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, Matrix Analysis of Structures, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning, 2012. INSTRUCTOR: Aslam Kassimali OFFICE: B-36 TELEPHONE: (618) 453 - 7807 E - MAIL: aslam@siu.edu OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 2 3 pm, Tuesdays 11 am 12 noon & 2 3 pm, Wednesdays 2 3 pm, Thursdays 11 am 12 noon & 2 3 pm. PREREQUISITES: CE 340 - Structures COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Review of the fundamental concepts of structural analysis using matrix notation. 2. Detailed study of the displacement (stiffness) method of analysis as applied to statically loaded framed structures. REFERENCES: Weaver, W., Jr., and Gere, J.M., Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Beaufait, F.W., Rowan, H.W., Hoadley, P.G., and Hacket, R., Computer Methods of Structural Analysis, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, 1975. Holzer, S.M., Computer Analysis of Structures - Matrix Structural Analysis Structured Programming, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., New York, N.Y., 1985. GRADING: Grades will be determined from the total points earned during the semester. These points will be distributed as follows: Test # 1 Test # 2 Homework assignments Computer project Final examination 25% 30% 10% 5% 30%

The grading scale will be as follows: A = 100 - 90% B = 89 - 80% C = 79 - 70% D = 69 - 60% F = Below 60%


January 15 Jan. 17 22 Jan. 24 Feb. 19

Introduction (Chapter 1) Review of Matrix Algebra (Chapter 2) Matrix Stiffness (Displacement) Method for Plane Trusses (Chapters 3 & 4) Test # 1 Matrix Stiffness (Displacement) Method for Beams (Chapter 5) Test # 2 Matrix Stiffness (Displacement) Method for Plane Frames (Chapter 6) Member Releases and Secondary Effects (Chapter 7) Matrix Stiffness (Displacement) Method for Three-Dimensional Framed Structures (Chapter 8) Final Examination (10:10 am 12:10 pm)

February 21 Feb. 26 March 21

March 26 March 28 April 11

April 16 25

April 30 May 2

May 10

Computer Project The objective of this project is develop a general computer program that can be used to analyze any statically determinate or indeterminate plane truss, of any arbitrary configuration, subjected to any system of joint loads. The programming process is described in Chapter 4 of the textbook, where detailed flowcharts are given. You can use any programming language or spreadsheet. To check the program for correctness, use it to analyze at least three trusses, and compare the computer-generated results to those obtained by hand calculations. The project report will be due in class on Thursday, April 25, 2013. The report should contain a brief description of the program, a listing of its code, and both the computergenerated and hand-calculated results for the three truss problems.

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