Quote Question and Comment:-Pooja Dadhaniya CF - Sharvashrestha Sir

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Quote Question and Comment:Pooja dadhaniya CF- Sharvashrestha sir Quote1: If you are depressed in a place where most

people are pretty unhappy, you compare yourself to those around you and you dont feel all that bad.
Only thing comes to my mind that At whichever level we are in life economically or position wise we should always see the people lower in the hierarchy we feel that we are fortunate enough to have things so easily in life. I hope to some extent we should also inculcate in our kids that we give everything they demand and then long term they dont have value of it. Meaning to say when they have to actually use the same they are bored or they want advanced thing which again dont have use at same time. Here I can connect to positive and negative vibration or ORRA a person have if we are around people who are positive in any situations and automatically then we get motivated to do our work. Same can be applied in the class room, one who is not able to cope up in studies can be motivated by comparing her/his work already done and can force her/him to do remaining work.

Quote2: Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness.

From this quote I connect that students who are good at students are likely to lack common sense but on the other end the one who is average is always good at spontaneous response. So I feel good-bad, excellent-dull, giant-small are the terms given by us and at times they are true for all the individual in any situation they face in their life irrespective to the time, age, position, or sex. Many a times we are proud of our strength but at times it proves to be our great weakness. Never boss our strength but try to inculcate few more in us rather than having one. Same thing we should see that we are inculcating versatile qualities in our students and not making them good at only one quality.

Quote3: Instead of responding in a let me control your behaviour way, the teacher needs to think, How can I do something interesting that will prevent you from misbehaving in the first place?

We talk a lot about 21st century, new technology, new skills, new ideology, new methodology etcand when we connect to our profession we talk about 21st skill to be used in our 21st class room. So to add more we should always think about different methodology which suits our teaching learning process and takes care of each and every learner in our class. Yes, we can never ignore the fact that it always depend upon the facilitator method of teaching on how the learners are behaving in the teaching learning process. Make few guidelines clear in the class before we start the process and as a result each one of them is clear about her/his behaviour (exceptions are always there).

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