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Complex Gerundial Constructions

Gerundial constructions: - are made up of a noun (=substantiv) or pronoun (=pronume) in the Accusative or in the Possessive form and a Gerund form (verb-ing) e.g. he! are interested in me/ my winning the contest. "i sunt interesa#i ca eu s$ c%&tig concursul. - are used 'hen the sub(ect of the Gerund verb is different from the sub(ect of the verb before it: e.g. ) don*t mind him/ his keeping his car in m! !ard. (I is different from he) +u m$ sup$r c$ el ,&i #ine ma&ina ,n curtea mea. (eu este diferit de el) - the gerundial construction has the value of a noun- that is- the! stand in the place of a noun in a sentence: e.g. ) am happ! 'ith this situation.

noun ) am happ! 'ith using this librar!. (.$ bucur c$ folosesc aceast$ bibliotec$.) ) am happ! 'ith them/ their using this librar!. (.$ bucur c$ ei folosesc aceast$ bibliotec$.) ) ranslate into /omanian: 0. 1efore running a'a!- she stole a large sum of mone!. 2. After escaping from prison- the convicts 3illed t'o police officers. 4. 5n seeing the headmaster- 'e tore a'a!. +ote: to tear 6 tore 6 torn - a rupe to tear a'a! 6 a o rupe7lua la fug$ 8. Please- stop singing- the bab! is cr!ing. 9. ) have as3ed !ou to stop tal3ing. :. ) hope she 'ill stop laughing- other'ise she 'ill get fat.

;. <on*t stop- 3eep stud!ing this poem until !ou understand its message. =. <espite ever!thing that has happened- she 'ill go on being fond of them. +ote: to be fond of (somebod!7 something) 6 a #ine la (cineva7 ceva) >. ) prefer 'al3ing on the beach to sleeping in the hotel room. 0?. he! prefer pla!ing 'ith their to!s to doing their home'or3. 00. ) li3e s'imming. 02. @he loves driving expensive cars. 04. Aou en(o! listening to music. 08. he boss can*t stand his emplo!ees* ta3ing so man! da!s off. 09. @he can*t stand her mother-in-la'*s telling her 'hat to do. 0:. ) can*t stand being as3ed about m! relatives. 0;. Aou can*t stand me7 m! giving !ou so much home'or3. 0=. ) can*t stand him tal3ing so much. 0>. @he can*t help telling ever!one about her private life. 2?. Be can*t help laughing at his (o3es. 20. Be are used to her !elling at us. 22. ) 'ill get used to them7 their being so laC!. 24. <o !ou mind me7m! leaving no'D 28. @he does not mind him7 his 'atching E all da! long. 29. <o !ou mind us7 our not ta3ing !our adviceD 2:. his proposal is 'orth accepting. 2;. Fis idea is 'orth anal!sing. 2=. Fer car needs repairing. Aour hair needs combing. Fer nails need polishing. 2>. "xcuse me for bothering !ou. "xcuse me for being so rude to !ou. 4?. "xcuse her for not giving !ou !our mone! bac3. 40. Please- excuse m! brothers* being so stubborn. 42. ) insist on receiving m! mone! bac3 right no'. ) insist on him apologiCing to !ou. 44. he underta3er insists on me bu!ing an expensive grave. )) ranslate into "nglish: 0. Gmi place s$ m$ plimb. Gmi place c$ ea cite&te mult. Gmi place c$ elevii citesc mult. 2. Hr$sc s$ ma treCesc t%rCiu. Hr$sc (faptul) c$ Ieff se treCe&te t%rCiu. 4. "a este obi&nuit$ s$ spele vasele. +oi suntem obi&nui#i s$ scriem lucr$ri ,n fiecare semestru. Iane este obi&nuit$ ca noi s$ ,i facem tema. Eoi sunte#i obi&nui#i ca ace&ti copii s$ fac$ mult Cgomot. 8. "a este obi&nuit$ ca Felen s$ ,i spele &osetele. Profesorul e obi&nuit cu faptul c$ ea nu-&i face tema. 9. Eoi a&tepta#i cu ner$bdare s$ v$ revede#i colegii. :. Eoi a&tepta#i cu ner$bdare ca p$rin#ii s$ v$ dea bani. ;. Eoi a&tepta#i cu ner$bdare ca eu s$ v$ dau lucrare. =. "i a&teapt$ cu ner$bdare ca tu s$ le dai biletele. >. Gmi pare r$u c$ am ,nt%rCiat. Gmi pare r$u c$ ei au ,nt%rCiat. 0?. Gmi pare r$u c$ Farr! a ,nt%rCiat. Gmi pare r$u c$ elevii mei au ,nt%rCiat. 00. 5biecteC la propunerea lui. 5biecteC la faptul c$ ea doarme toat$ Ciua. 02. 5biecteC la faptul c$ el ,&i pierde vremea. +ote: a-&i pierde vremea 6 to 'aste one*s time 04. "a obiecteaC$ la faptul c$ Fenr! ,&i bate colegul de banc$. 08. @unt interesat s$-l studieC pe @ha3espeare. @unt interesat ca voi s$-l studia#i pe @ha3espeare. @unt interesat de acest domeniu. +ote: a fi interesat de (ceva) 6 to be interested in (something)

J.odels: @unt interesat de acest curs. 6 ) am interested in this course. @unt interesat s$ piloteC acest avion. 6 ) am interested in piloting this plane. @unt interesat ca voi s$ studia#i mai mult. 6 ) am interested in !ou7!our stud!ing more.K 09. "a este surprins$ de entuCiasmul elevilor ei. "a este surprins$ c$ elevii ei au citit romanul. "i sunt surprin&i c$ profesorul le-a dat note bune. 0:. <irectorul este nervos c$ profesorii au intrat ,n grev$. 0;. .ar! este furioas$ c$ so#ul ei bea at%t de mult. 0=. "l a comentat asupra faptului c$ voi folosi#i acest calculator. 0>. @e simte deran(at de faptul c$ voi petrece#i at%t de mult timp aici. 2?. @ocrul ei este ferm ,mpotriva faptului c$ ea lucreaC$ p%n$ t%rCiu. 20. <irectorul ad(unct m-a do(enit pentru c$ elevii au plecat mai devreme.

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