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Floor Session 4/23 SF2608 Final Passage Grand Rapids Central School Commission Authority Repeal This bill

ll would simply eliminate an entity that is no longer needed. I voted Yes The bill passed 60-0 HF2659 Final Passage Threading Services Cosmetology Licensing Exemption This bill would provide that threaders need not be licensed as cosmetologists. I voted Yes The bill passed 65-0 HF2536 Womens Economic Security Act This bill is a collection of individual bills. I referenced the bills as summarized by our great research staff as it is tough to explain succinctly. This bill contains many provisions that would have garnered significant bipartisan support. However, the bill includes controversial elements among those that are less so. Particularly, the comparably worth language and the redundant pay equity language places unnecessary burden on employers and raises the cost for all, ultimately hurting the employment prospects for all prospective employees (including women). This bill does the following: SF 1956 Pregnancy and Parenting Leave

Expands unpaid leave under the Minnesota Parental Leave Act from 6 to 12 weeks to allow use of leave under the Parental leave Act for pregnancy related needs. Requires employers with more than 21 employees to provide reasonable minor accommodations or reasonable, temporary position transfers for pregnant workers. Provides enforcement of workplace protections for nursing mothers who need to express breast milk during unpaid break times. Adds an individual assisting women in obtaining employment in nontraditional settings

SF 2000 Nursing Mothers Accommodations

SF 2274 Women Non-traditional Jobs Grant Program Establishment

to the Workforce Development Council. Expands support for employers, workforce organizations, job counselors and case managers, and secondary and post-secondary education institutions to recruit, prepare, place, and retain women in nontraditional occupations and apprenticeships, especially low income and older women. Sets up a grant program for the development of high economic impact women-owned businesses in nontraditional industries. Requires certification of equal pay and an equal pay compliance statement for businesses with more than 40 employees seeking sate contracts over $500,000. Allows for the revocation of equal pay certificate and contract if the businesses does not meet equal pay certificate requirements. Gives the Commissioner of Human Rights the authority to audit compliance. Requires a report, by August 1, 2015, to the Governor and Legislature on the number of equal pay certificates issued, number of audits conducted, and process used to assure compliance. Allows employees to voluntarily discuss their compensation without fear of adverse consequences from their employers. Expands the unemployment insurance eligibility currently available to victims of domestic violence to include victims of stalking and sexual assault. Allows employees to use existing earned sick leave to deal with the significant emotional, physical, legal and financial consequences of violence. Allows grandparents to use existing earned sick leave to care for an ill or injured grandchild.

SF 2158 Women Entrepreneurs Grant Program Establishment

SF 1806 Equal Pay Public Contracts

SF 1999 Wage Disclosure

SF 2111 Unemployment for Victims of Sexual Assault

SF 2006 Sick and Family Leave for Sexual Assault Victims

SF 2078 State Administered Retirement Savings Account Report Requires a report from the Commissioner of Management and Budget on the establishment of a stateadministered retirement savings plan.

A6 Amendment (Ortman) Deleted several sections of the bill to take the bill one section at a time. This amendment would eliminate the controversial comparable worth and economic dev. grant sections. I voted Yes

The amendment failed 21-44 A50 Amendment (Nelson) Transfers money from auditors portion of bill to womens business development program. I voted Yes The amendment failed 26-39 HF2536 Final Passage I voted No The bill passed 51-14 HF2948 Final Passage - DEED unsession bill This bill eliminates outdated and redundant statutory language. I voted Yes The bill passed 64-0 SF2449 Final Passage - Omnibus lands bill This bill results in a net reduction in government owned land through sale. It also provides some authority requested by local units of government to transfer ownership. I voted Yes The bill was passed 65-0 SF2390 Final Passage - This bill is completely technical and updates language governing administration of elections. I voted Yes The bill passed 65-0 SF2047 Newborn Screening Program This legislation permits the Department of Health to retain the samples and test results indefinitely, and use the samples and test results for newborn screening operations, unless a parent or legal guardian elects against (or opts out) of the storage o f the samples. It also allows them to use the samples for public health studies and research not related to newborn screening if written informed consent has been provided.

If a parent or legal guardian elects against storage or revokes prior consent for storage, the department is required to destroy within one week of receipt of the request, and the test results at the earliest time allowed under CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) regulations. * Put simply, parents ought to have complete authority over their childrens genetic material/blood spots. Any consent should be made in the affirmative by the parent, rather than by virtue of a default storage policy.

A20 Amendment (Benson) Parents provides written and informed consent to store blood sample information. I voted Yes The amendment failed 28-37 A51 Amendment (Osmek) Allows for a notification to parents about an opt-out option I voted Yes The amendment failed 29-36 A18 Amendment (Benson) Genomic sequencing requires consent I voted Yes The amendment failed 25-36 SF2047 Final Passage I voted No The bill passed 41-22 SF2736 Final Passage - GPS monitoring in domestic violence cases This is a program that would allow offenders and victims to voluntarily consent to GPS monitoring of location of both. It is a pilot program in Ramsey County and is only done with agreement from all parties. I voted Yes The bill passed 64-0

SF2782 Final Passage - Campaign finance reports modification; aggregate contribution limit increase This bill would raise aggregate limits for local candidates. All people should be able to provide resources at any amount to a candidate of their choice under the 1st amendment. I voted Yes The bill passed 60-2 HF2190 Final Passage Business organizations - This bill amends provisions relating to corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs), and most provisions are technical. I voted Yes The bill passed 62-0 SF2175 Final Passage - Real property acquisition by state agencies regulations - This bill caps the amount a state agency may pay to acquire real property valued in excess of $100,000 with public money to no more than ten percent over the appraised value. This bill ,while well intentioned, leads to a greater probability of eminent domain cases by limiting the governments ability to come to voluntary agreement with private property owners. I voted No The bill passed 43-19 SF2312 Final Passage Department of Admin unsession bill This bill is technical in nature and contains mostly elimination of obsolete language. I voted Yes The bill passed 62-0

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