %y a home made the su%<ects! Sovereigns in their own right and the king of his castle. In 1.PP! 'illiam the ConCueror defeated @ngland and stole the Iings 3itle! his lands and the lands %elonging to his su%<ects. From 'illiam I /1.PP1 to Iing Aohn /11KK1! @ngland found itself in dire straights %ecause it was %ankrupt *uring this span of time! parishioners routinely passed their land onto their family or to the church without the Iings permission. So the Iing invoked the ancient! 8?aw of Bortmain!9 also known as 8the dead man(s hand!9 which is our modern day -r+/&!# $&". 3he 6ope and the Jatican o%<ected to the 8?aw of Bortmain9 %ecause the Iing owed the Jatican a lot of gold he had %orrowed and this law now prevented the church from receiving gifts of land. In 12.-! @ngland was placed under 6apal interdiction /prohi%ition1 and Iing Aohn was e$communicated. Iing Aohn was ignorant of the teachings of the ;i%le and was made to %elieve %y 6ope Innocent III! that the 6ontiff was the 8Jicar of Christ79 the ultimate owner of everything on earth! and the only one who could grant the Iing a%solution for his sins7 providing the Iing make a suita%le gesture of repentance to the 6ope and the Eoly &oman Church 3he word 8JIC:&9 is defined in 'e%ster(s 1-2- @nglish *ictionary! to mean! 8: person deputiDed or authoriDed to perform the function of another! a su%stitute in office!9 and thereafter! all of the 6opes since 6ope Innocent III! pretend to %e Aesus Christ on earth. In his attempt to regain his stature! Iing Aohn offered the 6ope and the Eoly &oman Church his Iingdom! plus 1... gold marks each year as payment of a lease on the land! and he accepted the 6ope(s appointed representative )appointed ruler2 and swore su%mission and loyalty to 6ope Innocent III and the Eoly &oman Church. In 121,! a 3reaty was entered into %etween the Iing and the 6ope. 3he 3reaty made the Iing a tenant of his former Iingdom and a trustee to the 6ope and the Eoly &oman Church. 3he Iings ancestors were later appointed 3reasurer of the Jatican ;ank and continue to serve in that capacity to date. )See" 3reaty of 121,7 and the 6apal ;ulls of 1+00 to 1+K27 and 3he Selected ?etters of 6ope Innocent III concerning @ngland from 11K- - 121P! 3homas =elson and Sons! ?td. 1K0P2. In 1210! the ;arons of @ngland reacted to the loss of their rights and privileges they once en<oyed %efore the 121, 3reaty! and so they revolted against Iing Aohn and stormed the castle. Under the threat of death! they forced him to sign a document that recogniDed their stature and spelled out their individual rights 3he document was named the Bagna Carta. 'hen 6ope Innocent III was informed %y Iing Aohn a%out the ;arons revolt and the Bagna Carta7 the 6ope condemned the document and declared it null and void. In his written declaration to the ;arons! the 6ope stated that! 83he *eclaration of Euman &ights


em%odied in the Bagna Carta! violated the tenets of the church.9 Imagine that--- a church that does not %elieve in human rights --- %ut has a prohi%ition against a%ortion I %elieve that is called an! H$ymoron )See" 3he Selected ?etters of 6ope Innocent III concerning @ngland 11K- - 121P! 3homas =elson and Sons! ?td. 1K0P2. 3he 3reaty of 1R-,! known as the 3reaty of 6eace! signed su%seCuent to the &evolutionary 'ar7 was a 3reaty %etween Iing >eorge! the Eoly &oman Church and the representatives of the Corporate United States. 3he opening statement is written in Hlde @nglish and when interpreted means" 83he Iing claims that the 6ope is the Jicar of Christ and that >od gave the Iing the power to declare that no man can ever own property %ecause it goes against the tenets of his Church! the JaticanM3he Eoly &oman Church and %ecause he is the @lector of the Eoly &oman @mpire.9 )3his is why no person or company can ever own real estate in :merica 2 :nd the Founding Father(s agreed to that *eclaration 3he 3reaty of Jerona! which took place on =ovem%er 22! 1-22! was another 3reaty %etween the Iing of @ngland! the 6ope and the 8high contracting powers9 of the 'orld and e$emplifies the power that the 6ope and the Jatican weld in the 'orld and magnifies their interest in the &epu%lic of the United States. It also e$plains what has happened to us in :merica. T,# Tr#&!y +1 B#r+n&: Ar!i($# I:;asically states that the 8high contracting powers9 )the Basters2 agree and decree that all representative forms of government and governments that recogniDe the individual sovereignty of ordinary people! is incompati%le with 8divine right9 and all agree to use all of their efforts to %ring an end to such governments! wherever they may %e found or e$ist. )Isn(t the United States supposed to %e a representative form of government! which recogniDes individual sovereigntyG :t least that(s what the *eclaration of Independence promised2. Ar!i($# 8:3hat the 8high contracting powers9 agreed and decree that freedom of the press is a detriment to there e$istence and all promise to adopt measures to suppress the press in all of @urope. )If :mericans want to know what is happening in the United States! they need to tune into the Foreign =ews Service %ecause the :merican 6ress is suppressed %eyond %elief! ever since the =i$on administration and the 'atergate scandal. :mericas 6ress however! will talk %adly a%out other countries and the Foreign 6ress reciprocates the favor. *o you remem%er my earlier comment a%out! 8*ivide and ConCuerG9 If you want to know what is happening in :merica! you need to watch and listen to the Foreign 6ress Ar!i($# F:Convinced that religion contri%utes powerfully to keep the people in a state of passive obedience! all of the 8high contracting powers9 agree to take measures to insure its continuation and a written accolade is directed to the 6ope for his efforts to create and continue those measures. ):n e$ample of the measures they are speaking of involves the Iing Aames ;i%le.2 I#.g.J3he Iing Aames Jersion of the ;i%le was concocted %y the Iing under the guidance of 6ope Innocent III. )3his is the same Iing who was convinced %y the 6ope! that the 6ope


was >od(s representative on earth 2 3his colla%oration was kept secret to conceal the truth of their manipulation of the prophet(s written word. If you can locate an ancient manuscript of the ;i%le! which predates the Iing Aames Jersion7 you will discover that )during the crucifi$ion of Christ2! it is written in the ancient te$t that Aesus said" 2F+rgi%# !,# NOT, 1+r !,#y 6n+" ",&! !,#y *+03 In the Iing Aames Jersion! it is written that Aesus said" 2F+rgi%# !,# F&!,#r, 1+r !,#y 6n+" NOT ",&! !,#y *+.3 3he Iing Aames interpretation represents a passive version and is in keeping with the purpose and the accolade mentioned in Ar!i($# F +1 !,# Tr#&!y +1 B#r+n&. 3he Iing Aames Jersion of the ;i%le is the most popular version today and is presented to the masses %y all government controlled Christian religions. )6assive o%edience however is not taught or practiced in the Buslim religion2. 'hat was the lie our government used to e$plain the involvement of the armed forces of the United States and @ngland! in the Biddle @astG I remem%er Buslim leaders screaming that this was a 8Aihad!9 )a holy war2 and our so-called leaders denied the allegations. 'hen the :merican people were later Cuestioned %y the media! they responded with disdain and dis%elief Is there any wonder why there are now Buslim paramilitary camps %eing formed on :merican soilG :nd when our government officials were Cuestioned why they permit these paramilitary camps to e$ist7 their response was! )3he U. S. Constitution protects their right to e$ist 2 I remind you that this is the same Constitution that we are not a party too7 has %een circumvented %y our government officials and fails to protect any rights of! 8'e the 6eople 9 3he reason the foreign :gents posing as our federal representatives! are not concerned %y the formation of these camps! is %ecause of the mass genocide planned for the :merican population in the fall Iorea is now in the news for testing nuclear weapons. Hur government is making Iorea look like the aggressors when in fact Iorea does not want to %e a part of the =ew 'orld Hrder government and they are reacting out of fear 3hey simply want to live their lives as they see fit and our government officials and the United =ations are trying to %ully them into su%mission T,# 1+$$+"ing 1ur!,#r #4# -$i1i#' !,# -+"#r +1 !,# B&!i(&n in A #ri(&: 8If the Sovereign 6ontiff should nevertheless! insist on his law %eing o%served! he must %e o%eyed.9 );ened. SIJ! *e Sgn *ioec.! li%.! i$! c vii! n +. 6rati.! 1-++2. 86ontifical laws moreover %ecome o%ligatory without %eing accepted or confirmed %y secular rulers.9 )Sylla%us! prop. 2-! 2K! ++2. 8Eence! the <us nationale! /Federal ?aw1 or the e$ceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States7 may %e a%olished at any time %y the Sovereign 6ontiff.9 )@lements of @cclesiastical ?aw! Jolume I! pages 0, and 0+2. )3his passage is saying that the government has no authority to a%olish or change ecclesiastical law in :merica and that only the 6ope has the power to do that2. K#y' !+ !,# C+n'-ir&(y: 2R

2A$i(# in 7+n*#r$&n*,3 a famous children(s story written %y ?eo A. Carroll! which was his pen name. 3he author(s true profession was that of a lawyer! a lawyer who had a conscience! 8another o$ymoron 9 ?eo A. Carroll was @nglish and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the 'orlds governments and eventually replace them with a 8Hne 'orld >overnment 9 So he instituted his own plan to inform the 'orlds population a%out this nefarious conspiracy! %y writing a%out it in a children(s story Ee figured that parents would %uy his %ook! read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy %egan to unfold7 the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil Iudos to ?eo A. Carroll! %ut unfortunately his plan was too Cuick and the pace of the conspiracy was too slow and methodical for anyone to make the connection C+n'i*#r !,i' in1+r &!i+n: CA *uring my research! I discovered a Congressional &ecord from the 1K,.(s! which was a report compiled %y Colonel Eouse! an e$pert in counter intelligence hired %y the ;ritish 6arliament. 3he report detailed a plan or method to %e employed %y 6arliament and the United States government! for the complete take over and destruction of the U. S. representative form of government 3he report was sent to our Congress for review and then there was an argument from certain mem%ers of Congress who insisted that the report %e recorded as 83op Secret!9 out of a fear of reprisal! should the :merican people discover its e$istence 3he opposition mem%ers of Congress argued that the :merican people are 1un(!i+n&$$y i$$i!#r&!# and too preoccupied with their own personal comfort! to %e concerned a%out what we do 3he report was entered into the open record of Congress and was never discovered until 2..2 I have this Congressional &ecord in my computer documents 7ARNING: IBE7ARE AMERICAJ0 8A I met a man who was once employed %y Bilitary Intelligence. Ee is now diseased. 'e %ecame close friends and over time he confided in me something that had %een %othering his conscious for many! many years *uring his employment in the Bilitary7 he happened upon a scientific report %y BI! prepared for the Congress. 3he report detailed a plan titled7 2H+" !+ r#*u(# !,# -+-u$&!i+n +1 !,# Uni!#* S!&!#'.3 3he conclusion reached in the report was through mass vaccinations to cure a fictitious pandemic NOTE: :s of Aune 2..K! a former scientist! once employed %y a large pharmaceutical company in the United States7 has disclosed that %efore resigning from his employer! former 6resident ;ush! signed legislation that defers and eliminates the Federal Food and *rug :dministrations mandatory product testing7 defers and eliminates disclosure of possi%le dangers to the pu%lic7 and defers and eliminates civil lia%ility on the part of the F*: and the pharmaceutical company. NOTE: 3his scientist revealed that the 6resident and Congress are e$pected to order mass vaccinations for a /fictitious swine flu pandemic1 in the fall of 2..K and that the


vaccine to %e used7 contains small amounts of ;ird guano! a su%stance known to cause serious illness and death and in several tests! killed the la% animals that were in<ected 3his scientist suggested that most of the soldiers! who have died in the Biddle @ast conflict! have died from these vaccinations! %ut no one is talking NOTE: 3he people who have died of /swine flu1 so far! died %ecause they were vaccinated with the vaccine that is planned to %e given to the :merican population in the fall of 2..K and half of the 'orlds population. 3he 'orld Eealth HrganiDation is e$pected to declare a /pandemic1 and will reCuest that 6resident H%ama and Congress order mandatory vaccinations in the United States :ny one who refuses to take the 2*#&!, %&((in#,3 will %e arrested as a T#rr+ri'! and will %e committed into internment camps :s a 3errorist! no one is permitted a lawyer! a hearing or a <udge! pursuant to the new 6atriot :ct passed %y Congress after K11. 3he 'orld Eealth HrganiDation is owned %y and under the direction of the &ockefeller and &othschild families *o you now see the pattern unfoldingG NOTE: 6olice officers! Sheriff(s *eputies! U. S. Bilitary personnel and their families will not escape this mass genocide :fter they are no longer of use! all will %e compelled to take the 2*#&!, %&((in#3 right along with the rest of the general pu%lic By guess is that the federal or state governments will install another police authority to replace our 6olice! Sheriff(s *eputies and Bilitary. By %elief is that they will %e using army personnel of the USS& and China. 3hese armies are now occupying former military %ases in each state that was closed down under the guise of %udget cuts. Fort *i$ in =ew Aersey now occupies a %attalion of the &ussian :rmy. I don(t know which %ases are %eing occupied in the other states. NOTE: Hne closed military %ase in each state! has also %een converted into an 8Internment Camp.9 3he Ealli%urton Corporation was hired %y the federal government to modify each %ase and install ma$imum security %uildings. 'hy would the United States reCuire so many large Internment CampsG Hne camp should %e sufficient ;ecause these camps are e$pected to receive thousands of innocent :mericans who simply refuse to su%mit to the 2*#&!, %&((in#03 NOTE: Eomeland Security is in charge of these camps and they have %een training personnel to man these facilities since K11. :ccording to one informant! the personnel have %een told that anyone committed into their custody are mem%ers of a home grown 3errorist organiDation suspected of inflicting %iological warfare upon :merica 3he innocent people shot or interned will %e %lamed for the planned mass genocide %eing committed %y our own government leaders


3he 8want ads9 in the newspapers! and on the internet %y Eomeland Security! seeking to employ people to help fight 3errorism! are the <o%s they are attempting to fill at these Internment Camps 'hat I don(t understand is why the mem%ers of the 6ress continue to follow Hrders %y not reporting anything when! from what my group of Internet &esearchers have %een a%le to determine7 only mem%ers of the Congress! the ;ar! the Federal 6olice! pharmaceutical company employees and their families! will %e protected and e$empt from these vaccinations 3he mem%ers of the press will %e forced to su%mit to this 2*#&!, %&((in#3 the same as everyone else NOTE: I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins purchased %y our government! which are %eing stockpiled in =ew Aersey. 3hese coffins are for the %urial of dead :mericans during this planned mass genocide. I also have the statement %y the scientist. Ee has %een making &adio :nnouncements from a 6irate &adio Station in Chicago! attempting to warn the pu%lic of this planned mass genocide :nd I have copies of a complaint and restraining order! recently filed with the F;I! %y an :ustralian Aournalist! charging that the F*:! the 'orld Eealth HrganiDation and the U. S. Federal >overnment is planning a 'orld 6andemic against the population of the earth and that the United States population is e$pected to %e decimated IBE7ARE @ BE7AREJ FA I met an elderly gentleman while living in Jirginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of AFI and then the death of Franklin *. &oosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located @$ecutive Hrders signed %y 6resident Iennedy! si$ months %efore his assassination and that in those @$ecutive Hrders! 6resident Iennedy disclosed that he and his %rother ;o%%y! the :ttorney >eneral! have uncovered evidence that the Federal &eserve ;ank was instituting a plan to undermine the :merican @conomy 6resident Iennedy 8Hrdered9 the dismantling of the Federal &eserve ;ank %y these @$ecutive Hrders and 8Hrdered9 that the U. S. Bint %egin printing and circulating Silver Certificates to replace the Federal &eserve =otes in circulation. 3hese facts were never presented to the special commission appointed to investigate AFI(s assassination and these @$ecutive Hrders were never repealed however! the Federal &eserve was never dismantled and after AFI(s assassination! the U.S. Bint ceased the printing of Silver Certificates. In the years to follow! the Federal &eserve ;ank attempted to remove all of those Silver Certificates from circulation and destroy them. Hnly coin collectors possess any of the original Silver Certificates. 3he Collectors can trade or sell them %etween each other %ut they are prohi%ited now %y law! from circulating them %ack into the :merican economy Imagine that! the Congress passed a law prohi%iting the circulation of lawful currency


EA 3his same elder gentleman told me that when he was a child of 12! his father was a Bortician in 'ashington! *C and his family resided at the Funeral Eome where his father was employed. 3his Funeral Eome was eventually engaged %y the 'hite Eouse to em%alm the corpse of 6resident Franklin *. &oosevelt! upon his death. 3he elder gentleman then asked me7 8*o you know why F*&(s funeral was a closed casket! when he died of natural causesG9 I didn(t know the answer 3hen the elder gentleman responded" 8;ecause my father didn(t know how to hide a %ullet hole to the head 9 3he man went on to ela%orate how the Secret Service and F;I had visited the funeral home during this timeframe and made everyone swear under threat of death! not to reveal what we saw or knew =othing was ever reported to the pu%lic or printed a%out it in the history %ooks and! 8I(m too old now to give a shit a%out their threats 9 Aust in case the old guy was simply trying to %est my research on AFI7 I wrote down the name of the Funeral Eome and his last name! once I entered my vehicle. ?ater that afternoon I %egan to research F*&(s death and %urial and discovered that the name of the Funeral Eome matched I then found a censes report for 'ashington! *C of that year and discovered that the old gentleman(s father was in fact a Bortician and he resided at the Funeral Eome with his wife and two children DA =ot knowing as much then as I do today7 I telephoned the 'ashington 6ost and spoke to ;o% 'oodward! who was one of the two famous investigative reporters responsi%le for %ringing down the =i$on :dministration. I told Br. 'oodward a%out the possi%ility that F*& had %een assassinated in office and was covered up I gave him what information I could and told him that I hoped he would %e a%le to solve this incident as well 3his was seven years ago and nothing was ever printed! discussed in the 6ost or was ever released %y any news service 3wo years ago! I found the evidence of the 3reaty of Jerona and many other details discussed herein! which strongly suggests that freedom of the press no longer e$ists in :merica! /if it ever did 1 Some of you 2D+u/!ing T,+ &'5'3 may want to argue with me that" 8If this is such a huge conspiracy7 how is it that you and your Internet friends can research everything on computers and write a%out itG9 3he answer is that our Basters and their government agents are Cuite full of themselves 3hey have intelligence! wealth! influence and a%solute power and control over everything and everyone on this earth %ut! they are human and suffer the same common frailties that every powerful leader has endured since the %eginning of time7 21& # &n* !,# *#'ir# 1+r r#(+gni!i+n03 3hey can(t talk or %rag a%out their conspiratorial accomplishments while they are alive out of a fear of retaliation! which is in direct conflict with their human egos So they are forced to settle for their accomplishments to %e recorded in e$pectation that one day the MATRIX will %e revealed and they will %e recogniDed! revered and ogled %y future generations of their kind


:A Hn or a%out :ugust 2+! 2..K! ;anks are e$pected to %egin failing in specific regions of the United States. 3he United =ations! the United States Congress! the Federal &eserve ;ank and the International Bonetary Fund are %ehind this arranged catastrophe <ust like they were during the >reat *epression of 1K2K. 3here purpose is to change our monetary system from Federal &eserve =otes to :mero(s. 3he :mero is %eing made %y the US Bint in 'ashington for the last three years. 3rust me when I tell you that this is a planned event. 3he :mero is a O1... gold coin and is to %ecome the currency of Canada! Be$ico and the United States. :nyone who keeps their Federal &eserve =otes in the ;ank when the collapse occurs will lose OP... out of every OR.... It could %e more %ut my sources tell me that OP... is a pretty good guess. 3he value of the @uro will %e affected %ecause of so many Federal &eserve =otes %eing held %y ;anks in @urope. 3he only safe haven for individuals who want to hold onto the value of their money is to e$change the %ulk of their Federal &eserve =otes into Swiss Franc(s and lock them in a safe. Hnce the :mero is introduced into =orth :merica! these individuals can e$change the Swiss Franc(s into :mero(s and pro%a%ly make a , to 1 profit in the e$change. I recommend that any%ody doing this should keep some Federal &eserve =otes %ecause they will continue to have %uying power until all the ;anks close down for a three or four day hiatus. 'hen the ;anks reopen! the :mero will %e introduced and the :merican pu%lic will %e told that they have lost OP... out of every OR... due to the collapse and that it will cost them OP... to OR... worth of Federal &eserve =otes to purchase one O1... :mero. It is all %ull :ny Country who has the a%ility to mint its own currency has the power to esta%lish the value of its money. =o%ody needs to take a loss %ut then that would not %enefit the powers in control of our lives THE END


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