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Bearing Capacity

foundations are designed to transmit load from the structure they support to the soil foundations are generally grouped into two categories: A. B. Shallow Foundations Deep Foundations

Shallow Foundations
the most common (and cheapest) type of shallow foundations are
SP !AD F""#$%&S s'uare spread footings to support indi(idual columns (also circular)
)cCarthy* +th !d.

Strip Footings to support wall loads

)cCarthy* +th !d.

ectangular and #rape,oidal Footings for two columns (com-ined footing) or machine -ase

)cCarthy* +th !d.

AF# or )A# Foundations

)cCarthy* +th !d.

#o lower the -earing pressure and reduce differential settlement on soils with low -earing capacity or erratic or (aria-le conditions

F."A#$%& Foundations

)cCarthy* +th !d.

where deep deposits of compressi-le* cohesi(e soil are present and piles are impractical -uilding/s su-structure is a com-ination mat and caisson to create a rigid -o0 weight of earth displaced -y foundation is e'ual to total weight of structure* there-y minimi,ing settlement from consolidation

Deep Foundations
used when soil near surface has poor load1 load 1-earing capacity
loose soil bedrock

they transmit load through wea2 soil strata (o(er-urden) to stronger* load1 load1 -earing stratum (eg.* -edroc2* dense sand and gra(el* etc.)

#ypes of Deep Foundations

P$! S where load1 load1-earing stratum no more than 3 m deep not used much any more
)cCarthy* +th !d.


where o(er1 o(er1 -urden no more than 4 1 5 m thic2 replacing piers

)cCarthy* +th !d.

P$.!S deep o(er1 o(er1-urden more than 4 1 5 m thic2 6arious types and placement methods

Craig* +th !d.

Structural e'uirements
7. Factor of Safety against &eneral Shear Failure of supporting soil is normally re'uired to -e in the range 8.3 9 :.; 8. #olera-le amount of settlement< in particular* differential settlement should not cause significant damage to structure nor interfere with function :. Secondary to these* during construction* there should -e no ad(erse affect on ad=acent structures or ser(ices

>ltimate Bearing Capacity* 'f

#he least pressure that would cause shear failure of supporting soil immediately -elow and ad=acent to a foundation

Craig* +th !d.

modes of failure:
&eneral Shear Failure

on low compressi-ility (dense or stiff) soils plastic e'uili-rium throughout support and ad=acent soil masses hea(ing on -oth sides of foundation final slip (mo(ement of soil) on one side only causing structure to tilt

.ocal Shear Failure

on highly compressi-le soils only partial de(elopment of plastic e'uili-rium only slight hea(ing on sides significant compression of soil under footing -ut no tilting

Punching Shear Failure

on loose* uncompacted soils (ertical shearing around edges of footing high compression of soil under footing* hence large settlements no hea(ing* no tilting

#er,aghi/s #heory

Craig* +th !d.

strip footing of infinite length and width B uniform surcharge* '; on surface of isotropic* homogeneous soil an2ine acti(e wedge* ABC: forces Passi(e ,ones* AD! () ? B&F ()

Craig* +th !d.

transition -etween & : ACD ? BC& (,ones or radial shear or slip fans) a-o(e !DC&F: plastic e'uili-rium -elow !DC&F: elastic e'uili-rium

the more general case is a footing at depth D

Craig* +th !d.

%eglecting the shear strength of the soil a-o(e depth D implies that this soil is a surcharge: ' ; @ D #er,aghi/s general e'uation: 'f @ ;.3B% A c%c A D%' Contri-ution of: Soil Self Beight Shear Surcharge Strength

Bearing Capacity Factors

%* %c and %' are -earing capacity factors and are deri(ed from (arious sources

Craig* +th !d.

&eneral Shear Failure of Footings (>ltimate Bearing Capacity)

theory was de(eloped for strip footings to adapt to s'uare* circular and rectangular shapes* #er,aghi ? Pec2 de(eloped shape factors here which are still widely used today:
q f = 0.5B( N S ) + c( Nc Sc ) + DNq
N q = e tan( ) tan 2 (45 + ) 2

N c = ( N q 1) cot( )

N = ( N q 1) tan(1.4 )
FOOTING TYPE Strip Square ircular "ecta#$ular S 1.0 0.8 1.! Sc 1.0 1.2 1.2

1 0 .2

(B ) L

1 + 0 .2

(B ) L

Allowa-le Bearing Capacity

the allowa-le -earing capacity* 'a is the (alue used in the design of footing si,e in %orth America* a factor of safety against general shear failure* F is applied to the ultimate -earing capacity* 'f:

qa =

qf F

in Britain* F is not applied to the surcharge: 0.5B ( S N ) + c( S c N c ) qa = + DN q F

S2empton/s %c 6alues
if undrained shear strength parameters are used for the design then a special case arises: since u @ ;* %' @ 7 and:

q f = cu Nc + D
(alues of %c are ac'uired from S2empton/s Chart
Craig* +th !d.

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