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 Internship Goal: Value Added

1st Year: Work Experience, Value Added Module

Vocabulary: raw material, transform, finished product, food processing, production, produce,
cheese, yogurt, jelly, marmalade, juice, post harvest, packing,

3rd Year: Physiological Process and Post-Harvest Systems

Vocabulary: analyze, post-harvest, fruit, vegetable, cultivation, ripe, ripening, harvest, prepare,
pack, store, packing, storage, transport, transportation, product, process, fresh consumption,
extend the life, conserve, improve the quality, reduce loss, loss, dehydrate, bake, cook, purée, boil,
 Internship Goal: Animal Production

1st year: Work Experience, Animal Production Module

Vocabulary: management, manage, breed, pasture, equipment, harness, saddle, harness, yoke,
plant, cultivate, harvest, fodder plants, feed.

1st year: Tropical Animal Production

Vocabulary: domestic animal, alternative, feed, nutrition, adaptation, species

1st year: Mechanical Skills

Vocabulary: Identify, use, manual tools, manual, power tools, workshop, safety, regulations, work,
design, measure, construct, concrete, wood, metal, analyze, electrical currents, weld, welding

2nd Year: Work Experience, Integrated Livestock Systems Module

Cattle, pigs, birds, fish, livestock, farm, animal feed, byproducts, garbage, wastewater, treatment

2nd Year: Applied Genetics

Vocabulary: genetics, selection, traits, heredity, DNA, genes, transfer

2nd Year: Animal Reproduction and Lactation

Vocabulary: analyze, anatomy, embryology, physiology, reproductive, reproduction, mammal,
mammary, system, domestic, milk production, implement, artificial insemination, cattle
 Internship Goal: Forestry

1st year. Work Experience, Forestry Practices Module

Vocabulary: construct, maintain, seedbed, nursery, plant, collect, care for, scarification,
propagate, measure, tools, climb, forest

1st year, Operation of Agricultural Equipment

Vocabulary: operate, use, tractor, agricultural equipment, animal-powered equipment, calibrate,
plant, spray, analyze, apply, safety, injury, accident, maintenance

2nd year, Work Experience: Topography Module

Vocabulary: topographical instruments, conduct, process, interpret, utilize, geospatial, plan, report

2nd year, Inorganic Chemical Processes

Vocabulary: solution, acid, base, equilibrium

3rd Year, Properties of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: analyze, summarize, chemical, phsycial, biological, property, soil, acid, base, arid,

3rd Year, Tropical Silviculture

Vocabulary: characterize, forestry, natural forest, forest planation, agro-forestry system

3rd Year, Management and Conservation of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: review, indigenous property, characteristic, use, management, conservation, reclaim,
 Internship Goal: Sustainable Agriculture
1st Year: Work Experience, Agronomic Practices in the Humid Tropics.
Vocabulary: land clearing, preparation, maintain, drainage system, prune, drain, fertilize, plant disease
control, plant propagation, plant, harvest, seedbed, nursery.

1st year, Work Experience, Sustainable Agricultural Practices Module

Vocabulary: reproduce, maintain, dry, extract, liquid, natural insect repellant, natural medicine, ink,
integrated systems, produce, trial, experiment, evaluate

1st year, Work Experience, Sustainable Agriculture—Integrated Organic Agriculture Module

Vocabulary cultivate, animal production, health, soil,

1st Year, Fundamentals of Ecological Management of the Resources of the Humid Tropics
Vocabulary: manage, management, assess, producer, practices, adapt

1st year, Operation of Agricultural Equipment

Vocabulary: operate, use, tractor, agricultural equipment, animal-powered equipment, calibrate, plant,
spray, analyze, apply, safety, injury, accident, maintenance

1st year: Mechanical Skills

Vocabulary: Identify, use, manual tools, manual, power tools, workshop, safety, regulations, work, design,
measure, construct, concrete, wood, metal, analyze, electrical currents, weld, welding

2nd Year: Work Experience, Sustainable Agriculture Module

Vocabulary: fertilizer, organic byproducts, bokashi, natural fertilizer, beneficial microorganisms

2nd Year, Work Experience: Management of Natural Resources Module

Vocabulary: organic matter, water, protected areas, ecotourism, surface source of water, measure, water
level, volume, flow, living fence, recycled

3rd year, Applied Ecology:

Vocabulary: ecology, principle, solution, problem, process

3rd Year, Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Vocabulary differ, differentiate, evaluate, production, ruminant, single stomach, animal, natural resources

3rd Year, Properties of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: analyze, summarize, chemical, phsycial, biological, property, soil, acid, base, arid, management

3rd Year, Management and Conservation of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: review, indigenous property, characteristic, use, management, conservation, reclaim,
 Internship Goal: Horticultural Production
1st Year: Work Experience, Agronomic Practices in the Humid Tropics.
Vocabulary: land clearing, preparation, maintain, drainage system, prune, drain, fertilize, plant
disease control, plant propagation, plant, harvest, seedbed, nursery.

1st year, Work Experience, Horticultural production Module

Vocabulary: species, healthy, nutritional, viable, control, analysis, evaluate, analyze, evaluation,
crop systems, gardening

1st year, Operation of Agricultural Equipment

Vocabulary: operate, use, tractor, agricultural equipment, animal-powered equipment, calibrate,
plant, spray, analyze, apply, safety, injury, accident, maintenance

1st year: Mechanical Skills

Vocabulary: Identify, use, manual tools, manual, power tools, workshop, safety, regulations, work,
design, measure, construct, concrete, wood, metal, analyze, electrical currents, weld, welding

2nd Year: Applied Genetics

Vocabulary: genetics, selection, traits, heredity, DNA, genes, transfer

3rd Year, Properties of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: analyze, summarize, chemical, phsycial, biological, property, soil, acid, base, arid,

3rd Year, Management and Conservation of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: review, indigenous property, characteristic, use, management, conservation, reclaim,
 Internship Goal: Agribusiness/Entrepreneurial Projects
1 year, Entrepreneurial Projects

Vocabulary: feasibility study, marketing, administration, budgeting, finances, social impact,

environmental impact, organize a business, analyze and evaluate problems, make decisions, evaluate

2nd Year, Work Experience, Agricultural Engineering Module

Vocabulary: organize, shop, workshop, production, prepare, operate, prevent, preventative,
reconstruct, maintenance, infrastructure

2nd Year, Entrepreneurial Project

Vocabulary: venture, accounting, design, establish, create, decision, register, transaction,
accounting book, balance sheet, income statement, report, manage, administrate, administrative,
opportunity, advantage, disadvantage

2nd year, General Statistics

Vocabulary: collect, analyze, interpret, population, sample, parameter

3rd Year, Entrepreneurial Projects

Vocabulary; liquidate, finance, communicate, function, marketing plan, service, design, market,
price, means of distribution, packaging, quality, promotion, strategy, hind-sight view, environmental
strategy, social, economic, financial, strategic planning, total quality, reengineering, agro-business,
sell, trade, invest
 Internship Goal: Tropical Crop Production
1st Year: Work Experience, Agronomic Practices in the Humid Tropics.
Vocabulary: land clearing, preparation, maintain, drainage system, prune, drain, fertilize, plant
disease control, plant propagation, plant, harvest, seedbed, nursery.

1st Year: Tropical Crops.

Vocabulary: multiplication of plants, seeds, soils, mixing of plant fibers, botany, plant physiology,
plant taxonomy, soils, climate, integrated pest management, pesticides,

1st Year: Tropical Crop Production

Vocabulary: analyze, produce, production, grain, root, tuber, perennial plants, evaluate, corn, bean,
rice, chamol, ginger, yucca, banana, cacao, rubber tree, palm, plantain, sexual propagation, asexual
propagation, plot, annual plants, crops,

1st Year: Tropical Crop Management

Vocabulary: impact, balance, actual value, potential value, harvest

1st year, Operation of Agricultural Equipment

Vocabulary: operate, use, tractor, agricultural equipment, animal-powered equipment, calibrate,
plant, spray, analyze, apply, safety, injury, accident, maintenance

1st year: Mechanical Skills

Vocabulary: Identify, use, manual tools, manual, power tools, workshop, safety, regulations, work,
design, measure, construct, concrete, wood, metal, analyze, electrical currents, weld, welding

2nd Year: Applied Genetics

Vocabulary: genetics, selection, traits, heredity, DNA, genes, transfer

3rd Year, Properties of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: analyze, summarize, chemical, phsycial, biological, property, soil, acid, base, arid,

3rd Year, Management and Conservation of Tropical Soils

Vocabulary: review, indigenous property, characteristic, use, management, conservation, reclaim,
 Internship Goal: Integrated Pest Management
2 year, Work Experience. Integrated Pest Management Module.

Vocabulary: weed, plant disease, insect, plagues, crop loss, application, apply, disposal,
contamination, protective clothing

2nd year, Inorganic Chemical Processes

Vocabulary: solution, acid, base, equilibrium

2nd Year, Organic Chemical and Biochemical Processes

Vocabulary: identify, learn, hydrocarbon, organic halide, alcohol, phenol, ester, carbonyl
compound, amine, biomolecule, enzyme

2nd Year, Pest Control: Entomology

Vocabulary: determine, discuss, relationship, pest, host, arthropods, pests, crops, domestic
animals, evaluate, search for, control, biological control,

2nd Year, Pest Control: Diseases

Vocabulary: evaluate, disease, causal agent, behavior, influence, factor, plant, measures

2nd Year, Pest Control: Weeds

Vocabulary: differ, differentiate, distinguish, weed, species, characteristics, describe, analyze,
affect, compare, method
 Internship Goal: Waste Management
2 Year, Work Experience, Waste Management Module

Vocabulary: management, waste, reduce, reuse, recycle, garbage. Residue

2nd Year, Organic Chemical and Biochemical Processes

Vocabulary: identify, learn, hydrocarbon, organic halide, alcohol, phenol, ester, carbonyl
compound, amine, biomolecule, enzyme
 Rural Development
First Year, Student Life Workshop,
Vocabulary: seminars, workshops, participation

First Year, Health Promotion

Vocabulary: habits, quality of life, aspects, adequate, healthy, well-balanced, well-being

First Year, Mankind and the Development of the humid Tropics

Vocabulary: environmental and social consequences, colonization, social, cultural characteristics,
ecological impact, alternatives

2nd Year, Health and Well-Being

Vocabulary: improve, stamina, flexibility

2nd Year, Introduction to Latin-American Reality

Vocabulary: study, analysis, expand, problems, critical, reflection

2nd Year, Ethics and Critical Thinking

Vocabulary: examine, justice, moral

Third Year, Work Experience, Community Work Module

Vocabulary: communicate, design, implement, evaluate, agricultural extension program, teach,
investigate, evaluate, resource management, community, farmers, projects, examine

Third Year, Work Experience, Sustainable Agricultural Practices and the Rural Family Module
Vocabulary: analysis, opportunity, improve, production, implement, sustainable, stimulate, better,

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