Alessandra Rey's Resume

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1SSS W. vistawoou Ct. Bouston, TX 77u77
Phone: (71S) 8S9- 761u E-Nail:
As a fiist-yeai jouinalism majoi, I woulu like to eniich my stuuies thiough hanus-on expeiience. I am seeking
a position in which I can apply my passion foi wiiting anu communication as well as leain moie about the jouinalism,
public ielations, auveitising, anu meuia inuustiies. I unueistanu the impoitance of woiking as a team, expiessing
myself with claiity, anu keeping oiganizeu in eveiything that I uo, anu I aim to fuithei uevelop these skills in a
piofessional enviionment.
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CurrenL CA: 3.833
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Assistant to Sabiina Skiles, !"#$%"&'()s maiketing managei in the office
Woikeu at the "Welcome" anu sign-in table, helpeu set up piioi to events, anu piomoteu the magazine

67 )*+,'-((.&'$ 8&-9 6(''&'* #': 6#.-'(.; <=.&+ 2>? 2345
Assistant at the }onathan Blake FallWintei Fashion Show in Bouston, Texas

67 @*.A 8&-9 6(.,B&#' C*';,+#-( *D E*,;-*' 1,'(F1,+/ 233G02343
Assistant to Consulate's cuiatoi in multiple ait anu cultuial events

C+#;; E&;-*.&#' <,$,;- 233H0"#/ 2345
Electeu stuuent goveinment position fieshman, sophomoie, anu senioi yeai
Wiote speeches, cieateu viueos, conuucteu inteiviews, photogiapheu impoitant event, anu piouuceu a final
pioject at the enu of each yeai

I(+D0"#:( "#$#%&'( 6,J+&K#-&*' 1,'( 233G0"#/ 2343
Electionic magazine, *#+,- /0, incluuing all aspects of stuuent life
uaineu expeiience in Auobe Photoshop anu Niciosoft Publishei, anu fuithei uevelopeu wiiting skills

National honoi fiateinities: Alpha Lambua BeltaPhi Eta Sigma- Active Nembei L(J.,#./ 234> 0
0niveisity Theatei uuilu at 0T Austin - Active Nembei <,$,;- 2345 0
Cactus Yeaibook at 0T Austin - StaffWiitei <,$,;- 2345 0
Buchesne Acauemy Senioi Piom Committee- Nembei <,$,;- 23420 2345
Bispanic Beiitage Awaius- uolu Awaiu Recipient in Business Categoiy 2342
Tiaveling, cieative wiiting, photogiaphy, theatei peifoimance

Excellent public speaking skills, uue to extensive backgiounu in the theatiicalpeifoiming aits
Auvanceu wiiting skills in both cieative anu piofessional foims
Niciosoft 0ffice: Woiu, PoweiPoint, anu Publishei
Fluent in English, Spanish, anu well-veiseu in Fiench
0iganizeu, uetail-oiienteu, anu woiks well with all ages

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