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Sample Question Paper

Class X
Term I
Time: 3 hrs. MM: 90
i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B, You are to attempt both the
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) There is no overall choice. However internal choice has been provided in all the five
questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be
iv) All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted
v) Questions numbers 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be
answered in one word or one sentence.
vi) Question numbers 4 to 7 are two marks, to be answered in about 30 words each.
vii) Question numbers 8 to 19 are three mark questions, to be answered in about 50
words each.
viii) Questions numbers 20 to 24 are five mark questions, to be answered in about 70
words each.
ix) Question numbers 25 to 42 in section B are multiple choice questions based on
practical skills. Each question is a one ark question. You are to choose one most
appropriate response out of the four provided to you.

1. Give an example of a metal which is a liquid at room temperature.
2. Identify the compound which is oxidized in the following reaction:
S + Br
2HBr + S
3. Why do we use copper and aluminium wire for transmission of electric current?
4. Write observation with reaction for the following: Granulated zinc reacts with dil.sulphuric
5. Draw circuit symbols of the following components:
(i) Variable resistance or rheostat
(ii) Plug key or switch (closed)
6. What happens in a displacement reaction? Justify your answer giving one example.
7. What is a n alloy> give the composition and one use each of the following:
(i) Brass
(ii) Solder
8. A thick wire and a thin wire made from the same material and of same length are
connected one by one to the same source. In which case a larger current will flow in the
circuit? Justify your answer.
9. Define nerve impulse which structure in a neuron helps to conduct a nerve impulse.
10. (a) Identify the substance oxidized, substance reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent
in the following reaction: ZnO + C Zn + CO
(b) Packets of potato chips are flushed with nitrogen gas, why?

11. What do you understand by short circuiting? Why is it not advisable to handle domestic
electrical circuit with wet hands?
12. (a) Why should we use iodized salt in our diet>
(b) If iodine is insufficient in ones diet, what might be the deficiency disease?
13. A whit coloured powder is used by the doctors for supporting fractured bones.
(a) Write the chemical name of the powder.
(b) Write its formula.
(c) Write chemical equation, when this white powder is mixed with water.
14. (a) An electric bulb is rated as 50W, 220V. Calculate the energy consumed by the bulb in 20
minutes. Express your answer in commercial units of electricity.
(b) Distinguish between Overloading and Short Circuiting in a domestic circuit.
(c) Why is it essential to earth electrical appliances having metallic body?
15. (a) What is reflex arc?
(b) How do muscle cells move?
16. Name the hormone that
(i) Is produced by thyroid gland
(ii) Prepares the body for action
(iii) Controls the amount of sugar in blood
(iv) Brings about the changes in boys at puberty
(v) Brings about the changes the girls at puberty
17. A student performs an experiment with 4 cells and a resistance wire and an ammeter in
series and observes that when the number of cells in the circuit is decreased, the value of

current through the wire also decreases. Name the law that is involved in the experiment
and write its mathematical form. V-I graph for two resistors R1, R2 and their series
combination are shown in the figure below. Which graph represents the series combination
of the other two? Give reason.
18. List the disadvantages of using biomass as fuel in the conventional manner. Give two
examples of technological input to improve efficiency of these fuels.
19. How does our body respond when adrenaline is secreted into the blood?
20. (a) Draw the structure of a nephron and label on it the following parts:
(i) Glomerulus
(ii) Bowmans capsule
(iii) Renal artery
(iv) Collecting duct
(b) What happens to glucose, amino acids, salts and water that enter the nephron along
with filtrate?
21. (i) Write the electron dot structures for sodium, oxygen and magnesium.
(ii) Show the formation of magnesium oxide by transfer of electrons and name the ions
present in it.

With the help of a suitable example, explain how ionic compounds are formed. State any
three general properties of ionic compounds.
22. (a) Name the metal which is low in activity series and exists as liquid at room temperature.
(b) Write the name and formula of its ore.
(c) How is the metal extracted from its ore?
(d) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved.
23. (a) Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in brass and copper vessels?
(b) Why does an aqueous solution of acid conduct electricity?
(c) Why plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture proof container?
(d) What is efflorescence?
(e) Why is baking soda used as an antacid?
24. (a) How is separation of right side and left side of the heart useful in mammals and birds?
(b) Some finger like projections are present in the inner wall of small intestine. Write their
name? Why are they important?
(a) What are the constituents of gastric juice? Write any one function of each.
(b) What is the use of residual volume of air in lungs?
(c) How are carbohydrates stored in the body of plants and animals?

25. Two solutions A and B were found to have pH value of 6 and 8 respectively. The inference
which can be drawn is:
(a) The strength of solution B is higher than that of A.
(b) A is an acid while B is base.
(c) Both are acidic solutions.
(d) Both are basic solutions.
26. A student draws the circuit diagram as shown. The parts labelled X, Y and Z respectively are:
(a) Ammeter, resistor, voltmeter
(b) Ammeter, voltmeter, resistor
(c) Voltmeter, resistor, ammeter
(d) Voltmeter, ammeter, resistor
27. On adding dilute hydrochloric acid to granulated zinc placed in a test tube, a student would
observe that:
(a) The surface of the metal turns shining.
(b) The reaction mixture turns milky.
(c) The reaction mixture gives odour of chlorine.
(d) A colourless and odourless gas evolves with bubbles.

28. On adding a few drops of universal indicator to three unknown colourless solutions [P], [Q]
and [R] taken separately in three test tubes shown in the following diagrams, a student
observed the changes in colour as green in [P], red in [Q] and violet in [R]. The decreasing
order of pH of the solution taken is:
(a) P > Q > R
(b) R > P > Q
(c) Q > P > R
(d) R > Q > P
29. The current through a resistor connected in a electric circuit and the potential difference
across its ends are shown in the diagrams.
(a) 25
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 15
30. In which of the following diagram of the stomatal apparatus, which parts are correctly
(a) (i) and (v)
(b) (ii) and (v)
(c) (iv) and (ii)
(d) (v) and (iv)

31. The resistors R1 and R2 are connected in:

(a) Parallel in both circuits.
(b) Series in both circuits.
(c) Parallel in circuit I and in series in circuit II.
(d) Series in circuit I and in parallel in circuit II.
32. To make the plant free of starch, it is kept:
(a) In darkness for 72 hrs.
(b) In a room, but with lights on at night only.
(c) Under the shade of a tree.
(d) Covered with coloured polythene in a shady place.
33. Sodium carbonate is not used as:
(a) Sodium chloride
(b) Calcium chloride
(c) Carbon tetrachloride
(d) Magnesium chloride
34. The end products of aerobic respiration are
(a) CO
energy and hydrogen

(b) CO
and water
(c) CO
, H
O and ATP
(d) ADP and CO
35. To determine that light is essential for photosynthesis, following are the steps, but not in
(i) Pluck the leaf and do the starch test.
(ii) Keep the selected plant in sunlight.
(iii) Destarch the plant for 48 72 hours.
(iv) Cover the leaf with black paper strip.
36. When we observe the slide of epidermal leaf peel we find that the inner walls of guard cells
in contact with the stomatal pore are:
(a) Very thick
(b) Moderately thick
(c) Moderately thin
(d) Thin
37. A student adds dil.HCl to a test tube containing zinc granules and noted the following
(i) The zinc surface became dull and black.
(ii) A gas evolved which burnt with a pop sound.
(iii) The solution remained colourless.
The observations found correct are
(a) i and ii

(b) ii and iii

(c) iii and i
(d) i, ii and iii
38. A black strip of paper was clipped on to a destarched leaf in a potted plant to cover a part of
the leaf. The plant was then exposed to sunlight for four hours, the paper strip was
removed and the leaf tested for starch. When iodine solution was added:
(a) The entire leaf turned blue black.
(b) The covered part of the leaf became blue black.
(c) The uncovered part of the leaf became blue black.
(d) The colour of iodine solution remained unchanged.
39. While preparing a temporary stained mount of a leaf epidermal peel, the extra stain is
removed by:
(a) Washing with water
(b) Washing with calcium chloride
(c) Soaking with filter paper
(d) Absorbing with cotton wool
40. Before setting up an experiment to show that seeds release CO2 during respiration, the
seeds should be:
(a) Dried completely
(b) Boiled to make them soft.
(c) Soaked in vinegar.
(d) Kept moist till they germinate.

41. Which one of the following compounds is not ionic compound?

(a) Sodium chloride
(b) Calcium chloride
(c) Carbon tetrachloride
(d) Magnesium chloride
42. A student focused the leaf epidermal peel under a low power microscope, but he could not
see all the parts. He should:
(a) Use the coarse adjustment knob again to focus the slide
(b) Use the fine adjustment knob to increase magnification
(c) Focus under high power using coarse adjustment knob
(d) Focus under high power using fine adjustment knob

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