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Gazette Date: 29/09/2012 Last Date: 31/10/2012 Category No: 503/2012 Applications must be submitted online through the

official website of the Commission after 'ONE TIME REGI TRATION' !Candidates who ha"e alread# registered can appl# through their profile 1 2 3 4 Department Name of post Scale of pay N m!er of "acanc#es : : ( ( E$cise %E$cise and &rohibition ubordinate er"ice' E$cise &re"enti"e Officer

` 13900-24040
)* %Thirt# Eight' %+or N,- turns onl#'

The abo"e N,- "acancies are now in e$istence! The list of selected candidates published b# the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one #ear or a ma$imum period of three #ears till the abo"e said N,- "acancies are filled up! . $et%o& of appo#ntment ( -irect Recruitment!

Note:' /!E$0 er"ice men will be gi"en preference as per pro"isions contained in GO%M '.1231 dated /4!14!31 4!5omen and &6 candidates are not eligible to appl# for the post! 7 (ge l#m#t ( /80)7! Onl# candidates born between 1421/2/837 and 1/21/22/88) %both dates included' are eligible to appl# for this post with usual rela$ation to cheduled Castes9 cheduled Tribes and Other :ac;ward Communities! %+or other conditions regarding the age rela$ation please see para 4 of the General Conditions'!

Ma$imum age limit in the case of E$cise Guards in er"ice shall be </ #ears! The# should produce the er"ice Certificate obtained from the 6ead of the -epartment when the same is called for!


ER?ICE CERTI+ICATE /!Name of the Candidate 4!Name of the post held b# the applicant with scale of pa# )! Name of the -epartment in which now wor;ing <! Name of the ubordinate ser"ice to which the ( ( (

applicant belongs commencement of probation

( ( ( ( Aength of er"ice -ate of declaration of probation -a#s

.! -ate of commencement of er"ice and date of 7! 5hether the applicant is an appro"ed probationer or +ull member of the ser"ice 3! Communit#@Religion as entered in the ser"ice Records %in the case of C2 T2O:C onl#' l!No! Name of the post held &eriod





Total er"ice Certified that the abo"e details in respect of ri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!who is an appro"ed probationer2full member of the C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ubordinate ser"ice ha"e been "erified b# me with ser"ice particulars as gi"en in the er"ice :oo; of the candidate and the# are found correct ! Also certified that ri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is eligible to appl# for the post of E$cise &re"enti"e Officer in %E$cise -epartment' as per Rule 4%/)' &art of0D @ Rs /8.*!

ignature Name -esignation@ Address &lace -ate %Office eal' of 6ead Office

* al#f#cat#ons : ' /!

AC or its eEui"alent

4!&h#sical Measurement(0 Must ha"e atleast /7. cm height and */ cm round the chest with a minimum e$pansion of .cm! +or candidates belonging to C2 T a height of /71cm will be sufficient! Minimum chest e$pansion of .cm shall howe"er be applicable for them also! )!E#e ight(0 Must be certified to possess the following e#esight without glasses! Right E#e Aeft E#e -istant "ision 727 snellen 727 snellen Near "ision 1!. snellen 1!. snellen Note:' Each e#e must ha"e a full field of "ision! Colour blindness9 sEuint or an# morbid condition of the e#e or lids of either e#e will be deemed to be a disEualification! <!&h#sical Efficienc#(0 In addition to the abo"e Eualifications candidates must Eualif# in an# . e"ents out of the * specified below of the National &h#sical Efficienc# One tar standard Test conducted b# the Derala &ublic er"ice Commission! l!No! / 4 )! <! .! 7! 3! *! Events /11 metres run 6igh ,umb Aong ,ump &utting the shot%347< gms' Throwing the Cric;et ball Rope Climbing%using hands onl#' &ull ups or Chinning /.11 metres run One Star Standard /< seconds /)4!41 cms <.3!41 cms 718!71 cms 7187 cms )7.!*1 cms * times .minutes and << seconds

Note (0 i'The ph#sical measurement of candidates will howe"er be ta;en at the the time of ph#sical efficienc# test and those who do not possess the prescribed ph#sical measurement at that time will not be admitted for the ph#sical efficienc# test! Candidates who sustain an# inFuries or accidents while participating in the ph#sical efficienc# test will not be gi"en another chance to participate in the ph#sical efficienc# test! ii'The candidates who come out successful in the &h#sical Efficienc# Test should produce a Medical certificate in original obtained from a Medical Officer not below the ran; of a Ci"il urgeon Grade II in the form prescribed hereunder certif#ing their ph#sical fitness and capacit# for acti"e outdoor wor; and certif#ing their "isual standards without glasses!

+ORM O+ ME-ICAA CERTI+ICATE /' I ha"e this da#9 medicall# e$amined hri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and found that he has no diseases or infirmit# which would render him unsuitable for Go"ernment er"ice! 6is age according to his own statement is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and b# appearance is C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ears ! I also certif# that ri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is of good ph#siEue and is fit and capable of acti"e out door wor;! 6is standards of "ision are furnished below( Right E#e Aeft E#e

/! -istant ?ision C!!! nellen C!!!snellen 4! Near ?ision C!!!! nellen C!!!!snellen )! +ield of "ision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %specif# whether full or not9Entries li;e normal 9 good etc!! are inappropriate here' <! Colour blindness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .! Euint 7! An# morbid condition of the e#e or lids of either e#e! ignature &lace( -ate( % eal' Note(0 -etails regarding standard of "ision should be clearl# stated in the certificate9 as gi"en abo"e9 in &ara 3%)' ?ague statement such as "ision GNormalH GA"erageH etc! will not be accepted! pecification for each e#e should be stated separatel#! If the specifications are not as indicated abo"e9 the Officers issuing the certificate should certif# whether the candidate has got better standards of "ision or worse standards of "ision9 as the case ma# be ! Otherwise the Certificate will not be accepted! *! %/' +ra#n#ng(0 E"er# person appointed as E$cise &re"enti"e Officer shall undergo a training as ma# be prescribed b# the Commissioner of E$cise for a period of not less than three months! %4' ,on&(0 E"er# persons deputed for training shall e$ecute a bond agreeing to complete the course of training and to ser"e the Go"ernment after training for such minimum period as ma# be specified b# the Commissioner of E$cise failing which shall be liable to refund the cost of training together with liEuidated damages! %)' +est(0 E"er# person appointed as E$cise &re"enti"e Officer shall within the prescribed period of probation9 pass the E$cise Test &art A@: if he has not alread# passed the same! Name and designation of the Medical Officer

9- $o&e of S !m#tt#ng (ppl#cat#ons(0 Candidates shall register as per 'ONE TIME REGI TRATION ' s#stem on the Official 5ebsite of Derala &ublic er"ice Commission 'www!;eralapsc!org' for appl#ing for the post! Candidates who ha"e registered shall appl# b# logging in to their profile using their >ser0 I- and password! Candidates shall clic; on the 'Appl# Now' button of the respecti"e posts in the Notification lin; for appl#ing for a post! No application fee is reEuired! Candidates can "iew and ha"e a print0out of the details in the profile b# clic;ing the lin; Registration Card9 if reEuired! Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrec# of password! :efore appl#ing for a post9 candidates must ensure correctness of the information in their profile! The# must Euote the >ser0 I- for further communication with the Commission! Applications once submitted will be recei"ed as pro"isional and particulars shall not be deleted or altered after submission! Applications submitted not in accordance with the conditions of the notification will be summaril# reFected! -ocuments to pro"e Eualification9 e$perience 9 communit#9 age etc! ha"e to be produced as and when called for ! /1!Address to which applications are to be sent ( //! www!;eralapsc!org!

Last &ate of rece#pt of (ppl#cat#ons : )/2/1241/4 5ednesda# upto /4 Midnight! %+or details including photo9 I- card etc! refer to the General Conditions gi"en '! .-C- ,/N01 S2C32+(31 423(L( .5,L/C S236/C2 C0$$/SS/0N

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