The Nutritional Solution

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1hls ls where we are Loday. SLruggllng Lo comprehend whaL Lo eaL, when Lo eaL and whaL Lo eaL lL ouL of! 1here are so many fads and so
many Lypes of eaLlng. WlLh so many opLlons and dlfferenL Lypes of lnformaLlon, lL's easy Lo see why Lhe pounds keep addlng up. Well, Lhese
are Lhe sLaLemenLs made by Lhe overwelghL, under educaLed and down rlghL lazy.
1here are a number of dlfferenL Lypes of dleLs ouL Lhere. 1here are a loL of dleLs LhaL puL you on super resLrlcLlve Lypes of programs, whlch l
Lhlnk, are rldlculous and qulLe frankly dangerous. 8aLher, Lhe Lypes of food LhaL you should be eaLlng need Lo be seasonal, fresh and
organlc. 1he reasonlng for Lhls ls slmple. When you eaL seasonal, fresh and organlc foods you are golng Lo geL all Lhe nuLrlenLs and mlnerals
LhaL were lnLended for you and whaL your body needs Lo funcLlon opLlmally. LaLlng nuLrlLlonally deflclenL frulLs and vegeLables wlll noL glve
you all Lhe goodness you need.

AL Lhe end of Lhe day you can eaL whaLever you wanL, provlded LhaL you undersLand and accepL Lhe effecLs Lhey have on your body.
undersLand Lhese polnLs and you wlll see whaL Lhese foods do Lo your body and you'll see why eaLlng smarL ls more lmporLanL Lhan eaLlng

lncluded ln Lhls documenL ls all Lhe lnformaLlon you need Lo help you Lo make smarLer food cholces ln order Lo achleve peak performance,
lncrease energy, enhance menLal focus, conLrol blood sugar, achleve long Lerm hunger saLlsfacLlon and lose welghL efforLlessly ln Lhe

l sLarLed Lo puL a program llke Lhls LogeLher because l [usL became really unhappy wlLh whaL l was readlng and whaL l was seelng on
Lelevlslon. lurLher, whaL l was seelng aL Lhe grocery sLore was horrlble. l would see people fllllng Lhelr shopplng Lrollles wlLh sugar laden
goods and processed goods LhaL are golng Lo be slowly kllllng Lhem.

1he lnformaLlon ln here ls noL new nor am l lnvenLlng Lhe wheel. l am merely Lrylng Lo presenL some solld and useful lnformaLlon LhaL has
helped me and my cllenLs Lransform our bodles and our llfesLyles. Sure, l am golng Lo presenL some preLLy blas lnformaLlon and l make no
excuses or apologles. 1he sclence LhaL ls comlng ouL ls showlng LhaL Lhls way of eaLlng ls noL only easy Lo follow buL Lhe healLh beneflLs are
golng Lo be worLh Lhe LranslLlon. Pavlng Lhese Lools and resources Lo help combaL 1ype 2 ulabeLes, MeLabollc Syndrome, many menLal and
cognlLlve dlsorders [usL Lo name a few. ?ou are golng Lo be able Lo boosL Lhe hormones LhaL are golng Lo ald you ln bulldlng and
sLrengLhenlng lean muscle Llssue as well as be able Lo boosL many neuroLransmlLLers (Lhese guys are golng Lo help you wlLh feellng happy,
full from eaLlng and lncreaslng menLal drlve).

So, your nuLrlLlon and supplemenLaLlon are golng Lo be Lhe basls and Lhe bulldlng blocks for your new body and llfesLyle. Many people
have asked me why l added supplemenLs Lo Lhls program and Lhe reason ls slmple. 1he food we eaL currenLly ls lacklng ln vlLal nuLrlenLs,
mlneral and vlLamlns LhaL we need Lo grow and survlve. Many of Lhese nuLrlenLs llke magneslum, vlLamln u3 and zlnc are all essenLlal ln all
processes ln Lhe body. Many of Lhese nuLrlenLs are golng Lo be drawn ouL of Lhe food we eaL because of Lhe way modern farmlng currenLly
ls, as well as Lhe currenL modern llfesLyle. 1herefore we need Lo supplemenL Lhese nuLrlenLs lnLo our sysLems because we need Lo, for lack
of a beLLer word, 'flll up Lhe Lanks.' l wlll go lnLo Lhls ln more deLall laLer.

l have seen more poslLlve changes wlLh eaLlng llke Lhls (and llvlng llke Lhls) as well as seen my amazlng frlends and cllenLs keep Lhelr
physlques for years afLer our flrsL consulL. l am proud and exclLed Lo be sharlng Lhls lnformaLlon wlLh you and l hope you flnd lL as useful
and en[oyable as Lhe people currenLly llvlng lL.

Who |s Sean Conno||y and why shou|d we ||sten to h|m?
LeLs go back Lo 2003, Lhe year LhaL l graduaLed hlgh
school. l was aL Lhe graduaLlon ceremony wlLh my parenLs
(who were as proud as punch LhaL Lhelr llLLle boy had
made lL Lhrough school) and Lhe resL of my classmaLes. My
famlly and l walked over Lo Lhe phoLographer and had our
plcLures Laken ln Lhe hope LhaL we would have someLhlng
Lo cherlsh for years Lo come.

1haL was noL Lhe case. l Look one look aL Lhe phoLos (afLer
Lhey Look a few weeks Lo reLurn) and saw someLhlng LhaL l
could noL belleve. lL was a plcLure of some faL guy wlLh my
moLher and faLher. l was plssed as l dldn'L know who he
was. My moLher explalned, '.LhaL's you Sean. Pow good
do you look?'

lL was from LhaL momenL on LhaL l made declslons on speclflc acLlons Lo change and Lo Lransform myself lnLo someLhlng LhaL would be
leaner, healLhler, happler and sLronger and come hell or hlgh waLer, l was golng Lo nall Lhls goal of dropplng 40kg. 1hls was golng Lo be
someLhlng l would do on my own and would learn how Lo do along Lhe way.

So Lhere ls Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL l have gaLhered over my Lravels from someone who wanLed Lo lose body faL and become healLhler. 1here
are no glmmlcks, no fads and l deflnlLely am noL belng sponsored by anyone or anyLhlng. l have spenL loLs of Llme and money flndlng Lhe
besL way and l wanL Lo be able Lo share lL wlLh you. 1he feellng LhaL l goL when l reached 90kg was someLhlng LhaL l never wanLed Lo have
alone. 1he feellng of addlng years onLo your llfe and belng able Lo do Lhlngs, wear cloLhes LhaL look and feel good as well as do acLlvlLles
LhaL would of oLherwlse been lmposslble. 1hls feellng ladles and genLlemen ls someLhlng greaLer Lhan anyLhlng you could ever LasLe, Louch
or smell. 1he feellng of achlevlng a greaLer quallLy of llfe Lhrough your own deLermlnaLlon and acLlon ls whaL separaLes Lhose who merely
exlsL and Lhose who are acLually 'llvlng'.

l wanL Lo share my secreLs and my experlences wlLh you so LhaL you can feel Lhem Loo! Some are golng Lo be hard hlLLlng and some wlll
sllde ln rlghL nexL Lo you. 1ake whaL you need and apply lL Lo your everyday llfe and remember where you sLarLed and be ready for Lhe
desLlnaLlon. ?ou wlll be Lhere real soon.

Convent|ona| Iood and Nutr|t|on and the Case for Change
lf you wenL Lo a convenLlonally Lralned dleLlclan or nuLrlLlonlsL, for example, for a welghL-loss, feel-good" program, you probably would
recelve a baslc dleL based on Lhe food pyramld, whlch advocaLes for abouL 33 percenL of calorles from carbohydraLes, 20 percenL from
proLeln and 23 percenL from faL. ?eL, Lhls very reglmen low-faL llghL dleL" -- has falled for far Loo many lndlvlduals because obeslLy levels
(up 30 percenL from Lhe lasL decade) have lncreased slnce AusLrallans have embraced Lhe hlgh carb, low faL reglme of eaLlng. lurLher, Lhe
larger (forglve Lhe pun) and more developed naLlons ln Lhe world llke Lhe uSA, Canada and AusLralla are conLlnulng Lo grow (agaln,
pun.sorry) as belng Lhe mosL obese naLlons ln Lhe world. Could Lhls be because Lhe lnformaLlon we are belng fed ls perhaps wrong?
CuLdaLed? Maybe Lhe accepLed noLlon LhaL large amounLs of carbohydraLes ln our bodles wlLh Lhe (llLLle) amounL of dally movemenL we
parLlclpaLe ln are causlng us Lo galn welghL and lncrease our levels of body faL. LeL's have a look aL Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL we are uslng Lo
educaLe people and maybe see lf Lhere are flaws ln lL. l won'L geL lnLo Lhe pollLlcal naLure of Lhe food pyramld, l wlll save lL for anoLher day.
lor Lhe mosL parL Lhe medla messages on Lhe dangers of dleLary faLs (hlgh cholesLerol levels, lncreased hearL dlsease rlsk, and obeslLy)
have been successful ln changlng eaLlng hablLs, however, noL necessarlly for Lhe beLLer. Many AusLrallans have changed Lhelr eaLlng hablLs,
lncreaslngly cuLLlng faLs from Lhelr dleLs. 1hen Lhe bad news sLarLed Lo come ln. Many of Lhose who had managed Lo exclude faL from Lhelr
dleL developed powerful food cravlngs and wenL on eaLlng blnges LhaL undld all Lhe good of Lhelr resLrlcLed dleL. 1hese lndlvlduals slmply
subsLlLuLed unllmlLed carbohydraLes (llke bagels, faL-free yogurLs, faL-free cookles, breads, crackers, mufflns) for Lhe mlsslng faLs.

Lven Lhe mosL consclenLlous and well-lnformed dleLers wenL overboard on Lhe faL- free foods replaclng Lhem wlLh hlgh-glycemlc
carbohydraLes llke rlce cakes, poLaLoes, corn, and whole-graln bread. 1hey slmply were noL aware LhaL many of Lhe complex carbohydraLes
Lhey were consumlng (slmllar Lo Lhe processed, slmple carbohydraLes llke whlLe flour bread) also produced a qulck rlse ln blood sugar
levels whlch ln Lurn creaLed hlgh lnsulln levels. LlevaLed lnsulln noL only blocks Lhe body's ablllLy Lo burn sLored body faL for energy buL also
creaLes a rapld fall ln blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are low, Lhe braln, whlch ls fuelled by blood sugar, sends an urgenL slgnal
Lo your body for some lmmedlaLe fasL-acLlng fuel-usually ln Lhe form of more carbohydraLes, from sugary snacks Lo sofL drlnks. Sadly, Lhe
low-faL adherenLs seem faLed Lo a conLlnuous roller-coasLer rlde of blood sugar peaks and valleys. So as sLaLed above, people removed faLs
from Lhelr dleL whlch had no effecL on Lhelr lnsulln levels and blood sugar and replaced lL wlLh very hlgh Cl and processed carbohydraLes
wlLh large amounLs of sugar. 1hese have a large affecL on Lhe blood sugar and lnsulln response. lL would be wlse Lo use Lhls as a marker and
remlnder for why people (perhaps) are geLLlng a llLLle faLLer and always complalnlng of Lhe dreaded 'muffln Lop'.

now, don'L geL me wrong. l don'L wanL Lo sound llke a carbohydraLe basher as l love Lhe very occaslonal sugar LreaL llke a frulL salad, dark
chocolaLe or maybe even some naughLy gluLen free pancakes. lL's Lhe lncredlbly hlgh Cl and slmple carbohydraLes LhaL we should be boLh
scared of as well as keeplng ouL dlsLance from Lhem. SofL drlnks, frulL [ulces (ln Lhe boLLles) and mosL sauces are all fllled wlLh hlgh frucLose
corn syrup (PlCS) LhaL ls golng Lo do some severe damage Lo your lnsulln levels and your lnLernal body machlnery.

1he reallLy ls LhaL whllsL AusLrallans have been consumlng less and less faL, we've acLually been geLLlng slcker.
- PearL dlsease raLes are unchanged and ls sLlll one of Lhe blggesL klllers ln AusLralla,
- We are faLLer Lhan ever before (lnserL sLaLs)
- ulabeLes ls on Lhe rlse (SLaLs)
- Lmerglng healLh problems such as chronlc faLlgue, food senslLlvlLles and allergles, lrrlLable bowel dlsease (l8S), yeasL problems,
hyperacLlvlLy ln chlldren and adulLs, mood swlngs eLc
- More people are geLLlng cancer Lhan ever before and aL a much younger age and our chances of survlvlng Lhe dlsease are no beLLer Lhan
Lhey were 20 years ago.

So, clearly Lhe evldence ls lrrefuLable LhaL low faL, hlgh carbohydraLe dleLs are noL servlng AusLrallans well. Powever, Lhe good news ls LhaL
we can reverse Lhese lngralned eaLlng hablLs Lo achleve peak performance, lncrease energy, enhance menLal focus, conLrol blood sugar,
achleve long Lerm hunger saLlsfacLlon and lose welghL efforLlessly ln Lhe process.

Ach|ev|ng 8a|anced Nutr|t|on
1here are a few Lhlngs LhaL Lhe medla and oLher healLh professlonals don'L Leach you. l wanL Lo lnform you along Lhls [ourney so LhaL you
can make a poslLlve dlfference ln your llfe.
?our dleL / nuLrlLlon as well as your exerclse play a synerglsLlc role ln reduclng Lhe amounL of faL LhaL you carry on your body. ?our body
slmply sLores faL as energy as a defense mechanlsm. 1hls ls an evoluLlonary LralL LhaL has evolved over Llme. When your body sLores body
faL (ofLen as a famlne prevenLlon mechanlsm) your body ls noL sure when lL wlll eaL agaln (so lL sLores energy ln Lhe form of faL) or wheLher
lL wlll need energy for you Lo run away from someLhlng LhaL wlll confuse you as food (sLored levels of faL and muscle glycogen).
1he weaLher also plays a blg parL Loo buL LhaL ls a llLLle Loo ouL of Lhe scope of whaL l wanL Lo cover.

?our blologlcal age refers Lo Lhe age whlch you body acLually ls. ?ou may have a chronologlcal age of 30 years, however eaLlng processed
foods, consLanL alcohol consumpLlon and lngesLlng chemlcals and drugs harm your body creaLlng an aglng effecL. 1he wearlng away of
dlfferenL organs and Llssues causes your body's 8lologlcal age Lo rlse. 1hls ls noL good by any means! 1hls ls whaL we are also Lrylng Lo
prevenL. An amazlng mlnd by Lhe name of aul 1aylor has creaLed a sysLem called 8loAge where ls wlll show you Lhe dlfference beLween
your chronologlcal age and blologlcal age. lf done correcLly, lL can be very useful. l have spenL a falr blL of Llme wlLh aul and l musL say LhaL
he ls one of Lhe brlghLesL mlnds ln Lerms of how Lhe body and braln work LogeLher as well as Lhe solvlng Lhe modern faL loss puzzle. lf you
can ever hear hlm Lalk or pay for hls lL!! ?ou won'L regreL lL.

Pavlng a balance wlLhln your body ls where you wlll flnd success. ?our body Lhrlves on havlng homeosLasls (whlch means balance ln
sclence Lerms). lrom Lhe food you eaL Lo Lhe hormones LhaL are released when you eaL, havlng Lhem balanced and ln conLrol wlll ald ln
your faL loss [ourney. 1he maln hormone LhaL you need Lo be aware of ls lnsulln. 1hls ls a hormone LhaL you can 100 conLrol and lL ls one
of Lhe easlesL Lo lose conLrol over Loo! Pave you ever heard of 1ype 2 ulabeLes? MeLabollc Syndrome? All can be cured (yep, LhaL's rlghL. l
sald cured) by paylng close aLLenLlon and balanclng ouL your lnsulln levels. keep Lhem low and sLeady and you wlll be laughlng all Lhe way
lnLo your reLlremenL (wlLh Lhe body and frame of a youngsLer).

Cur bodles consume blood sugar. Also known as glucose, as fuel for energy, buL sLore excess fuel as body faL due Lo LhaL remarkable
sLorage hormone produced by Lhe pancreas known as lnsulln (you should be a masLer aL Lhls as we covered lL above. ?ou are golng Lo nall
Lhls secLlon for sure). AL a sLable blood sugar level our bloodsLream conLalns abouL Lwo Leaspoons of glucose. Slnce all carbohydraLes
lncludlng such unllkely candldaLes as lemons and splnach -- once dlgesLed, are absorbed lnLo our bloodsLream as glucose, our bodles' sugar
requlremenLs are easlly meL. Powever, so ofLen lL ls also exceeded.

Cur bodles do noL need any pure sugar aL all, nor do Lhey need processed carbohydraLes llke whlLe rlce, whlLe-flour pasLa, breads and
cereals, whlch ralse blood sugar levels more Lhan sugar lLself. 1he dlgesLlon of slow-acLlng or low-glycemlc complex carbohydraLes,
proLelns and faLs provlde an adequaLe supply of blood sugar. ln facL, Lhe rlghL amounLs of proLeln and dleLary faL are cruclal because Lhey
slow down Lhe enLry of carbohydraLes lnLo Lhe sysLem and allow for exLended hunger saLlsfacLlon. uleLary faL ls acLually Lhe besL blood
sugar sLablllzer, whlle proLeln ls consldered neuLral ln Lhls respecL.

lood cravlngs LhaL ofLen accompany a new dleL or nuLrlLlonal recommendaLlons are lndlcaLlve LhaL whaL we are eaLlng ls unbalanced ln
some way. A balanced dleL should noL leave us wlLh cravlngs for some food Lype noL lncluded. 1he opLlmal dleL ls one ln whlch you do noL
have Lo use wlll power Lo succeed because balanclng Lhe body's chemlsLry ls Lhe key. 1he boLLom llne ls LhaL Loo much or Loo llLLle of Lhe
wrong klnds of carbohydraLes, proLelns or faLs can cause healLh problems. 1he followlng ls a slmple overvlew of our bodles' nuLrlLlonal
requlremenLs. l wlll go Lhrough Lhe 3 macronuLrlenLs LhaL you need Lo know when puLLlng your food ln your mouLh. know how Lhey work
and whaL Lhey do and you wlll be so much beLLer of ln Lerms of fuelllng 'Lhe machlne'.

We need complex carbohydraLes from sLarches, vegeLables, legumes, and frulLs Lo provlde fuel ln Lhe form of blood sugar for energy-
burnlng braln and muscle acLlvlLy. l prefer Lo have my carbohydraLes from very slmple, naLural and unprocessed based sources llke
vegeLables and frulLs because lL ls Lhe mosL powerful way Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of lnsulln belng produced and consequenLly mlnlmlzlng Lhe
body's faL sLorlng poLenLlal.

CarbohydraLes are used as energy wlLhln Lhe body for movemenLs and exerclse and are used as Lhe lnlLlal energy source before many
oLhers. Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe effecLs of carbohydraLes on Lhe body. As l menLloned prevlously, Lhe consumpLlon of
carbohydraLes slgnals Lhe pancreas Lo secreLe lnsulln Lo sLablllze blood sugar levels. Powever, lf carbohydraLes are consumed ln amounLs
greaLer Lhan requlred by Lhe body (rememberlng LhaL for our sLable blood sugar levels we need abouL 2 Leaspoons of glucose, whlch ls noL
very much aL all) lnsulln ls secreLed Lo reLurn blood sugar levels back Lo normal, lncludlng Lurnlng glucose lnLo glycogen. LssenLlally
glycogen ls Lhe fuel source for Lhe muscles and glves you Lhe feellng of belng full and also full muscles makes you look... full! When you
have low levels of muscle glycogen you are golng Lo feel very Llred and have a greaLer level of faLlgue. laLlgue wlll compromlse your
Lralnlng ouLpuL. CarbohydraLes are lmporLanL for keeplng Lhe muscle sLores up!

Powever, lf Lhe levels of glucose exceed Lhe body's requlremenLs, lnsulln slgnals your llver Lo coverL Lhe excess glucose lnLo Lrlglycerldes
(body faL!). 1he good news ls LhaL we have 100 conLrol over lnsulln Lhrough conLrolllng Lhe amounL and quallLy of carbohydraLes we
consume. 1hls means you need Lo conLrol lL aL all cosLs.

lL's lmporLanL Lo undersLand LhaL carbohydraLes are noL bad for you and should noL be avolded as lL serves an lmporLanL role ln any
balanced dleL. 1hey are however someLhlng LhaL should be consumed wlLh Lhe knowledge of whaL you are golng Lo do. 8y Lhls l mean you
need Lo use your carbohydraLe sLores for Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL you are golng Lo parLlclpaLe ln. LaLlng a low carbohydraLe dleL ls greaL for a
number of reasons however uslng carbohydraLes are essenLlal for reslsLance Lralnlng or playlng a sporL. ?ou would be surprlsed by how
much you acLually need. A good rule of Lhumb ls keep your carbohydraLe lnLake aL double flgures per day. Some nuLrlLlonlsLs would
suggesL LhaL Lhls ls very low, and lL ls, buL how many of you are ellLe aLhleLes and are Lralnlng 2-3 Llmes per day? LxacLly!

1he Clycemlc lndex or Cl provldes a measure of Lhe lmpacL of food on your blood sugar. loods wlLh a hlgh Cl Lend Lo qulckly ralse your
body's blood sugar levels, by conLrasL foods wlLh a low Cl wlll ralse Lhem more slowly and over a longer perlod. 1he glycemlc lndex range ls
as follows:

ln Lhe glycemlc lndex llsL of foods, Lhe foods wlLh a glycemlc lndex value below 33 are low Cl foods, foods ranklng 33-70 are moderaLe Cl
foods, and foods wlLh a Cl value 70-100 are hlgh Cl foods.

- Plgh Cl (70-100) CarbohydraLes LhaL break down qulckly durlng dlgesLlon, releaslng blood sugar rapldly lnLo Lhe bloodsLream - causlng
marked flucLuaLlons ln blood sugar levels.
- Medlum Cl (36-69) CarbohydraLes whlch break down moderaLely durlng dlgesLlon, releaslng blood sugar moderaLely lnLo Lhe
- Low Cl (0-33) CarbohydraLes whlch break down slowly durlng dlgesLlon, releaslng blood sugar gradually lnLo Lhe bloodsLream - keeplng
blood sugar levels sLeady . and so provlde you wlLh Lhe besL healLh beneflLs!

Low Cl foods are ofLen Lhe ones wlLh good" carbohydraLes, low faL, hlgh dleLary flber, vlLamlns and mlnerals. 1hese foods help ln keeplng
Lhe blood sugar levels sLable.

now, we have menLloned a few Lhlngs abouL Lhe Cl lndex buL noL abouL Lhe CL lndex. 1hls refers Lo Lhe glycemlc load. 1he CL of Lhe food ls
Lhe acLual load LhaL lL has on Lhe body. 1he CL ls a really good and accuraLe way of flndlng whaL Lhe food does Lo Lhe body ln Lerms of load.
lL also Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe porLlon slze of Lhe carbohydraLes LhaL you are eaLlng.

!"#$% '()*+%,- (. /++012233345%67(,"4'(5289$9,+,4/+54 :% ,)*% +( $((; )0 +/9, 3%#,9+% .(* "$$ 96.(*5"+9(6 *%8"*7968 "6-+/968 '"*#(/-7*"+%
#",%74 <"6+",+9' *%,()*'%=

1he CL ls acLually very easy Lo calculaLe and wlll allow you Lo make some lnformed declslons on whaL and how much you should be eaLlng.
1he Lable above wlll show you where you should be almlng for ln Lerms of Lhe CL. 1he calculaLlon goes as follows.

Clycemlc Load = Clycemlc lndex * Avallable CarbohydraLes ln Crams / 100

?ou always have Lo make sure LhaL you are calculaLlng Lhe avallable carbohydraLes ln Lhe lLem LhaL you are eaLlng. Agaln, as menLloned aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe above Cl and CL Lable, go Lo and you can see Lhe exLenslve llsL of dlfferenL Lypes of carbohydraLes
and Lhelr calculaLlons. lL's acLually a mlnd blowlng llsL and someLhlng LhaL l refer Lo ofLen. CeL on lL!

We need faLs ln Lhe form of olls, nuLs and seeds Lo help balance Lhe blood sugar level, provlde Lhe raw maLerlals for hormones, asslsL ln
long-Lerm energy and sLrengLhen cell walls and mucous membranes. laLs are acLually found ln LvL8? cell ln Lhe body, whlch means LhaL
you need healLhy faLs Lo boLh help repalr and bulld body cells and Llssues. l ofLen Lhlnk LhaL you need Lo be eaLlng Lhe Lypes of foods LhaL
provlde you wlLh Lhe essenLlal bulldlng blocks of whaL ?Cu are acLually made of. lf your cells are made of faLs (and you always need Lo
repalr your cells) Lhen lL ls easy Lo undersLand LhaL you need faLs ln your dleL Lo rebulld and repalr your cells. 8emember, you are slmply a
bunch of cells. lf Lhey are unhealLhy or damaged Lhen you wlll be kllllng yourself wlLhouL even knowlng lL.

Many people mlsLakenly belleve LhaL faL makes you faL. Powever lL Lakes faL Lo burn faL. laL slows down Lhe enLry raLe of carbohydraLes
lnLo Lhe bloodsLream Lhere by decreaslng Lhe producLlon of lnsulln. Slnce lL ls lnsulln LhaL makes you faL, havlng more faL ln Lhe dleL ls
lmporLanL for reduclng lnsulln, especlally slnce lL does noL sLlmulaLe lnsulln producLlon. 1he besL Lype of faL ln Lhe dleL ls derlved from
mono-unsaLuraLed faLs llke ollve oll, avocadoes, nuLs, seeds and coconuL oll.

So, we nLLu faL ln our dleL! 1here ls no oLher way around lL. lf people Lell you LhaL eaLlng nuLs, avocado, ollve oll, coconuL oll, buLLer (yes, l
sald buLLer!) ls golng Lo make you faL Lhen pollLely fllp Lhem Lhe blrd and Lell Lhem Lo move on. lL ls excesslve levels of Lhe hormone lnsulln
LhaL makes you faL and keeps you faL! use Lhese healLhy faLs ln smarL porLlons and you are golng Lo see your body operaLe and funcLlon
beLLer Lhan ever.

A good frlend of mlne and an amazlng sLrengLh and condlLlonlng coach, !oseph Coyne, has wrlLLen some greaL arLlcles and some greaL
posLs abouL Lhe lmporLance of faLs. Pe dldn'L relnvenL Lhe wheel on Lhe lnformaLlon abouL faLs buL he sure made Lhe llLeraLure very
undersLandlng and easy Lo 'dlgesL'. Pere are hls flve mosL lmporLanL polnLs on havlng faLs as an lmporLanL parL of your dleL.

1. Cmega 3 faL sources (and ln parLlcular LA) has anLl lnflammaLory properLles so lL ls good for [olnLs and ln[urles. ln facL for all rehab
proLocols, l make sure my paLlenLs are Laklng aL leasL 4000mg Cmega 3 (e.g. comblned LA & uPA values ln Lhe capsule) per day. llsh oll
(Lhe besL source of Cmega 3 faLs) lncreases basal meLabollc raLe helplng you burn more calorles overall. LA ls lmporLanL for conLrolllng
blood cloLLlng and oLher arLerlal funcLlon. LA (LlcosapenLaenolc Acld) has been seen Lo play a blg parL ln cognlLlon and Lhe
neauroLransmlLLers LhaL are ln Lhe braln. uPA (uocosahexaenolc Acld) ls vlLally lmporLanL for Lhe body's Llssue and has also been seen Lo
be lmporLanL ln aldlng (and creaLlng clear paLhways) for nerve lmpulses as well as Lhe nervous sysLem as a whole.
2. Avold almosL all Lrans faLs aL all cosLs. 1he WPC recommends LhaL Lhe only safe level ln our dleLs ls 0.

3. Llposoluble vlLamlns llke vlLamln A, u, L& k are opLlmally absorbed ln Lhe presence of a faL source. 1hese vlLamlns are needed for
opLlmal healLh so addlng a llLLle blL of organlc buLLer or ollve oll Lo your vegeLables ls a greaL way of achlevlng Lhls. As a slde noLe on
llposoluble vlLamlns, lf you Lake Loo much of Lhem, you can run Lhe rlsk of becomlng Loxlc because Lhey can be sLored ln Lhe body unllke
waLer soluble vlLamlns.

4. laL ls Lhe only macronuLrlenL LhaL has no effecL on lnsulln. 1hls means LhaL lL helps Lo regulaLe blood sugar and lnsulln, whlch means less
llpogenesls or less faL sLorage.

3. llsh oll along wlLh carnlLlne lmproves Lhe use of faL as a fuel source durlng exerclse meanlng you use less muscle glycogen and more faL
for your Lralnlng. 1hls means you lose body faL fasLer.

lf you haven'L read anyLhlng from !oseph Lhen you are elLher new Lo all of Lhls or have been llvlng under a rock for a very long Llme. Co Lo
[ and suss Lhls caL ouL. l always love llsLenlng Lo hlm and en[oy hls company.

1he amounL of good faLs LhaL can be consumed every day are acLually a llLLle more LhaL whaL you would Lhlnk.

Cll / Cooklng Cll / Llquld - beLween 1-3 Leaspoons per meal. Avocados - 1 whole Avocado can be consumed from across Lhe day. nuLs and
Seeds - up Lo 30 nuLs (obvlously Lhe larger would equal a smaller amounL. 1hls ls uslng say almonds as a base level marker).

roLelns are Lhe bulldlng blocks of muscle Llssue. Slmple, lf you wanL Lo lncrease lean muscle Llssue and use LhaL Lo burn body faL Lhen you
need Lo be eaLlng a loL more proLeln. A good proLeln calculaLlon ls LhaL females need abouL 0.9 grams per pound of bodywelghL and men
need abouL 1.3-2.0 grams per pound. Comlng from Canada Lhls ls easy for me Lo calculaLe buL for everyone else, slmply mulLlply your
bodywelghL by 2.2 and you wlll have your welghL ln pounds.

roLeln from boLh lean anlmal and vegeLable sources llke whlLe meaL poulLry, flsh, lean meaL, low-faL coLLage cheese and whey helps Lo
sLablllze blood sugar, promoLes cell growLh and repalr, asslsLs ln hormone producLlon, cell meLabollsm, bodlly fluld balance, malnLenance
of Lhe lmmune sysLem and funcLlonlng of dlgesLlve enzymes.

As cavemen (and women!) we survlved on anlmal producLs as well as vegeLables. We were hunLers and Lhus hunLed and gaLhered food for
our survlval as well as our famllles. lf you couldn'L hunL, Lhen you wenL hungry. now a day lf you wanL Lo go 'hunL' for some food you [usL
knlck off Lo Lhe nearesL buLcher. lL's funny how Lhlngs have evolved.

now, addlng proLeln lnLo your sysLem does a loL of Lhlngs llke aldlng ln rebulldlng lean muscle Llssue, helps Lo keep you feellng full wlLh all
of your meals and helps Lo keep your lnsulln levels low compared Lo a hlgh carbohydraLe meal or dleL

roLeln ls one of Lhe maln lngredlenLs LhaL you need Lo have wlLh each meal. erlod! 1here are a few rules l have when lL comes Lo
nuLrlLlon buL Lhe blggesL one ls make sure you eaL proLeln wlLh every meal. Some people say you can'L have meaL and vegeLables wlLh
every meal. Well l say bollocks Lo LhaL! lf you are Lralnlng and exerclslng (whlch ls ldeal for Lhe perfecL body and Lhe one you are chaslng)
Lhen proLeln sources needed Lo be added lnLo your sysLem.

So ln summary our meals need Lo conslsL of a balance of carbohydraLes, proLelns and faLs. A sLable blood sugar level ls one of Lhe rewards
of a balanced dleL. WlLh sLable blood sugar you have fewer healLh rlsks, exLended energy, balanced moods, and greaLer menLal focus and

As an elemenLary, common-sense concepL of nuLrlLlon, a balanced dleL mlghL hardly seem Lo be worLh menLlonlng were lL noL for Lhe facL
LhaL lL ls so ofLen lgnored. Llvlng mosLly on [unk food, as so many AusLrallans do, ls one way Lo assure an unbalanced dleL. lor susLalned
physlcal and menLal efforL, regardless of wheLher ln compeLlLlve sporL or dally llfe, a balance beLween Lhe Lhree klnds of nuLrlenLs (faLs,
carbohydraLes and proLelns) resulLs ln a more sLable blood sugar level. A sLable blood sugar level ln Lurn helps you Lo conLrol hunger and
permlLs you Lo funcLlon opLlmally on less food (LhaL ls, fewer calorles) Lhan you would be llkely Lo eaL wlLh a flucLuaLlng blood sugar level.
1o puL lL anoLher way, when Lhe calorles LhaL you derlve from carbohydraLes, faLs, and proLelns are ln perfecL allgnmenL, you won'L feel
hunger pangs ln splLe of eaLlng less food.

1he besL way Lo Lhlnk of proLelns (ln Lerms of a fuel source) ls LhaL Lhese wlll flll you fasLer and longer Lhan whaL carbohydraLes do. roLelns
are golng Lo be your very Lhlck and dry logs LhaL are puL on a flre. 1hese are golng Lo burn for a long Llme and be susLalnable where as
carbohydraLes are Lhe small Lwlgs and sLlcks LhaL wlll burn qulckly and burn ouL enLlrely. roLeln should be eaLen wlLh every meal Lo help
keep you full and saLlsfled so LhaL you are noL cravlng food Loo early

So, lf Lhe convenLlonal message on whaL consLlLuLes a healLhy dleL ls maklng us faLLer, Lhen whaL ls Lhe alLernaLlve?

1hroughouL much of man's evoluLlon he has been exposed Lo only four food groups: lean meaLs, nuLs (and seeds) frulLs and vegeLables.
1hls ls whaL humans are geneLlcally deslgned Lo eaL. When gralns were lnLroduced lnLo Lhe human dleL Lhree Lhlngs lmmedlaLely

- Manklnd shrank ln slze from lack of adequaLe proLeln
- ulseases of modern clvlllzaLlon, such as hearL aLLacks and arLhrlLls appeared
- CbeslLy became prevalenL

We know Lhls from comparlng LgypLlan mummles Lo Lhe skeleLons of neo aleollLhlc men. lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL LgypLlans had Lhe same
amounL of obeslLy as found ln AusLralla Loday. We can deLermlne lL from Lhe excess amounL of skln found on Lhe sLomachs of preserved
mummles. 1he anclenL LgypLlan dleL was very slmllar Lo LhaL currenLly belng recommended Lo AusLrallans.

lndeed our aleollLhlc ancesLors en[oyed a slmple dleL of meaL, chlcken and flsh, as well as Lhe leaves and frulLs of many planLs. 1he dleL
susLalned Lhe human race for flve mllllon years unLll Lhe flrsL agrlculLural revoluLlon approxlmaLely 10,000 years ago. 1he human race
evolved on Lhls dleL and Lhere ls a sLrong sclenLlflc evldence base Lo supporL lLs effecLlveness as a weapon agalnsL Lhe many healLh
problems commonly llnked Lo modern-day processed foods (such as hearL dlsease, cancer and obeslLy).

LaLlng a aleollLhlc dleL, also popularly referred Lo as Lhe caveman dleL, SLone Age dleL and hunLer-gaLherer dleL, ls cenLered on commonly
avallable modern foods. 1he "conLemporary" aleollLhlc dleL conslsLs malnly of grass-fed pasLure ralsed meaLs, flsh, vegeLables, frulL, rooLs,
and nuLs. lL excludes gralns, legumes, dalry producLs, salL, reflned sugar, and processed olls. now before you geL all hoL and boLhered by
Lhe concepL of leavlng ouL your chocolaLe or maybe even a sneaky LreaL, eaLlng llke a caveman ls slmply code for eaLlng naLural, seasonal,
unprocessed and freshly grown foods Lhe way our ancesLors would have eaLen.

ln lLs slmplesL form, aleo eaLlng requlres you Lo eaL 4 dlfferenL foods groups, lncludlng meaL, vegeLables, frulL, nuLs and seeds. l wlll go
lnLo Lhe 4 dlfferenL food groups ln Lhe nexL secLlon buL Lhe amazlng Lhlng wlLh a aleo sLyle of eaLlng ls LhaL Lhere ls noL much Lo sLuff up!
ConvenLlonal nuLrlLlonlsLs and dleLlLlans, Zone dleL speclallsLs wlll provlde crazy and qulrky food suggesLlons LhaL wlll requlre you Lo eaL
foods ln complex and Llme consumlng comblnaLlons. 1o me, Lhe less LhaL can go wrong wlll lnevlLably mean LhaL less CAn go wrong. use
slmple foods LhaL have been around for cenLurles and conLlnue Lo eaL Lhem. lf hlsLory ls anyLhlng Lo go by, eaLlng Lhls way wlll provlde you
wlLh more beneflLs Lhan lL wlll downsldes.

8elow are [usL a few lmages of whaL aleollLhlc foods look llke. 1hey are all hlgh ln good proLelns and faLs, conLaln good carbohydraLes and
are all easy Lo prepare and cook. 1he only Lhlng holdlng people back ls sheer lazlness as well as cravlngs for boLh salL and sugar. MeaL and
vegeLables are sour and frulLs are sweeL. lL's Lhe sweeL and Lhe sour LasLes LhaL we are cravlng and noL Lhe food Lhe people are looklng for.
When people are wanLlng chocolaLe, Lhey do noL acLually wanL Lhe chocolaLe (as much as Lhey would llke Lo belleve). 1hey are chaslng Lhe
hormonal feellng LhaL sugar glves Lhem. lL's a nlce fluffy and relaxlng feellng when hormones geL released and Lhe body sLarLs feellng
happy. Sugar can be found ln oLher foods and ln beLLer sources lnsLead of chocolaLe. 1he Lrlck ls flndlng Lhe oLher source of 'happlness' and
noL resorLlng Lo Lhe chocolaLe. More on Lhls anoLher day.

What are the 4 a|eo Ioods Groups
1he 4 food groups are acLually very slmple when you Lhlnk abouL lL.
1he groups LhaL you need Lo be aware of are...

Iru|ts (8err|es are best) Vegetab|es Meats, |nc|ud|ng eggs Nuts & Seeds

AbsenL from Lhls llsL are gralns, dalry, sugar, salL and processed foods. Speclflcally Lhe llsL conLalns foods LhaL are noL harmful Lo your body
ln Lerms of rulnlng your dlgesLlon.

1he aleo food pyramld ls one of my favorlLe Loplcs and ls someLhlng LhaL l en[oy Lelllng a loL of people abouL. l have borrowed a plcLure
from a very good frlend of mlne and colleague, 1ravls !ones ( l am under Lhe lmpresslon LhaL he was so
upseL wlLh Lhe currenL food pyramld Lhe he declded Lo make hls own. l agree wlLh hlm! l also puL Lhls lmage here because Lhls lmage ls
probably Lhe besL example of healLhy eaLlng LhaL l have seen ln such a long Llme. lf you look aL Lhe pyramld and sLudy lL properly you wlll
see a few speclflc deLalls. 1here are only 4 secLlons. 1hls ls a cruclal polnL because Lhls Lles ln nlcely wlLh Lhe 4 foods groups LhaL l have
menLloned above. 1ravls has reduced Lhem even furLher. 1he same menLallLy follows, Lhe less you can fuck up, Lhe beLLer!

1he largesL parL of Lhls pyramld ls Lhe base. Cbvlously! So make sure LhaL Lhls ls Lhe maln parL of whaL's ln your dleL.

1he cool parL wlLh Lhls ls LhaL lL ls fllled wlLh some amazlng foods. MeaL and vegeLables are sLaple foods and should be consumed ln hlgh
doses. PealLhy faLs are also a large parL of Lhls Loo. Compare Lhls food pyramld Lo Lhe old (rldlculous) one LhaL has been Lhrown ln our faces
and ls funnlly enough sponsored by companles LhaL have Lhe largesL share of Lhe pyramld. l flnd Lhls dlsLurblng and offenslve LhaL
companles are noL proacLlve abouL our healLh and are lnsLead worrled abouL Lhelr proflLs. use someLhlng LhaL has no blas and use sclence
Lo back lL up. A blg Lhank you Lo 1ravls for Lhls lmage! Pe ls a cavaller ln Lhe flLness lndusLry and lf you are ever ln Melbourne Lhen you need
Lo geL a hold of hlm and be puL Lhrough hls famous booL camps.

1hls ls an overlooked parL ln mosL dleLs and nuLrlLlon plans LhaL l see. uLLlng all of Lhese poslLlves acLlons of eaLlng rlghL, eaLlng clean and
movlng around more ofLen are essenLlal for loslng body faL buL you wlll noL geL Lhere lf your llfesLyle ls noL sorLed ouL. 8y Lhls l mean LhaL
you need Lo make sure you are glvlng your body Lhe besL posslble chance Lo become healLhler and leaner. 1here are a few llfesLyle boxes
LhaL you need Lo Llck ln order Lo compleLe Lhe whole plcLure. l wlll do whaL l can Lo lay Lhem ouL for you. lf you feel LhaL you don'L Llck Lhe
box, you need Lo flx lL. lf you do lL and feel LhaL lL geLs done, lL's noL good enough. lf you caLegorlcally feel LhaL you do Lhls everyday, nlghL
and day agaln Lhen you pass. Make sure you have a solld crack aL Lhese and you wlll be surprlsed wlLh how everyLhlng seems Lo fall lnLo

1. Make sure LhaL you geL proper sleep. l know l harp on abouL Lhls a loL buL lf you feel LhaL you are noL geLLlng enough sleep.Lhen you are
rlghL! lf lL has been a long Llme before you had a solld and resLful sleep Lhen you need Lo look lnLo ways of geLLlng LhaL sorLed (Llp:
magneslum ln a few dlfferenL forms aL bed Llme work a LreaL!).

2. olnL Lwo wlLh sleep ls LhaL you need Lo keep your body as close Lo a normal clrcadlan rhyLhm as posslble. A clrcadlan rhyLhm slmple
refers Lo Lhe normal cycle of Lhe sun and Lhe moon and how lL relaLes Lo you. ?ou should be rlslng wlLh Lhe sun and sleeplng wlLh Lhe
moon. 1here are many healLh beneflLs LhaL go along wlLh Lhls also. ?ou geL all your vlLamln u from Lhe sun and ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL
source for lL. Pow amazlng do you feel when you spend a llLLle whlle lylng ln Lhe sun [usL soaklng up some vlLamln u? reLLy good eh? WlLh
Lhe evenlng evenLs, you wlll be allowlng your body Lo produce melaLonln, whlch ls prlmarlly secreLed Lo ald wlLh quallLy and depLh of sleep.
?ou are only golng Lo secreLe and produce melaLonln whlle Lhe room ls dark. Lven Lhe red sLand-by doL on your Lelevlslon ls enough Lo
sLarL playlng wlLh your plneal glands (where melaLonln ls secreLed). CeL up when Lhe sun does and go Lo bed when lL goes Lo bed. 1hls ls a
good plan Lo follow and Lo sLlck by. (noLe: ?es, Lhls ls golng Lo be hemlsphere and counLry speclflc. ?ou know whaL needs Lo be done Lhen
don'L you?)
3. uo someLhlng LhaL makes you happy. now, lf you flrsL LhoughL ls abouL your [ob Lhen you may need Lo Lackle LhaL lssue head on however
l am Lalklng abouL a hobby. uolng someLhlng 'for Lhe soul' has a number of super carryovers. CfLen people geL carrled away wlLh Lhe dally
grlnd and forgeL abouL dolng Lhlngs LhaL make Lhem happy. Sex and drugs are noL counLed ln Lhls example (well, maybe Lhe flrsL one) so
you need Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL makes you Llck, Lhlnk, lnsplred and perhaps elevaLed from Lhe place you are aL now? lor me lL was muslc, for
oLhers lL could be sporL, bulldlng model cars or golng for some lovely mounLaln hlklng. All of Lhese are accepLable buL l wanL you Lo plck
someLhlng. Make sure LhaL you lnvesL ln lL every week. 1hls can be vla your walleL or your Llme. 8oLh are perfecLly Ck. 1hls wlll slowly
become an ouLleL and wlll be someLhlng you en[oy. Who knows, maybe you could become amazlng aL lL or even creaLe a career? SLranger
Lhlngs have happened!

4. Always make sure LhaL you glve someLhlng back. l goL Lhls from Lhe greaL Arnold Schwarzenegger. 8ack ln hls bodybulldlng days he had 6
rules LhaL he clalmed LhaL would separaLe Lhe compeLlLors from Lhe champlons. Pls lasL polnL of Lhe slx (Lhe whole seL of slx rules can easlly
be found on Lhe neL ln boLh wrlLLen and vldeo form) rules was LhaL you should always be glvlng someLhlng back. now Lhls can be Lo Lhe
communlLy, lndlvldual or even Lo a cause. l Lhlnk Lhls ls really lmporLanL noL only for some good karma buL also for you, frlends or
nelghbors. lor example, lf you found Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhls book enllghLenlng and useful Lhen elLher pass lL on Lo a frlend or show Lhem
how Lhey can plck up a copy. AnoLher example would be Lo donaLe your Llme, money or servlces. lL mlghL noL seem llke a blg deal buL lL
sure mlghL make a blg dlfference Lo someone less forLunaLe Lhan you.

?up! 1haL's rlghL. rocessed foods are nC1 whaL you need and noL whaL your body wanLs. All processed foods conLaln addlLlves for Lhe
purposes of:

- lmprove Lhe LasLe or appearance of a processed food. lor example, beeswax - glazlng agenL (901) may be used Lo coaL apples Lo lmprove
Lhelr appearance.
- lmprove Lhe keeplng quallLy or sLablllLy of a food. lor example, sorblLol - humecLanL (420) - may be added Lo mlxed drled frulL Lo
malnLaln Lhe molsLure level and sofLness of Lhe frulL.
- reserve food when Lhls ls Lhe mosL pracLlcal way of exLendlng lLs sLorage llfe. lor example, sulphur dloxlde - preservaLlve (220) - ls
added Lo some meaL producLs such as sausage meaL Lo llmlL mlcroblal growLh.
WhllsL food manufacLures would clalm LhaL Lhe amounLs used ln food are small and noL harmful Lo Lhe body, Lhe reallLy ls LhaL food
lnLolerance, food allergles and oLher healLh problems such as lrrlLable bowel dlsease, yeasL lnfecLlons, hyperacLlvlLy ln chlldren are on Lhe
rlse. 1here ls much sclenLlflc evldence llnklng Lhese dlseases Lo Lhe chemlcals ln processed foods. ?ou musL undersLand LhaL Lhese harmful
chemlcal addlLlves LhaL lmprove Lhe quallLy and longevlLy of processed foods are made cheaply so LhaL maxlmum reLurn can be made
and/or so LhaL you can be hlL wlLh a poLenL amounL of sugar or salL LhaL can be lngesLed whlch wlll do you more harm Lhan good.

uL qulLe slmply, eaL fresh and eaL clean! ?our body wlll cleanse lLself naLurally and purely from Lhe naLural foods LhaL you are golng Lo be
eaLlng. Are Lhere any unhealLhy frulLs or vegeLables? Cr a beLLer quesLlon would be are Lhere any harmful chemlcals ln cookles, cakes, dell
meaLs, sofL drlnks (normal and dleL) and oLher such [unk food? Ask quesLlons every Llme you go Lo purchase one of Lhese producLs and
read Lhe labels and lf you are noL sure whaL some of Lhe chemlcals used ln Lhe producL are slmply don'L eaL lL. PonesLly, lf you can'L
pronounce Lhe lngredlenLs, Lhen you should noL be eaLlng lL.
now, l could carry on abouL all Lhe llLeraLure Lhere ls on processed foods and why Lhlngs LhaL come ln wrappers are only golng Lo do you
more harm Lhan good. Powever l Lhlnk from Lhe readlngs so far, you may have [usL plcked LhaL up. Pere ls a llsL of some of Lhe feellngs and
sensaLlons LhaL l experlenced when l was a loL heavler and looked Lo processed foods for LhaL 'llLLle someLhlng'.

rocessed foods are addlcLlve and wlll lead you Lo blnge eaLlng. 1hey are laden wlLh arLlflclal salLs, chemlcals and sugars LhaL wlll have you
hooked and have you wanLlng more, and more. and more!

Lvery obese person l have meL (lncludlng whaL l was back Lhen) has always had processed foods as parL of Lhelr dally nuLrlLlon. 1hls should
glve you a few hlnLs.

rocessed foods ofLen have bogus foods labels - meanlng LhaL whaLever ls wrlLLen on Lhe label ln Lerms of lLs lngredlenLs ls ofLen noL qulLe

MosL of Lhe processed foods LhaL l see ln modern culLure/socleLy can easlly be eaLen ln one hand whlle you are Lalklng on Lhe phone,
drlvlng a car, holdlng a coffee or oLher drlnk eLc. 1he polnL ls LhaL Lhls on-Lhe-go culLure ls leadlng us Lo rush our eaLlng hablLs and ls leadlng
us down Lhe paLh of eaLlng qulck, noL chewlng and Lhus noL leLLlng ouL body properly dlgesL and breakdown Lhe food.

Long shelf llfe does noL always maLch Lhe shelf llfe of real food. lf lL can be made, packaged and kepL for a long perlod on Llme ln Lhe super
markeL before you buy lL, lL ls noL Lhe klnd of Lhlng LhaL you should be eaLlng. lresh ls always besL. lrozen wlll only lasL so long.

Soy roducts Are Iust |a|n Sh|t!
1here are so many problems wlLh soy producLs LhaL l [usL don'L have Lhe Llme Lo slL and Lype everyLhlng. l am golng Lo glve you a run down
on some of Lhe recenL llLeraLure abouL Soy producLs and why lL mlghL be ln your besL lnLeresL Lo keep your dlsLance from lL. A loL of Lhese
polnLs are whaL l have been LaughL (Lhanks Charles ollquln) and also from whaL l have read and learnL.
1here are many phyLo-esLrogens LhaL can lead Lo an lncrease on recepLor slLes belng bound wlLh esLrogen hormones. 1oo much of Lhls can
be a bad Lhlng. 1hls leads Lo lncrease amounL of LoxlclLy, whlch can harm your overall healLh as well as make lL very hard for you Lo lose
body faL! lL also decreases Lhe amounL of LesLosLerone ln Lhe body. CenLs, sLay away!

Soy producLs also have properLles LhaL promoLe red blood cells Lo cloL wlLh an enzyme called 1rypsln. 1hls ls acLually noL a good Lhlng
because sLudles and research have found LhaL when Lhese Lwo blnd LogeLher Lhen lL can lnhlblL and llmlL growLh of lean muscle Llssue.

l could go on and on abouL Lhe llLeraLure of why soy ls havlng damaglng effecLs on Lhe body, however l wanL Lo add a few (beLLer) carefully
consLrucLed words from a wonderful frlend and leader ln Lhe faL loss lndusLry. kaL Lden ls an army of one (now wlLh many female volces
behlnd her) who ls leadlng women lnLo Lhe llghL ln Lerms of changlng Lhelr flgure, enhanclng Lhelr llfe and feellng all round sexy. She has
wrlLLen a brllllanL llLLle arLlcle on a few ma[or polnLs for Laklng lL ouL of your dleL and leavlng lL ouL. She seems Lo have worded lL (much)
beLLer Lhan l.
1hese are [usL few reasons why you should be cauLlous of havlng any soy ln your dleL. Cdds on you have heard LhaL Lhey can be harmful. lf
you hear sLuff llke Lhls, lL's always good Lo research and consulL people ln Lhe know llke Lhe ones l have already menLloned (and ones Lo
come) as well as kaL. She can be found onllne vla boLh Women lncredlble and 8ody lncredlble (doL com for boLh of Lhem).

Soy ls on of Lhe mosL popular geneLlcally modlfled (CM) foods on Lhe planeL. CM foods are all over Lhe shelves aL our local (and your)
grocery sLore. ln facL, over 60 of Lhe foods ln Lhe super marker have some CM soy elemenL. lf l were you, l would sLarL learnlng how Lo
read labels.

(lsoflavones) are one of Lhe chemlcals LhaL are ln soy and have been seen Lo be one of Lhe mosL harmful. 1hls chemlcal has been llnked Lo
acLlng and mlmlcklng your own naLural esLrogen hormone. WlLh Lhls ln play (ln your sysLem LhaL ls), lL can sLarL Lo play havoc on your
lmmune sysLem and your body's Lhyrold funcLlon.

Could you lmaglne your foods looklng llke Lhls? Well CM food processlng may have Lhe poLenLlal Lo do someLhlng [usL llke Lhls!

Aslan culLures are Lhe largesL consumers of soy and lL ls now sLarLlng Lo show ln a few ways. lf you have a look aL whaL soy does Lo your
body (le. lncreases esLrogens and Lhus demoLes Lhe producLlon and clrculaLlon of LesLosLerone) and you wlll sLarL Lo see why Aslan men
(sLereoLyplcally) are looklng more and more femlnlne as well as Lhe sLereoLype of havlng smaller reproducLlve organs. Men should sLay
away from soy aL all cosLs lf Lhey value Lhelr 'manhood and Lhelr llLLle swlmmers!'

kaL sLaLes LhaL soy should be avolded and all cosLs. lL has never been proven safe and l can undersLand why she ls harplng on abouL Lhls.
Pavlng a young chlld of her own, she ls vlgllanL wlLh whaL goes ln her mouLh and her chlld's. ?ou need Lo have Lhe same menLallLy Loo.

What Do I Need 1o know About Sugars, Carbs & a|eo?
noL everyone ls geneLlcally Lhe same. A small percenLage of Lhe populaLlon ls geneLlcally forLunaLe because Lhey have a low lnsulln
response Lo carbohydraLes. 1hese people wlll never become faL and wlll always do well on any hlgh-carbohydraLe dleL wheLher lL ls Mars
bars or whlLe rlce. unforLunaLely Lhe large percenLage of Lhe populaLlon aren'L so forLunaLe. As Lhey lncrease Lhe amounL of faL free
carbohydraLes ln Lhelr dleL, Lhey also lncrease Lhe producLlon of lnsulln. 8elow are a loL of Lhe quesLlons LhaL l ask my cllenLs, frlends and
coachlng cllenLs and Lhe klnd of answers LhaL accompany Lhem. CarbohydraLes and sugars can be someLhlng Lhe people assume are good
for Lhem buL unforLunaLely Lhe assumpLlon ls acLually LhaL Lhey know whaL a carbohydraLe ls! Pave a sneaky look and you'll sLarL Lo see
whaL all Lhe fuss ls abouL.
1. nave you fa||ed to |ose we|ght or even ga|ned some wh||e st|ck|ng re||g|ous|y to a |ow-fat, h|gh carb d|et?
An excess of processed and slmple sugars ln Lhe dleL causes an over-secreLlon of lnsulln lnLo Lhe bloodsLream, whlch sLlmulaLes Lhe
bulldup of faLLy Llssue.
2. Do you have m|d-morn|ng or m|d afternoon drops |n energy |eve|s?
lf you have energy lows" a few hours afLer meals, you can be reasonably cerLaln LhaL you are eaLlng Loo many processed carbohydraLes or
slmple sugars. 1hey glve you an energy boosL as Lhe blood sugar derlved from Lhem ls qulckly used up -- and Lhen leave you sagglng wlLh a
low blood-sugar level.
3. Do you have sugar crav|ngs?
1hese cravlngs occur when your blood sugar level falls Loo low. LaLlng someLhlng sweeL brlngs Lhe level back up and relnforces your sugar
hablL. A comblnaLlon of hlgh-calorle, hlgh-sugar snacks and flucLuaLlng blood sugar levels ls enough Lo saboLage mosL old-sLyle welghL loss
4. Do you often exper|ence b|oat|ng or water retent|on?
1oo much lnsulln secreLlon ls frequenLly responslble for Lhese sympLoms and encourages Lhe laylng down of body faL. CuLLlng back on
processed carbohydraLes and slmple sugars, and welcomlng back unsaLuraLed faLs and proLeln, can reduce welghL due Lo boLh waLer
reLenLlon and adlpose Llssue.
S. Do you have crav|ngs for h|gh fat meat and da|ry products?
lf you do, you may burn carbohydraLe calorles more qulckly Lhan oLher people. eople wlLh a hlgh meLabollsm need dleLary faLs Lo slow
down Lhe consumpLlon of calorles and malnLaln a more balanced blood-sugar level.
6. Do you exerc|se and st||| not |ose we|ght?
When your body needs energy, lL bums up all avallable carbohydraLes flrsL. So lf you eaL a hlgh-carb dleL, your body never needs Lo resorL
Lo sLored faLs for lLs energy needs. non saLuraLed faLs ln your dleL acLually encourage Lhe burnlng-up of sLored faL ln your body. 1hey do
Lhls by helplng ln Lhe producLlon of elcosanolds, hormone llke subsLances. 1hls ls why, lronlcally, a very-low-faL dleL may have Lhe exacL
opposlLe effecL of LhaL deslred.
7. Does exerc|se w|pe you out?
lf you seem Lo Lake longer Lhan oLhers Lo recover from exerclse, you may be eaLlng Loo llLLle proLeln and faL Lo supporL welghL loss. roLeln
helps repalr and rebulld muscle Llssue afLer exerclse. lf you have muscle soreness for qulLe a whlle afLer exerclslng, lL's very llkely LhaL you
are eaLlng Loo llLLle proLeln Lo produce Lhe hormone glucagon ln sufflclenL amounLs Lo combaL lnsulln. Clucagon helps your body consume
sLored faL. lf you lose welghL whlle eaLlng Loo llLLle proLeln, you may be uslng up muscle Llssue lnsLead of faL Llssue. When you eaL Loo few
faLs, you may noL produce elcosanolds ln sufflclenL quanLlLy Lo use up body faL.

8. Do you hunger for carbs the more you eat of them?
1he more carbs carbohydraLe addlcLs geL, Lhe more Lhey wanL. Cravlngs for carbs resulL from problems lnvolvlng lnsulln and blood sugar
levels boosLed by carbohydraLes. Carb eaLlng blnges are llkely Lo follow, and Lhls ls one sure way Lo plle on body faL.

9. Do you have h|gh cho|estero|, h|gh tr|g|ycer|des, h|gh b|ood pressure or adu|t-onset d|abetes?
1he presence of one or more of Lhese rlsk facLors for cardlovascular dlsease may lndlcaLe an underlylng condlLlon of lnsulln reslsLance.
When Lhe body becomes lncreaslngly unresponslve Lo lnsulln, boLh blood sugar and lnsulln levels become hlgh, wlLh consequenL welghL
galn and rlsk Lo healLh.
10. Are you an app|e, not a pear?
eople who puL on welghL around Lhelr abdomen (apples) Lend Lo develop even more welghL and healLh problems Lhan people who puL on
welghL on Lhelr hlps and Lhlghs (pears). lf you carry excess abdomlnal faL, you should do well on Lhe aleo uleL. As much as Lhls ls noL a
sclenLlflc facL nor does lL hold much waLer ln Lerms of valldlLy, lL does serve as a good gulde as Lhe same sorLs of sympLoms and paLLerns
emerge wlLh body shape.

now Can I Get Crack|ng Cn A|| Cf 1h|s?
CreaL quesLlon. 1here are few Lhlngs LhaL you can do Lo geL LhaL leaner, flLLer, healLhler body you've always wanLed. 1hese lnclude eaLlng
around 3-7 Llmes a day. l am golng Lo llsL Lhe meal ouLllne LhaL l wanL you Lo have every day. Cf course you can change Lhese dependlng on
whaL you have ln Lhe frldge buL lL ls golng Lo be lmporLanL LhaL you follow Lhls rule. (A very blg Lhank you Lo !ohn 8erardl hu aL reclslon
nuLrlLlon, who ls someone l admlre and respecL greaLly. 1hls lmage below ls golng Lo be a vlsual lmage for everyLhlng LhaL you are golng Lo
be eaLlng. Well, whaLever relaLes Lo your maln meals anyway).
l am golng Lo glve you a llsL of Lhe foods LhaL are besL for you and Lhe ones LhaL you should eaL less of. lL's a preLLy easy way of looklng aL lL,
and l would hope LhaL lf you had any Lroubles LhaL you would conLacL us lmmedlaLely. lf you have an allergy, LhaL's whaL you should do
sLralghL away buL lf Lhere are foods LhaL you slmply don'L llke...Lhen Loughen up and sLarL eaLlng some foods LhaL are good for you! (All
Lables courLesy of Lhe aleo uleL - Loren Cordaln, 2002)

1he lood CheckllsL - More or less Lhe go-Lo resource for everyLhlng LhaL you puL lnLo your mouLh!

MeaL, nuLs and Seeds
Lean 8eef (SLeak / Mlnce) uuck Salmon 8razll nuLs
Slrloln SLeak Lmu Shark PazelnuLs
Lean mlnce kangaroo 1rouL Almonds
Lean veal Came / venlson meaL Clams Macadamla nuLs
Lean pork (Loln / Chops / 8lbs) heasanL rawns ecans
Chlcken breasL (free range) Cod Crayflsh / LobsLer lne nuLs
1urkey breasL (free range) Lel CysLers / Mussels lsLachlos (unsalLed)
lree range chlcken & or duck eggs llaLflsh Scallops Cashew nuLs
8abblL meaLs Mackerel Chla seeds
umpkln Seeds

8emember LhaL frulL ls a seasonal food and should be eaLen ln moderaLlon - abouL 2-3 servlngs a week. Creen vegeLables are greaL
deLoxlfylng agenLs!

now, l am noL golng Lo preach my vlews on foods excepL for Lhls polnL here. All of Lhe Lables above are llsLed for you Lo use as a gulde and
Lo help you make smarL cholces. lf you are for example lnsulln reslsLance (carrylng a loL of body faL around your love handles) Lhen lL may
be besL for you Lo sLay away from sugary foods AL1CCL1PL8 for a cerLaln amounL of Llme Lo redevelop senslLlvlLy Lo your lnsulln. CLhers
can only eaL cerLaln foods because LhaL's all Lhey llke and Lhey only eaL foods LhaL Lhey llke. Well lf LhaL's you Lhen Loughen up and sLarL
openlng your mlnd. A wlde varleLy of foods means you sLay senslLlve Lo all foods and noL desenslLlzed.

lrom Lhe Lrack record LhaL Lhls program has and Lhe people who have Lurned Lhls lnLo an everyday, every week and all year round way of
llvlng, l can promlse you wlLhouL a shadow of a doubL LhaL eaLlng Lhls way wlll be addlng years onLo your llfe ln Lerms of healLh as well as
moldlng your body lnLo Lhe sLrong, healLhy and lean body LhaL you deserve.

1here are also a few Lhlngs LhaL l wanL Lo puL on Lhe record LhaL have Lurned a loL of my cllenLs lnLo much leaner lndlvlduals as well as
creaLlng a llfesLyle LhaL ls far more en[oyable. uslng Lhe guldellne of havlng a maln meal and Lhen a snack repeaLed LhroughouL Lhe day ls a
good sLarL. SomeLlmes Lhls ls noL always Lhe easlesL Lhlng Lo do and someLlmes lL may noL always be ldeal. l would propose LhaL you eaL
beLween 3-7 meals LhroughouL Lhe day and follow Lhls slmple rule. 1hls of course depends on your exerclse demands and your
8loSlgnaLure. Lach meal musL have proLeln ln lL ln some capaclLy.

Many of you over Lhe years have asked me whaL l am dolng Lo malnLaln my healLh as well as belng able Lo cope wlLh Lralnlng 6 days a week
and llvlng a preLLy acLlve llfesLyle. lurLher, l have noL Laken a day off slck slnce sLarLlng my LransformaLlon and my healLh and flLness
[ourney. l LhoughL l would glve you a rundown (more so an ouLllne) of whaL l do and whaL frame work l follow ln sLaylng healLhy. llrsLly ls a
layouL of my usual food dalry and Lhen my Lralnlng program

1hls ls a sample of a parLlcular phase of Lralnlng LhaL l was dolng. 1here was a loL of Lralnlng lnvolved buL each of Lhe sesslons had a
parLlcular goal. MosL of Lhe Lralnlng sesslons wenL for beLween 30-60 mlnuLes. lf you puL Lhe Llme and efforL ln, you wlll see some huge
galns ln flLness, healLh and body slze (be lL geLLlng blgger or smaller). 1hls program was a parLlcular prescrlpLlon and may noL be exacLly
whaL you are looklng for. lf you wanL Lo geL your own lndlvldual program Lhen make sure you conLacL ALlas erformance Lo geL one
Lallored for you (buL as a sneaky LreaL, l have lncluded a 12 week program wlLh Lhe nuLrlLlonal SoluLlon!).

Secrets 1o A Successfu| 1ransformat|on
l have always been asked whaL l dld when l losL so much welghL and whaL l do for my
cllenLs, and Lhe answer ls Lhe same now as lL was back Lhen, you need Lo have
someLhlng LhaL you look forward Lo and/or have a reward LhaL keeps you golng. Many
people geL sLuck ln a ruL as Lhey see Lhemselves as consLanLly belng ln Lhe gym and
always belng locked lnLo llfLlng welghLs and dolng cardlo. l beg Lo dlffer! Pere ls whaL
l dld and whaL many of my cllenLs have sald.

S|mon G. - astry Chef

Colng hard aL Lhe gym ls a very lmporLanL parL Lo my success buL lL's [usL one parL of
feellng good and geLLlng my work-llfe balance rlghL. lor me lL's llke a Lrlangle around
my sLressful work wlLh each corner represenLlng one equally lmporLanL Lhlng. lf one
corner ls mlsslng, l feel unbalanced and l'm noL performlng aL my peak. 1he flrsL
corner 1ralnlng. uolng heavy workouLs wlLh Sean aL Lhe gym ls fun and he pushes me
Lo Lhe llmlL every Llme. l am bulldlng up muscles and l'm looslng faL qulckly and he ls
also glvlng me Lralnlngs plans and a loL of advlce for healLhy nuLrlLlon whlch ls really
lmporLanL. 1he second corner ls movemenL. l play soccer once a week, rlde my blke Lo
work and do an lndlan club workouL Lwlce a week. lL's all so much fun and l'm sLaylng
flexlble and l'm geLLlng my meLabollsm golng. 1he Lhlrd corner ls relaxaLlon. l love
reggae muslc, so lylng on my couch wlLh my headphones on and some reggae muslc
blasLlng ouL ls someLhlng LhaL ls really relaxlng for me. l also love Lo Lake a sLroll
around Lhe rlver wlLh a frlend or meeLlng some maLes for lunch or dlnner on my day
off. When l'm ln Lhe clLy afLer Lhe gym and l have Llme, l also flnd lL really relaxlng Lo
slL on a bench ln Lhe sun. (Cn a slde noLe, !anlne uses Lhe nuLrlLlonal SoluLlon meLhod
Lo sLay under 12 bodyfaL all year round! Coogle Lhe ALlas erformance 8log Lo read
her sLory and whaL she acLually does)
Ian|ne k. -Lxecut|ve

l have always puL a very hlgh lmporLance on leadlng a healLhy llfesLyle underplnned by
healLhy eaLlng and dally movemenL. Powever, l am now also sLarLlng Lo undersLand and
appreclaLe Lhe lmporLance of geLLlng adequaLe sleep, leLLlng go of sLress and belng open
Lo more momenLs of anxleLy-free Llme where l can plan, geL lnsplred & gaLher Lhe
moLlvaLlon & momenLum Lo eaL & llve healLhler. When noL worklng or Lralnlng l en[oy
dolng someLhlng creaLlve as a means of revlvlng my mlnd and soul. 8uL ln Lhe end, l
need Lo look afLer my body and l do LhaL by uslng Lhe nuLrlLlonal SoluLlon.

khyanna L. - ersona| 1ra|ner

What Is 1he 8|oS|gnature Method?
Pave any of Lhese ever crossed your mlnd?

- Can l geL rld of Lhese man boobs?
- Where dld Lhls belly come from?
- My sLrengLh wlll noL lncrease. nelLher wlll my muscle mass.
- 1hlngs are preLLy dlfflculL for me ln Lhe bedroom
- ls Lhere any way Lo LlghLen my belly?
- Why won'L Lhese love handles go away?
- Can l have a long-Lerm resulL?
- Why don'L my cloLhes don'L flL me any more?

A loL of experLs say LhaL Lhere ls no such Lhlng a body faL spoL reducLlon. Powever sclence has now proved Lhem wrong!!! uslng Lhe
8loSlgnaLure MeLhod LhaL was developed by Charles ollquln ( a world renowned sLrengLh coach, who has
accumulaLed over 20 years of blood LesLs, skln folds and varlous oLher sclenLlflc LesLs Lo predlcL how and why faL ls bullL up on dlfferenL
areas of Lhe body.
1he sLubborn faL LhaL accumulaLes around problem areas are due Lo dlfferenL lmbalances ln body chemlsLry, endocrlne responses and dleL.
1he 12 slLes LhaL we Lake can qulckly glve us an lndlcaLlon of whaL proLocol we need Lo follow or whaL dlrecLlon we need Lo Lake ln Lerms of
supplemenLs, nuLrlLlon and Lralnlng.

We look for a number of hormones and how Lhey work synerglsLlcally wlLh Lhe resL of your body. lf Lhere ls an lmbalance, we flx lL! lLs LhaL
easy. Skln-fold callper measuremenLs are very easy Lo Lake and non-lnvaslve, Lherefore allowlng us Lo geL an overall plcLure very qulckly. A
number of dlfferenL hormones are assessed Lo flnd ouL your body's 8loSlgnaLure. 1hey all work LogeLher Lo malnLaln homeosLasls wlLhln
Lhe body. 1hey all play a large parL ln balanclng Lhe body. 1he more lmbalanced Lhe lndlvldual Lhe more llkely Lhey are Lo be carrylng excess
body faL and have lncreased sLress levels and lncreased rlsk of easlly prevenLable llfesLyle dlseases.

1he 8loSlgnaLure MeLhod has been really effecLlve when palrlng wlLh Lhls sLyle of eaLlng. ?ou are golng Lo be eaLlng vey fresh, clean and
organlc and Lhus leLLlng your body geL back Lo lLs prlmlLlve rooLs. 1he 8loSlgnaLure helps repalr your body from Lhe lnslde our as well as
from a hormonal level. Slmply have a look aL Lwo examples of whaL Lhe 8loSlgnaLure can do ln a very shorL perlod of Llme (agaln, and l
sLress Lhls, wlLh Lhe parLlcular sLyle of eaLlng menLloned prevlously). Carollne and Slmon are boLh 20kg llghLer because lf lL!

Do Supp|ements Work? Do I kea||y Need 1hem?
llrsLly, Lhls Loplc ls so broad and exLenslve LhaL Lhls book would end up becomlng a masslve Lhlck leaLher-bound novel by Lhe Llme l
flnlshed. Powever l am golng Lo glve you a llLLle blL of a run down as well as my Lake on whaL supplemenLs are necessary. (noLe: 1hese
recommendaLlons are slmply LhaL and are for Lhe general publlc. lf you wanL someLhlng more speclflc Lhen see you nearesL 8loSlgnaLure
racLlLloner or luncLlonal Medlclne racLlLloner).

A very good frlend of mlne by Lhe name of Mark CLLobre ls someone who l would call a guru ln regard Lo Lhe use of supplemenLs and Lhelr
beneflLs. Pe has wrlLLen some super books on Lhe Loplc of supplemenLs for Lhe general publlc as well as belng able Lo puL super, smoklng
hoL flgure models on sLage (and wln!!) from followlng hls advlce. l have a loL of Llme for hlm and en[oy when we geL Lo hang ouL. Pere are
some of Lhe Llps LhaL he has glven me over Lhe years and whaL l wlll pass on Lo you. lf you wanL Lo know more Lhen you need Lo read 1he
1ruLh AbouL SupplemenLs. Super read lndeed!

Pere ls an exclLlng area of healLh and wellness. SupplemenLs are fanLasLlc ln supplemenLlng your dleL and nuLrlLlonal program, however lL
musL be undersLood LhaL lL ls only PLLlnC Lo geL your body lnLo a poslLlon where you don'L need Lhem. WhaL l am Lrylng Lo say ls LhaL
Lhey do noL replace good food and never wlll. LlsLed are some of Lhe besL supplemenLs LhaL you should be Laklng Lo help ald you ln your
healLh and flLness goals.

1hese are only our recommendaLlons and should be Laken as such. 8ecause of Lhe wlde varlablllLy ln Lhe Lype of people LhaL we have
coached, lL ls essenLlal LhaL you see our Leam of performance coaches and see whaL ls rlghL for you. ulfferenL lndlvlduals need cerLaln
supplemenLs. Some may lnclude Lhe Lhe below Lypes of supplemenLs and some may need oLhers LhaL are noL llsLed. Make sure you do Lhe
rlghL Lhlng and lnform yourself Lhrough seelng our experlenced coachlng sLaff.
nydroch|or|c Ac|d (nCL)
1hls one ls aL Lhe Lop for a reason. lf you do noL have sLrong dlgesLlve aclds of enzymes, Lhe llkellhood of you belng able Lo breakdown and
dlgesL, absorb and use Lhe nuLrlenLs ln your food ls mlnlmal. PCL ls a naLural chemlcal LhaL ls found ln your sLomach and by Laklng exLra
PCL (lf needed) Lhen Lhls ls golng Lo enhance your dlgesLlve capablllLles. ?ou wlll need Lo conLacL your erformance Coach on Lhe emall aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe page Lo geL your LesL and Lo see how many you should be Laklng.
I|sh C||
now, l recelve a loL of emalls asklng why flsh oll ls so greaL. l am golng Lo say Lhls one more Llme and leave lL aL LhaL. lf you are noL Laklng
flsh oll ln some capaclLy Lhen Lhere ls someLhlng wrong wlLh you C8 you are Laklng ln really olly salmon (or oLher llke flsh) aL leasL 3 Llmes a
week. 1ake flsh oll because of Lhese followlng beneflLs...

- Alds ln baLLllng lnflammaLlon (ln a blg way)
- Can lncrease seroLonln levels (Lhe neuroLransmlLLer ln Lhe braln LhaL makes you feel happy)
- uecreases blood pressure
- lmproves cardlovascular healLh
- lmproves cell membrane healLh
- lmproves lnsulln senslLlvlLy
- lncreases vasodllaLlon (opens Lhe arLerles up so blood can geL Lo where lL needs Lo!)
- Pas been llnked Lo reduclng levels of parLlcular sLress hormones
- lncreases cognlLlve ablllLy and capaclLy
- 8educes Lhe sympLoms of arLhrlLls
- Alds ln Lhe reducLlon of dlabeLes
- Pas been seen Lo ald ln Lhe LreaLmenL of Auu & AuPu paLlenLs

And Lhe llsL goes on and on. SLarL by geLLlng your body faL measuremenLs Laken and Lake 1g of flsh oll per percenLage of body faL. As your
body faL reduces Lhen so should Lhe dosage. We use flsh olls from ollquln erformance, !onny 8owden and 8loCeuLlcals. 1hese are very
clean and pure and we sLand behlnd Lhem. 1hey are easy Lo lngesL. no need Lo complaln abouL Lhem belng such a chore Lo Lake when Lhey
have so many beneflLs rlghL?

A loL of Lhe aLhleLes LhaL come and see us aL ALlas erformance wlll have a number of lssues plagulng Lhem and Lhey all do relaLe back Lo
magneslum. Magneslum ls amazlng for people LhaL have Lhe followlng lssues:

- ConsLanL muscle LwlLchlng
- ue-mlnerallzaLlon of Lhe bone
- Low growLh hormone levels
- lncreased CorLlsol (llnked wlLh oLhers nuLrlenLs)
- oor absorpLlon of oLher mlnerals
- uecrease ln uPLA
- uecrease ln sleep paLLerns

1he oLher really cool aspecL of Lhls handy llLLle nuLrlenL ls LhaL lL can help a loL of Lhose ln Lhe corporaLe secLor. A number of our offlce
[ockeys have found a huge beneflL ln Laklng magneslum lf Lhey have a low (lower Lhan normal) sex drlve, problems falllng Lo sleep, very
sLressed, wlred and consLanLly sLlmulaLed.

1here are dlfferenL Lypes of magneslum and mosL are ln capsule form. l have had access Lo Loplcal magneslum and found lL Lo be hlghly
effecLlve. lL allows for fasLer absorpLlon and access Lo your body Lhen orally. lL all really depends on whaL you prefer buL Lhe Loplcal ls less
lnvaslve (lf Laklng a plll can be lnvaslve!)

8CCM! 1hls ls Lhe blg one! SLudles have shown LhaL mosL of Lhe populaLlon ls deflclenL ln zlnc ln some (and some exLreme) form or
anoLher. lor males, zlnc ls a huge nuLrlenL you need Lo be Laklng as lL very closely llnked Lo LesLosLerone and Lhe opLlmlzaLlon of lL. Zlnc ls
very lmporLanL for overall funcLlon of skln, halr, nalls, cognlLlve (braln) funcLlon, heallng processes and can help prevenL common colds.
?our lmmune sysLem really en[oys lL when zlnc comes around Lo play!

Whey rote|n
lf you are noL Laklng Lhls aL Lhe end of every one of your Lralnlng sesslons Lhen conslder yourself smacked ln Lhe mouLh! Whey proLeln ls a
greaL source of proLeln whlch ls Lhe maln bulldlng block for your muscles. ?ou have aL mosL, 30 mlns Lo geL a whey proLeln source lnLo your
body before you sLarL Lo become more and more caLabollc (whlch ls golng agalnsL Lhe reason why you were Lralnlng ln Lhe flrsL place).
1-2 Scoops (20g Lo 40g) ls a good amounL. undersLand LhaL your body only has Lhe ablllLy Lo dlgesL approxlmaLely 20g of proLeln aL a Llme.
So lf you're Laklng more Lhen 20g undersLand LhaL you are consumlng more energy and Lhls wlll be approprlaLe for Lhose who are wanLlng
Lo puL on a llLLle more slze.

8ranched chaln amlno aclds are cruclal for muscular developmenL. l flnd Lhls ls a greaL addlLlon Lo your workouL and should be Laken
durlng Lhe workouL. 1here are a few dlfferenL ways of Laklng 8CAA's and Lhey are by capsules (my favorlLe) and powder. l flnd LhaL Lhe
powder can be a llLLle hard Lo Lake as you are golng Lo add Lhe chalky LasLe lf lL noL properly dlluLed. 8e sLrong and [usL swallow Lhem!
Anywhere beLween 20-40g (dependlng on your slze and Lhe lnLenslLy of your Lralnlng) should be adequaLe. Cbvlously males can geL away
wlLh more and females can Lake a llLLle less.

V|tam|n C and D3
l can go lnLo so much deLall wlLh Lhese llLLle powerhouses, however l am golng Lo puL all Lhe lmporLanL sLuff down and leave ouL all Lhe
crap! vlLamln C ls very lmporLanL for aldlng ln Lhe repalr of connecLlve Llssue, lmmune funcLlon and boosLlng lLs response, lL acLs llke an
anLloxldanL and can help ln Lhe repalr of any wound or anyLhlng superflclal (on Lhe skln). ?our grandmoLher was onLo someLhlng when she
Lold you Lo Lake Lhose llLLle 'orange-llke pllls'. 1hey have been proven Lo work and been proven Llme and Llme agaln. 1he besL klnd of
vlLamln C ls pracLlLloner grade. Some prefer capsules where as l prefer powder for Lhe reason of fasLer absorpLlon. 1-2 Leaspoons every
mornlng should see you on your way qulLe happlly.

vlLamln u3 ls exacLly whaL you Lhlnk lL ls. lL ls Lhe same klnd of nuLrlenL LhaL comes from Lhe sun! ?our body does produce lL naLurally
however geLLlng a llLLle naLural sunllghL ls a greaL way of geLLlng a llLLle exLra. (noLe: See how l sald a llLLle? Spend Loo much Llme ln Lhe sun
and geL burnL wlll prove LhaL you are [usL as sllly as you look. ShorL perlods ln Lhe sun allow for maxlmum lmpacL. CeLLlng burnL [usL rulns
all your hard work.)
SLudles have shown LhaL vlLamln u3 ls a really responslve nuLrlenL Lo oLher nuLrlenLs. Long sLory shorL, lL's a synerglsLlc nuLrlenL LhaL works
well wlLh oLhers.

lf vlLamln u3 were ln College, lL would have been Lhe !ock LhaL could play all sporLs, was Lhe popular one and was always Lhe Lalk of Lhe
Lown. Cood old vlLamln u3 helps wlLh welghL loss, muscle galn, blood glucose regulaLlon, cardlovascular healLh, braln and bone healLh Loo.
uosage ls usually sLarLlng aL 2,000 lu per day and work down from Lhere. 8ecause of Lhe sLaLe of Lhe corporaLe world and belng lnslde wlLh
Lhose horrlble arLlflclal llghLs, mosL people don'L have Lhe luxury Lo en[oy a llLLle naughLy sunllghL. Pavlng access Lo a loL of sun here ln
WesLern AusLralla, we are one of Lhe lucklesL places on Lhe planeL however we are becomlng more and more desk-based. 1hls means no
proper sunllghL. SLarL aL a hlgh dosage and work down from LhaL. 1alk Lo one of our erformance coaches for more lnfo Lo help you wlLh

8onus... Green Dr|nk]owder
We have puL Lhls on our llsL because of whaL we are seelng ln socleLy Loday. 1here ls a loL of people eaLlng ALC1 of frulLs and oLher
carbohydraLes as well as faL drlpplng proLelns, however Lhere ls noL a loL of vegeLables golng around. 1rue, prlces are golng up buL Lhere ls
no excuse for chooslng frled chlcken over a bowl of sLeamed mlxed vegeLables.

AfLer a blL of research and spendlng Llme wlLh some amazlng professlonals - Lhe besL reason why Lhe greens drlnks are greaL for overall
wellbelng as well as lncreaslng faL loss ls LhaL lL helps Lo keep your body very alkallne. 1oo much acldlLy ln your body wlll end up maklng
your body caLabollc and Lhls wlll end up breaklng down Lhe muscle Llssue LhaL you have worked so hard Lo bulld.

1hese greens drlnks are a good Lool Lo use lf you aren'L geLLlng enough frulLs or vegeLables ln your dleL. 8uL remember LhaL Lhey do noL
replace Lhe frulLs and vegeLables. no supplemenL wlll replace Lhe real Lhlng!
1ra|n|ng and Movement Is Cruc|a|.
MovemenL ls so lmporLanL Lo bulldlng a beLLer body, frame and physlque. 8ulldlng lean muscle Llssue Lhrough smarL Lralnlng ls someLhlng
LhaL l can'L sLress enough. l am noL golng Lo go lnLo Loo much deLall as nuLrlLlon ls whaL l really wanLed Lo hammer home buL comlng up ln
Lhe fuLure wlll be a buddy book LhaL wlll parLner wlLh Lhls nuLrlLlonal soluLlon perfecLly.

1here are SC many Lypes of Lralnlng and LhoughLs on whaL ls Lhe besL. l have areas, menLors and dlsclpllnes LhaL l belleve ln more Lhan
oLhers buL from Lhe years of sLudy, research and from wrlLlng counLless papers on Lhe sub[ecL, Lhere ls one (conLlnually) effecLlve way of
burnlng body faL. 1hese programs are deslgned around a full body Lheme. 1he ldea behlnd full body Lralnlng (or Cerman 8ody ComposlLlon
(C8C)) ls LhaL you are uslng muscle groups from boLh Lhe upper and lower wlLh Lhe fronL and Lhe back.

An example of Lhls would be dolng a squaL movemenL followed by a pulllng movemenL of some sorL le. LaL pulldown. 1hls wlll hlL Lhe lower
body as well as Lhe upper body. 1hls example besL shows LhaL we uslng Lhe lower fronL (quadrlceps) as well as Lhe upper posLerlor (upper
back). 1hls cross-secLlon of Lralnlng ls noL only beneflclal for faL loss buL also for lncreaslng ones Lhreshold ln Lralnlng and for lack of a
beLLer Lerm, 'cardlo'.

1he beneflLs of C8C Lralnlng and Lhe research currenLly belng done ls LhaL lL's showlng full body Lralnlng Lo have many poslLlve healLh
elemenLs. 1he whole basls of C8C ls Lo lncrease Lhe bodles overall ouLpuL of energy and Lo use body faL as a Lool and fuel source whlle
malnLalnlng muscle mass. Pormonally you are golng Lo be releaslng more LesLosLerone (1S1) and growLh hormone (CP) durlng Lhls klnd of
Lralnlng whlch ls ldeal for boLh faL loss and reLenLlon of muscle mass. 8oLh 1S1 and CP are cruclal for muscle developmenL, recovery and

1he one LhaL l recommend addlng Lo your Lralnlng ls a proLeln shake (low carb of course) and 8ranched Chalned Amlno Aclds (8CAA).
roLeln shakes should always be Laken wlLhln 20 mlnuLes of Lralnlng. 1hls ls because you need Lo lngesL a good and fasL dlgesLlng form of
proLeln lnLo your sysLem afLer your Lralnlng. 1hls wlll ald ln recovery as well as blunL corLlsol levels (whlch end up breaklng down muscle
Llssue). 8CAA's are essenLlal ln malnLalnlng muscle mass Loo. When you are Lralnlng, you wanL Lo make sure you can hold onLo all Lhe
muscle LhaL you have worked so hard for.

I|na| Iood Ior 1hought.
lL ls advlsed LhaL you lnvesL ln a dlary or an ALlas erformance lood ulary Lo keep Lrack of your food lnLake. 1hls ls because you are able Lo
see how much food you have consumed over Lhe day and over Lhe week. lf you know whaL you are eaLlng, you are able Lo alLer your
nuLrlLlon lf lL needs lL or lncrease your lnLake of speclflc foods and vlLamlns.

?our dalry and wheaL servlngs should be avolded aL all cosLs! 1haL ls Lhe processed and homogenlzed dalry. lf you can flnd raw mllk LhaL ls
compleLely free of preservaLlves and comes sLralghL from Lhe cow lLself Lhen you are on a wlnner. 1he reason ls LhaL Lhese Lypes of anlmal
producLs are hlgh ln saLuraLed faLs as well as havlng a large amounL of carbohydraLes. 1here are some excepLlons Lo Lhls rule. Some dalry
producLs CAn have more poslLlves Lhan negaLlves. le, coLLage cheese ls a lesser evll Lhan normal every day mllk for lncreaslng Lhe amounL
of proLeln needed. use lL sparlngly buL lL can be a good Lool lf used correcLly.

WheaL and dalry can cause bloaLlng and lrrlLable bowel syndrome (l.8.S) and should be avolded aL all Llmes.

1here are much beLLer alLernaLlves Lo coffee, lf you have Lo have lL llmlL Lo one cup per day. Creen Lea and waLer wlll serve you much
beLLer as a healLhy drlnk. Creen Lea ls a naLural Lhermogenlc and also very hlgh ln anLloxldanLs. A Lhermogenlc wlll ald ln speedlng up your
meLabollsm Lhus aldlng ln body faL reducLlon

1he less you cheaL on your dleL Lhe beLLer your resulL. Lven one cheaL meal a day wlll have a masslve negaLlve effecL on your resulLs. lf
you have Lo cheaL Lhlnk of a 9/10 rule. Pave 9 good meals for 1 bad one. Cr one meal per week have a cheaL meal.

Alcohol ls nC1 good for you, and wlll noL help you wlLh your Lralnlng or llfesLyle. Alcohol ls a depressanL and Lherefore has a negaLlve
effecL on your llfesLyle and your meLabollsm. 1he more body faL you wanL Lo shed Lhe less alcohol you should drlnk. Alcohol ls a Loxln, Lhe
more Loxlns you puL ln your Lemple Lhe more you wlll sLore whaL you eaL as body faL.

noLe: l am a fan of red wlne and Lhe healLh beneflLs LhaL lL has ln lL. lL ls fllled wlLh healLhy anLloxldanLs as well as resveraLrol. lf you Lhlnk
abouL lL Lhls way, lf llLLle old ladles ln Lhe MedlLerranean have been drlnklng a glass of Lhls sLuff a day slnce Lhey were young glrls and are
now llvlng Lo be healLh ln Lhelr laLe 90's Lhen l wlll glve LhaL Lhe good old Lhumbs up for a sneaky drop every couple of days. (Lvery CCuLL
of days l sald!)

lad and crash dleLs do noL do An?1PlnC for you and wlll noL work ln Lhe long run. WhllsL you may lnlLlally lose some welghL due Lo Lhe
uLLer shock and sLress you puL your body under Lhere ls no way lL can be malnLalned. Lack of meaLs, frulLs and vegeLables ln your dleL ls

u8L S1ulul1?! 1he welghL you losL wlll almosL cerLalnly come back usually wlLh exLra kllos.

?our plan should conslsL of 3 or 6 meals per day. ln order Lo keep your meLabollsm consLanLly runnlng you need Lo be eaLlng LhroughouL
Lhe day no maLLer whaL age, welghL or whaL goals you have. A general day mlghL conslsL of 3 Lo 6 porLlon conLrolled meals. Meals should
conslsL of proLeln, low C.l carbohydraLes and vegeLables.

90 of a [ob ls preparaLlon. 8e prepared Lo eaL on Lhe run. lasLlc conLalners are a musL for keeplng your prepared meals ln. Any Lype of
grlll ls a greaL ldea Lo qulckly and easlly cook meaLs and vegeLables. A good proLeln shaker ls also a musL. Carry healLhy snacks wlLh you
and prepare your meals ahead of Llme wherever posslble.

noLe: roLeln shakes are a greaL Lool however Lhey are loaded wlLh a loL of energy. lL ls besL Lo Lake Lhem sLralghL afLer you exerclse
(wlLhln 20 mlnuLes LhaL ls). 1hls ls golng Lo help keep corLlsol levels down as well as keep you from becomlng caLabollc, meanlng LhaL you
wlll lose muscle Llssue Lo sLress hormones and subsLraLes. osL Lralnlng ls Lhe besL Llme Lo Lake Lhem and lf you are wanLlng some faL loss
Lhen LhaL's when lL should only be Laken. Pavlng Lhem numerous Llmes a day can shooL you ln Lhe fooL as you need real solld food Lo lose
welghL and noL llqulds.

WaLer! urlnk plenLy of waLer. ?our body requlres as a mlnlmum 1 llLer per 23kg body welghL, also 1 exLra llLer per one-hour exerclse. 1he
more waLer you drlnk Lhe less your body wlll hold onLo Lhus glvlng you a leaner harder looklng body. WaLer wlll also suppress your
appeLlLe, help meLabollze sLored faL, rld your body of Loxlns and asslsL ln Lhe faL and energy meLabollsm.

A Very 8IG 1hank ou 1o...
Charles ollquln [ ollquln SLrengLh lnsLlLuLe

nlck MlLchel [ ulLlmaLe erformance uk

Lrlc lasaulL [ 8odhl llL

ur. !ohn 8erardl [ reclslon nuLrlLlon

1ravls !ones [ 8esulLs 8ased 1ralnlng

kaL Lden [ Women lncredlble & 8ody lncredlble

Mark CLLobre [ Maxlmus Mark & 1he Alpha 8ody

!oseph Coyne [ Coyne CondlLlonlng

!ohnny 8owden

Day 1
Breakfast: 120g chicken breast
green beans, 1/2 avocado
Snack: Carrots, celery and cucumber
mix with home made hummus
Lunch: 2-3 egg omelette, turkey,
spinach, tomato, cucumber
Snack: Handful of cashews, green tea
Dinner: Baked salmon fillet (add spices
like garlic and others) asparagus and a
wedge of lemon
Night Cap: Table spoon of glutamine
and double thick cream
Day 3
Breakfast: Left over steak, 2
tablespoons of organic nut butter, long
black and cream and cinnamon
Snack: Smoked salmon, 6-8 brazil nuts,
500ml water
Lunch: 100g chicken, 3 handfuls of
spinach, 1/2 avocado
Snack: 3 celery sticks and organic nut
butter between stalks
Dinner: 100g salmon steak cooked in
foil with lemon and spices, served with
asparagus, green beans, spinach and
500ml of water
Day 2
Breakfast: 3-4 rashers of bacon, 2
poached eggs, apple slices with
cinnamon sprinkled on top
Snack: Handful of nuts
Lunch: 50g of chicken and 1/2
Snack: 2 boiled eggs and handful of
Dinner: Turkey breast cooked in
coconut oil, cucumber and steamed
Night Cap: 250-500ml of water with half
a lime squeezed in
Day 4
Breakfast: Left over salmon steak,
chopped cucumber and handful of
Snack: beef jerky and a green tea
Lunch: 100g salmon steak, asparagus,
green beans, slices of lemons and
limes, salt and pepper
Snack: 50g chicken, handful of
Dinner: Lamb cutlets, tomato, broccoli
and cauliflower
Night Cap: 1/2 avocado with balsamic
vinegar in the seeds hole
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

Day 5
Breakfast: 125g turkey and handful of
Snack: Long black with thickened
cream, cinnamon and an apple
Lunch: 100g fillet steak, steamed
broccoli, cauliflower and green beans
Snack: Carrot, celery, broccoli and
balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, spinach,
crushed walnuts and balsamic vinegar
Night Cap: Green tea with a tea spoon
of organic honey, 2-4 caps of
Day 7
Breakfast: Left over chicken breast,
handful of macadamias
Snack: 2 lamb cutlets and handful of
Lunch: Kangaroo of beef steak,
cauliflower, spinach, broccoli and a
large cup of green tea
Snack: 2 chicken thighs, handful of
nuts and blueberries
Dinner: Home made chilli-con-carne,
spinach, snow peas and beans
Night Cap: 20g dark chocolate and a
tablespoon of organic nut butter
Day 6
Breakfast: 3 lamb french cutlets on a
bed of spinach, drizzled with olive oil
Snack: Handful of blueberries and
small handful of brazil nuts
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, cashews and
mixed green salad. 500ml of water
Snack: 1-2 boiled eggs
Dinner: Chicken breast, spices, pepper,
asparagus, spinach, broccoli with olive
oil and vinaigrette dressing
You should be feeling pretty good after
Day 3-4. Your body is now getting used
to running on clean fuel and should
not be craving carbs, having
headaches as much as you would
normally. You are going to be ingesting
more fibre, minerals and nutrients with
this way of eating and your energy
levels should be reflecting that.
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

Day 8
Breakfast: 2-3 egg omelette with
capsicum, mushroom, tomato, celery
and cooked in butter
Snack: Full fat natural and organic
yogurt with almonds and handful of
Lunch: Thai beef salad with sprouts,
spinach, spices and cashews
Snack: beef jerky and green tea
Dinner: Slow roasted lamb shoulder,
roasted broccoli, cauliflower and
Night Cap: 2-4 caps of magnesium
Day 10
Breakfast: 2 poached eggs, grilled
tomato, green tea
Snack: Handful of almonds,
peppermint tea
Lunch: 100g fillet steak with steamed
Snack: 50g of chicken and 1/2
Dinner: Griller chicken breast, snow
peas and green beans
Day 9
Breakfast: Organic sausages, 1 boiled
egg, long black with double thick
cream, sprinkle of cinnamon
Snack: Chopped lime, basil chicken in
large ice-burg lettuce leaf
Lunch: Crushed pecans on grilled
salmon with cucumber and cauliflower
Snack: 20g of 70% dark chocolate, put
onto roof of your mouth and let it
dissolve, no tongue touching it!
Dinner: Turkey breast cooked in
coconut oil, sweet potato, cucumber
and steamed broccoli
Night Cap:
Day 11
Breakfast: 100g lam cutlets, small
handful of brazil nuts and leafy green
Snack: Small handful of berries in 50g
of cottage cheese, sprinkled with
Lunch: 125g of venison with marinated
mushrooms, spinach, drizzled olive oil
and lime juice
Snack: carrots, celery and cucumber
with homemade guacamole
Dinner: Grilled lamb cutlets on a bed of
spinach, broccoli and asparagus
Night Cap: 20g > 70% dark chocolate,
put onto roof of your mouth and let it
dissolve, no tongue touching it!
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

Day 12
Breakfast: Smoked salmon drizzle with
olive oil and lemon with handful of
Snack: Handful of nuts
Lunch: Salmon, spinach and artichoke
frittata, sprinkled with sunflower seeds
and pepita seeds (YUM!!!)
Snack: 50g chicken pieces, handful of
blueberries and 500ml of water
Dinner: Slow roasted lamb shoulder
with roasted broccoli, cauliflower and
Night Cap: 2-4 caps of magnesium
Day 14
Breakfast: Treat breakfast. Have
anything you want but NO GLUTEN!
Snack: handful of mixed nuts, green
tea / peppermint tea
Lunch: 100g of pan fried prawns with
spinach and fresh coriander (yum!)
Snack: Full fat natural and organic
yogurt with almonds and handful of
Dinner: Organic sausages, cos lettuce
and olives
Night Cap: 2-4 caps of magnesium
Day 13
Breakfast: Left over lamb shoulder,
salsa and a handful of macadamias
with a small cup of coffee
Snack: 50g of salmon with 1 sliced
apple sprinkled with cinnamon and
crushed almonds
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with
steamed vegetables
Snack: 40-50g of turkey and half an
Dinner: 125g lean beef, green beans,
asparagus, broccolini and a glass of
red wine (1 glass only!)
Night Cap: 2-4 caps of magnesium
Two weeks down and only one more
to go until the rest of your lives! You
should be really proud yourself for
making it this far. Seeing that you have
made the 14 day mark means that you
can have a naughty little breakfast!
Consider this a well done present for
doing so well. Now, lets smash this last
week shall we?!
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

Day 15
Breakfast: 3 lamb french cutlets on a
bed of spinach, drizzled with olive oil
Snack: Handful of blueberries and
small handful of brazil nuts
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, cashews and
mixed green salad. 500ml of water
Snack: 1-2 boiled eggs
Dinner: Chicken breast, spices, pepper,
asparagus, spinach, broccoli with olive
oil and vinaigrette dressing
Day 17
Breakfast: Left over steak, 2
tablespoons of organic nut butter, long
black and cream and cinnamon
Snack: Smoked salmon, 6-8 brazil nuts,
500ml water
Lunch: 100g chicken, 3 handfuls of
spinach, 1/2 avocado
Snack: 3 celery sticks and organic nut
butter between stalks
Dinner: 100g salmon steak cooked in
foil with lemon and spices, served with
asparagus, green beans, spinach and
500ml of water
Day 16
Breakfast: Left over chicken breast,
handful of macadamias
Snack: 2 lamb cutlets and handful of
Lunch: Kangaroo of beef steak,
cauliflower, spinach, broccoli and a
large cup of green tea
Snack: 2 chicken thighs, handful of
nuts and blueberries
Dinner: Home made chilli-con-carne,
spinach, snow peas and beans
Night Cap: 20g dark chocolate and a
tablespoon of organic nut butter
Day 18
Breakfast: Left over salmon steak,
chopped cucumber and handful of
Snack: beef jerky and a green tea
Lunch: 100g salmon steak, asparagus,
green beans, slices of lemons and
limes, salt and pepper
Snack: 50g chicken, handful of
Dinner: Lamb cutlets, tomato, broccoli
and cauliflower
Night Cap: 1/2 avocado with balsamic
vinegar in the seeds hole
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

Day 19
Breakfast: 125g turkey and handful of
Snack: Long black with thickened
cream, cinnamon and an apple
Lunch: 100g fillet steak, steamed
broccoli, cauliflower and green beans
Snack: Carrot, celery, broccoli and
balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, spinach,
crushed walnuts and balsamic vinegar
Night Cap: Green tea with a tea spoon
of organic honey, 2-4 caps of
Day 21
Breakfast: 3-4 rashes of bacon, 2
poached eggs, apple slices with
cinnamon sprinkled on top
Snack: Handful of nuts
Lunch: 50g of chicken and 1/2
Snack: 2 boiled eggs and handful of
Dinner: Turkey breast cooked in
coconut oil, cucumber and steamed
Night Cap: 250-500ml of water with half
a lime squeezed in
Day 20
Breakfast: 120g chicken breast
green beans, 1/2 avocado
Snack: Carrots, celery and cucumber
mix with home made hummus
Lunch: 2-3 egg omelette, turkey,
spinach, tomato, cucumber
Snack: Handful of cashews, green tea
Dinner: Baked salmon fillet (add spices
like garlic and others) asparagus and a
wedge of lemon
Night Cap: Table spoon of glutamine
and double thick cream
Congratulations. You made it!! This 21
day plan has no prepared you for the
next phase of your life. Use this model
and table to guide you into perfect
health and incredible performance.
21 Day Nutritional Solution Meal Planner

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