St. Paul Lutheran Church: Prayer Walking

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Paul Lutheran Church

10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274 Office Phone: (812) 522-7364 & 522-7484 Email:stpaullutheran@stpaul Web site:http://www.stpaul


From the Pastors Desk

Prayer Walking
As Spring seems like it is finally here and the temperature outside is beginning to get warmer, most of us want to be outside more. One way to continue a practice of regular prayer and still be outside is by prayer walking. Prayer walking is a spiritual discipline that is defined as a way of physically walking with Jesus through places (hospitals, homes, business, schools, playgrounds, nighborhoods) that you are concerned about. From the vantage point of proximity, prayers for the kingdom to come are offered to God. (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, by Adele Calhoun) What this means is that prayer walking is being intentional about while walking around to pray for the surroundings. It can take the form of going somewhere specific that you want to pray for and being physically present or near the subject of your prayer when you pray. For exampleif you were wanting to lift up the schools (teachers, students, school board, etc) in prayer, you could go to any of the schools and walk around the school property praying for the school, teachers, students, etc. I have heard of people doing this to schools, government buildings, church property, neighborhoods, etc. While there is nothing magical about being in close proximity to what you are praying for, it does bring a greater sense of reality for the person praying when you are praying for the school and you are there at the school. I think that the key for this notion of prayer walking is that you are being intentionally about praying for specific things, places and people. For some people, the activity of walking and being close to the object of your prayers is meaningful. This idea of prayer walking can also include the whole notion of being intentional of praying while being out for a walk/run. Most of the time when we walk or run, our minds are thinking about something. Why not use that time to be intentional about being people of prayer. You wouldnt have to do this the whole time you are walking/running, but it can be a good way to multitask and use another activity as a way to help you become closer to God. One word of caution, if you do attempt to do some prayer walkingplease be attentive to your surrounding. If you are walking in a place where there might be traffic or obstacles, you need to make sure that you pay attention to where you are walking to keep yourself safe. I encourage you to give this a trial and see if this helps to enrich your spiritual life.

Keep on praying in the new year!

1 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 12 12 15 15

Meg Brown Doug Brougher Wayne Taulman Shirley Runge Maude Kleffman Paul Otte Kenny Browning Sophia Engelau Wilma Claycamp Carly Kaiser Samantha Price Sidney Hoene Molly Claycamp David Hildebrand Karen Hoene Bob Claycamp Scott Jackson

16 17 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 30

Christy Newkirk Bill Lucas Carrie Kruse Jack Tormoehlen Lila Anderson Lincoln Shoemaker Ella Kruse Gina Goodwin Chris Herbert Leslie Wente Teresa Brown Jeremy Kleffman Selma Mellenbruch Heidi Kleffman Patty Herkamp Annelise Engelau Pat Otte

CONGRATULATIONS to Zac and Heather Morris on the birth of a daughter. Emily Joyce was born on April 4, 2014. She has two sisters, Alexus and Elizabeth. CONGRATULATIONS to Marc and Molly Fountain on the birth of a son. Henry Atticus was born on April 8, 2014.

WYATT JOHN HOEVENER was baptized on April 6, 2014. He is the son of Mike and Brittany Hoevener. Wyatt was born on February 25, 2014.His sponsors are Tim Hoevener and Angie Otte.

May Volunteers Alvin & Pat Otte (8:00) Greeters Leon & Linda Seitz (10:15)

June Volunteers Greeters Merrell and Sara Otte (8:00) John and Amy Pierceall (10:15) Merrell Otte (8:00) Communion Assistants Bill Wonning (10:15)

Communion Assistants Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) Altar Care May 4 & 18-Amy Pierceall (10:15) May 11-Shirley Lewis (8:00) May 25-Tammi Reinbold (8:00) Lectors May 4-Jodi Brown (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) May 11-Dot Goodwin (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) May 18-Susan Holle (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15) May 25-Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Ed DeVoe (10:15) Acolytes May 4-Eliana Baker (8:00) Eli Wood (10:15) May 11-Erin Otte (8:00) Sarah Davis (10:15) May 18-Madison Engelau (8:00) Tyson Lawles (10:15) May 25-Abby Hoevener (8:00) Ariel Douglass (10:15) Projectors May 4-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Jack Tormoehlen (10:15) May 11-Madison Jones (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) May 18-Jamie Baker (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15) May 25-Doris Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Flowers May 4-Luci Angel May 11 & 18-Lois Bryden May 25-Roger & Delores Douglass Welcome Center-Shirley Lewis (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)

Altar Care June 1 & 15-Linda Seitz June 8-Sara Otte (8:00) June 22-Linda Rust (8:00) Lectors June 1-Jamie Baker (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15) June 8-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Hannah Davis (10:15) June 15-Mark Rorick (8:00) Amy Rotert (10:15) June 22-Mandy Rorick (8:00) Jack Tormoehlen (10:15) June 29-Doris Rorick (8:00) Amy Pierceall (10:15) Acolytes June 1-Maggie Newkirk (8:00) Lyra Claycamp (10:15) June 8-Cole Fosbrink (8:00) Tyson Lawles (10:15) June 15-Adam Newkirk (8:00) Dylan Hatfield (10:15) June 22-Anna Holle (8:00) Cheyenne Douglass (10:15) June 29-Morgan Jones (8:00) Rachel Hildebrand (10:15) Projectors June 1-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) June 8-Madison Jones (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) June 15-Jamie Baker (8:00) Jack Tormoehlen (10:15) June 22-Doris Rorick (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) June 29-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15) Flowers June 1-Roger & Delores Douglass June 8 & 15-Sara Otte June 22 & 29-Shirley Lewis Childrens SermonLeah Otte Welcome Center-Luci Angel (8:00) Linda Seitz (10:15)

Upcoming Worship
May 4th:
Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming Sundays. Please take some time to look over the lesson and reflect upon the questions in preparation of the upcoming weeks in worship.

TextActs 9:1-19 (Rite of ConfirmationOne Service @9:00 AM)

With the Narrative Lectionary, we now shift to the early church. This day we hear of the conversion of St. Paul. God calls Paul to now be a missionary and proclaim Christ to the nations. This day, we also have the Rite of Confirmation where 7 young adults affirm their faith in Christ. As we hear of the call of Paul to faithful service, God also calls these 7 young adults to faithful service to God.

May 11th:
TextActs 16:16-34
Today, we hear of Paul with Silas being thrown into jail because of casting a demon out of a girl whom her owner used as a fortune teller. While in prison, there was an earthquake giving Paul and Silas a way to escape. However, instead of fleeing the prison they stayed. The jailer was surprised that they stayed and this act led the jailer and his whole family to believe in Jesus and seek to be baptized.

May 18th:
TextActs 17:16-31
As the early church grew, Paul went town to town to proclaim the message of Jesus. One of the places that Paul preached was in Athens. Paul went to a place that was known as a gathering place for religious dialogue and found statues built to in honor the many gods that people worshipped. Paul used these statues and in particular the one built to the unknown god, as a way to tell the story and proclaim Jesus in order that people might come to faith and be baptized.

May 25th:
Text Philippians 1:1-18
As the early church grew, Paul would write letters to various churches to encourage and instruct the believers. Philippians is one of these letters. It is written to the church of Philippi. It is written while Paul was in prison and gives thanks to the church for their partnership in the gospel.


During 2014, one of my emphases for ministry is prayer. As a way to be intentional about praying, I will be offering two different times each month for people to gather for the sole purpose of praying together. We will gather for about a half hour and spend the time lifting up a variety of requests and whatever else is on peoples minds. The dates in May for these prayer gatherings are: Sunday, May 11th @ 7 PM and Wednesday, May 28th @ 7:00 PM. Any questions, please talk with Pastor Steve. If you are unable to come, you are still invited to take time during these appointed times to pray and lift up a variety of requests and petitions to God.

High School and College Graduation recognition will be held in June. If you know of a person that has graduated this year and would like for them to be recognized during the service in June contact Wendy in the church office.

CONFIRMATION Confirmation instruction is drawing to a close as our 8th Graders get ready for their Confirmation Day, Sunday, May 4th at 9:00 am. The following 8th Graders will confirm their faith: Jackson Charles Newkirk Rosenberger Son of Scott and Amy Rosenberger Madison Christine Jones Daughter of Brent and Carolyn Jones Marshall Griffon Claycamp Son of Jon Claycamp and Stacey Claycamp Chloe Ann Bryden Daughter of Bill and Lois Bryden Kyle Evan Claycamp Son of Aaron and Molly Claycamp Lydia Sophia Danielle Payton Shuler Daughter of Sue Shuler Zachary Cale Lawles Son of Brent and Gretchen Lawles After the service a reception will be held honor Confirmation as an important step in the lives of our Confirmands. FIRST COMMUNION Those who completed their First Communion instruction and celebrated their First Communion are: Alexus Marie Morris Daughter of Zac and Heather Morris Elizabeth Mae Rust Daughter of Robert and Marj Rust Eamon McKnight Shaw Son of Aaron Shaw and Amy Shaw


The Graduates of Borchers Preschool Class 20132014:

Emory Helton *Elsie Herbert Luke Hunter *Dagan Kleffman Shooter Kloss Presley Meyer *Elizabeth Morris *Vivian Newkirk *Emerson Otte Clayton Reedy Miranda Stidham

Those marked with * are members here at St. Paul Borchers.


BORCHERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year. Your child must be age 4 by August 1st, 2014 to be in the 4/5 yr. old class; to be in the 3/4 yr. old class the have to be age 3 by August 1st, 2014 and for the 2/3 yr. old class they have to be 2 by August 1st, 2014. Enrollment forms are at the Welcome Center or call the church office at 522-7364 for more information or an enrollment form.

Encourage one another and build up each other

1 Thessalonians 5:11, NRSV

MISSION CARE: St. Pauls next Red Cross Blood Drive will take place in the preschool area on Sunday, June 22, from 8:00 AM to 12 NOON. Watch the Welcome Center for a sign-up sheet in early June. Tell your friends and neighbors walk-ins are welcome! St. Pauls collection of Lutheran World Relief quilts and kits for this year will be boxed and delivered to Indianapolis in early June. Dedication Sunday will be May 18th. Quilts and kits will be on display during morning services on that day and dedicated to God for the benefit of needy individuals worldwide. Please take a few minutes as you leave the sanctuary after 2nd service to help carry quilts and kits to the Fellowship Room, where they will be packed and readied for shipping. ITS TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING! Several folks have offered to do basic handyman jobs and cleaning chores for anyone who needs assistance. Contact Trish if you would like some help. The food pantry items being collected in May are canned ravioli, Spaghetti Os, and canned meats. Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors. Donations are given to food pantries in Seymour at Provisions, Anchor House, and Human Services. We will make our last collection of aluminum tabs on MAY 18 for Ronald McDonald House in honor of Riley Childrens Hospital heart transplant recipient Emily Hume. Turn yours in at the Welcome Center! Tabs will be delivered to Redding Elementary for their final collection at the end of the school year. Emily has been on our prayer list since last July when she began her long health journey at Riley. We rejoice with Emily and her family on her return HOME this Spring!!! Its time for St. Paul -Borchers new and improved PLANT GIVEAWAY set for Saturday, May 24 in the church parking lot from 9AM to 11AM. Invite your friends and neighbors! This year new gardeners, as well as seasoned gardeners, are encouraged to attend and get FREE plants of all kinds, FREE used pots and tools, and FREE advice, too! Plant/bulb types available will be: flower, vegetable, water, and herb. Display any FREE goodies on your tailgate, out of your trunk, or supply your own card table. Let Trish know if youd like some help digging your plants prior to the giveaway event. Any unclaimed plants will be donated to a local free store after the event.

HEALTH & WELLNESS CARE: Join seniors for a simple, low-impact exercise time on Thursday mornings. This program is designed to help seniors with balance and flexibility; thereby helping them to avoid debilitating falls. These chair exercises will be held soon after breakfast and end with plenty of time left for board games and cards! Thanks to Mandy Otte for leading exercises! FRIENDLY CARE: MOMS ANGELS is the name of a group forming to support people whove experienced the loss of a child. Interested persons should plan to attend an organizational gathering in St. Paul-Borchers Fellowship Room at 7PM on Wednesday, May 21. Possibilities and ideas for future meetings will be explored and light refreshments will be served. Fathers are welcome, as well as folks whove lost a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. STEPHEN MINISTRY: The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen is a book being used for continuing education by Stephen Ministers. Pastor Steve is leading discussion about the book which offers insight into how we learn to care for others, with Christ as our model, through our own relationships during crisis situations. Stephen Minister groups usually meet the 4th Monday of the month from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. RECYCLING TIP OF THE MONTH Experts say the best current disposal option for alkaline batteries is to throw them away with your trash. They contain NO hazardous materials. Alkaline batteries have not been manufactured with mercury for two decades. If you dont like the idea of throwing batteries away, consider using rechargeable batteries instead!!

SENIOR CARE: FREE MOVIE for Seniors at YES! Cinema on Tuesday, May 6. The group is out and about again since the frigid weather is GONE!! Last months feature was enjoyed by all in attendance. A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:15 and return between 4:00 and 5:00. Please sign up at the Welcome Center so transportation can be arranged. The movie title will be available a few days prior to the event at Questions? Please contact Trish Tangman. Borchers Breakfast Club (BBC) meets every Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 for breakfast, activities, and social time. YOU are welcome to join the group just for breakfast, or for the entire morning! Leftovers from weekly BBC breakfasts are available to be delivered to anyone who would appreciate this effort. If you or someone you know might like an occasional delivery of free breakfast goodies, please let Joe Hoene or Trish Tangman know. Seniors are planning an outing to Stream Cliff Herb Farm near Commiskey, IN Thursday, May22. Breakfast will be served at the church as usual at 9:00 AM. A group will leave the church parking lot around 10:00 AM and return around 3:00 PM. Seniors will tour the gardens, gift shops, and winery. Lunch will be enjoyed at 12:30 in the Twigs & Sprigs Tearoom at their own expense. Everyone is invited to enjoy the trip; you need not be a regular BBC attendee. Please sign up on the Welcome Center so transportation can be planned. Watch for upcoming details about the annual Senior Day Camp outing which will take place Thursday, June 12 during VBS Day Camp. NEED HELP WITH ODD JOBS JUNE 9-13? Again this year during Day Camp middle schoolers will be working on projects in groups of 4 or 5 kids per job. They will be donating their time to help local elderly folks with odd jobs such as window washing, pulling weeds, clearing brush, and trimming shrubs. If you have an idea for this week, please contact Carolyn Jones.

Will meet on Thursday, May 1st at 7:30 pm at Shirley Lewis home. Pat Otte will be Bible Study Leader.

WINGS Will meet on Thursday, May 1st at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Amelia Shaw will be hostess.

Will meet on Tuesday, May 20th at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Mildred Carter is hostess and Jo McGrew is Bible Study Leader.

St. Pauls Youth and Family Ministries

Daycamp is just around the corner. This years theme is Pandamania! Registration forms are available at the Welcome Center or on the churchs website. Also there are sign-up sheets for volunteers as well as snacks needed for the week at the Welcome Center. We are excited about the upcoming week and hope to see many of you participate either as a camper or a volunteer.


Daycamp counselors and volunteers will meet on Wednesday, May 21 at 7:00pm to go over upcoming plans for this years daycamp.


Kids Bells and Kids Praise group will be having their Pizza Party on Wednesday, May 7 at 6:00 pm at the Picnic woods. If its raining it will be held at the church. We will be done around 6:45.

Adult Bells will practice May 7 and May 13 at 6:30 pm.

Luther League will be hosting the Sunday School Picnic which will be held on Sunday, June 8 at 11:15. Watch for an email/text of what to bring.


Carolyns Office Hours: Email: Home Phone: 497-3338 Cell Phone: 521-0281 Tyler Claycamp (Intern): Cell Phone 216-7027 Email:

Jr High youth and the Tweeners will meet on Saturday, May 3 at 9:00 to clean up the picnic shelter houses and grounds. Bring buckets and rags as well as work gloves. Wear old tennis shoes and clothes as we could get dirty. Also if you have a rake you can bring it too.

Saturday, May 24, 2013 9 AM 11AM In St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers Parking Lot Bring your extra plants to give away or trade! Vegetable plants, flowers, bulbs, water garden plants, seeds, herb plants

Notes of Thank you

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Watch the Welcome insert for dates and times. PICNIC GROVE MOWINGLooking for volunteers to mow and take care of the lawn care needs at the Picnic Grove during the months of April through October. If interested, please sign up for a month on the sheet at the Welcome Center. Contact Howard Wente or Charlotte Guinn with questions. BOOK BUZZ will meet on Tuesday, May 27th in the Narthex. The book that will be discussed is The Cross-Country Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini. Contact Trish Tangman or Michelle Wood with questions. THE LUTHERAN HOME SERVICE will be on May 18th at 2:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to help set-up and bring residents down to the service. Please contact Pastor Steve if you can help. BORCHERS CHAPEL SPRING CLEANING on Saturday, May 10th starting a 9am. If you would like to help but the date is not convenient, there is also a cleaning checklist on the Chapel lectern, please feel free to come at your convenience. Thank you for your help - The Chapel Committee. New members always welcome. St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers, Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in memory of Allen. The outpouring of kindness was very humbling. Gods Blessings, The family of Allen Thompson Thanks so much to all the church members for spending time and effort to take care of all my family who came from near and far. I deeply appreciate all of you for being so kind in our time of sorrow. Sincerely, Ellie Otte OTHER EVENTS
30TH ANNUAL LUTHERWOOD GOLF OUTING will be on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at Old Oakland Golf Club. For more information or to register for event call or e-mail Crystal Wilmot at (317) 359-5467 ext. 211 or UNITED WAY'S ANNUAL DAY OF CARING will take place all over Jackson County on Tuesday, May 13th. Last year 260 volunteers participated in 42 community projects and logged over 2,500 volunteer hours improving the community! Projects and volunteers for the 2014 event are now being organized and we'd like St. Paul-Borchers to be represented with a group of volunteers participating from our congregation! Skilled and unskilled volunteers are needed. Donations of cash and supplies are needed, as well as a light lunch for our group of volunteers. If you are interested in sharing your gifts and being involved in this worthwhile event, look for more information and a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center.

Sun Mon Tue Wed

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile. Mother Teresa

8:30 am Devotional Service in the Borchers Chapel 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 7:00 pm WINGS 7:30 pm Ruth Circle at Shirley Lewis Home

9:00 am Preschool

9:00 am Jr. High Youth & the Tweeners meet to clean the Picnic Grove

Confirmation Day

9:00 am Preschool

12:15 pm Free Senior Movie

9:00 am Preschool 6:00 pm Kids Bells & Kids Praise Group Pizza Party 6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

9:00 am Preschool

9:00 am Borchers Chapel Spring Cleaning

9:00 am Communion Service No Sunday School

8:00 am WOV Communion 9:10 Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Worship 7:00 pm Prayer

9:00 am Preschool

6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice

9:00 am Preschool 11:00 am Preschool Picnic 7:00 pm Preschool Graduation

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club



8:00 am LBW Worship 9:10 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Communion 2:00 pm Lutheran Home Service


9:00 am Hanna Circle in the Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm Daycamp Planning Meeting

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 9:30 am BBC Field Trip to Stream Cliff Herb Farm


9-11am Plant Swap in the St. Paul Borchers Parking Lot

8:00 am LBW Communion 9:10 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Worship



1:30 pm Clothing Center 7:00 pm Prayer

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club



6:30 pm Stephen Minister Meeting

Carolyn on Vacation May 29thJune 6th

Will be held on Sunday, May 4th. There will be only one service on that day at 9:00 am and no Sunday school.

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