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System simulation models for on-board hydrogen storage systems

Sudarshan Kumar a,*, Mandhapati Raju a,b, V. Senthil Kumar c

Chemical Sciences and Materials Systems Lab, General Motors Global R&D, Warren, MI 48090, USA Optimal CAE Inc., Plymouth, MI 48170, USA c India Science Laboratory, General Motors Global R&D, Creator Building, International Technology Park, Bangalore 560066, India

article info
Article history: Received 22 November 2010 Received in revised form 8 April 2011 Accepted 21 April 2011 Available online 12 June 2011 Keywords: Hydrogen storage Cryo-adsorption Sodium alanate System simulation models

System simulation models for automotive on-board hydrogen storage systems provide a measure of the ability of an engineered system and storage media to meet system performance targets. Thoughtful engineering design for a particular storage media can help the system achieve desired performance goals. This paper presents system simulation models for two different advanced hydrogen storage technologies e a cryo-adsorption system and a metal hydride system. AX-21 superactivated carbon and sodium alanate are employed as representative storage media for the cryo-adsorbent system and the metal hydride system respectively. Lumped parameter models incorporating guidance from detailed transport models are employed in building the system simulation models. Simulation results to test the storage systems ability to meet fuel cell demand for different drive cycles and varying operating conditions are presented. Systems are engineered to provide the ability to refuel a vehicle in a short time guided by DOE targets. Gravimetric and volumetric hydrogen densities are computed for the engineered systems and compared to the DOE system goals. Copyright 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



System level models for two hydrogen storage systems were developed as part of a DOE funded project for evaluating the performance of cutting-edge hydrogen storage technologies. This paper presents the system level performance of the two systems e metal hydride and cryo-adsorbent systems. The system design and dynamic performance of the two systems is presented along with a brief literature review for each of these systems. The performance of the two systems is compared with respect to the DOE targets. The drive cycle simulations are tested on an integrated vehicle level model framework. This vehicle level model framework [1] consists of

three primary modules e a vehicle level module, a fuel cell module and a storage system module. Different storage system models can be used in this integrated framework for evaluation on a consistent basis. The fuel cell model used in this framework is adapted from the fuel cell modeling work of Pukrushpan et al [2]. and the vehicle level model is an Excel based model integrated into the vehicle level module of the framework. In this paper we report on the system level models and system simulations using this integrated framework for two separate systems e a cryo-adsorbent system using the activated carbon AX-21 and a metal hydride system using sodium alanate. Both systems are designed to carry w 5 kg of usable

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 586 986 1614; fax: 1 586 986 1910. E-mail address: (S. Kumar). 0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.04.182

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hydrogen. System level dynamics during drive cycle simulations are presented for the two systems and the ability of the storage system to deliver the required amount of hydrogen demanded by the fuel cell during drive cycle simulations is examined under different conditions. Finally, performance of these two systems in meeting the DOE gravimetric and volumetric energy density targets is evaluated.

Anode Cathode Coolant Radiator



mo ,T

Fuel Cell

mf , T

mo : Net H2 output to fuel-cell

Cryo bed

2. AX-21 based cryo-adsorbent storage system

On-board storage of hydrogen by adsorption at low temperatures and moderately high pressures (77K, up to 60 bar) is considered viable and competitive with other storage technologies including liquid hydrogen, compressed gas, and metallic or complex hydrides [3]. At these conditions, superactivated carbons like AX-21 offer good gravimetric capacity and fast and reversible kinetics. For example, AX-21 has a reversible hydrogen storage capacity of about 5.8 wt% at 77 K and 35 bar [4]. AX-21 as an adsorbent material has been studied extensively and has been considered to assess the tank performance in previous studies [5e7]. An allied technology is the cryo-compressed storage, wherein hydrogen is stored inside a pressure vessel at 250e360 atm pressures and 50e300 K temperatures, without any adsorbent material [8,9]. Consider a fuel-tank with an initial operating condition of 35 bar and 80 K, and a fuel cell operating at 3 bar. The four processes occurring in a cryo-adsorber fuel-tank are refueling, discharge, dormancy, and venting. These fuel-tank processes occur over different time scales: refueling over a few minutes, discharge over a few hours, dormancy over a few days, and venting over a few weeks. In our previous studies [10,11] it was shown that refueling, the fastest process is quasi-static i.e. local equilibrium conditions prevail. Hence, the slower processes are also quasi-static. When the molecular processes are fast, slow processes are expected to have negligible internal gradients and are generally amenable for a lumped parameter analysis. Hence, a quasi-static lumped parameter model for the cryo-adsorber fuel-tank was developed in [10]. That model is used in the current work to study the drive cycle discharge simulations for a cryo-adsorption hydrogen storage tank. However, during a drive cycle discharge, the hydrogen demand uctuates rapidly. Therefore, in this work, the quasi-static approximation is relaxed and an adsorption kinetic model is developed and employed. During discharge hydrogen is desorbed from the adsorbent bed. Since desorption is an endothermic process, we need to add heat during discharge to avoid very low tank temperatures and maintain fast desorption kinetics. Heat can be added into the tank by heating a part of the recirculating gas, as shown in Fig. 1. Since the gas is in intimate contact with the bed, this mode of heating is expected to be efcient. An alternate way of adding the heat is through the use of a jacketed or embedded electrical heater. Although such external heating will be an electrical load penalty on the fuel cell, it might be benecial in terms of gravimetric/volumetric capacities of the system, since hot gas recirculation loop, along with the recirculation pump etc., are expected to be bulkier and

m f ,Tf
Fig. 1 e Schematic of a cryo-adsorber bed with hot gas recirculation.

heavier than this alternative option. At the level of lumped parameter description, hot gas recirculation and electrical heater are mathematically equivalent. Hence, the lumped parameter adsorption kinetic model developed in the current work can be used to include hot gas circulation or external heating during discharge for on-board implementation.


Adsorption system model development

This model uses the mass balance, energy balance and adsorption kinetics to develop the time evolution of pressure, temperature and adsorbate concentration. The hydrogen content in the bed at any time is the sum of the gaseous and adsorbed hydrogen i.e. mH2 t ms qt Vb 3t rg T; P:


Transient mass balance

The rate of change of hydrogen content of the tank balances the net ow into the tank. Hence the transient mass balance for hydrogen is given by dmH2 _f m _ m dt i:e: ms drg dq _f m _: m Vb 3t dt dt (1)


The time derivative of density is expressed in terms of the temperature and pressure time derivatives as drg =dt rg aPg dT=dt rg kTg dP=dt. Using this result the transient mass balance simplies to A11 dT dP dq A12 A13 B1 ; dt dt dt A12 Vb 3t rg kTg , A13 ms , (3) and

where A11 Vb 3t rg aPg , _f m _. B1 m


Transient energy balance

The thermal masses associated with the fuel-tank are the gas phase, adsorbed phase, adsorbent, pressure vessel including the bed restrainers and other bed internals, insulation layer, outer shell and ambient, as shown in Fig. 2. The insulation layer isolates the inner thermal masses (gas, adsorbed phase, adsorbent, and pressure vessel) from the outer ones (shell and ambient). The transient energy balance for the

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Flow in Outer shell Header

Pressure vessel

Adsorbent bed Insulation Collector


carbon at near liquid nitrogen temperature [14] and also note that the adsorbate diffusivities could vary with temperature as in [15]. A Simulink model was developed to compute the transient temperature, pressure and weight fraction by solving the mass balance, energy balance and the adsorption kinetics. The property correlations used in this model are functions of temperature and pressure, described in [16]. The bulk density and the skeletal density of AX-21 are taken as 0.27 g/cc and 2.2 g/cc respectively [17]. The heat of adsorption is taken as 6.0 kJ/mol [17]. The vessel material is assumed to be aluminum; properties of aluminum at cryogenic temperatures are taken from Marquardt and Radebaugh [18].

Flow out


Drive cycle simulations

Fig. 2 e Sectional view of a cryo-adsorber bed.

inner thermal masses (system), with the assumption of a constant average heat of adsorption is mw  dH dHw dHs  dq dP g ms ms q Vb 3t rg ms DHa Vb 3t dt dt dt dt dt _ l: _h Q Q


The time derivative of gas enthalpy is written in terms of temperature and pressure time derivatives as dHg =dt CPg dT=dt vg 1 aPg TdP=dt. Similarly, for the solid phases (pressure vessel and adsorbent), neglecting the thermal expansion of the material, gives dHw =dt CPw dT=dt vw dP=dt and dHs =dt CPs dT=dt vs dP=dt. Using these equations and rearranging the transient energy balance simplies to A21 dT dP dq A22 A23 B2 ; dt dt dt (5)

where A21 mw Cpw ms Cps ms q Vb 3t rg CPg , A22 mw vw ms vs ms qvg Vb 3t 1 aPg T Vb 3t _h Q _ l. and A23 ms DHa ,and B2 Q _ l TN T=Reff . A The assumed heat leak has the form Q typical value of Reff 74:0K=W is used so that the heat leak into the tank during typical dormancy conditions is about 3 Watts, as in [10].


Adsorption kinetics

In our earlier study [10], the quasi-static kinetics i.e. qtzq Tt; Pt was used. A constant discharge is typically quasi-static [10]. Hence, actual desorption kinetics is not very important for constant discharge case. However, in a real drive cycle hydrogen demand variations occur at time scales of a second or less and quasi-static conditions may not prevail. Therefore, in this paper we use the Linear Driving Force (LDF) model with Glueckaufs approximation [12,13]: dq 15Da 2 q q R dt (6)

Sircar and Hufton [13] show that the LDF model can be used to capture adsorption transients. We have used a representative value of Da =R2 z1:52 102 s1 for activated

In general, there is no unique relationship between the amount of hydrogen discharged and heat input because it is possible to discharge a particular amount of hydrogen with or without heating the bed. However, in order to remove most of the hydrogen within the storage system with the nal pressure above the fuel cell pressure, it is necessary to heat up the adsorbent material. It is possible to assume a constant heat input or time varying heat input proportional to the hydrogen demand depending on the scenario being studied. In this paper, we assume a constant heat input and performed simulations for both the FTP75 and US06 drive cycles [19]. The drive cycle simulations are performed for a compact vehicle in the vehicle level framework developed by the HSECoE team. Fig. 3 shows the vehicle speed and fuel consumption rate (g/s) for the two drive cycles. The FTP75 cycle is a mild & short duration cycle consuming only 159.36 g of H2 in 1874 s (or 31.25 min), with an average hydrogen demand of 0.085 g/s. Assuming that a signicant fraction of the discharged hydrogen is desorbed from the adsorbed phase, the added heat must supply the heat of adsorption of the desorbed hydrogen. For AX-21 with an average heat of adsorption of 3.0 106 J/kg, and 0.085 103 kg/s average discharge rate, the necessary heating rate is 0.204 kW assuming 80% of the discharged hydrogen is desorbed. The US06 cycle is a shorter but more aggressive cycle than FTP75. It consumes 155.15 g of H2 in 601 s with an average demand of 0.258 g/s. For AX-21, with an average heat of adsorption of 3.0 106 J/kg and 0.258 103 kg/s average discharge rate, the heating rate is calculated to be 0.62 kW, again assuming that 80% of the discharged hydrogen is desorbed hydrogen. Fig. 4 shows drive cycle simulation for a single cycle of FTP75. Fig. 4(a) shows the net fuel consumption rate in g/s. The oscillations in the fuel cell demand causes oscillations in the bed pressure. Comparing the gaseous and adsorbed phase loads for the single drive cycle (Fig. 4(d)), it is seen that the gas phase responds to the demand uctuations and the adsorbed phase responds to the steady demand. As noted earlier, the heating rate mainly needs to target the heat of desorption. Hence, the heating rate need not be altered in shorter time scales to meet the uctuating demand. It needs to be changed only if the average demand changes over longer periods of time, as long as there is sufcient hold-up in the gas phase. Model formulation and

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Fig. 3 e Speed and fuel cell consumption for FTP75 and US06 drive cycles.

results apply equally to both the recirculation gas heating and electrical heating of the bed. To study the discharge of a tank with about 5 kg useable H2, the cycle is repeated continuously. The drive cycle simulations are presented for both FTP75 and US06 drive cycles. The hydrogen demand, temperature, pressure and tank load evolutions for such a sequence of FTP75 and US06 cycles are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively.

with the fuel cell cooling system or by energy recovery through expanding the high pressure gas from the cryoadsorber to fuel cell feed pressure. Heat leaks into the tank, or leaks from the piping should be signicantly lower in this design.


System weight and volume


Hot gas recirculation versus electrical heating

Hot gas recirculation takes advantage of the intimate contact between gas and solid in a porous bed. Since porous beds tend to have low thermal conductivity, such an intimate gas-solid contact is an efcient way of heating up the bed. However, gas recirculation requires additional elements including piping, insulation, a blower or compressor on the recirculation loop, along with a heat exchanger, and valves. These components add to the capital cost and lower the gravimetric capacity at system level. In addition, minimizing the heat leak into the tank through the recirculation loop, while recirculation is not on, could be an engineering challenge for cryogenic systems. Electrical heating, on the other hand, requires few additional components. Hence, it may be possible to achieve better gravimetric capacity, easier control, and probably lower capital cost. However, there is an electrical penalty on the fuel cell system which could be at least partially obviated by thermal integration of the cold hydrogen from the storage unit

A viable on-board hydrogen storage system must have high gravimetric and volumetric storage densities. A heavy storage system results in the so-called mass compounding effect as heavier supporting components are needed to t the system in the vehicle. In addition, a bulkier system results in lower passenger or trunk space. The DOE has specied system gravimetric and volume density targets for hydrogen storage systems - for 2010 these targets are 0.045 kg H2/kg of system mass and 0.028 kg/L of system volume. In the following, we calculate approximate system gravimetric and volumetric densities for a base case design. The cryo-adsorbent system considered is a relatively low-pressure system and the storage vessel can be made of a hydrogen compatible aluminum alloy. Because of low temperatures, the storage vessel will need to be insulated with multi-layer vacuum insulation enclosed in an outer vessel. We consider a system that can deliver 5 kg of usable hydrogen, with the empty conditions specied to be 135 K and 3 bar Table 1 gives information on weights and volume of various parts and components of the system and shows that the gravimetric density is 3.3 wt% and the

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Net H2 to fuel Cell (g/s)

1.1 1 0.9

Pressure (bar)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6


0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0











time (hr)

time (hr)

Temperature (K)


gaseous H2 (kg)




















3.3 0.6

time (hr)

time (hr)

Fig. 4 e Variation of (a) Net hydrogen demand from the fuel cell (b) pressure (c) temperature and (d) hydrogen content in the bed for a single FTP75 drive cycle.

volumetric density is 13.1 kg/L. We have used this base case as an illustration. When we consider different designs, we need to revise the different masses (adsorbent, inner and outer vessel masses, etc.). Note that a lumped parameter cryoadsorber model distinguishes different tank designs just through the masses involved.


Sodium alanate based storage system

The absorption and desorption of Ti-doped sodium alanate [20] can be described as a two-step reaction [21] given below NaAlH4 41=3Na3 AlH6 2=3Al H2 1=3Na3 AlH6 4NaH 1=3Al 1=2H2 (7) (8)

First stage is the decomposition of NaAlH4 (sodium aluminum tetrahydride, or the tet phase) and the second stage is the decomposition of Na3AlH6 (sodium aluminum hexahydride, or the hex phase). The theoretical capacity of sodium alanate is 5.6 wt% but its practical storage capacity is much smaller than this. Luo and Gross [22] report that the maximum hydrogen weight percent in their sample is 3.9%. The present paper incorporates the kinetics presented by Luo and Gross [22]. The system level implementation of sodium alanate based hydrogen storage system is different from that of high pressure metal hydride storage systems. The primary reason is

that the heat of absorption/desorption for sodium alanate is much higher compared to high pressure metal hydrides like Ti1.1CrMn. The performance of the high pressure metal hydride system has been demonstrated [23] using a system level model on a Matlab/Simulink platform. The advantage of the high pressure metal hydride systems lies in their operation near the fuel cell stack temperature. Hence the heating of the bed can be achieved by using the same radiator uid used for cooling the fuel cell. However for sodium alanate system, high temperatures are required for decomposition. Temperatures around 180e200  C [24] are required to decompose the hex phase to meet a practical drive cycle. The bed is heated to this high temperature by passing a portion of the hydrogen to the combustor to heat up the heat exchanger uid, which in turn heats up the bed. A buffer tank is also needed to supply H2 during periods when the bed is not able to supply sufcient H2 to the fuel cell. We have assumed a buffer tank capacity of 100 g. This number was arrived at by considering the hydrogen needed for vehicle operation under conditions of cold start and low tank pressure. Gas phase hydrogen is needed to warm up the hydrogen storage system, and to supply H2 to the fuel cell until the storage system is warm enough to desorb hydrogen from the sodium alanate in the tank. Earlier efforts for system level modeling for sodium alanate considered only the low temperature decomposition [25] of the tetrahydride phase. However this limits the storage capacity of the system to a maximum theoretical capacity of

adsorbed H2 (kg)


adsorbed H2 gaseous H2

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3.7% by weight. Recent modeling efforts [24,26,27] of alanate storage bed include a catalytic burner and incorporate both the tet and the hex phase decomposition. Dedrick et al. [26] considered a shell and tube heat exchanger with the alanate in the tubes and the cooling uid in the shell while Raju and Kumar [24] considered a shell and tube heat exchanger with the alanate in the shell and the cooling uid in the tubes. Results for drive cycle simulations for a Chevrolet Equinox vehicle were presented. This present work is an extension of the same with a full scale system of w5 kg usable H2 using dual bed strategy. The drive cycle simulations are run within the framework of the vehicle level model developed by the DOE Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence (HSECoE) team. In addition, the system level targets are evaluated for this system.


Description of the storage system

Fig. 7 shows a schematic ow sheet of alanate storage system in a fuel cell vehicle. The storage system consists of two beds, each of approximately 5 kg usable hydrogen. Fig. 8 shows the cross-sectional view of the storage bed, which consists of alanate in the shell and coolant through the tubes. The tubes are interconnected by ns to provide efcient heat transfer. The details of the system level modeling for sodium alanate storage system including bed design, bed properties and alanate properties are presented in [24]. Both refueling and drive cycle simulations have been studied. Here only a brief

synopsis of the system level modeling strategy is provided. The emphasis in this paper is to evaluate the performance of the system dynamics of a dual bed system that provides w5 kg of total usable hydrogen. The dual bed system is of interest because a single bed system can be quite large and difcult to accommodate in a vehicle. In addition, the control system necessary for a dual bed system is more complex than that for a single bed. The control system used in the simulations includes a recharging of the buffer tank to 150 bar when the bed is hot and is able to deliver hydrogen at rates higher than those demanded by the fuel cell. During refueling, both hydrogen and coolant are supplied at the refueling station. The coolant is passed through the tubes to provide for efcient cooling during refueling. Since the kinetics of absorption is slow for sodium alanate system, it is not possible to achieve the refueling of the bed in the DOE target refueling time of 4.2 min. Instead, a refueling time of 10.5 min (based on 40% refueling rate of the target value) is chosen. A two-dimensional model is developed in COMSOL to simulate the refueling of the bed [24]. In addition, overall heat transfer coefcients are extracted from the two-dimensional COMSOL model, which can be incorporated into the lumped parameter model for desorption. During refueling, it is ensured [24] that the local temperature within the bed does not shoot above 500 K to avoid sintering of the bed due to melting of alanate. The drive cycle simulation is performed using a lumped parameter model in Matlab/Simulink. All the components including the storage beds, buffer tank, catalytic combustor,

Fig. 5 e Variation of (a) Net hydrogen demand from the fuel cell (b) pressure (c) temperature and (d) hydrogen content in the bed for FTP75 drive cycle.

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Fig. 6 e Variation of (a) Net hydrogen demand from the fuel cell (b) pressure (c) temperature and (d) hydrogen content in the bed for US06 drive cycle.

and oil loop are included in the model. Various component level equations are described in detail in [24] and the initial state of the bed is taken as the state at the end of refueling. During driving, the bed is heated by passing hot uid through the tubes. The uid is in turn heated by a catalytic combustor. A small amount of hydrogen is burnt in

Table 1 e System weight and volume for the cryoadsorbent system.

System Temp & Pressure Final pressure Adsorbent volume (L) Total usable H2 Adsorbent mass (kg) Total inner volume (L) Cylindrical part L (cm) 2 Hemispheres D (cm) INNER VESSEL & OUTER VESSEL Material Inner vessel mass (kg) Outer vessel mass (kg) Insulation mass (kg) e MLVSI (1 thick) BOP components (kg) Total mass (kg) Outer volume(L) Gravimetric capacity (kg/kg) Volumetric density (kg/L) 77 K, 35 bar 3 bar 250 5 kg 67.5 275 59.5 59.5 Aluminum 6061 46.1 11.1 12 15 151.7 380.3 0.0330 0.0131

a catalytic combustor. Minimum amount of oil that needs to be carried by the vehicle is calculated based on the total volume occupied by the cooling uid ow path in the bed. To account for the volume of any connecting tubes outside the bed, we include an additional 50% oil volume. Based on this volume estimation, the vehicle needs to carry 13 kg of heating oil, which is part of the storage system. During driving, the oil is pumped through the storage bed tubes at a ow rate of 2 LPM per tube. The oil passes through a catalytic burner, where it is heated. The oil temperature is set to a maximum of 450 K during the tet phase decomposition and 470 K during the hex phase decomposition. A 12 kW catalytic burner is provided for heating the oil. The efciency of the burner is assumed to be 90%. A buffer tank carrying 100 g of hydrogen at 150 bar and 300 K is provided. A ow control strategy for the dual bed storage system is adopted to control the ow of hydrogen between different components. Hydrogen is supplied to the fuel cell and burner either by the storage bed or by the buffer tank depending on the state of these storage components. The strategy employed in the current storage system is shown in Fig. 9. Initially the rst storage bed is given control to supply the hydrogen to the fuel cell and burner. It will supply hydrogen as long as the bed pressure does not fall below 1.1 times the fuel cell cut-off pressure. When the bed pressure reaches below this limit, the control is transferred to the second bed to supply the hydrogen from its gas phase. Note that the heating uid at this time is owing through the rst bed. The heating

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Buffer Volume

Cathode Coolant Radiator


Fuel Cell

Catalytic heater Alanate bed

Heating fluid
Oil tank

Fig. 7 e Schematic of sodium alanate based dual bed hydrogen storage system.

uid is routed to the second bed only when the rst bed is almost empty. When the control is transferred to the second bed, the second bed tries to supply the hydrogen from its gas phase as it cannot supply the absorbed hydrogen since there is no heating. If the gas phase hydrogen in the second bed is unable to supply the fuel cell demand, then the control is transferred to the buffer tank to supply the hydrogen demand. Meanwhile pressure builds within the rst bed due to hydrogen desorption reactions. When the bed pressure exceeds twice the cut-off pressure, the control is again transferred back to the rst bed. When the rst bed is almost empty, the heating uid is rerouted to the second bed and the control is transferred to the second bed to supply the hydrogen. At this stage, whenever the pressure in the second bed falls below 1.1 times the fuel cell cut-off pressure, the control is transferred to the buffer storage tank to supply hydrogen. Because of heating and hydrogen desorption, pressure in the second bed starts increasing and as soon as the bed pressure exceeds twice

the fuel cell cut-off pressure, control is transferred back to the second bed. This strategy is chosen to ensure continuous supply of hydrogen to the fuel cell and at the same time extract most of the absorbed hydrogen from the storage bed.


Drive cycle simulations

Fig. 8 e Cross-section of the alanate storage bed.

The vehicle level model has different drive cycle options to evaluate the performance of the storage system. FTP75 and US06 drive cycles are chosen to evaluate the dynamic performance of the storage system during real driving conditions. The cycles are periodically repeated to run a full tank to empty tank simulation. Simulations start with a nearly full tank based on a refueling time of 10.5 min and bed temperature set at 390 K. The tank is considered empty and the simulation stops when the pressure in each of the beds and the buffer falls below the fuel cell cut-off pressure. Fig. 10 shows the system level dynamic performance during FTP75 drive cycle simulation. Fig. 10(a) shows the variation of the bed pressures and the buffer pressure. In the beginning, hydrogen is extracted from the rst bed. Heating uid is supplied to the bed. While the bed is getting heated up (see Fig. 10(b)), the gas phase hydrogen in the rst bed supplies the hydrogen to the fuel cell. This leads to a drop in the pressure of the bed. As the bed gets heated up, the rate of desorption (tetrahydride phase) increases and hence the pressure in the bed starts rebuilding after a short while. The uctuations in the bed pressure are due to the uctuations in the fuel cell demand. Once the tetrahydride phase is almost converted to the hexahydride phase, the decomposition of hexahydride phase begins. The kink in the red line of Fig. 10(c) at 5 h is due to this transition. The temperature of the heating oil is increased to 470 K during this transition. This causes a rise in bed temperature (Fig. 10(b)) at 5 h. The bed pressure drops to the equilibrium pressure (Fig. 10(a)) of the hexahydride phase at the current bed temperature. Even at this high temperature the rate of decomposition is small. Eventually when the hexahydride phase decomposition is almost complete, the pressure in the rst bed drops to the

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if bed 1 is not empty heating fluid flows through bed 1 if Pbed 1 > 1.1Pcut _ off First bed supplies the H 2 to the fuel cell and burner else Control is transferred to eith er bed 2 or buffer In the meanwhile, pressure is building up in bed 1 due to heating if Pbed 2 > 1.1 Pcut _ off Second bed supplies the H 2 from its free volume to the fuel cell and burner No heating is supplied to this bed else Buffer supplies the H 2 to the fuel cell and burner end Once the first bed pressure rea ches 2Pcut _ off , the control is transferred back to first bed elseif bed 2 is not empty heating fluid flows through bed 1 if Pbed 2 > 1.1 Pcut _ off Second bed supplies the H 2 to the fuel cell and burner else Control is transferred to buffer In the meanwhile, pressure is building up in bed 2 due to heating end Once the second bed pressure reache s 2Pcut _ off , the control is transferred back to first bed elseif bed 1 and bed 2 are empty Buffer supplies the H 2 to the fuel cell and burner till buffer is emptied end

Fig. 9 e Control system for dual bed system.

Fig. 10 e System performance for FTP75 drive cycle.

fuel cell cut-off pressure. Once the bed pressure drops, then the second bed is called in. The heating oil is rerouted to the second bed. Hence the temperature of the second bed starts rising. Similar dynamic behavior is observed for the second bed as that of the rst bed. Eventually when the hexahydride phase decomposition is near completion in the second bed, buffer supplies the hydrogen to the fuel cell. The total driving time for the FTP75 is approximately 16 h. Fig. 11 shows the system level dynamic performance during US06 drive cycle simulation. US06 is an aggressive drive cycle compared to FTP75. Fig. 11(a) shows the variation of the bed pressures and the buffer pressure. The uctuations in the bed pressure for US06 drive cycle are larger compared to those for the FTP75 cycle. At rst, hydrogen is extracted from the rst bed. Heating uid at 450 K is supplied to the rst bed but the bed does not heat up to that temperature. This is due to the cooling produced by excess hydrogen demand which prevents the bed from heating quickly. Once the tetrahydride phase is almost converted to the hexahydride phase, the decomposition of hexahydride phase begins. Since the rate of hexahydride phase decomposition is low, the bed cannot supply the hydrogen demand. Consequently, the control is switched from the rst bed to the second bed when the pressure in the rst bed falls below 1.1 times the fuel cell cut-off pressure. Note that the heating oil is still being supplied to the rst bed and the second bed is not being heated up. The gas phase hydrogen in the second bed now supplies the hydrogen to the fuel cell. This results in a drop in second

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H2. The vessel is made of an inner liner and an outer layer of carbon composite. The thickness of the materials are chosen to withstand pressures of 150 bar and temperatures of 180  C. The cooling tubes and the ns are made of aluminum. The gravimetric capacity for this system is roughly 0.012 kg H2/kg. It is quite far below the DOE 2010 target of 0.045 kg H2/kg. There has to be a signicant improvement in the hydrogen absorption capacity of metal hydrides in order to meet the DOE target. The volumetric capacity for this system is 0.0148 kg H2/L, which is also below the DOE 2010 target value of 0.028 kg H2/L.


Relative merits of the two storage systems

The two storage systems operate at entirely different operating conditions. Each system has its relative merits and demerits. Overall the performance of the cryo-adsorbent system is much better in terms of gravimetric capacity as compared to the metal hydride system. The volumetric capacities for the two systems are nearly identical. In addition, there are some important distinguishing features of the two systems that should be noted.


Cold start capability

Fig. 11 e System performance for US06 drive cycle.

Cryo-adsorbent system can handle cold start at very low temperatures. However, in the case of metal hydride systems like sodium alanate, cold start is a challenge. If the car has

bed pressure as well as some desorption in the second bed. Correspondingly, the temperature and weight fraction of absorbed hydrogen drop slightly. Meanwhile, the rst bed gets heated up and the pressure in the bed builds up. If the pressure in the rst bed exceeds twice the fuel cell cut-off pressure, control is shifted to the rst bed. This shifting of control back and forth continues till the rst bed becomes almost empty. This results in uctuations in the rst and second bed pressures during the range of 2e3.5 h of driving time. Once the rst bed is almost empty, the second bed is called in. The heating oil is rerouted to the second bed. Hence the temperature of the second bed starts rising. Eventually when the hexahydride phase decomposition starts, the second bed takes the help of buffer to supply the hydrogen demand as explained by the control strategy. The excess hydrogen demand eventually leads to an empty buffer even before the second bed is completely empty. The second bed can no longer supply the hydrogen demand even though there is absorbed hydrogen still present in the hexahydride phase. Hence for aggressive drive cycles, it is difcult to extract all the absorbed hydrogen.

Table 2 e System weight and volume for the sodium alanate system. Bed specications
Number of beds deliverable hydrogen Length (alanate packing) Actual length of the bed Diameter of the bed (inner) Diameter of the bed (outer) Shell material No of cooling tubes Diameter of cooling tubes (inner) Weight of alanate weight of shell include liner weight of tubes and ns accessories (manifolds, end plates etc) pump/HEX/burner pump/HEX/burner volume BOP mass Oil mass Buffer Buffer volume Total weight of the bed Total volume of the beds Total system volume Total system mass (tubes, plates, shell/insulation, alanate) Gravimetric density Volumetric density

kg mm mm mm mm

2 5.5 1000 1292.0 416.0 436.9 Composite carbon 24.0 20.0 200.00 44.00 137.00 33.70 8.00 8.00 16.85 13.00 5.05 11.30 381.00 351.21 370.51 457.60 0.012 0.0148

mm kg kg kg kg kg liters kg kg kg liters kg liters liters kg kg/kg kg/liter


System weight and volume

Table 2 below shows the preliminary estimation of gravimetric and volumetric density of the current sodium alanate storage system. Based on the FTP75 drive cycle simulation, it is assumed that each bed will deliver roughly 2.75 kg of usable H2. Two such beds are used to deliver a total of 5.5 kg usable

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 2 8 6 2 e2 8 7 3

been parked for a long time during peak winter days, the bed will cool down. During start up, the bed may not be able to supply the hydrogen and the buffer tank will need to supply the required hydrogen demand. Size of the buffer tank will decide whether the system will be able to handle cold start conditions. Fig. 12 shows cold start simulation results for the FTP75 drive cycle. The bed and the heating uid is assumed to be at ambient temperature assumed to be 20  C. Since the bed is cold, there is no desorption in the beginning. Gas phase hydrogen in the rst bed supplies the fuel cell demand. Hence the pressure in the rst bed falls rapidly as shown in Fig. 12(a). In the meantime, the bed is heated. The bed takes a long time (Fig. 12 (b)) to heat up for two reasons the low initial bed temperature and the heat needed for the endothermic desorption reaction. As shown in Fig. 12(a), the bed pressure almost falls to cut-off pressure before the bed pressure starts increasing. If the bed pressure falls below cut-off, then the gas phase hydrogen in the second bed will supply the fuel cell demand before hydrogen can be desorbed from the rst bed to supply the hydrogen demand. As the temperature increases, the bed pressure slowly rises. Once the bed temperature reaches 450 K, the system will perform normally as shown in Fig. 12.

exchange with the ambient would be sufcient. However, as the storage system warms up, venting may be necessary resulting in a loss of hydrogen to the atmosphere. The amount of hydrogen vented depends on the total heat leak into the system. In the case of sodium alanate storage system, hydrogen has to be burnt for heating up the bed during driving for supplying the heat of desorption and in transient heating of the bed from the initial temperature of the bed to the desorption temperature. The amount of hydrogen burnt can be substantial because of the signicant enthalpy (w40 kJ/mol H2) of hydrogen desorption and the need to keep the system at a high temperature (140  C) for speeding up the kinetics to supply the hydrogen demand.




Hydrogen overhead

In the case of cryo-adsorbent system, hot gas recirculation can be used to heat up the bed during the discharge cycle. A small heat exchanger to warm up the cold hydrogen using heat

Lumped parameter system simulation models are developed for the cryo-adsorption and metal hydride hydrogen storage systems. For the cryo-adsorbent system, the model solves the mass, energy balances and adsorption kinetics to compute temperature, pressure and adsorbate concentration. The adsorption kinetics included is the linear driving force model with Glueckaufs approximation. Simulations for the FTP75 and US06 drive cycle demand are performed and the temperature, pressure, adsorbate concentration, adsorbed and gaseous hydrogen content in the tank are presented. Simulation results show that the gas phase responds to the demand uctuations and the adsorbed phase responds to the average demand. Hence, the heating rate need not be altered in shorter time scales to meet the uctuating demand. In a cryogenic adsorption storage unit, an electrical heater could be more optimal (in the sense of heat leak, gravimetric and volumetric capacities and cost) than a hot gas recirculation system, since the heating rate needs to change on longer time scales than the uctuating demand. For the metal hydride based system, a dual bed storage system is considered to supply w 5 kg of usable hydrogen. The system performance of the dual bed storage system is shown for the FTP75 and US06 drive cycle demands. It is shown that the usable hydrogen for a given system depends on the drive cycle, with aggressive cycles like US06 resulting in lower usable hydrogen. The gravimetric and volumetric capacities of the two storage systems are evaluated and the relative merits and demerits of the two systems are presented.

This work was performed under DOE contract DE-FC3609GO19003 as GMs contribution to the DOE Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence (HSECoE). The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Ned Stetson, Monterey Gardiner and Jesse Adams of DOE and Don Anton of SRNL. The authors would like to thank Lincoln Composites for supplying data on shell design and thickness for the given operating conditions of the storage systems. The authors also acknowledge Mei Cai and Scott Jorgensen of General Motors

Fig. 12 e Cold start simulation for FTP75 drive cycle.

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 2 8 6 2 e2 8 7 3


for their valuable suggestions and HSECoE team members for contributing to the development of vehicle level model.


Temperature and Pressure K, bar Length and radius of the adsorbent bed, m Mass and volume of the adsorbent bed kg, m3 Mass of hydrogen in the bed, kg Mass and specic volume of outer shell kg, m3/kg Mass ow rate of H2 in the feed and outlet streams, kg/s Porosity of the bed, m3/m3 3t rb bed densities kg/m3 rg ; vg Gas density and specic volume, kg/m3, m3/kg Gas viscosity, Pa s mg aPg ; kTg Isobaric thermal expansion coefcient and isothermal compressibility, 1/K, 1/bar Hg ; Hq ; Hs ; Hw Specic enthalpy of gas, adsorbate, adsorbent and outer shell, J/kg CPg ; CPs ; Cpw Specic heat capacity of gas, adsorbent and outer shell, J/kg/K _ h; Q _l Q Heat ux supplied, and heat ux leak into the system, W Excess adsorbate concentration and its equilibrium q; q value, kg, H2/kg adsorbent Heat of adsorption, J/kg H2 adsorbed DHa Effective diffusivity of the adsorbate in the adsorbent Da particle, m2/s

T; P L; R ms ; Vb mH2 mw ; vw _ f;m _o m


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