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Posted by izzah - 2008/01/14 03:36


A gas mixture contains 100g of hydrogen and 100g of nitrogen. Assuming ideal behavior of the gas mixture, calculate the
volume if the pressure is 1 atm and the temperature is 25C. What are the mole fractions, volume frctions and pressure
fractions of each gas?

Posted by izzah - 2008/02/15 02:05

in an industrial process, nitrogen is heated to 500K at a constant volume of 1.000 m3. the gas enters the container at
300K and 100 atm. the mass of the gas is 92.4 kg. use the van der waals equation to determine the approximate
pressure of the gas at its working temperature of 500K . for nitrogen, a=1.352 dm6 atm mol-2, b=0.0387 dm3 mol-1.
=3300 MOL X 8.20578X10-2 L atm K-1 mol-1 x 300K / 100 atm
=812.37 L
P=(nRT / V-nb)-a(n/2)2
=(3300 mol x 8.20578x10-2 L atm K-1 mol-1 x 500 K) / (812.37 K -(3300 mol x 0.0387 dm3 mol-1))-(1.352 dm6 atm mol2(3300mol/812.37L)2)
=197.7556 atm dm3 - 22.31 dm6 atm L-2
=175.45 atm.

Posted by izzah - 2008/02/15 02:21

a certain liquid has delta vap H=26.0 kJ mol-1. calculate q, w delta H and delta U when 0.50 mol is vaporized at 250 K
and 750 Torr when P constant.
at constant P - isobaric process
reversible process : Pex = Pgas = P
q = qp = delta H
delta vap H = delta H/n
delta H = n delta vap H
= 0.5 mol x 26.0 kJ mol-1
= 13 kJ
since q = delta H,
q = 13kJ
delta H = delta U + nRT
delta U = delta H - nRT
= 13 kJ -(0.5 mol x 8.3145 J K mol-1 x 250K)
= 11960.6875 J
= 12 kJ
delta U = q + w
w = delta U - q
= 12 kJ - 13 kJ
= - 1 kJ
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Posted by drsugeng - 2008/02/17 03:17

the answer of 2.16 is correct.

but 1.16a is wrong. As stated on the problem, the process is a constant volume of 1000L, so just calculate n then find P
by using van der Waals equation with V=1000L. the answer should be 140 atm.

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Generated: 15 July, 2013, 13:16

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