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Dear Friends,


Charles C. Luttrell Family

2165 Tenth Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii


Greetings in the name of the Lord, the Friend of sinners.


precious is His friendship and yours as we serve Him together.

The work at Waipahu is encouraging.

The preacher borrowed some of my

tools and built a classroom, tables, and benches for the children, so

now there is a planned place for them and they listen better. On Friday evenings Henrietta usually has two young women who study the Sunday
lesson with her and then teach the younger class. With smaller classes

and divided according to grade level they will learn more. I am using the question and answer method in teaching I John on Friday nights and
hope that some of them will be willing to use this method to teach the English-speaking class later.

Bro. Bayani, the Waipahu preacher, is still working full-time at the

museum, but an idea is being considered to free him from his secular


There are two congregations on this island about 25 miles apart They are considering hiring Bro.

that have a majority of Ilocano-speaking members. Brother Bayani for merly worshiped with this Wahiawa congregation so he knows the people.

Their preacher also has a secular job.

Bayani to serve as a full-time minister to serve both congregations. He would continue to live at Waipahu and preach there on Sundays, but
he could conduct mid-week services in both congregations, call, and

serve the members in both places. Of course, neither small congregation could afford a full-time salary, but perhaps together they can hire one
man. Please pray that the Lord will make this possible.

We are continuing to teach the English-speaking classes at Waipahu on Sunday mornings, Henrietta plays the piano while each person sings in

hear prayer requests and announcements and have no idea what is being
said, so on Saturday mornings we will be attending an Ilocano class until mid-April. It is a conversational and very basic course, but we
hope i t will get us started so that we can continue to learn and to

the language most comfortable for them.

It is frustrating to us to

understand at least a little of what people are saying.

Early in January, I was scanning the classified ads and read, "Selling
out for Jesus. The young people who owned a place in Nanakuli wanted to sell to go to a Seminary. The ad listed a property in a low-cost

area about 3 or ^ miles nearer Waipahu than here, on the dry side of
the island, with two dwellings on one lot for $76,000. We have seen nothing listed for less than $100,000. There is a four-room house that is being rented for $^50 per month, and an older three-bedroom

quonset dwelling with a large lanai which can be used for utility room and workshop. It also has a shower and toilet at the end of this patio. By using our personal savings and by taking a $400 housing allowance from the mission funds, we have qualified for a FHA loan to buy this

that the Lord is answering prayers for our direction that we may have a place to live as we continue to work for Him in Hawaii, and to get

The rent will pay half of the mortgage payment.

It seems

some equity for ourselves in a place to live when we can no longer

"work""and must retire completely.

We discover that this house is located about two blocks away from the

_been able to maintain growth. At one time they had a large youth grouD composed mostly of Samoan children, but their elders began to insist that the you^ people should attend their own ethnic church, so they
members swept others away into a charismatic fellowship.
lor the Lord, he returned to the mainland.

for many years.

home of Joe Sholtis.

This congregation has had many problems and has not

Recently some of their newer

He has ministered to the Maili Church of Christ

had to Worship with their parents.

younger preacher was unable to raise adequate support and both he and

Then the

his wife had to have secular jobs.

Desiring to be a full-time worker

When we move to our new

proprty in the next few months (much repair needs to be done), we hope to be able to help and encourage the Maili congregation. Right now they cannot have night services because their electricity is not working. I hope I will be able to help them alleviate that problem soon.

Our address will continue to be the same for quite some time, so please continue to write and send your contributions to the above address. We will let you know when we plan to change it.
Our real need at this time is extra funds to provide the housing allow ance. Please check the financial report to see that last year the

mission averaged an income of $1071.88 and expenses averaged $1151.4-^1'

per month. While we will not be taking a furlough this year so we will
not need travel funds, neither will we get the speaker's offerings. In fact, those offerings more than paid for the furlough expenses. What is needed now is $^00 per month of extra income to provide a place for us
to live. Since the Palolo folks want our apartment for their workers,

we can no longer stay here after September.

Please pray that hearts

will be open to respond to this need, whether it is your's or another's.

Remember that the Lord asked us to pray for workers in the harvest field. We are here and want to stay and work for Him, but we cannot without a

more quickly and avoid much interest.



Of course, extra gifts over the $4-00 would permit us to buy it

If 75 churches would commit $1000

for this project in the next few years, thousands of dollars could be

May the Lord supply your needs, and give you many opportunities to serve

Your brother in Christ,

For display materials write to:

Indiana ^6997

Mrs. Delbert Spence, Box


198^^- Financial Report

Yearly Totals Monthly -Averages

Balance on hand, January 1, 198A


12862.63 14650.55

12862.63 (1071.88) To be Accounted for



Supplies Taxes-Payroll Salary Reports to Churches


225.67 6.63 90. k 5

k9k.30 ^9.17 25.88


Insurance (health)
Vehicle Expense


310.56 lhZ7.^6 321.kk' 13'J-7.62




(1151.^^5) $ 833*29


Mr. John Page


1304 Robert Ray Dr. Columbia, MO 65202



mission services assn

BOX 2427


Charles and Henrietta Luttrell P. 0. Box 25W

Waianaei HI 9^792 Ph (808) 668 9968

Dear Upholders,

Greetings in the name of Him who is "upholding, all things "by the word
of His power", and uses YOU through your prayers and gifts to uphold us. May He continue to "bless and keep you in Him.
We want to keep you informed on the progress in the current areas of
our work for the Lord here.


I continue to teach the English-speaking folks--mostly young

people and Henrietta teaches the children. Most of my class consists of one loyal family with three teen-agers who are apt to learn. Henrietta's varies from four to eight, but are all from families with adults who at tend. We have lost three of our most active members as they have moved to another island. Not only did the young teacher leave to join her hus

band, but her father (a faithful elder for many years) and mother moved,
too. The lady who took the teacher's class already prepares the Sun

day bulletin, arranges special music, and serves as Secretary-Treasurer of the congregation. We pray that others may be challenged to do their share. The preacher had planned a pot-luck dinner meeting of the officers
and leaders to discuss their responsibilities and make plans, but there were not enough officers present to conduct the meeting. Bro. Bayani seemed discouraged.


November 6 has been set as the date to begin our after-school

We will be using this

Bible Club for the children in the community.

month to get out the publicity.

We visited and wrote the young couple

who attended "VBS but they have not been back. They are attending a family worship at an aunt's home. The VBS children have not been attending either, but we hope they will provide a nucleus for the Bible Club. I continue to work on the Maili buildings to prepare them for the pre-school. The plum bing inspector is satisfied, and the electrical work is done. The doors and steps are in at the restrooms, and we are working on the lanai doors-two down and two to go. A cement ramp must be extended and some fencing


We are seeking to make contacts in the community at every op

portunity. Henrietta walks once a week with the one lady who attends at Maili most regularly. We have known her ever since we arrived. She was

a member of the Kalihi Church then and now at Maili. Her daughter will be director of the pre-school. Through the mother we hope to meet other adults. She plans to attend a seminar with Henrietta so that they can learn to teach adults to read. By meeting this physical need that folks recognize,
perhaps we can show them their spiritual needs.

At Waipahi on Sunday I preached a memorial sermon for a stillborn baby. One of the older ladies who attended lives in our neighborhood. Her husband has been in the construction business for years and they have acreage filled with items they have collected. She said they probably
had things we could use in the reconstruction at Maili. She used to attend church when they were in Honolulu, but now in the country she

relaxes before the electronic pulpitthe TV on Sunday mornings.


pray that we may involve her at Maili.

ALL-ISLAND: This month we have arranged the quarterly fellowship dinner
I t is over 50 miles from the Honolu of our churches on the North Shore.

lu churches I and that is a long way to drive for we islanders, but we hope to have a good attendance. We have had two monthly preachers breakfast meeting with good fellowship. The monthly Encourager has been published. HOUSE: Repair on our house moves slowly. We do have the footing in

and most of the blocks laid on the perimeter of the kitchen/living room
end of the building. One more day of block laying and we should be able

to put this end of it on




Then we will be ready to

Now it is covered

put the new siding on the front and back wall (it is already on the end).
This will make this half of the house more presentable.

with a dilapidated roll-brick siding. We reported the generous offering we received in July and are so glad that

August and September were above average, too--over $1300.

Several persons

have increased their contributions and new givers have joined them.

praise the Lord for their gifts that uphold this work and make it possible.

May the Lord "uphold you and make you"more fruitful in His vineyard.
Yours in His service, The Luttrells

For display materials write to:

Mrs. Delbert Spence, Box ^4-2,

Rockfield, Indiana 46997

Herbert Kurtz C M Breedlove


Westside-C olumbia,M0 Lincoln,NE Macedonia, KoLeanna, KS komo, IN Neeper, MO Carrollton,GA Helping Hands, Osage Kokomo, IN Hills, Tulaa,OK Newpoint, MO Converse, IN Berea, MO Newburg, MO Moran, KS Burlington, IN

Estil Cottle

Charles Sabo.Jr

Joseph Messick,Jr
Thelma Imel B onni e 0 *R ourke Ruth Shoemate

John Doyle
James F Roberts Mark L u t t r e l l Melba Hobbs Ruth Wasson Jane Hubbert

Lord's Reapers,

Philip Luttrell Leslie Hayes Ralph Cutter

Ellen Sneed

Doug Williams




Mr. John Page


1304- Robert Ray Dr. Columbia, MO 65202



BOX 2427


Dear Fellow-Worshipers at the Manger,


0. Box 25W

Waianae, HI



(a Merry Christmas

and a prosperous New Year in the Ilocano dialect of the Philippine

Hawaii is inhabited by so many races that there are num

erous ways of expressing this holiday greeting. How marvelous that the Lord recognizes them all and is Savior of all. As we approach this holiday season may we really think about what it means to us as individuals. May His peace reign in Your heart.

As is our custom, this month we want to update you on our family members and hope you will let us know what you and yours are doing,
There is no earth-shaking news, but we praise the Lord that each one is busy with family activities and in their churches.

AMY and her family live in Indianapolis, IN.

Their fourth girl, Anita, was

born in June.

Lani is of Kindergarten age this year and Amy is teaching

LETA lives in San Jose, CA, and has

her at home, so you know she is busy.

two little girls.

The oldest goes to a co-operat.ive pre-school at their

church so Leta takes her turn helping there.

She*^also the chairman of

the Christian Education committee.

MARK is nearing the end of the testing

on the space telescope project for Lockheed. Some of the engineers will be going to Cape Canaveral for the final testing at the launch site. He hopes to be one of them. PHILIP continues to work at the Frito-Lay Plant in Frankfort, IN and remodel his home. This year he tore off the front
porch to extend the livingroom, and reroofed his house. He will do the

finish work inside this winter.

family needs our prayers.

His wife's father is very ill and so the

In addition

LORA is in her third year at Ozark Christian


Her boy friend works at an Arcade owned by a Christian, so they

are able to witness to the street people who hang out there.

she works at the College radio station and is getting good grades in her

CHANGE is the one-word description of our lives this year!

our health.

Change in our

work for the Lord, in the location of our home, in our finances, and in

You know, if you have been reading our newsletters, that we finished our

and preaching in English to the segment of the Waipahu congregation that does not readily learn in the Ilocano dialect. We also attend the night

WORK with the Palolo Valley congregation in I983 and have been teaching

hope the inspectors do not find other things that we need to do to qualify. I also lead the mid-week Bible study on alternating weeks. Our neighbor
and then usually has an hour with the adults early in the week. Last Sunday night the neighbor and four of her grandchildren attended" the service at Maili with us. Henrietta has just started an after-school
Bible club there with 7 present the first week.

services at the Maili Church which is only about 5 minutes from our home. I helped prepare the building there to be able to open a pre-school. We

It has developed that she teaches her grandchildren on Saturday mornings

asked Henrietta to have a weekly Bible study for her friends and children.

Three of them came on

Sunday night so Henrietta had a class for the eight children present.

HOME LOCATION; You probably remember that in July we finished moving from the little apartment in a congested neighborhood in Honolulu

to a little community called Nanakuli about 35 miles away.

We are buying

two houses on one lot on an agreement of sale and at the end of five years are to obtain a mortgage to pay the owners in full. There is much work to be done before the loan can be obtaineda new roof on the rental

unit, new posts underneath and straightening others, replacement of ter

mite damaged wood, etc.


FINANCES: Since we are no longer living in a church parsonage, the mis sion income must "be increased to cover a $^00 housing allowance (that's

cheapto rent this home would prohahly cost $500-$600 per month).
perty payment each monthusually with nothing to spare. receiving just over $1300 the past few months.


need about $1500 per month to meet expenses. Some generous persons have responded to our appeal for funds and we have been able to make the pro

We've been

While there are many changes in our lives, many items are constant.


praise the Lord that He is faithful, He supplies our needs, there are opportunities for service, and joy in Him. We are enjoying the close fellowship with the Sholtises who have served at the Maili church for 21 years. We appreciate all the brethren who have made it possible for
us to work here and your prayers. Continue to pray for us to have

strength of serve Him and continue to send your support for this work
to our new address, P. 0. Box 25W, Waianae, HI 96792* bless and keep you in Him.
Love and prayers,

May the Lord

The Luttrells

For display materials write, Mrs. Delbert Spence, Box ^^2, Rockfield,IN ^6997

HEALTH: Henrietta is well, as usual, but gets tired more easily (could it be the gray hair), so we enjoy frequent breaks in our yard swing under the big mango tree. I am having more frequent bouts with asthma, am under
medication, but am able to work when I remember to move slowly and rest


Kokomo,IN Leanna, KS Westside,C olumbia,MO Lord's ReapersMac edonia,Kokomo,IN OCC, Joplin,MO New Point, MO Osage Hills Tulsa,OK Logansport, IN Blue Ridge,Columbia, Lincoln,NE

Ron Simpson John A Doyle
Ruth L Shoemate C M Breedlove Mark Luttrell Melba Hobbs Ellen Sneed

James F Roberts Marion Alexander Bonnie O'Rourke Thelma Imel

Howard Reeve


Bettie Marie Horton Mildred E Butler

Greenville, IL Carrollton, GA-Cross Plains

Berea, MO


Mr. John Page


130^ Robert Ray Dr. Columbia, MO 65202


BOX 2427



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