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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur



The project work entitled a STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION with special reference to Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur; Thrissur is mainly conducted to identify the factors which will motivate the employees and the organizational functions in Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur, Thrissur. Managements basic job is the effective utilization of human resources for achievements of organizational objectives. The personnel management is concerned with organizing human resources in such a way to get maximum output to the enterprise and to develop the talent of people at work to the fullest satisfaction. Motivation implies that one person, in organization context a manager, includes another, say an employee, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy those needs and aspirations becomes available to the person. In addition to this, the strong needs in a direction that is satisfying to the latent needs in employees and harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization. Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the will to work among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Hence this studies also focusing on the employee motivation among the employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur. The data needed for the study has been collected from the employees through questionnaires and through direct interviews. Analysis and interpretation has been done by using the statistical tools and datas are presented through tables and charts.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur


The research problem here in this study is associated with the motivation of employees of MAHINDRA TRACTORS, NAGPUR. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of motivation; some of these factors include 1. The level of pay and benefits,

2. The perceived fairness of promotion system within a company, 3. Quality of the working conditions, 4. Leadership and social relationships, 5. Employee recognition 6. Job security 7. Career development opportunities etc.
Motivated employees are a great asset to any organisation. It is because the motivation and Job satisfaction is clearly linked. Hence this study is focusing on the

employee motivation in the organisation. The research problem is formulated as follows: What are the factors which help to motivate the employees?


The study is intended to evaluate motivation of employees in the organization. A good motivational program procedure is essential to achieve goal of the organization. If efficient motivational programmes of employees are made not only in this particular organization but also any other organization; the organizations can achieve the efficiency also to develop a good organizational culture. Motivation has variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individuals physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Employee delight has to be managed in more than one way. This helps in retaining and nurturing the true believers who can deliver value to the organization. Proliferating and nurturing the number of true believers iis the challenge for future and present HR managers. This means innovation and creativity. It also means a change in the gear for HR polices and practices. The faster the organizations nurture their employees, the more

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
successful they will be. The challenge before HR managers today is to delight their employees and nurture their creativity to keep them a bloom. This study helps the researcher to realize the importance of effective employee motivation. This research study examines types and levels of employee motivational programmes and also discusses management ideas that can be utilized to innovate employee motivation. It helps to provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organizations that are both providing and using reward/recognition programs.


1.4.1 Primary objective


To study the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees.

1.4.2 Secondary Objective

1. To study the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the organization on the employees performance. 2. To study the effect of job promotions on employees. 3. To learn the employees satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the organization. 4. To provide the practical suggestion for the improvement of organizations performance.


Rensis Likerthas called motivation as the core of management. Motivation is the core of management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the management in inspiring the work force .It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinate or to create the will to work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered that the worker may be immensely capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work .creation of a will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term.

Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the people to work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A manager has to make

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is executed efficiently and effectively. In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must determine the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which appropriate incentives are available for their satisfaction .If the management is successful in doing so; it will also be successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization .There will be better utilization of resources and workers abilities and capacities.

1.5.1 The concept of motivation

The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind it .Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and desires. There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control mans behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the different motives operate at different times among different people and influence their behaviors. The process of motivation studies the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior.

1.5.2 Definition of Motivation.

According to Edwin B Flippo, Motivation is the process of attempting to influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward.

1.5.3 Significance of Motivation

Motivation involves getting the members of the group to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to the group, to carry out properly the purpose of the organization. The following results may be expected if the employees are properly motivated.

1. The workforce will be better satisfied if the management provides them with opportunities to fulfill their physiological and psychological needs. The workers will cooperate voluntarily with the management and will contribute their maximum towards the goals of the enterprise.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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2. Workers will tend to be as efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and knowledge so that they are able to contribute to the progress of the organization. This will also result in increased productivity.

3. The rates of labors turnover and absenteeism among the workers will be low.

4. There will be good human relations in the organization as friction among the workers themselves and between the workers and the management will decrease.

5. The number of complaints and grievances will come down. Accident will also be low.

6. There will be increase in the quantity and quality of products. Wastage and scrap will be less. Better quality of products will also increase the public image of the business.

1.5.4 Motivation Process.

1. Identification of need 2. Tension 3. Course of action 4. Result Positive/Negative 5. Feed back

1.5.5 Theories of Motivation.

Understanding what motivated employees and how they were motivated was the focus of many researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne study results (Terpstra, 1979). Six major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are Mcclellands Achievement Need Theory, Behavior Modification theory; Abraham H Mallows need hierarchy or Deficient theory of motivation. J.S. Adams Equity Theory, Vrooms Expectation Theory, Two factor Theory. McClellands Achievement Need Theory. According to McClellands there are three types of needs;

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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Need for Achievement (n Ach); This need is the strongest and lasting motivating factor. Particularly in case of persons who satisfy the other needs. They are constantly pre occupied with a desire for improvement and lack for situation in which successful outcomes are directly correlated with their efforts. They set more difficult but achievable goals for themselves because success with easily achievable goals hardly provides a sense of achievement. Need for Power (n Pow) It is the desire to control the behavior of the other people and to manipulate the surroundings. Power motivations positive applications results in domestic leadership style, while it negative application tends autocratic style. Need for affiliation (n Aff) It is the related to social needs and creates friendship. This results in formation of informal groups or social circle. Behavioral Modification Theory; According to this theory people behavior is the outcome of favorable and unfavorable past circumstances. This theory is based on learning theory. Skinner conducted his researches among rats and school children. He found that stimulus for desirable behavior could be strengthened by rewarding it at the earliest. In the industrial situation, this relevance of this theory may be found in the installation of financial and non financial incentives. More immediate is the reward and stimulation or it motivates it. Withdrawal of reward incase of low standard work may also produce the desired result. However, researches show that it is generally more effective to reward desired behavior than to punish undesired behavior. Abraham H Maslow Need Hierarchy or Deficient theory of Motivation. The intellectual basis for most of motivation thinking has been provided by behavioral scientists, A.H Maslow and Frederick Heizberg, whose published works are the Bible of Motivation. Although Maslow himself did not apply his theory to industrial situation, it has wide impact for beyond academic circles. Douglous Mac Gregor has used Maslows theory to interpret specific problems in personnel administration and industrial relations. The crux of Maslows theory is that human needs are arranged in hierarchy composed of five categories. The lowest level needs are physiological and the highest levels are the self Page 6

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
actualization needs. Maslow starts with the formation that man is a wanting animal with a hierarchy of needs of which some are lower ins scale and some are in a higher scale or system of values. As the lower needs are satisfied, higher needs emerge. Higher needs cannot be satisfied unless lower needs are fulfilled. A satisfied need is not a motivator. This resembles the standard economic theory of diminishing returns. The hierarchy of needs at work in the individual is today a routine tool of personnel trade and when these needs are active, they act as powerful conditioners of behavior- as Motivators. Hierarchy of needs; the main needs of men are five. They are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego needs and self actualization needs, as shown in order of their importance. Physiological or Body Needs: - The individual move up the ladder responding first to the physiological needs for nourishment, clothing and shelter. These physical needs must be equated with pay rate, pay practices and to an extent with physical condition of the job. Safety: - The next in order of needs is safety needs, the need to be free from danger, either from other people or from environment. The individual want to assured, once his bodily needs are satisfied, that they are secure and will continue to be satisfied for foreseeable feature. The safety needs may take the form of job security, security against disease, misfortune, old age etc as also against industrial injury. Such needs are generally met by safety laws, measure of social security, protective labor laws and collective agreements. Social needs: - Going up the scale of needs the individual feels the desire to work in a cohesive group and develop a sense of belonging and identification with a group. He feels the need to love and be loved and the need to belong and be identified with a group. In a large organization it is not easy to build up social relations. However close relationship can be built up with at least some fellow workers. Every employee wants too feel that he is wanted or accepted and that he is not an alien facing a hostile group. Ego or Esteem Needs: - These needs are reflected in our desire for status and recognition, respect and prestige in the work group or work place such as is conferred by the recognition of ones merit by promotion, by participation in management and by fulfillment of workers urge for self expression. Some of the needs relate to ones esteem e.g.; need for achievement, self confidence, knowledge, competence etc. On the job, this means praise for a job but more important it means a feeling by employee that at all times he has the respect of his supervisor as a person and as a contributor to the organizational goals.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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Self realization or Actualization needs: - This upper level need is one which when satisfied provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organization that are both providing and using reward/recognition programs makes the employee give up the dependence on others or on the environment. He becomes growth oriented, self oriented, directed, detached and creative. This need reflects a state defined in terms of the extent to which an individual attains his personnel goal. This is the need which totally lies within oneself and there is no demand from any external situation or person. J.S Adams Equity Theory Employee compares her/his job inputs outcome ratio with that of reference. If the employee perceives inequity, she/he will act to correct the inequity: lower productivity, reduced quality, increased absenteeism, voluntary resignation. Vrooms Expectation Theory Vrooms theory is based on the belief that employee effort will lead to performance and performance will lead to rewards (Vroom, 1964). Reward may be either positive or negative. The more positive the reward the more likely the employee will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely the employee will be motivated. Two Factor Theory Douglas McGregor introduced the theory with the help of two views; X assumptions are conservative in style Assumptions are modern in style. X Theory Individuals inherently dislike work. People must be coerced or controlled to do work to achieve the objectives. People prefer to be directed

Y Theory People view work as being as natural as play and rest People will exercise self direction and control towards achieving objectives they are committed to People learn to accept and seek responsibility.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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1.6) Types of Motivation.

Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is morally significant. Extrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is compelled to do something or act a certain way because of factors external to him or her (like money or good grades)

An incentive is something which stimulates a person towards some goal. It activates human needs and creates the desire to work. Thus, an incentive is a means of motivation. In organizations, increase in incentive leads to better performance and vice versa. Need for Incentives Man is a wanting animal. He continues to want something or other. He is never fully satisfied. If one need is satisfied, the other need need arises. In order to motivate the employees, the management should try to satisfy their needs. For this purpose, both financial and non financial incentives may be used by the management to motivate the workers. Financial incentives or motivators are those which are associated with money. They include wages and salaries, fringe benefits, bonus, retirement benefits etc. Non financial motivators are those which are not associated with monetary rewards. They include intangible incentives like egosatisfaction, self-actualization and responsibility.


Financial Incentives

Non-financial incentives

Wages and Salaries. Bonus Medical reimbursement Insurance

- Competition - Group recognition - Job security - Praise Page 9

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
Housing facility Retirement benefits. - Knowledge of result - Workers participation. - Suggestion system. - pportunities for growth

Motivation is the key to performance improvement

There is an old saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink; it will drink only if it's thirsty - so with people. They will do what they want to do or otherwise motivated to do. Whether it is to excel on the workshop floor or in the 'ivory tower' they must be motivated or driven to it, either by themselves or through external stimulus. Are they born with the self-motivation or drive? Yes and no. If no, they can be motivated, for motivation is a skill which can and must be learnt. This is essential for any business to survive and succeed. Performance is considered to be a function of ability and motivation, thus:

Job performance =f(ability)(motivation)

Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow and long process. On the other hand motivation can be improved quickly. There are many options and an uninitiated manager may not even know where to start. As a guideline, there are broadly seven strategies for motivation.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur


Mahindra Group Founded in 1945 as a steel trading company, we entered automotive manufacturing in 1947 to bring the iconic Willys Jeep onto Indian roads. Over the years, weve diversified into many new businesses in order to better meet the needs of our customers. We follow a unique business model of creating empowered companies that enjoy the best of entrepreneurial independence and Group-wide synergies. This principle has led our growth into a US $16.7 billion multinational group with more than 180,000 employees in over 100 countries across the globe. Today, our operations span 18 key industries that form the foundation of every modern economy: aerospace, aftermarket, agribusiness, automotive, components, construction equipment, consulting services, defense, energy, farm equipment, finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information technology, leisure and hospitality, logistics, real estate, retail, and two wheelers. Our federated structure enables each business to chart its own future and simultaneously leverage synergies across the entire Groups competencies. In this way, the diversity of our expertise allows us to bring our customers the best in many fields. Quality Accolades We are the first and the only tractor company to have received the coveted Japan Quality Medal and Deming Application Prize.

Quality is paramount at Mahindra and we are proud to be the first and only tractor manufacturing company in the world to win the Japan Quality Medal (JQM), a P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati
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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur laurel truly hard to earn. It is universally acclaimed as the highest award presented to a company following Total Quality Management (TQM) practices in their entire business operations. JQM recognizes a high level of customer focus, improvements in overall quality and excellence in business processes. Also, Mahindra was the first tractor company worldwide to win the Deming Application Prize in 2003 for excellence in quality, making it the only tractor manufacturer to receive both distinctions.

Research and Development Facilities The Mahindra Research valley focuses on computer aided engineering and design. An in-house integrated approach incorporating all the details and specifics of benchmarking, aesthetics, style feasibility, concepts, packaging, design & development, virtual validation, prototyping and testing are carried out that effectively reduces manufacturing trials, experiments and evaluation time in new product development.


Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd is an India-based company. The company operates in nine segments: automotive segment comprises of sales of automobiles, spare parts and related services; farm equipment segment comprises of sales of tractors, spare parts and related services; information technology (IT) services comprises of services rendered for IT and telecom; financial services comprise of services relating to P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati
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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur financing, leasing and hire purchase of automobiles and tractors; steel trading and processing comprises of trading and processing of steel; infrastructure comprise of operating of commercial complexes, project management and development; hospitality segment comprises of sale of timeshare; Systech segment comprises of automotive components and other related products and services, and its others segment comprise of logistics, after-market, two wheelers and investment. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd was incorporated on October 2, 1945 with the name Mahindra & Mohammed Ltd. The company was renamed as Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd in the year 1948. The steel trading business was commenced in association with suppliers in UK. In the year 1950, the company commenced the first business with Mitsubishi Corporation and 5000 tons of wagon building plates from Yawata Iron & Steel were supplied. In the year 1953 Otis Elevator Company (India) was established. A joint venture was made with Rubery Owen & Company Limited, UK and established a company under the name of Mahindra Owen. The company's Machine Tools Division was commenced its operations in the year 1958. In the year 1960, Mahindra Sintered Products Limited was established based on a joint venture with Bir Field (GKN Group, UK). In the year 1962, Mahindra Ugine Steel Company was established as a joint venture between the company and Ugine Kuhlmann, France. In the year 1963, International Tractor Company of India was established as a joint venture with International Harvester Company, USA. In the year 1965, the company entered into light commercial vehicles segment. They established Vickers Sperry of India Ltd, a joint venture with Sperry Rand Corporation, USA. In the year 1969, the company entered the world market with export of utility vehicles and spare parts. In the year 1977, International Tractor Company of India merged with the company and became its Tractor Division. In the year 1982, Mahindra brand of tractors were launched and also became the market leader in the Indian tractor market. In the year 1991, the company introduced commander range of vehicles in the market. Also, they established Mahindra Financial Services Ltd as a wholesale fund provider. In the year 1995, Mahindra Holding & Finance Limited became a subsidiary of the company to carry out business as an investment company. The company made a technical collaboration with Mitsubishi / Samcor to manufacture the Mitsubishi L300. In the year 1996, Mahindra Ford India Limited was established, a joint venture with Ford Motor Company, USA, to manufacture passenger cars. In the year 1999, the company P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati
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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur acquired a major stake in Gujarat Tractors and renamed it Mahindra Gujarat Tractors Ltd. Also, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd became a subsidiary of the company. In the year 2000, the company set up their first satellite tractor plant at Rudrapur. They launched a new age tractor, Mahindra Arjun 605 DI (60 HP) in the market. Also, they launched Bolero GLX (a utility vehicle) launched in response to the needs of urban consumers. In the year 2001, the company launched Champion, a 3-wheeler diesel vehicle. They launched Mahindra MaXX, a multi-utility vehicle positioned with the caption 'Maximum Space, Maximum Comfort'. They made a tie up with Renault for Petrol Engines. In the year 2002, the company launched Scorpio, a new generation, world-class sports utility vehicle. In the year 2003, they launched Invader, a sporty open top vehicle and MaXX Pik Up. They set up second tractor assembly plant in USA. They ventured into Industrial engine business. Also, they launched India's first Turbo tractor, Mahindra Sarpanch 595 DI Super Turbo. In the year 2004, the company launched Bolero and Scorpio in Latin American, Middle East and South African markets. They signed an MoU to enter into joint venture with Jiangling Motor Company Group (JMCG) of China, to acquire tractor manufacturing assets from Jiangling Tractor Company, a subsidiary of Jiangling Motor Company Group. In the year 2005, the company acquired 51% stake in SAR Transmission Private Limited, a company engaged in manufacture of gears and transmission shafts. The company became the became the first Indian auto manufacturer to launch the Common Rail Diesel Engine (CRDe), offering it in the Scorpio. They acquired 80% stake in the joint venture with Jiangling Motors i.e. in Mahindra (China) Tractor Company. They established Mahindra Renault Ltd, a joint venture with Renault to manufacture and market Logan, a mid-sized sedan, in India. Also, they established Mahindra International Ltd, a joint venture with International Truck and Engine Corporation to manufacture trucks & buses in India. In the year 2006, the company acquired the Stokes Group of UK, the largest automotive forgings company in the UK. They launched the Scorpio V-series. In July 2007, the company launched the Mahindra Pik-Up (double cab) in Chile. In November 1, 2007, a wholly owned affiliate of Navistar International Corporation signed a joint venture agreement with the company to produce diesel engines for medium and heavy commercial trucks and buses in India. In the year 2008, the company introduced FuelSmart system in Bolero and Scorpio SUVs. They entered into JV with TMI Pacific in Australia. In the year P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati
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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur 2009, the company launched Xylo. Also, they launched New, Mighty Muscular Scorpio in the market. During the year 2009-10, the company hived off Mahindra Defence Systems Division into a wholly owned subsidiary, Mahindra Defence Land Systems Pvt Ltd (now rechristened as Defence Land Systems India Pvt Ltd) with effect from July 1, 2009. Also, the company signed a joint venture agreement on November 30, 2009 with BAE Systems Plc. to form a 74:26 Joint Venture for defence land systems products. The company divested 46.66% of the equity share capital in Mahindra Gears & Transmissions Pvt Ltd in favour of ICICI Venture Fund. As per the scheme of arrangement between the company and Mahindra Shubhlabh Services Ltd, the Agri Inputs Business of along with other common assets and liabilities of MSSL was de-merged and transferred into the company. During the year 2010-11, the company acquired SYMC, a premier manufacturer of sports utility vehicles and recreational vehicles in Korea. Also, the company acquired 38% of the paid-up equity share capital through a Preferential Allotment in EPC Industrie' Ltd (EPC), a company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. In February, 2010, the company had launched Maxximo in a very competitive small 4-wheeler cargo segment (0.75 Ton). In June 2011, Bristlecone International AG became a subsidiary of the company. Today, the company's operations span 18 key industries that form the foundation of every modern economy: aerospace, aftermarket, agribusiness, automotive, components, construction equipment, consulting services, defense, energy, farm equipment, finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information technology, leisure and hospitality, logistics, real estate, retail, and two wheelers.


Public BSE: 500520 BSE SENSEX Constituent Automotive 1945 (Ludhiana)

Traded as

Industry Founded

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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Headquarters Area served Key people Products Revenue Net income Total assets Employees Parent Subsidiaries Website Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Worldwide Anand Mahindra (MD) Automobiles, commercial vehicles, two-wheelers 691 billion (US$11 billion) (2012) 41 billion (US$670 million) (2012) 712 billion (US$12 billion) (2012) 34,612 (Mar-2013) Mahindra Group Mahindra Two Wheelers limited SsangYong Motor Company


15-20 HP

1. Compact Size

Fits in the tightest of fields especially designed to perform between two crops (Inter-crop). Known for its track width and height its being liked primarily by grapes, sugarcane, cotton growers.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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2. Automatic dept and draft control

Providing precision hydraulics even in the 15 HP Tractor. Ensure automatic and uniform depth throughout the field with any manual intervention
3. Comfort seating

Functional yet comfortable seating with ergonomically placed controls and steering
4. Side shift gear

Enhances comfort while driving with its ergonomically designed side shift gears. It also adds additional space for easy entry and exit
5. Single cylinder engine

India 1st 15 hp water cooled engine. Delivers superior performance and best in class fuel efficiency

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No of Cylinder Capacity, cc Engine Rated RPM Transmission Type No of Gears Brake Type Main Clutch Type & Size Lift capacity at Hitch, KG Steering Type Fuel Tank Capacity, LIT Wheel Base, MM Tyre Size, Front/Rear 1 863 2300 Sliding Mesh 6F+3R Dry Single 778 Mechanical 24 1490 5.20 - 14/8.00 - 18

20-50 HP
MODELS Mahindra 265 DI Mahindra 265 DI Power Plus Mahindra 395 DI Mahindra 475 DI Mahindra 575 DI Mahindra 595 DI Mahindra 275 DI Mahindra 255 DI Power FEATURES 1. Bow type front axle

Compact designs are not just for cars tractors too aspire for that comfort turning on the roads. With its advanced designs the bow type Front axle optimizes turning radius without compromising on the seating space and comfort . Infact it also adds to the extra stability by optimizing the centre of gravity of the vehicle
2. Comfort seating

Functional yet comfortable seating with ergonomically placed controls and steering

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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3. Double acting balanced power steering

Enhancing comfort multi fold is its power steering which is a unique double action for that additional comfort. Be it the long drive or that quick turns in the field or carry those additional heavy duty loads
4. Mileage ka master engine

Mahindra Tractors are known as Mileage Ka Master in the tractor industry courtesy its highly fuel efficient MKM engine. Delivers power with such great mileage that customers acknowledge it by making it the most popular tractor in the complete range
5. Bigger quadrant hydraulics

Ergonomically designed quadrant lever with precise control and fine adjustments for that close finish of implement working in fields
6. Oil immersed brakes

Advanced technology brakes which holds oil inside for that effective braking when you need the most especially during heavy loading, puddling and haulage apart from braking it also adds extra brake life and increases the longevity by reducing heat and friction
7. Radiator Surge Tank

Ensures that the user is left free after the days field work by automatic Refilling of water to the radiator and ensuring the optimum level of water always
8. Side Shift Gears

Experience the car like driving comfort with the Side shift gear shifting technology. Ergonomically designed levers with quick changing of gears for that edgy driving - Available in select models only.
9. Combination Switch

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur One switch with multiple functions Headlights, Upper & Dipper, Turn Indicators, Horn

50-60 HP
MODELS Mahindra 605 DI Dlx Mahindra 555 DI Dlx Mahindra 605 MAT 1. 4 Cylinder Engine

Experience the power of 60 horses under the hood with the high performance yet Highly fuel efficient engine for the 50 60 HP range of tractors. Reliable and rock solid built it has the power to roar and carry exceptional heavy duty loads
2. Customer experience zone

Spacious comfort for those extra long drives, Measure your days performance with digital dash board, adjusts as per your individual heights, smooth maneuverability with double acting balance power Steering, attractive controls for that sporty look and feel, controls so ergonomically Designed which puts enhance the complete driving experience
3. Double acting balanced power steering

Enhancing comfort multi fold is its power steering which is a unique double action for that additional comfort. Be it the long drive or that quick turns in the field or carry those additional heavy duty loads

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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4. Quick lift technology

Technology at its finger tips. Yes the quick lift has an built-in memory device which automatically senses the depth of cut and maintains the same even if you lift and lower the implement during turns giving the user a complete peace of mind and assurance of a leveled field
5. Side Shift Gears

Experience the car like driving comfort with the Side shift gear shifting technology. Ergonomically designed levers with quick changing of gears for that edgy driving - Available in select models only.
6. Synchromesh gears

Technology that smoothens the drive even while you are driving at higher speeds. Specially deisgned gears for that extra quiet and seamless shifting of gears

60-85 HP
Mahindra 8085

1. Integrated AC Cabin

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur First of its kind Air Conditioned Cabin with cooling and heating options. Also enjoy your favourite music in the sound proof cabin.
2. Tiltable Steering

First of its kind Steering. adjust the height of the steering wheel as per your comfort. Adds to overall comfort while driving
3. Suspended Pedals

Ergonomically placed and Comfortable. Add overall space and comfort to the operator.
4. Digital Dashboard

Precised and attractive looking dashboard with Digital Controls.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur


To collect data needed to address the above mentioned objectives the exploratory research design was used. Exploratory research was design to describe something. It includes surveys and facts finding enquiries of different kind. The research study is based on collection of data and analysis to draw the conclusion.


The study has following objectives: 1. To help organization to free from the employee dissatisfaction and also prevail likely environmental inside the organization. 2. To provide appropriate motivational changes based on performance, promotion, transfer or changing conditions. 3. To identify the factors responsible for the satisfaction level of employee. 4. To analyze the employee motivation towards organization. 5. To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employee.

The completion of research involved three phases: First phase: Collection of Secondary and Primary data. Secondary data were collected from books, magazines and websites, etc. And Primary data was collected from the structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Second phase: Pilot study, Actual primary data collection, Editing and tabulation of data. Third phase: Data analysis using statistical tools. Inferences, conclusions, suggestions based on data collected.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
3.4) DATA


Data means information required in the research. There are two types of data sources, which have been helpful to carry out the research these, are as follows:

Primary data Primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time. Primary data was collected through questionnaires & Interview schedule. Researcher was collected data from questionnaire.

Secondary data Secondary data are those, which have already been collected by publication of Governments, Periodicals of organization, newspaper, books, & internet etc. In this research process, researcher collected secondary data form newspaper, books, company website, magazines, etc. Sampling Universe The first step in devolving any sample design is to clearly define the set of objects, technically called the universe. Sample universe for research was Mahindra Tractors Nagpur.. Sample Technique Sampling technique used for selection of sample non-probability, Convenience sampling technique. A convenience sample is that where the sample is selected, in part or only a limited attempt, to ensure that this sample is an accurate representation of some larger group of population. The classic example of convenience sample is standing at shopping mall and selecting shoppers as they walk by to fill out a survey. A convenience sample chooses the individuals that are easiest to reach or sampling that is done easy. Hence, convenience sampling was used for the research.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur
Sample Size This refers to the number of item to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. The sample size was 50 employees and workers of the Mahindra tractors nagpur for research.

3.5) scope of the study:

The scope of the study is as bellow, 1. This report may use to student of management for reading may be useful to make a report also. 2. This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company. 3. It comprises of extrinsic and intrinsic factor and helps maintain an able and willing work force.

3.6) Limitation:
The limitation of this study was that sometimes the male or female respondents may not give the proper and correct information regarding the welfare measures.

1) The study was limited to one firm, i.e. Mahindra Tractors Nagpur. 2) Due to limited time & money, it was not peruse to come whole entire, hence the sample size was 50 respondents. 3) The study was limited to Nagpur only. 4) Most of the time the workers will not give their right opinion.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur



The data so collected is scrutinized, tabulated and analyzed by the help of some statistical tools and techniques and finally used for the study purpose. Following are the major conclusions are drawn by the researchers. Table No. 4.1 AGEWISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS Sr. No Age Number of respondents 1 2 3 4 5 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Above 55 TOTAL 05 07 13 17 08 50 10 14 26 34 16 100 Percentage


Number of respondents
16% 10% 14% 34% 26% 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Above 55

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, 34% of the respondent are from the age group of 46-55, 26% respondents are from age of 36-45, 16% respondent are above 55 as age, and less percentage are 10% and 14% for age group of 18-25 and 2635 respectively.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.2 GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

Sr. No


Number of respondents


1 2

Male Female TOTAL

33 17 50

66 34 100


Number of respondents
Male Female



Interpretation From above data it can be interpret that, 66% from respondent are male and 34% are female in the research process.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.3 MONTHLY INCOME WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

Sr. No

Monthly Income

Number of respondents


1 2 3 4

15000-20000 21000-30000 31000-40000 40000 & above TOTAL

27 12 08 03 50

54 24 16 06 100


Number of respondents
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15000-20000 21000-30000 31000-40000 40000 & above

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, 54% of the respondent are from the income group of 15000-20000, 24% respondents are from income group of 2100030000, 16% respondent are from the income group of 31000-40000, and less percentage are 06% are as the monthly income is 40000 & above.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.4 YEARS OF WORKING WITH THE ORGANIZATION

Sr. No 1 2 3 4

Years 0-2 years 2-4 years 4-6 years More than 6 years total

Respondents 06 11 19 14 50

Percentage 12 22 38 28 100


years of working
6 11 0-2 years 2-4 years 4-6 years 19 More than 6 years


Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, 38% of the respondent are working since last 4-6 years, 22% respondents are working from 2-4 years, 28% respondent are working since more than 6 years and some new are working less than 2 years and that contribute 12% from all the respondents.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.5 RESPONDENTS SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT JOB POSITION

Sr. No


Number of respondents


1 2

Yes No Total

27 23 50

54 46 100














From the above data it can interpreted that, 54% respondents were satisfied with their current job position and 46% respondents said un satisfaction with their current job position.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur


Sr. No 1 2

Opinion Yes No Total

Respondent 33 17 50

Percentage 66 34 100


Yes No




From the above data it can be interpreted that, respondents note down that 66% respondents satisfied with current salary and perks, 34% respondents not satisfied with salary and perks.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.7 RESPONDENTS OPINION ABOUT FACING ANY PROBLEM OR DIFFICULTIES IN THE CURRENT SENERIO

Sr. No


Number of respondents


1 2

Yes No Total

22 28 50

44 56 100



30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No 28 22

Interpretation In this research process, respondents opinion about facing problems is mostly none and some respondents are facing the problems in current senerio.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.8 RESPONDENTS OPINION ABOUT MOTIVATING PERSON

Sr. No.


No. of respondent


1 2 3

HR manager Senior officer Other total

12 11 27 50

24 22 54 100


Motivating person


Senior officer


HR manager







Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, 54% of the respondent are said to motivating person is to other than HR manager and senior officer, 22% are said to senior manager and 24% said to HR manager.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.9 MOTIVATION METHOD GENERALLY ADOPTED

Sr. No 1 2 3

Motivation method Individual Group Departmental Total

Num. of Resp. 21 14 15 50

Percentage 42 28 30 100

Sources: Primary Data


Num. of Resp.
45 40 35 No. of respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Individual Group Departmental 28 30 42

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, motivation method generally adopted by employee is individual.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.10 OPINION ABOUT CURRENT MOTIVATION METHOD IS HELPFUL OR NOT

Sr. No


Number of respondents


1 2

Yes No Total

22 26 50 Sources: Primary Data

44 56 100


60 56 50 No. of Respondents 44 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, most of the employee opinion about the motivation method is helpful.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.11 SATISFACTION OF THE RESPONDENTS WITH MOTIVATION PRACTICES AS MAHINDRA TRACTORS

Sr. No 1 2

Opinion Yes No Total

Respondent 35 15 50

Percentage 70 30 100


Yes No




From above data it can be interpreted that, most of the employee above 70% of the firm are satisfied with motivation practices carried out.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.12 SATISFACTION FOR CONSIDERATION ABOUT CHANGING JOB OR LEAVING COMPANY

Sr. No 1 2

Opinion Yes No Total

Respondent 22 28 50

Percentage 44 56 100







30 No. of Respondents




Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, most of the employee are not filling to leave their job.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.13 OPINION OF CHANGING OR LEAVING JOB IS BECAUSE OF DISSATISFACTION

Sr. No


Number of respondents


1 2

Yes No Total

28 22 100 Sources: Primary Data

56 44 100


Number of respondents


No. of Respondents

50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No


From above data it can be interpreted that, very less number of the employee left job because of the dissatisfaction.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.14 OPINION ABOUT MOTIVATION HELPS FOR

Sr. No.

Help to

No. of respondent


1 2 3

To remove stress For job training Other Total

25 15 10 50

50 30 20 100

Sources: Primary Data Graph no. 4.14 OPINION ABOUT MOTIVATION HELPS FOR

No. of respondent

For job training

To remove stress 0 10 20 30 40 50

No. of Respondents


From above data it can be interpreted that, most of the employee agree that motivation help to remove the stress.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.15TRAINING PROGRAM ATTAINDED BY RESPONDENTS

Sr. No 1 2 3 4

Number of Program attn. 1 2-3 4-6 More than 6 Total

Num of resp. 10 15 15 10 50

Percentage 20 30 30 20 100


30 30 25 20 No. of respondents 20 15 10 5 0 1 2-3 4-6 More than 6 20 30

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, almost 2-3 training programs are generally attained by the employee.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.16 TRAINING NEED IDENTIFIED BY YOUR COMPANY

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4

Identification By systematic Analysis Based on performance appraisal Individual assessment Based on feedback Total Sources: Primary Data

No. of resp. 10 20 05 15 50

Percentage 20 40 10 30 100


No. of respondent
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 By systematic Analysis Based on performance appraisal Individual assessment Based on feedback

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, most of the employee feel that their training need identified on performance appraisal.

No. of Respondents

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.17 SUPPORT GIVEN BY THE SIPERIOR FOR COMPLETION OF TRAINING PROGRAM

Sr. No. 1 2 3


No. of respondent


Full Partial Not at all Total Sources: Primary Data

11 17 22 50

22 35 43 100


No. of respondent

Full 22% Not at all 43%

Partial 35%

Interpretation From above data it can be interpreted that, employee get partial support from their superiors for completion of training program.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur Table No. 4.18 OPINION ABOUT MOTIVATION HELPS TO BRING OUT OF THE STRESS

Sr. No.


No. of respondent


1 2

Yes No Total

30 20 50

60 40 100

Sources: Primary Data


30 No. of Respondents 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No

Interpretation From the above data it can be conclude that, most of the employee feels that motivation help to bring out of the stress.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur


5.1) FINDINGS: 1) After conducting the research the researcher found that, In case of motivation process mostly respondents involve from the group of 26-35 age group. 2) In this research process, 70% respondents are male. 3) Researcher found that, 41% respondents having more than 40000 rs. Salary per month. 4) From that research process, researcher found that, mostly respondents working more than last 4 years with organization. 5) In this research process, 69% respondents satisfied with their job in the Mahindra tractors organization. 6) In this research process, mostly respondents satisfied with their job but not with their current salary. 7) In this research process there are some more same respondents are said that they are facing problem or difficulties and may not be in the current scenario in the organization. 8) In the organization from that research process could tell other persons do motivation for employees. 9) In the organization, mostly individual motivation method is uses that contribute 42% from the total respondents. 10) In these research process, half of the total respondents said that, current motivation method is not useful for the solving the problems. 11) In this research process, 70% respondents are satisfied with motivation practices. P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati
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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur 12) In the organization 56% respondents are considered about changing or leaving job. 13) In the research process, respondents think dissatisfaction is the reason for the changing or leaving job from who considered to changing or leaving job. 14) From that research process, researcher found to motivation helps to remove the stress. 15) Into the organization, mostly employee attended more than 4 training programs. 16) The researcher find the training program need find from the based on appraisal. 17) Researcher find the major finding that, superior did not give support to completion of the training program. 18) Researcher found that, motivation helps to bring out of the stress.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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A Study of Motivational practices & its effects on employees of Mahindra Tractors, Nagpur 5.2) SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMONDATIONS:

1. Mahindra tractors Company should try to increase the satisfaction level of the employee. 2. For that, they should do effective motivation programs, from that employees could take away the stress. 3. Companies should give more emphasize on effective motivation method. 4. Organization should appoint one counselor at each departmental level. 5. Most of the respondents considered changing the job, company should try to communicate them about their problems personally. 6. Company should try to arrange the training programs. 7. Company should try to identify the training need by individual assessments. 8. Company should communicate with superior employees for supporting juniors to completion of their training programs and solved out their problems.

P. R. Patil college of Engineering & Management, Amravati

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