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Liliane Wusky stretches some and lets out a content murr as she walks into the room, her

abdomen swollen quite a bit. Clearly impregnated some time ago, carrying 6 pups in that swollen stomach of hers. She looks around some, before walking up to Zoe and sitting down in her lap. ''Heya hon, mind if sit here!'' She asks, with a warm, somewhat seducti"e "oice. #ZoeTheSlut perks her ears at the cute wusky's entrance and licks her lips at the sight of such a plump tummy full of squirming little unborn delights, nodding and grinning as she reaches out with paws and wraps them around the smaller canine's hips, wiggling and grinding that massi"e, cheesy, filthy sheath of hers right into that firm wusky rear end. $%ot at all darling...$ she cooes hungrily, licking at the side of the preggo gal's face. $&uite the bellyful you'"e got there....such a burden ha"ing to carry them around so often hmm!$ Liliane Wusky grins and murrs loudly as she grinds down against that horridly disgusting, wonderful sheath of yours, turning around in your lap to face you, she licks o"er your nose and presses her large, filth'caked breasts against your own. ''(h's quite a burden indeed. )hey grow with each day, and they're getting hea"y too.'' She replies as she grinds down some more, her bare rump getting co"ered in your filth. #ZoeTheSlut grins up into the wusky's ga*e and gropes deep into that filthy rear, claws digging into flesh and ripping skin open as she snorts forth into those licks, splattering a nice array of snot across the pregnant dog's face before smirking and nodding. $ bet they do...half a do*en little annoyances +ust squirming around in your stomach...$ she licked her lips and continued grinding her hips up into the wusky's straddling crotch. $ could easily remedy you of such a problem, if you desire, my dear.$ Liliane Wusky gasps and moans out some, blood trickling down her rear as your claws dig their way into her plump rear. Her tail raises some as she presses herself against you eagerly. ,pon ha"ing you snort all o"er her, she eagerly licks her face clean, before digging her tongue into your nostril, getting more of your filthy snot and sa"ouring it. ''Hmrff... 'd absolutely lo"e that, hun. -lease do help me with it.'' She replies with a grin, knowing fully well it'll be a complete, disgusting, wonderful mess by the time you're done with her. ZoeTheSlut rolls her eyes upwards at that nose'tonguing, letting her lo"ely little preggo'playmate clean those fat wads of chunky snot and phlegm for as long as she desired before finally, after feeling a kick from one of those many pups li"ing within her fat tummy, the red'furred canine beast decides she's ready to up the ante. )easingly cupped the smaller dog's rear in her paws, tugging her tight, snugly right up against that cheesy, puss'oo*ing, maggot writhing sheath of hers as she stood up and stared around the room. )owards the corner she saw what she desired laying atop a table...barbed wire, in a large, +agged coil.... t would make the perfect noose. $(h, you're such a good mother...pups not e"en born yet and you're letting them play with complete strangers...$ she snickered as she carried the dog in her arms towards the table of wire and other delightful toys, taking time to hack another fat, green wad of snot across those pretty eyes as she did so. #Liliane Wusky keeps licking, lo"ing the gross, fat wads of your snot as she swallows them eagerly. .rinding that fat ass against your sheath still, she feels the infection spreading to her own body, maggots and other parasites soon crawling o"er her rear, into her shit cakes ass. /rapping her arms around you tightly, she keeps grinding down hard as you carry her with you. She soon spots what you're heading for, and her tail starts wagging fast. ''Hmmrff.../hat better way to get into the world, than by the gross, filthy paws of someone as wonderful as you, hmm!'' She replies to you, before moaning out loudly, her eyes soon turning red with irritation as your snot spreads throughout her eyes. ZoeTheSlut chuckles at those words and nods, admiring how her phlegm and grime seemingly settled within those pretty little eyes of her wusky slut, leaning down briefly to drag her tongue across the "ery surface of one of those eyeballs before licking her foamy, rabid chops and sighing. She sat the soon'to' be mother on the table and wasted little time in taking that thick, sharp barbed wire into her paws, tossing the roll into the air and across a metal beam on the ceiling before tying it off onto the other end and then forming a loop with it. She eyed it briefly before smirking and launching a big clawed hand for the wusky's neck, digging into her throat as she +erked her into the air and forced her head through the noose. $0ust enough...$ she muttered, watching as the pregnant canine's tip'toes could +ust barely dance off the floor. $So that you suffer the entire time...$ she finished, grinning darkly and gi"ing that plump tummy a gutpunch before raising her ga*e upwards to admire the lines of blood that ran from a neck that was being sliced open by barb after sharp, flesh'tearing barb. #Liliane Wusky blushes and lo"ingly moans out as that broad tongue licks o"er her eye, the eyeball

shuddering and mo"ing around some in the socket. Her tail wags frantically as she looks at you. ''Hmfrr.... 'm all yours.'' She brings out, before gagging loudly and groaning out as you squee*e her neck and lift her off the ground. 1s the barbed wire wraps around her neck, blood starts running down, staining her fur deep'red. Her paws start clawing at her neck some, barely able to breathe at all. 1s you punch into her gut, she whines some, the punch clearly hard enough to do damage, as blood starts dripping from her cunt as well. #ZoeTheSlut admired the sight before her for only a moment longer...of that pregnant wusky writhing in pain, choking to death oh'so slowly as her throat was ripped into by that barbed wire noose she'd put it in. )he way that bloated mess of a filthy pussy started dripping blood left the red canine aching for more fun, and she wasted no time in stepping up against the gagging, e"er'so slowly dying wusky. $2eels good doesn't it hun!$ she asked, turning her head and locking lips with the mother, kissing her deep and letting fat, almost chunky slabs of rabid drool oo*e into that straining maw. $Choking to death...$ the canine eased away as she finished speaking and lowered her mu**le to that fat belly full of unborn delights, licking at it before stepping back and grinning de"iously. $1nd this too, 'm sure...$ she added, suddenly slamming her knee upwards into that bloated tummy, not once, but time and time again... #Liliane Wusky groans and gags constantly, her body con"ulsing and writhing in pain, and mostly pleasure as she slowly chokes. ,pon hearing your question, you see her starting to smile as she nods. '' good3'' She brings out in pained moans, before gasping and pushing against you in the deep kiss, eagerly sucking and swallowing down that drool of yours, consciously infecting herself with many diseases, and lo"ing e"ery damn second of it. Somewhat unable to reply to you as you back away from the kiss, she soon lets out loud whines and yelps as you repeatedly knee her in the gut, o"er and o"er. 4lood gushing out of her swollen, filthy pussy as you force her into premature labour. Her body starts writhing more and more with each knee you slam against her. #ZoeTheSlut e"entually brought her fists into the fray as well, aiming them at the wusky's face and breaking her nose with ease, wondering +ust how much harder li"ing would become for her now that her mu**le 1%5 neck were all but stopped up completely. t was only another minute or so of beating before she stopped, but by the time it was o"er the poor mother'to'be was a black and bruised mess of shattered ribs, bones, and bloodied features. )he larger canine licked her lips and once again leaned in to kiss the wusky passionately, knowing she was lo"ing e"ery second of her agoni*ing demise. $%ow then...$ she muttered, stepping back and admiring how her plaything's body seemingly swayed as those toes danced across the floor, pushing upwards e"ery chance they got +ust to ease the pressure of that noose off the tiniest bit. $...about those pesky little "ermin li"ing in that tummy of yours...$ She finished by leaning forwards and licking across the wusky's stomach a few times, getting a taste of blood and furry flesh, before finally raising her paw and finding that belly button. 6a*or sharp claws easily do"e into the hole and began pulling outwards, tearing, ripping at fur and flesh as the red'furred beast began splitting the poor choking canine's stomach apart from the middle. #Liliane Wusky chokes and gags, almost unable to make any sounds now, as you batter her body, her bones audibly breaking from your abuse. 1s you break her nose, her head hangs down some as she blacks out for a few moments. 4lood gushes down all o"er her body, most of her body stained red by now. Shuddering and shaking her head some as she wakes from the blackout, the barbs dig harder into her neck. Her eyes go wide as you kiss her again. She eagerly presses into the kiss, lo"ing your lips as you taste her own drool and slime, mi7ed with her blood. ''...gwds...d..don't stop, p...please...miss...(hh..'' ,tterly and completely submissi"e to you, she barely manages to say that sentence to you, and is +ust about able to resist calling you 'mistress'. ,pon feeling those eager claws of yours digging into her abdomen, she gasps and whines out loudly, her body writhing in pain and pleasure as you dig into that stomach of hers. 4its of her guts tear off and drop to the floor in a pool of blood as you dig deeper. ZoeTheSlut en+oyed the moment for all it was worth, taking in e"ery bit of squirming, gagging, choking....suffering....that she could as the beastly canine remained on her knees before the dying wusky slut. Her claws remained latched into that torn stomach, thumbs +abbed into the canine's preggo belly button and peeling if she were attempting to peel an orange3 1n orange that was bloated beautifully with innocent little fetuses, that is. She licked her lips at the sight of the wusky's lower intestine oo*ing from its home, hardly behind it following the larger one as they simply fell outwards from the astounding pressure of being crammed against such a womb full of unborn delights. She simply gripped and yanked, ripping them outwards, letting them coil on the floor in a bloody mess....fortunately being somewhat less'than "ital to sur"i"ing for a while yet. She continued until she could finally see it....that womb...full of little delights...waiting to be ripped into life, and then greeted with death. #Liliane Wusky shudders and moans out as you rip out her intestines, inch after inch turning into feet as the blood co"ered guts coil up on the floor underneath her. 4lood gushes from her body, and soon, her head starts spinning some from the massi"e loss of blood. 8ooking down at you, she blushes deeply,

and moans eagerly as she realises you'"e reached her massi"ely swollen womb. ''Hngrfff..a..all y..yours'' She barely is able to bring out. 4lood sputters from her lips with each word, and she spits out some. )he wad of snot, drool and blood, splashes onto your face. 9"en after all the abuse and pain, you can see she's lo"ing e"ery single second, as her tail is still wagging frantically. #ZoeTheSlut wouldnt be so kind as to do things the easy way for her delightfully nasty little playmate. t was right there...that bloated womb of pups...and she could slice it open and ha"e her way with each and e"ery one of those newborn fucktoys if she so desired...but that was too easy. :uch, much too easy...for the dying, struggling wusky mommy before her. nstead she shot her hand up into that bloodied mess of flesh and found the lower half of that puppy'packed womb, her claws slicing it open only slightly, allowing enough pressure to be added so that she actually induced a sick form of labor upon the poor canine before her. $%ow...shit out those little playthings hun...$ she cooed, grinning at the horrid sight before her, of that bloodied cuntmeat +ust twitching and gaping as the first of many pups was forcing it to split apart and birth it. $Suffer the wonderful agony of childbirth for me...$ #Liliane Wusky groans out and her eyes go wide as you tear into her insides and induce her labour. Her body writhes and works hard, starting to push out the cubs. -robably +ust old enough to li"e outside of her, but nowhere near old enough to sur"i"e, most likely. 1nd gi"en the situation, they wouldn't sur"i"e, either way. Her cunt rips open at the top and underside, as the first cub pushes out of her, headfirst. ''...gawds..m...mistress...Hngrfff....fuck3'' She whines out. Her toes slip and she hangs from the barbed wire again, tearing harder into her neck, almost at the ma+or blood "essels, which would certainly be an almost instant death for her as she's gi"ing birth to her pups. #ZoeTheSlut steps back and rises to her feet, licking the afterbirth and blood from her hands as she watches the wusky suffer...that bloodied cunt twitching and gaping, tearing and ripping as pup after pup is slowly forced from her womb, only to fall to the floor with a beautifully sickening thud. )he sight was one of pure sickness...the poor mother's neck nothing but a bloody ring of flesh as she continued to hang from that barbed'wire noose, her body beaten inside out, ribs and bones cracked all o"er. )he red'furred beast watched and waited, en+oying the sight and sound of the wusky struggling to birth each and e"ery one of those pups from her womb. Her patience was thin though, and after the third of si7 she stepped forward with a lo"ing smile. $Here darling, let your mistress lend a hand...or...fist...$ she smirked and chuckled lightly, yet her actions were nothing of the sort as she slammed her fist forward into that still' bloated tummy, the force causing one of those pups to forcibly tear out of that poor cunny sideways, splitting it further. -unch after punch she landed, some into that split open stomach, others into that poor face...all with the same relentless force. #Liliane Wusky groans out, red, bloody tears streaming down her face as she rips open more and more, blood gushing out of her body at an almost alarming amount. 1s you punch her womb, the fourth pup gets forced out of her, ripping her e"en further, her cunt a bloody, ruined mess by now, as the pup lands on top of the other three. )he last two pups pushing out with ease as you keep punching all o"er her body. /ith your punches to her face, her mu**le breaks and her +aw dislocates as a few of her teeth knock out of her maw as well. t must ha"e been a rather silly sight, that mu**le of hers, askew on her face, and her +aw slacking underneath it. Her whole body destroyed, ruined by her new mistress. Her cunt is +ust torn apart and prolapsed massi"ely by now as well. #ZoeTheSlut was finally able to step back and admire her work, though be it nearly a minute of agoni*ingly delicious torture and fun later. /hat was before the canine now, one couldn't be ;<<= sure. 1 creature of sorts...once a dog...female...but hardly recogni*able. )he wusky's body was crippled throughout, her face a mashed in, cracked, blood'soaked mess. She continued to hang from that barbed' wire noose, which had eaten through the fur and skin of her neck by now and was simply ripping into muscles and her esophagus...and that cunt...that puppy'birthing pussy of hers....prolapsed like ugly head of cabbage, split open nearly half a foot, dribbling almost as much blood and afterbirth as that horrid gaping cut that ran across the wusky's stomach in each direction. 5own below, between her dancing toes that hardly tried to reach the floor at this point, sitting on top of her own intestines...were those delightful little pups...all si7 of them, mewling for mommy, drenched in her bloody birthing fluids as they crawled around for comfort. $Still with me darling!$ the canine asked, grinning de"iously and issuing a backhand to that messy wad of flesh that was the wusky's face. $4ecause know you'll want to see what happens ne7t.$ #Liliane Wusky swirls her head some, di**y from lack of air and loss of blood. 1s you slap her across her already beaten face, she looks at you and nods some. ''>..yes...m..mistress.'' She manages to bring out in response, her body con"ulsing some, now and then, probably soon going into shock from all the abuse you'"e so happily granted her. Her tail still wags as she looks down at your ama*ing form, those large, filth and mess stained breasts, that huge, infested, cheesy sheath and cock, along with those massi"e balls. /hat she wouldn't gi"e to feel that member inside of her, ripping her apart in a final act of what would probably be mercy, ending her delightful suffering.

#ZoeTheSlut smirks de"iously at those mumbled words, surprised e"en that her plaything could e"en manage such coherent thought and speech at this point. Her own words rang in her skull, gi"ing the beast an idea worth acting on as she reached up and gently cupped the side of the canine's face, stroking it as, inch by inch, she led her thumb upwards until it was resting abo"e the wusky's right eye. $8ike said, you'll want to see this....but who said you need both eyes!$ she asked, smirking and them +amming her thumb forward, claw di"ing into eyeball flesh and grotesquely sho"ing it back into the socket, only to turn, twist, and then rip it free of its home. mmediately thereafter, disregarding the blood that shot forth, she fisted the canine's eye down her throat, knocking a few teeth out in the process, but making sure that she got a good taste of it whilst still choking to death on that wire. 4eneath her she could hear crunching, telling her she'd stepped on something...glancing down to see one of those pups beneath her filthy foot, its spine ha"ing snapped in half...$Hmm, ser"es it right for getting beneath my feet, isn't that right dear!$ Liliane Wusky nods and gasps as she sees that thumb and nail, so "ery close to her eye. 1s you +am the claw into the eye, it pops and the gelatinous fluid drips out, only to be sho"ed down her throat by you as you force your fist into her maw. Her gag refle7 is triggered from this as well as she starts to gag loudly, though, finds herself unable to throw up at all, her body in too much shock for that. Hearing the loud noise, she looks down with her remaining eye and gasps loudly, seeing her pup, splattered and smeared o"er the floor, underneath your feet. ''>..yes...m..mistress'' She +ust about is able to bring out to you, watching you with that one eye. #ZoeTheSlut admired the mangled, near'death mess of canine before her and grinned, glancing down and raising her foot off of what was already one lifeless pup corpse, reaching down to grab it by its scruff and hold it before her face. $(ne down...$ she muttered, casting a twisted grin at the wusky before her, before stepping around behind the canine and easing up against her. $%ows the part when we start thinking about 'your' pleasure my dear....$ she spoke, her breath hot on an ear as she snaked her tongue forward and licked, that maggoty, smegma'filled, blood'oo*ing sheath of hers now bulging out as that stupidly fat, disgusting canine cock began growing up the writhing wusky's backside. $Here....$ she then spoke, holding up that lifeless pup, pressing its lifeless little asshole right up to its mommy's broken maw and adding +ust enough pressure to make it start slipping in. $>ou look tired hun...ha"e a snack.$ #Liliane Wusky blushes deeply as she watches you pick up the dead pup, holding it before her as well. 1s you push it against her lips, she slowly parts them, taking the mangled cub into her maw and slowly, she tries to bite down. Ha"ing her +aw broken isn't helping much, so she reaches up and slowly pushes the +aw back into place, before biting down on the cub. 1s she sees your enormous, horridly gross cock, starting to grow, she blushes deeply, eager to feel and taste that huge, filthy dick. ZoeTheSlut more simply fists and forces that dead newborn into the wusky's broken maw, watching her neck "ein'o"er horribly as the purpled flesh continued to bulge out and choke...especially now that a fetus was being worked down her windpipe. Zoe herself didn't care, the canine merely pushing onwards, downwards, until she could see the bulge within her playmate's stomach...wondering how long it would be until that pup merely fell right back out of her body and re+oined its siblings. She grunted her curiosity away and frotted upwards, working what was e"entually o"er three feet of foot'wide canine cock right up the smaller dog's spine, spitting that nasty preseed across her beaten and bloodied body, lea"ing that cheesy, parasite'writhing grime in e"ery hair of fur it could find. )hen....then she did something une7pected. )he beastly canine reached up and snapped the wire within her claws, taking all the pressure off that noose and letting her wusky slut fall to to the ground atop her own intestines and newborns. )he canine herself did the same, falling to her knees and angling that massi"e cock towards the heap of flesh on the floor before her. $%ow my dear....feed your little ones to my cock...$ she muttered, eyes dancing with fire and sick passion as she watched the motherly canine struggle about the floor, wondering if she possibly possessed enough strength after all of this to follow through on one last order. $2ist those pups down my dick, so your mistress can fuck them up into that needing little ass of yours.$ #Liliane Wusky gags loudly as her eyes go wide again, trying to swallow down that dead pup as you push it down into her throat and stomach. t's +ust a minute or two, before the pup, now co"ered in stomach fluids as well, falls out of the enormous wound in her abdomen. 1s she feels that enormous cock against her back, she tries to push back eagerly, the horrid, incredibly filthy stench fills her broken nostrils, drawing a moan from her lips. 1s soon as you cut her down, she falls down onto her pups and guts, crushing at least three more of the pups. She looks up at you and, in doing so, reaches up to pull the noose a bit looser, to be able to at least breathe again. She nods upon hearing your command, and reaches down for one of the dead cubs, before gently pushing it against the gross, parasite infested urethra. #ZoeTheSlut simply rested on her knees, the massi"e herm canine pressing downwards on that fat slab

of deathcock between her legs and moaning slightly as her piss'slit is spread apart and fisted so nicely by her plaything's hand....forcing the first of many crawling, squirming, innocent little newborn pups straight into that hellhole of a urethra. )he inside of the canine's monstrous tool was +ust as bad as the outside, seemingly oo*ing and festering with bubbling hot smegma and boils, crawling with leeches and worms, infectious diseases and puss that would, and was, eating and cooking the "ery fur and skin off of each of those cubs as they were inserted into her fuckrod. $Surprised...$ she grunted, watching the wusky, whose body was the epitome of death, shakily work to follow what was likely her last command. $'re still able to mo"e my dear....such a good little slut.$ she praised, biting her lip as yet another cub was treated as nothing more than a li"ing cock'bead, muffledly screaming and whining as its mother forced it into that rancid canine cock. $>ou must really want your mistress you fill you up with your pups guts and her cum huh!$ #Liliane Wusky blushes deeply and nods up at you. ''>..yes...mistress... would lo"e to get treated like that, by you. 1..and if may...would mistress like to try and see if e"en +ust a tiny bit of her wonderful cock would fit into a cub!'' She asks, as she grabs a female cub and shows you the tiny, underde"eloped cunt, before spreading it open with her fingertips. Her own, prolapsed cunt was starting to gi"e off that familiar, sweet scent of her arousal, at the thought of seeing her mistress fuck the cub, ripping it apart completely, before sho"ing the remains into the massi"e urethra. #ZoeTheSlut couldn't help but chuckle at the suggestion, leaning in and locking lips with her wusky pet, en+oying the bloodied maw that was her mouth, before pulling away and nodding. $ f mommy thinks its best...$ she spoke, taking the pup into her paws and admiring its cute little innocent form, hardly bigger than one of her hands. )he canine new it was absolutely pointless to e"en try, but it was the thought that counted right! She smirked darkly and settled that little cub at the tapered tip of her monstrosity of a dogcock, its little legs spread apart entirely still not enough to match the width of her member. $)his might hurt some, little one...$ she spoke, watching as maggots and mites had already started crawling into that pure little minute'old puppy cunt. $4ut your mommy asked nicely.$ 1s she finished speaking so did she tug on each of those newborn legs, breaking each one immediately as a result. (nly the "ery tip of her horridly filthy tool managed to find purchase in that tiny cunt, quickly splitting those lips apart and cracking pel"ic bones as the flesh holding those legs together started to rip and tear away, soon followed by that cub'cunt being ripped downwards and into the poor little thing's asshole....soon e7posing its spine as further flesh was rip'fucked away....the little fetus, seconds later, split in half up to its chest. #Liliane Wusky eagerly hands you her cub, blushing deeply as she nods. ''>..yes, mistress...please me what 'll be up for soon.'' She brings out, blushing e"er so deeply as she watches you. 1s you spread the cubs legs, it starts to cry loudly, and as you press into it, and split it open, the cries are soon stopped with a single, soft yelp as you snuff out the pup within seconds, splitting it open completely. )iny intestines drop out from the mangled body. She reaches down and grabs the remains of the cub, and reaches up to stuff them into your urethra, like the good slut she is. She reaches down and grabs the final pup, and slowly pushes it into you. -ushing deeply, up to her elbow, to make sure they get nice and deep into your enormous cock. #ZoeTheSlut finally felt that it was time to start closing things out. /ith her wusky pet now emptied of her litter of pups....with her stomach split open, her cunt ripped apart...her face beaten into mush and her neck ripped was truly a wonder how the smaller canine was e"en mobile, ali"e, and e"en able to speak. 4ut the beastly red'furred herm knew why...knew that her pet would force herself to stay ali"e as long as her mistress deemed it...which wasn't much longer. /ith what was near ? feet of pulsing, putrid, rancid dogcock now fisted full of dead cubs....with her urethra bulging out obscenely e"ery few feet where one of those pups had been left to die, she longed now to empty them right back into the place they'd came from. She sho"ed down on her monstrous fleshpole and forced the wusky to her knees, atop a massi"e puddle of afterbirth and blood, of guts and filth like none other. $Soon is now.$ she spoke hungrily, slapping that massi"e rod downwards and pressing the gut'splattered tip right against that stupidly tight little asshole. $:ommy is about to be reacquainted with all her lo"ely little that ass of yours nice and wide for your mistress, my darling.$ #Liliane Wusky blushes e"en deeper, looking o"er your enormous, se7y, disgusting cock. 1s soon as you force her onto all fours before you, she eagerly lifts her tail for you. She gasps as she feels that massi"e tip against her eager, shitstained asshole. :aggots and other parasites crawling from your cock and into her hole, infecting and infesting her with all sorts of diseases as she eagerly pushes back against you. '' ... 'm all yours, mistress...please use me'' She brings out to you, looking back up at your disgusting, horrid, ama*ing form. ZoeTheSlut needs to hear no more and suddenly slams forward, only barely getting a grip on that plump wusky rear to hold her slut in place before that filthy, tapered tip of her cock spears that tight little ring open beautifully. She, of course, uses brute strength and force...making things fit where they weren't supposed to. )he wonderful sound of flesh ripping and tearing once again fills the air as that cub'

filled beastcock gapes open that shitter without remorse, the first foot or so simply shattering e"ery bone in the wusky's pel"is as her claws rip into that succulent little rear for further le"erage. She grunts and snarls in passion, that monstrous dick "eined'o"er horribly as it pumps bloody preseed and writhing, parasite'slathered cock"omit into that split'open wusky stomach. 4ones crunch and snap, flesh and fur rips and tears...had she been flipped o"er the canine would ha"e seen her own cock through that torn open belly as it churned and fucked further and further into her dying slut's body... #Liliane Wusky whines and howls out loudly as you slam that enormous cock into her. Her asshole simply tears open wide, bleeding out quite a lot, almost instantly, as you spread it way wider than it's physically able to. Her pel"is shatters and her spine breaks apart in "arious places as you rip her in half. Her legs, now paralysed, gi"e away as she flops down. ''(hhhggfff...fuck3..:..mistress3'' She whines out to you, feelign that monster of a cock deeper and deeper inside of her hollowed out body, ripping her apart, obliterating her bones, and crushing her remaining organs. 1s you pump the preseed into her body, you can see it leak out underneath her body again, parts of the cubs dropping out of her as well. #ZoeTheSlut forcefully, and with a horrendously delicious sound, twists her wusky fuckrag around on that cock, now allowing the canine to watch from abo"e as she continues to slam and work inches into feet up into that tearing body. 2oot after foot is soon churning horridly up that split asshole and soon the shebeast finds herself admiring that wrecked cunt. 4efore she can stop herself she +ams her claws into that pussy flesh and rips downwards towards her cock, slicing the fur and skin open and away so that it rips down into her occk....making that asshole and cunt one big hole now. She grunts her appro"al and finds purchase with her claws in those creamy, motionless thighs of her wusky now, digging tight into the flesh and bucking forward, fucking past three feet of deathcock up into that slowly ripping and tearing body, her nuts swelling obscenely as she readies herself to cum that wondrous loud of sloppy, death' filled, babybatter... Liliane Wusky whines and moans out as she slowly tears apart. 1nd as you start to tear her cunt open wide, she simply looks down at it, unable to e"en feel it anymore. 6eaching into her abdominal wound, she eagerly and lo"ingly caresses the enormous tip of your cock as it throbs against her lungs and heart. /ith a deep red blush on her cheeks, she pushes a fist into the urethra, eager to please her mistress as you mangle her body more and more with your claws, as well as that monstrosity of a cock. '' good...mistress...p..please...Hngrfff...use me'' She whines out, begging you to be used and abused for your personal pleasure. #ZoeTheSlut falls forward o"er her dying fuckpet as that fist is rammed into her massi"e piss'slit, her cock shaking and throbbing madly as the canine beast is left pressing down on the upper side of her cock to keep it from simply +erking into the air and splitting what little stomach and torso flesh away that her wuskyslut had left. She basically lay atop her toy and fucked into her broken, gutted form now, locking lips with her mangled face and rolling her eyes upwards to let forth a thick gushing mess of hot puke from her stomach, perhaps one last reward before she finished the +ob. )he "ile grime was orange and chunky, spicy to the taste, rancid and acrid enough so that when it splashed into that gorged eye'socket of her wusky's that it simply ate at her inner skull flesh. )he canine didn't care, didn't stop. :erely kissed her pet deeper and slammed harder, what little bones were left now cracking and shattering into dust and a gorish mess of bodyslop and innards. /atermelon si*ed canine nuts "eined o"er nastily and swelled further as her peak finally came about...the beastly herm finally ready to end her little romp with her plaything. #Liliane Wusky rolls her eye around in pure pain, and pleasure as well, as her torso writhes underneath you. Slowly, her spine snaps more and more, and soon, she finds to ha"e trouble breathing at all, and thinking. 1s you kiss her deeply, she moans out into your maw, eagerly lapping at your lips, before happily swallowing the horrible "omit. 1s you lean up and co"er her face in it as well, she whines out as she can feel it rotting into her skull, slowly eating away at her face and brains. Her torso starts flailing some as her brain fires random commands from the acidic "omit, eating away at her. :uffled, distorted moans escape her lips as you push deeper into her now. #ZoeTheSlut keeps her lips locked with the wusky's as she gi"es one final lunge forward, that monstrous four foot pole of filthy, pup'stuffed dogcock skewering upwards through that broken body until the tapered tip was "isibly bulging out that sliced open neck. She didn't stop there though, and the sound of e"en more bones being shattered and cracked echoed off the walls as once again the smaller canine's +aw was shattered out of place, her neck splitting open at the sides as the shebeast fucked her cock right up that throat, e"entually tasting her own filthy, horrid cum from the kiss she still shared with her dying wusky pet. /hate"er was left of her heart and lungs was gone now. 1ll that remained was flesh and matter, clinging to that stickily filthy cock of hers as it ripped the dog's neck up the sides before cracking her +aw apart. She stayed planted in place, groaning and shaking in pleasure, drinking her own acrid cum, splattered with newborn guts and bodies, crawling with maggots and parasites, thick and chunky as if it had molded and festered. 2or minutes this went on, and she e"entually started fucking

into that lifeless corpse +ust to work those last few shots free....her monstrous tool still fat and filthy as it slowly ebbed down from its si*e and lay within the puddle of bloodied, filthy fur and innards that was once her beautiful little plaything. Liliane Wusky gags and gargles in the kiss as you sho"e your enormous cock further up her destroyed body. Her chest bulges out and rips wide open, and as you cum hard into her, your maggot and filth ridden cum pours out of e"ery hole in her body, gushing up her bulging throat and into your own maw as she shudders underneath you. 1s you push onwards more, you feel her body stopping with all mo"ement and soon growing cold as you snuff out her life, ha"ing torn her open completely, as well as crushing her lungs and heart. Cum drips out of e"ery hole and crack in her body, and with each thrust of your massi"e cock, her body +ust sho"es forward underneath you, but doesn't respond at all, cold and dead now. #ZoeTheSlut simply remains laying atop of her lifeless trophy then, cock throbbing and twitching among the mess of guts, innards, and filth that had become her wusky's body. /hat's left of her head she cups and kisses, nu**ling into part of the canine's cheek before laying her head to the side and moaning in pleasure, her body twitching and sweating hea"ily as she gathered her breath and reached out with open arms to simply scoop in that massi"e pool of flesh'filled innards and slime, cum and blood, maggots, worms, leeches, and the such. t all seemed to +ust oo*e and crawl back into the canine's body...slithering and oo*ing up her cunt and down her piss'slit, into her maw and up her filthy rear, as she licked at the filthy mess and yawned. -erhaps she'd go to sleep now...and use her wusky again tomorrow. )hat lo"ely plaything of hers always seemed to find a way to come back for more, regardless of anything she did to her...

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