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My Birthday Present
It's my tenth birthday, For a bike I pray. "No," my parents said, "Here's a dog instead." I named my dog Spot, And I love him a lot! 1. Which lines rhyme in this poem? A. lines 1 and 4 B. lines 4 and 6 C. lines 1 and 2 D. lines 3 and 5

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again. 2. What is the rhyming pattern in this nursery rhyme? A. Every other line rhymes. B. Every two lines rhyme. C. Only lines 2 and 4 rhyme.

D. Only lines 1 and 2 rhyme.

3. Which words rhyme in this nursery rhyme? A. sat, had B. fall, great C. men, again D. horses, had

by H. Torres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

When we went to Wendy's house, She showed us her brown mouse. She said his name was Boo, And he slept in her shoe. His eyes were small and black, I thought he might attack, Wendy said he was sweet, So I gave him a mouse treat, I believed it was true, When I got to hold Boo, He did not bite at all, But was a cuddly ball.

4. Which of the following lines uses alliteration? A. Line 4 B. Line 11 C. Line 1 D. Line 8

5. Which choice best fits in circle A? A. Students like to play during lunch B. The cafeteria has very bad food C. Students have to eat their food too fast D. Students can do homework during lunch Tanya is writing an essay comparing her brand new sneakers to her hiking boots. She has grouped her information into this Venn diagram.

6. She has used the following words and phrases to describe her hiking boots: tall, sturdy, laces up to the ankle. Which of the following could be a quality for Tanya to add to the list to describe her boots? A. short and small B. great for long hikes C. can wear without socks D. casual and light 7. She has used the following words and phrases to describe her sneakers: small, light, short, and casual. Which of the following could be a quality for Tanya to add to the list to describe her sneakers? A. earth colors B. laces up to the ankle C. great for running D. uses steel clasps for the laces

8. Which of the following would be a good quality for Tanya to use to describe her hiking boots? A. short B. heavy C. light D. small Once upon a time, there lived a shy young man. He was so shy that he would not speak to anyone who was not in his family. One day, his mother sent him to the market. The boy was worried because he did not think he could bring himself to speak to anyone at the market. He wished that he had more courage. All of a sudden, a poof of smoke filled the room. When it cleared, the boy saw a man in blue robes in front of him. "My dear boy," he said, "I am your fairy godfather, and I am here to make your wish come true." 9. What is one clue that this story is fiction? A. The young man learns a lesson. B. It has a man with magic powers.

C. The boy in the story is very shy. D. It has a setting and characters.

What It Is A blister is a small pocket that forms on the skin. It is often filled with a clear liquid called serum. Causes Blisters form when the top layer of skin becomes damaged. The body makes liquid form under the top layer of skin to protect what is underneath. This allows the skin to heal. When something rubs your skin over and over again, you can get a blister. People often get blisters when they run, lift weights, or do yard work. Burns from fires or the sun also cause blisters to form. How to Prevent Them Blisters can hurt, but don't worry. There are ways to stop them from forming. Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and clean socks. When doing heavy work with your hands, wear gloves. Blisters are more likely to form when your skin is wet or damp, so if your feet sweat a lot, change your socks often. Powder also helps keep your skin dry. To stop sun blisters from forming, wear sun block when you're outside. 10. What makes the passage nonfiction? A. It presents a problem and a solution. B. It has a setting and characters. C. It introduces facts about blisters. D. It is a made-up story about blisters.

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