English 1102

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Ashley Lockhart Hey Mr. Campbell, My name is Ashley. I go by Ashley, Ash, the artist, or that-one-girl-thatdraws-really-good.

ardon the incorrect good !s. well choice in that last nickname, b"t that#s what I was re$erred to most o$ the time in high school. %his is beca"se, and this may be ob!io"s, I can draw $airly well& or better than the a!erage person, at least. Here#re some e'amples o$ my work( )*o" can see them better i$ yo" enlarge the page !iew+.

,el$-portraits o$ mysel$ when I was yo"nger and o$ me now-

My $a!orite s"b.ects to draw are $aces, and I belie!e that#s beca"se I lo!e the "ni/"eness o$ indi!id"als and learning di$$erent conto"rs o$ the h"man $ace. Aside $rom

Ashley Lockhart my art, let me tell yo" more abo"t mysel$. ,ince I lo!e direction, I#m going $ollow the /"estions yo" pro!ided $or all o$ "s( I#m c"rrently 01 years old, and I lo!e to draw, edit pict"res, read, watch mo!ies, play Co2 )mainly with my boy$riend+, and spend time with said boy$riend. I ha!e a sister, a mom, a stepdad, a dad, a stepmom, and many grandparents( I don#t ha!e m"ch o$ a relationship with my sister and my dad d"e to the decisions they#!e made in their li!es, b"t I#m e'tremely close to my mom and stepdad. I#m always so grate$"l $or the things they do $or me( My hometown is Le'ington, 3orth Carolina. I#m $rom a small town in Le'ington called 4eeds that is home to only abo"t 5666 people, so I g"ess yo" co"ld say I#m a small town girl. I originally tho"ght coming here to 73CC was going to be a str"ggle $or me beca"se o$ the li!ely city and the tons o$ people, b"t the transition has been rather easy, $"n, and heck, I don#t think I co"ld ha!e made a better choice( And despite my artistic ability, I didn#t choose to ma.or in Art. I wanted to keep my goals realistic, and I also wanted to make s"re I co"ld be s"ccess$"l with whate!er I chose to do with my $"t"re. ,o, I chose to ma.or in Architect"re( I L89: $i'ing "p ho"ses with my $amily and $riends, and I lo!e designing ho"ses )sadly, I reali;ed this playing ,ims+. <eing an Architect"re ma.or is by no means easy, b"t I know it will be well worth my e$$orts. Last semester, I liked most o$ my classes. My $a!orites were my architect"re classes ob!io"sly, b"t I also really en.oyed :nglish( 2on#t worry, I#m not only saying this beca"se I think yo" =A3% to hear it, b"t beca"se I act"ally do en.oy writing( 8h and, I despised physics. In high school, I played tennis, soccer, and the piano. 7n$ort"nately, I didn#t stick with any o$ these acti!ities $or !ery long beca"se I learned I en.oy drawing in my $ree time m"ch better. And do I ha!e a pet I miss> *:,. His name is =illard, and he#s a h"ge 05.? lbs. t"'edo three-year-old cat. I call him <"bby, b"t my boy$riend is $ond o$ the names 7gly and @atty $or him. I act"ally got =illard $rom AA4@ )Animal Adoption and 4esc"e @o"ndation+ when he was abo"t 5 months old, and the reason I chose him was beca"se o$ his "ni/"e $acial $eat"re- a nice $ancy m"stache(

@"rthermore, I act"ally belie!e I like my boy$riend a bit better than my car, b"t it#s a close call(( ).oking, .oking(+ I ha!e a $iery red ,ebring con!ertible, and she#s my baby. Howe!er, my boy$riend Aendall is a bit more special. He#s my high school sweetheart, and we#!e been together $or abo"t two and a hal$ years. Here we are(

Ashley Lockhart

I belie!e my most ma.or s"ccess th"s $ar wo"ld be grad"ating high school in three years. 8riginally, I was on track with school "p to the eighth grade, b"t my parents decided to homeschool me d"ring the ninth grade. %hat was $ine and dandy, "ntil my parents decided to p"t me in p"blic school the ne't year $or tenth grade. =e all $o"nd o"t then that the p"blic school system does not accept or trans$er homeschool credits. My heart and my mom#s heart dropped when we were told the news. %his meant I had to either redo the ninth grade, or work !ery, !ery hard, and do $o"r years o$ work in only three years. I decided I wanted to grad"ate on time, so I took the challenge to grad"ate in ."st three years( I took at least one e'tra class each semester, and on top o$ that, I took $i!e A classes as to get a head start on college credit. High school was stress$"l, and I o$ten had to stay "p to 05 or 0 AM in the morning doing homework. I don#t belie!e I co"ld ha!e s"cceeded i$ it weren#t $or the s"pport $rom my $riends, $amily, and Aendall. %hey are my rocks, and they also keep me moti!ated thro"gh college )since I#m now ha!ing to p"ll abo"t 06 all-nighters per semester+. Lastly )b"t not least(+, my best $riend#s name is 2esiray. ,he#s been my best $riend since the second grade, and I thank Bod e!eryday that I ha!e her in my li$e. ,he the one I con$ide in, seek ad!ice $rom, and cry on when I $eel li$e is being "n$air. Here#s a portrait I drew o$ her abo"t 5 years ago.

%hanks $or listening to all my rambles and !iewing all my photos, Mr. Campbell( I can#t wait to spend time in yo"r class, meet yo", and make new $riends( - Ash

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