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What is Community Development?

Community Development is a process of effort of building communities on a local level

with emphasis on building the economy community development is the social
obligation of the Corporate Sector.

It is the contributin made by the corporate sector in the uplifment of the Nation. Under
community development various measures are undertaken to privide the basic
necessities required for live hood.

Collaborative, collective action taken by local people to enhance the long term social,
economic, and environmental conditions of their community. The primary goal of
community development is to create a better overall quality of life for everyone in the

Coca-Cola believes that focusing on community strenghs has the greatest potential to
advance sustainable development at the community level. Through nearly a decade of
fieldwork in five African countries, IISD has developed a sustainable livelihoods model
that builds on local strengths by identifying and reinforcing the adaptive strategies that
local people often develop to maintain their livelihoods approach, the institute is now
testing a new community development method called appreciative inquiry.

All the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble…
They can never be solved, but only outgrown. This outgrowing proves on further
investigation to require a new level of consciousness. Some higher or wider interest
appeared on the horizon and this broading of outlook the insoluble problem lost its
urgency. It was not solved logically in its own terms but faded when confronted with a
new and stronger life urge.


The community development project is of recent origin and springs from the need to
evoke community participation in the identification of local problems and the
involvement of solutions for the same.
The appreciated world came in to being with the development of man’s capability for
self – reflection, a faculty encompassing much more than just thinking. It holds the
world – as we view it not just through the understanding that our mind compasses of it
but through all forms of experience. It embraces our appreciation of what this world can
do to and for us, and what we can do to and for it… Thus, the appreciated world
becomes the motor for change induced by human action.


This unintended consequences illustrate the need for a shift away from the problem-
oriented methods toward processes that build on community achievements, existing
strengths and local skills. Development organizations need better methods for engaging
local people, so that they can help communities create a shared vision of an equitable
and sustainable future and then move toward it through locally initiated and managed
project activities.Such methods need to be complemented through capacity.

Primary goal of community development is to create a better overall quality of life for
everyone in the country.


 To present a project on Community Development.

 To study the whole activities in Community Development.

 To know the measures taken by the management to build the community.

 To access the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

 To identify the areas which need improvement.


Coca-Cola, the world’s largest beverage company and the leading producer and
marketers of soft drinks are dedicated to not only producing qulity products but also
satisfying the thurst of community development and economic development across the
globe. The Coca-Cola strives to provide the best by strengthening the communities.The
Coca-Cola Company has a commitment more than century old, to social responsibility
through philanthropy and good corpiate citizenship emanating out of its community
outreach programmes in India and worldwide.

 Scholership Grants
 Sports development projects
 Medical Assistance
 Disaster Rehabilitation
 Livelihood Assistance

Wada plant comes under the region one which consist of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat
and Madhya Pradesh. Wada Taluka which consist of nearly 120 villages is marked
under the D+Zone, with close proximity to Mumbai. The community is
predominantly tribal. Where in exist low literacy rate,lack of hygienic condition and
irregular water supply. Various families lack in satisfying the basic need for a
healthy living.

There are many villages with no health center where in they have to travel to far off
laces for medical treatment being far away from the health center, many villagers
loose their lives,there were many villages with no first aid facilities , with regard to
education there were many villages with Anganwadi, Balwadi an various schools
with no basic essentials and extra curricular reading materials. Required for
teaching the students due to dropouts. There were schools with insufficient teachers
where it was difficult to manage the schools. Water was a problem during summer
due to improper management of saving water. Villagers travel to distant places to
get water for drinking and other household purpose thereby leading a very difficult

Thus Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd.-Wada plant came forward to

undertake community development initiatives for enhancing the social, cultural
Financial quality of life of villagers around the Wada in coordination with Pragati
Pratishthan a local NGO.

Pragati Pratishthan is a non governmental Organisation registered under Societies

Act 1860 and Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950. The Institute has been working
for more than 25 years in the tribal area of Thane district. The aspect of their
life. It concentrates on weaker sections to the society i.e.,Adivasi and Dalit and
such other community for the uplifment programmes carried out includes
medical aid, education facilities, training for employment and self-
employment,better farming,ecological awareness, watershed development,
drinking water service to disabled etc.

Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverage Pvt.Ltd.-Wada plant focuses on the following major

key areas for community development initiatives.



Many people cannot access basic health services. People die because medical
services are out of their reach. For some there is no doctor available other lack basic
medicines. In much family there is no money to buy what is needed or there are few if
any services or supplies available. In most of families parents face the harsh reality of
not being able to provide basic health care and needed medical attention for their
children. Acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, measles, malaria and malnutrition
account directly for the death of children under 5 year old. People’s illness left
untreated can turn deadly hence HCCBPL takes the initiative for needy villages in the
following ways.
Weekly dispensaries, which undertakes regular health check ups for school going
children, pregnant women and other villagers. Immunization programme like pulse,
polio etc.

Conduction medical check-up camps and providing medicines.

Training a team of two efficient villagers per village in dispensing first aid in the
village by providing First Aid Box.

Conducting vaccination schedules for animals.

Organising health awareness programmes and educating the masses for health and

Making available Ambulance service to all residents of Wada Taluka.

HCCBPL takes the initiates in needy villages in the following ways:

Water is essential for survival. A short period of time without this liquid is a
death sentence for any human being. However, to billions of people around the
world water it can bring suffering,disease and death. Over 25% of humanity is
subjected daily to drinking polluted or unsanitary water! There are also rural
village-their only source of water is what they collect when it rains. They don’t
have the resources or equipment to collect and store it properly.


HCCBPL has done major contribution in the community of Wada Taluka by providing
the following-:

1. Library

2. Ambulance

3. Tractor

4. Assistance for disaster relief

5. ST Bus shelter

1. Library
Earlier there was no library for villagers in Kudus , HCCBPL established a
library at Kudus. For the villagers people from all over take the benefit of this
library. A membership is available for a deposit of Rs.100 and a monthly
subscription of Rs.10 for children monthly subscription of Rs.5. The books are
issued for a period of 15 days.

The library has over 1100 books in Nemours magazines and daily newspapers.
The study room has self contained toilets and is well lit. Large number of
villagers and students get the benefit due to the library.

2. Ambulance
Since 20th Dec, 2003 ambulance service is made available to all the needy
villagers to the nearest hospital free of cost. Since it has started its service it has
saved large numbers of lives. The helpline numbers are prominently displayed
on public places, hotels, schools to make aware of the free service.

3. tractor
HCCBPL has provided a tractor in Kudus Gram Panchayat it is being used by
community for farming garbage disposal

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