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In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a single logical output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal logic gate, one that has for instance zero rise time and unlimited fan-out, or it may refer to a non-ideal physical device (see Ideal and real op-amps for comparison). ogic gates are primarily implemented using diodes or transistors acting as electronic s!itches, "ut can also "e constructed using electromagnetic relays (relay logic), fluidic logic, pneumatic logic, optics, molecules, or even mechanical elements. #ith amplification, logic gates can "e cascaded in the same !ay that Boolean functions can "e composed, allo!ing the construction of a physical model of all of Boolean logic, and therefore, all of the algorithms and mathematics that can "e descri"ed !ith Boolean logic. ogic circuits include such devices as multiplexers, registers, arithmetic logic units ($ %s), and computer memory, all the !ay up through complete microprocessors, !hich may contain more than &'' million gates. In practice, the gates are made from field-effect transistors (()*s), particularly +,-()*s (metal.oxide.semiconductor field-effect transistors). /ompound logic gates $0D-,1-Invert ($,I) and ,1-$0D-Invert (,$I) are often employed in circuit design "ecause their construction using +,-()*s is simpler and more efficient than the sum of the individual gates.234 In reversi"le logic, *offoli gates are used.


$ synchronous 5-"it up6do!n decade counter sym"ol (75 -&83) in accordance !ith $0-I6I))) -td. 8&-&895 and I)/ :u"lication ;';&7-&3.


*here are t!o sets of sym"ols for elementary logic gates in common use, "oth defined in $0-I6I))) -td 8&-&895 and its supplement $0-I6I))) -td 8&a-&88&. *he <distinctive shape< set, "ased on traditional schematics, is used for simple dra!ings, and derives from +I --*D-9'; of the &8='s and &8;'s. It is sometimes unofficially descri"ed as <military<, reflecting its origin. *he <rectangular shape< set, "ased on I)/ ;';&7-&3 and other early industry standards, has rectangular outlines for all types of gate and allo!s representation of a much !ider range of devices than is possi"le !ith the traditional sym"ols.2>4 *he I)/?s system has "een adopted "y other standards, such as )0 ;';&7&3@&888 in )urope and B- )0 ;';&7-&3@&888 in the %nited Aingdom. *he goal of I))) -td 8&-&895 !as to provide a uniform method of descri"ing the complex logic functions of digital circuits !ith schematic sym"ols. *hese functions !ere more complex than simple $0D and ,1 gates. *hey could "e medium scale circuits such as a 5-"it counter to a large scale circuit such as a microprocessor. I)/ ;&7-&3 and its successor I)/ ;';&7-&3 do not explicitly sho! the <distinctive shape< sym"ols, "ut do not prohi"it them.2>4 *hese are, ho!ever, sho!n in $0-I6I))) 8& (and 8&a) !ith this note@ <*he distinctive-shape sym"ol is, according to I)/ :u"lication ;&7, :art &3, not preferred, "ut is not considered to "e in contradiction to that standard.< *his compromise !as reached "et!een the respective I))) and I)/ !orBing groups to permit the I))) and I)/ standards to "e in mutual compliance !ith one another. $ third style of sym"ols !as in use in )urope and is still preferred "y some, see the column <DI0 5'7''< in the ta"le in the Cerman #iBipedia. In the &89's, schematics !ere the predominant method to design "oth circuit "oards and custom I/s Bno!n as gate arrays. *oday custom I/s and the field-programma"le gate array are typically designed !ith Dard!are Description anguages (DD ) such as Eerilog or EDD .

$ trut ta!le is a mathematical ta"le used in logicFspecifically in connection !ith Boolean alge"ra, "oolean functions, and propositional calculusFto compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each com"ination of values taBen "y their logical varia"les ()nderton, 3''&). In particular, truth ta"les can "e used to tell !hether a propositional expression is true for all legitimate input values, that is, logically valid. :ractically, a truth ta"le is composed of one column for each input varia"le (for example, $ and B), and one final column for all of the possi"le results of the logical operation that the ta"le is meant to represent (for example, $ G,1 B). )ach ro! of the truth ta"le therefore contains one possi"le configuration of the input varia"les (for instance, $Htrue BHfalse), and the result of the operation for those values. -ee the examples "elo! for further clarification. ud!ig #ittgenstein is often credited !ith their invention in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

Truth table for all binary logical operators

Dere is a truth ta"le giving definitions of all &; of the possi"le truth functions of t!o "inary varia"les (: and I are thus "oolean varia"les; for details a"out the operators see "elo!)@ P Q T T T " " T " " "# $OR% &'( )*+ , )'- &OR. $A$/0 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( * ( ( ( ( * ( ( ( * * ( * ( ( ( * ( * ( * * ( ( ( ( * * * A$/1 &$OR2 '%# i34t e5%% *%( t e54i3%+ OR%, T%* ( ( ( * * * ( ( * * * *( * *( * * ( * ( * ( * * * * ( ( * * ( * * * * ( ( ( * * * *

Co6 L id R id

!here * H true and ( H false. *he Co6 ro! indicates !hether an operator, o*, is commutative - P o* 7 8 7 o* P. *he L id ro! sho!s the operator?s left identity if it has one - a value I such that I o* 7 8 7. *he R id ro! sho!s the operator?s right identity if it has one - a value I such that P o* I 8 P. Aey@ O*eratio5 5a6e ' & ,pq Gpq ( 0,1 false J /ontradiction ogical 0,1


3 > 5 = ; 7 9 8

+pq (pq pq Cpq Lpq Dpq Apq )pq

GK 0p Gp 0q G,1 0$0D $0D G0,1 ' G0p * G0K ,1 * then6if true if6then )* )' N If and only if

/onverse nonimplication 0egation +aterial nonimplication 0egation )xclusive disMunction ogical 0$0D ogical conMunction ogical "iconditional :roMection function +aterial implication :roMection function /onverse implication ogical disMunction *autology

&' Dpq && /pq &3 Ipq &> Bpq &5 $pq &= Epq


/i:ti5cti;e : a*e

Recta5gular : a*e

Boolea5 alge!ra

Trut ta!le

!et<ee5 A = B I$PUT OUTPUT $ B $ $0D B ' ' ' or O A$/ ' & ' & ' ' & & & I$PUT OUTPUT $ B $ ,1 B ' ' ' OR ' & & & ' & & & & I$PUT OUTPUT $ 0,* $ $OT or P ' & & ' In electronics a 0,* gate is more commonly called an inverter. *he circle on the sym"ol is called a bubble, and is used in logic diagrams to indicate a logic negation "et!een the external logic state and the internal logic state (& to ' or vice versa). ,n a circuit diagram it must "e accompanied "y a statement asserting that the positive logic convention or negative logic convention is "eing used (high voltage level H & or high voltage level H ', respectively). *he wedge is used in circuit diagrams to directly indicate an active-lo! (high voltage level H ') input or output !ithout reKuiring a uniform convention throughout the circuit diagram. *his is called Direct Polarity Indication. -ee I))) -td 8&68&$ and I)/ ;';&7-&3. Both the bubble and the wedge can "e used on distinctiveshape and rectangular-shape sym"ols on circuit diagrams, depending on the logic convention used. ,n pure logic diagrams, only the bubble is meaningful. I$PUT OUTPUT $ B $ 0$0D B ' ' & $A$/ or ' & & & ' & & & ' I$PUT OUTPUT $ B $ 0,1 B ' ' & or $OR ' & ' & ' ' & & '




I$PUT $ B ' ' ' & & ' & & I$PUT $ B ' ' ' & & ' & &

OUTPUT $ G,1 B ' & & ' OUTPUT $ G0,1 B & ' ' &

*!o more gates are the exclusive-,1 or G,1 function and its inverse, exclusive-0,1 or G0,1. *he t!o input )xclusive-,1 is true only !hen the t!o input values are different, false if they are eKual, regardless of the value. If there are more than t!o inputs, the gate generates a true at its output if the num"er of trues at its input is odd (2&4). In practice, these gates are "uilt from com"inations of simpler logic gates.

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