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Thomas Morton from The New English Canaan (1637) Book III, Chapter XIV
Of the Revels of New Canaan The Inhabitants of Pasonagessit, (ha ing trans!ate" the name of their habitation from that an#ient $a! age (%&'()(*% +,- ) name to Mo/nt, an" being reso! e" (0-1-)%) to ha e the ne2 name #onfirme" for a memoria! to after ages,) "i" "e ise amongst themse! es to ha e it performe" in a so!emn (%3+4+(*-)) manner, 2ith 5e e!s (6-&-*+-'%) an" merriment ( 7(8 6-&-*+-) after the o!" 9ng!ish #/stom: ;the<= prepare" to sett /p a Ma<po!e /pon the festi a! "a< of Phi!ip an" >a#ob, an" therefore bre2e" a barre!!! of e?#e!!ent beare an" pro i"e" a #ase of bott!es, to be spent, 2ith other goo" #heare, for a!! #ommers of that "a<@ An" be#a/se the< 2o/!" ha e it in a #omp!eat forme, the< ha" prepare" a song fitting to the time an" present o##asion@ An" /pon Ma<"a< the< bro/ght the Ma<po!e to the p!a#e appointe", 2ith "r/mes, g/nnes, pisto!s an" other fitting instr/ments, for that p/rpose: an" there ere"te" it 2ith the he!p of $a! ages, that #ame thether of p/rpose to see the manner of o/r 5e e!s@ A goo"!< pine tree of BC@ foote !onge 2as reare" /p, 2ith a peare of b/#kshorns na<!e one some2hat neare /nto the top of itD 2here it stoo", as a faire sea marke for "ire#tions ho2 to fin"e o/t the 2a< to mine Eoste of Mo/nt@ An" be#a/se it sho/!" more f/!!< appeare to 2hat en" it 2as p!a#e" there, the< ha" a poem in rea"ines ma"e, 2hi#h 2as fi?e" to the Ma<po!e, to she2 the ne2 name #onfirme" /pon that p!antation: 2hi#h, a!!tho/gh it 2ere ma"e a##or"ing to o##/rrents of the time, it, being 9nigmatti#a!!< #ompose", p/sse!!e" the $eperatists most pittif/!!< to e?po/n" it, 2hi#h, (for the better information of the rea"er,) I ha e here inserte"@ TE9 PF9M@ 5ise, Fe"ip/s, an", if tho/ #anst, /nfo/!" Ghat meanes Carib"is /n"erneath the mo/!", Ghen $#i!!a so!!itar< on the gro/n" ($itting in forme of Hiobe,) 2as fo/n", Ti!! Amphitrites Iar!ing "i" a#J/aint Krim Hept/ne 2ith the Tenor of her p!aint, An" #a/s" him sen" forth Triton 2ith the so/n" Ff Tr/mpet !o2", at 2hi#h the $eas 2ere fo/n" $o f/!! of Protean formes that the bo!" shore Prsente" $#i!!a a ne2 parramore $o stronge as $ampson an" so patient As >ob himse!fe, "ire#te" th/s, b< fate, To #omfort $#i!!a so /nfort/nate@ I "oe professe, b< C/pi"s bea/tio/s mother, Eeres $#ogans #hoise for $#i!!a, an" none other: Tho/gh $#i!!aLs si#k 2ith griefe, be#a/se so signe Can there be fo/n" of ert/e mas#/!ine@

R 9s#/!api/s #ome: I kno2 right 2e!! Eis !abo/reLs !ost 2hen <o/ ma< ring her Mne!!@ The fata!! sisters "oome none #an 2ithstan", Hor Cithareas po2re, 2ho po<nts to !an" Gith pro#!amation that the first of Ma< At Mo/nt sha!! be kept ho!!<"a<@ The setting /p of this Ma<po!e 2as a !amentab!e spe#ta#!e to the pre#ise seperatists, that !i e" at ne2 P!immo/th@ The< terme" it an I"o!!: <ea, the< #a!!e" it the Ca!fe of Eoreb, an" stoo" at "efian#e 2ith the p!a#e, naming it Mo/nt Iagon: threatening to make it a 2oef/!! mo/nt an" not a merr< mo/nt@ The 5i""!e, for 2ant of Fe"ip/s, the< #o/!" not e?po/n": one!< the< ma"e some e?p!i#ation of part of it, an" sa<" it 2as meant b< $ampson Iob, the #arpenter of the shipp that bro/ght o er a 2oman to her h/sban", that ha" bin there !onge before an" thri e so 2e!! that hee sent for her an" her #hi!"ren to #ome to him: 2here short!< after hee "ie"D ha ing no reason, b/t be#a/se of the so/n" of those t2o 2or"s: 2hen as, (the tr/th is,) the man the< app!<e" it to 2as a!together /nkno2ne to the A/thor@ There 2as !ike2ise a merr< song ma"e, 2hi#h, (to make their 5e e!!s more fashionab!e,) 2as s/ng 2ith a Cor/s, e er< man bearing his part: 2hi#h the< performe" in a "a/n#e, han" in han" abo/t the Ma<po!e, 2hi!es one of the Compan< s/ng an" fi!!e" o/t the goo" !iJ/or, !ike gamme"es an" I/piter@ TE9 $FHK9@ Irinke an" be merr<, merr<, merr< bo<es: Net a!! <o/r "e!ight be in the E<mens io<es: >O to E<men, no2 the "a< is #ome, Abo/t the merr< Ma<po!e take a 5oome@ Make greene gar!ons, bring bott!es o/t An" fi!! s2eet He#tar free!< abo/t@ Vn#o er th< hea" an" feare no harme, Por hers goo" !iJ/or to keepe it 2arme@ Then "rinke an" be merr<, Q#@ IO to E<men, Q#@ He#tar is a thing assignL" B< the Ieities o2ne min"e To #/re the hart opprest 2ith greife, An" of goo" !iJ/ors is the #heife@ Then "rinke, Q#@ IO to E<men, Q#@ Ki e to the Me!!an#o!!< man A #/p or t2o of Lt no2 an" than: This ph<si#k 2i!! soone re i e his b!o/",

3 An" make him be of a merrier moo"e@ Then "rinke, Q#@ IO to E<men, Q#@ Ki e to the H<mphe thats free from s#orne Ho Irish st/ff nor $#ot#h o er 2orne@ Nasses in bea er #oats #ome a2a<, See sha!! be 2e!#ome to /s night an" "a<@ To "rinke an" be merr< Q#@ IO to E<men, Q#@ This harm!ess mirth ma"e b< <o/nge men, (that !i e" in hope to ha e 2ifes bro/ght o er to them, that 2o/!" sa e them a !abo/re to make a o<age to fet#h an< o er,) 2as m/#h "istate" to the pr#ise $eperatists, that keepe m/#h a "oe abo/t the t<th of M/it an" C/mmin, tro/b!ing their braines more then reason 2o/!" reJ/ire abo/t things that are in"ifferentD an" from that time so/ght o##asion against m< honest Eost of Mo/nt, to o erthro2 his on"ertakings an" to "estro< his p!antation J/ite an" #!eane@ B/t be#a/se the< pres/me" 2ith their imaginar< gifts, (2hi#h the< ha e o/t of Phaos bo?,) the< #o/!" e?po/n" hi""en misteries, to #on in#e them of b!in"nes, as 2e!! in this as in other matters of more #onseJ/en#e, I 2i!! i!!/strate the poem, a##or"ing to the tr/e intent of the a/thors of these 5e e!!s, so m/#h "istaste" b< those Mo!es@ Fe"ip/s is genera!!< re#ea e" for the abso!/te rea"er of ri""!es, 2ho is in oake"D $i!!a an" Carib"is are t2o "angero/s p!a#es for seamen to in#o/nter, neere /nto Venni#e: an" ha e bin b< poets former!< resemb!e" to man an" 2ife@ The !ike !i#en#e the a/thor #ha!!enge" for a paire of his nomination, the one !amenting for the !offe of the other as Hiobe for her #hi!"ren@ Amphitrite is an arme of the $ea, b< 2hi#h the ne2es 2as #arrie" /p an" "o2ne of a ri#h 2i"o2, no2 to be tane /p or !ai" "o2ne@ B< Triton is the fame sprea" that #a/se" the $/ters to m/ster, (as it ha" bin to Pene!!ope of Kree#e:) an", the Coast !<ing #ir#/!ar, a!! o/r passage to an" froe is ma"e more #on enient b< $ea then Nan"@ Man< aime" at this marke: b/t hee that p!a<e" Prote/s best an" #o/!" #omp!< 2ith her h/mor m/st be the man that 2o/!" #arr< her: an" hee ha" nee" ha e $ampsons strenght to "ea!e 2ith a Ia!!i!a, an" as m/#h patien#e as Iob that sho/!" #ome there, for a thing that I "i" obser e in the !ife.time of the former@ B/t marriage an" hanging, (the< sa<,) #omes b< "esten< an" $#ogans #hoise tis better ;than= none at a!!@ Eee that p!a<" Prote/s, (2ith the he!pe of Priap/s,) p/t their noses o/t of To<nt, as the Pro erbe is@ An" this the 2ho!e #ompan< of the 5e e!!ers at Mo/nt kne2 to be the tr/e sen#e an" e?position of the ri""!e that 2as fi?e" to the Ma<po!e, 2hi#h the $eperatists 2er at "efian#e 2ith@ $ome of them affirme" that the first instit/tion thereof 2as in memor< of a 2hore: not kno2ing that it 2as a Trophe ere#te" at first in honor of MaTa, the Na"< of !earning 2hi#h the< "espise, i!if<ing the t2o /ni ersities 2ith /n#i i!e termes, a##o/nting 2hat is there obtaine" b< st/""< is b/t /nne#essar< !earning: not #onsi"ering that !earninge "oes inab!e mens min"es to #on erse 2ith e!iments of a higher nat/re then is to be fo/n" 2ithin the habitation of the Mo!e@

Chapter XV Of a Great Monster Supposed to Be at Ma-re Mount; and the Preparation Made to Destro !t TE9 $eparatists en <ing the prosperit< an" hope of the p!antation at Mo/nt (2hi#h the< per#ei e" began to #ome for2ar", an" to be in a goo" 2a< for gain in the bea er tra"e), #onspire" together against mine host espe#ia!!<, (2ho 2as the o2ner of that p!antation) an" ma"e /p a part< against him: an" m/stere" /p 2hat ai" the< #o/!": a##o/nting of him as of a great monster@ Man< threatening spee#hes 2ere gi en o/t both against his person, an" his habitation, 2hi#h the< "i /!ge" sho/!" be #ons/me" 2ith fire@ An" taking a" antage of the time 2hen his #ompan< (2hi#h seeme" !itt!e to regar" their threats) 2ere gone /p into the in!an"s, to tra"e 2ith the sa ages for bea er, the< set /pon m< honest host at a p!a#e, #a!!e" Gessag/s#/s, 2here (b< a##i"ent) the< fo/n" him@ The inhabitants there 2ere in goo" hope of the s/b ersion of the p!antation at Mo/nt, 2hi#h the< prin#ipa!!< aime" at, an" the rather, be#a/se mine host 2as a man that en"ea ore" to a" an#e the "ignit< of the Ch/r#h of 9ng!an": 2hi#h the<, on the #ontrar< part, 2o/!" !abor to i!if< 2ith /n#i i! terms, in eighing against the sa#re" book of #ommon pra<er, an" mine host that /se" it in a !a/"ab!e manner amongst his fami!<, as a pra#ti#e of piet<@ There he 2o/!" be a means to bring sa#ks to their mi!!, s/#h is the thirst after bea er, an" he!pe" the #onspirators to s/rprise mine host (2ho 2as there a!! a!one) an" the< #harge" him (be#a/se the< 2o/!" seem to ha e some reasonab!e #a/se against him to set a g!oss /pon their ma!i#e) 2ith #rimina! things, 2hi#h in"ee" ha" been "one b< s/#h a person, b/t 2as of their #onspira#<@ Mine host "eman"e" of the #onspirators 2ho it 2as, that 2as a/thor of that information, that seeme" to be their gro/n" for 2hat the< no2 inten"e"@ An" be#a/se the< ans2ere", the< 2o/!" not te!! him, he as peremptori!< rep!ie", that he 2o/!" not sa<, 2hether he ha" or he ha" not "one as the< ha" been informe"@ The ans2er ma"e no matter (as it seeme") 2hether it ha" been negati e!<, or affirmati e!< ma"e, for the< ha" reso! e" 2hat he sho/!" s/ffer, be#a/se (as the< boaste",) the< 2ere no2 be#ome the greater n/mberD the< ha" shaken off their sha#k!es of ser it/"e, an" 2ere be#ome masters, an" master!ess peop!e@

It appears, the< 2ere !ike bearsL 2he!ps in former time, 2hen mine hostLs p!antation 2as of as m/#h strength as theirs, b/t no2 (theirs being stronger,) the< (!ike o ergro2n bears) seeme" monstro/s@ In brief, mine host m/st en"/re to be their prisoner /nti! the< #o/!" #ontri e it so, that the< might sen" him for 9ng!an", (as the< sai",) there to s/ffer a##or"ing to the merit of the fa#t, 2hi#h the< inten"e" to father /pon him: s/pposing be!ike it 2o/!" pro e a heino/s #rime@ M/#h reToi#ing 2as ma"e that the< ha" gotten their #apita! enem< (as the< #on#!/"e" him) 2hom the< p/rpose" to hamper in s/#h sort, that he sho/!" not be ab!e to /pho!" his p!antation at Mo/nt@ The #onspirators sporte" themse! es at m< honest host, that meant them no h/rt: an" 2ere so To#/n" that the< feaste" their bo"ies, an" fe!! to tipp!ing, as if the< ha" obtaine" a great priVe: !ike the TroTans 2hen the< ha" the #/sto"< of Eippe/sL pine.tree horse@ Mine host feigne" grief, an" #o/!" not be pers/a"e" either to eat or "rink, be#a/se he kne2 emptiness 2o/!" be a means to make him as 2at#hf/! as the geese kept in the 5oman #apita!D 2here, on the #ontrar< part, the #onspirators 2o/!" be so "ro2s<, that he might ha e an opport/nit< to gi e them a s!ip, instea" of a tester@ $i? persons of the #onspira#< 2ere set to 2at#h him at Gessag/s#/s@ B/t he kept 2aking: an" in the "ea" of night (one !<ing on the be", for f/rther s/ret<,) /p gets mine host an" got to the se#on" "oor that he 2as to pass, 2hi#h (not2ithstan"ing the !o#k) he got openD an" sh/t it after him 2ith s/#h io!en#e, that it affrighte" some of the #onspirators@ The 2or", 2hi#h 2as gi en 2ith an a!arm, 2as, WFh, heLs gone, heLs goneX Ghat sha!! 2e "oY EeLs goneXW The rest (ha!f as!eep) start /p in a maVe, an" !ike rams, ran their hea"s one at another f/!! b/tt in the "ark@ Their gran" !ea"er Captain $hrimp took on most f/rio/s!<, an" tore his #!othes for anger, to see the empt< nest, an" their bir" gone@ The rest 2ere eager to ha e torn their hair from their hea"s, b/t it 2as so short that it 2o/!" gi e them no ho!"@ Ho2 Captain $hrimp tho/ght in the !oss of this priVe (2hi#h he a##o/nte" his masterpie#e,) a!! his honor 2o/!" be !ost fore er@

In the meantime mine host 2as got home to Mo/nt thro/gh the 2oo"s, eight mi!es, ro/n" abo/t the hea" of the ri er MonatoJ/it, that parte" the t2o p!antations, fin"ing his 2a< b< the he!p of the !ightning (for it th/n"ere" as he 2ent terrib!<)@ An" there he prepare" po2"er three po/n"s "rie", for his present emp!o<ment, an" fo/r goo" g/ns for him, an" the t2o assistants !eft at his ho/se, 2ith b/!!ets of se era! siVes, three h/n"re" or thereabo/ts, to be /se" if the #onspirators sho/!" p/rs/e him thither: an" these t2o persons promise" their ai"s in the J/arre!, an" #onfirme" that promise 2ith a hea!th in goo" rosa so!is@ Ho2 Captain $hrimp, the first #aptain in the !an", (as he s/ppose",) m/st "o some ne2 a#t to repair this !oss, an" to in"i#ate his rep/tation, 2ho ha" s/staine" b!emish, b< this o ersight@ Begins no2 to st/"< ho2 to repair or s/r i e his honor in this manner: #a!!ing of #o/nse!D the< #on#!/"e@ Ee takes eight persons more to him, an" (!ike the nine 2orthies of He2 Canaan) the< embark 2ith preparation against Ma. re Mo/nt, 2here this monster of a man (as their phrase 2as) ha" his "en: the 2ho!e n/mber, ha" the rest not been from home, being b/t se en, 2o/!" ha e gi en Captain $hrimp, a J/on"am "/mmer, s/#h a 2e!#ome, as 2o/!" ha e ma"e him 2ish for a "r/m as big as IiogenesL t/b, that he might ha e #rept into it o/t of sight@ Ho2 the nine 2orthies are approa#he": an" mine host prepare", ha ing inte!!igen#e b< a sa age, that hastene" in !o e from Gessag/s#/s, to gi e him noti#e of their intent@ Fne of mine hostLs men pro e" a #ra en: the other ha" pro e" his 2its to p/r#hase a !itt!e a!or, before mine host ha" obser e" his post/re@ The nine 2orthies #oming before the "en of this s/ppose" monster, (this se en.hea"e" h<"ra, as the< terme" him) an" began, !ike Ion [/i?ote against the 2in"mi!!, to beat a par!e<, an" to offer J/arter if mine host 2o/!" <ie!", for the< reso! e" to sen" him for 9ng!an", an" ba"e him !a< b< his arms@ B/t he (2ho 2as the son of a so!"ier), ha ing taken /p arms in his T/st "efen#e, rep!ie" that he 2o/!" not !a< b< those arms, be#a/se the< 2ere so nee"f/! at sea, if he sho/!" be sent o er@ Set to sa e the eff/sion of so m/#h 2orth< b!oo", as 2o/!" ha e iss/e" o/t of the eins of these nine 2orthies of He2 Canaan, if

7 mine host sho/!" ha e p!a<e" /pon them o/t of his port.ho!es (for the< #ame 2ithin "anger !ike a f!o#k of 2i!" geese, as if the< ha" been tai!e" one to another, as #o!ts to be so!" at a fair) mine host 2as #ontent to <ie!" /pon a J/arter: an" "i" #apit/!ate 2ith themD in 2hat manner it sho/!" be for more #ertaint<, be#a/se he kne2 2hat Captain $hrimp 2as@ Ee e?presse" that no io!en#e sho/!" be offere" to his person, none to his goo"s, nor an< of his ho/seho!"D b/t that he sho/!" ha e his arms, an" 2hat e!se 2as reJ/isite for the o<age, (2hi#h their hera!" ret/rns,) it 2as agree" /pon, an" sho/!" be performe"@ B/t mine host no sooner ha" set open the "oor an" iss/e" o/t b/t instant!< Captain $hrimp an" the rest of the 2orthies steppe" to him, !ai" ho!" of his arms an" ha" him "o2n: an" so eager!< 2as e er< man bent against him (not regar"ing an< agreement ma"e 2ith s/#h a #arna! man,) that the< fe!! /pon him as if the< 2o/!" ha e eaten him@ $ome of them 2ere so io!ent, that the< 2o/!" ha e a s!i#e 2ith s#abbar" an" a!! for haste, /nti! an o!" so!"ier (of the [/eenLs, as the pro erb is) that 2as there b< a##i"ent, #!appe" his g/n /n"er the 2eapons, an" sharp!< reb/ke" these 2orthies for their /n2orth< pra#ti#es@ $o the matter 2as taken into more "e!iberate #onsi"eration@ Captain $hrimp an" the rest of the nine 2orthies ma"e themse! es b< this o/trageo/s riot masters of mine host of Mo/nt, an" "ispose" of 2hat he ha" at his p!antation@ This the< kne2 (in the e<e of the sa ages) 2o/!" a"" to their g!or<: an" "iminish the rep/tation of mine honest host, 2hom the< pra#tise" to be ri" of, /pon an< terms, as 2i!!ing!< as if he ha" been the er< h<"ra of the time@

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