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Windows NT

1. Install the driver during Windows NT installation Start Windows NT installation.

Warning: Because of the different selections of the following installation methods, the time when step2 starts will be different. n Boot from floppy with Windows installation diskette. n Boot from floppy with un-installable diskette. n Boot from !-"#$ with Windows installation !. When the message Setup is inspecting your computers hardware configuration appears on the bottom of the s&reen' please press the ()*+ key. The installation will &ontinue. When a message appears to ask you to designate the devi&e you want to install' press the (S+ key. The devi&e list of S SI .dapter will show on the following window. Sele&t Other and press the (/nter+ key to &ontinue. Insert ".I!/1press 1,, .T. ".I! ontroller !river diskette into the floppy disk drive then press the (/nter+ key to &ontinue. Sele&t ITE RAI E!press "## ATA RAI $ontro%%er &Windows NT' from the devi&e list shown on the window then press the (/nter+ key to &ontinue. The devi&es that are going to be installed will be listed on the ne1t window. ITE RAI E!press "## ATA RAI $ontro%%er &Windows NT' should be &ontained on the list. If you need to install any other devi&es' please designate them now. .fter designating all the devi&es' please pro&eed to the ne1t step. 4ress the (/nter+ key to &ontinue the installation of Windows NT.

%. ,. -. 0. *. 2.


5. 16.

Install the driver under e1isting Windows NT Start Windows. Sele&t Settings from the Start menu then &hoose the $ontro% (ane% option from the Settings form.


In the $ontro% (ane% window' double-&li&k on the S$SI Adapters i&on.


hoose the ri)ers tab from the S$SI Adapters window then press 7.dd8 to &ontinue.


li&k *a)e

is+ from the Insta%% ri)er window.


Insert the ".I!/1press 1,, .T. "aid ontroller !river diskette into the floppy disk drive then type A,-WINNT on the field designating the file9s lo&ation. 4ress 7#:8 to &ontinue to setup.


Sele&t ITE RAI E!press "## ATA RAI

$ontro%%er from the window then &li&k 7#:8 to &ontinue.


)ollow the instru&tion to restart the &omputer then the driver will take effe&t.

;erify Installation )ollow the previous se&tion to install the driver. .fter the system restarts' you &an do the following steps to &he&k if the driver has been installed su&&essfully. 12. )ollow step1 to step, des&ribed in the previous se&tion to a&tivate the S$SI Adapters option. 13. If the ITE RAI E!press "## ATA RAI $ontro%%er devi&e is shown on the e)ices panel as shown below' it means that the driver has been installed su&&essfully.

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