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Yin Hang,Kwok ENGL 1102-100 Ms. Ingram 30 March 2014 An Annotated Bibliography Grooming and Men Simpson, Mark.

"Here Come the Mirror Men." The Independent [New York] 15 Nov. 1944: n. page. Print. The author of this newspaper is the well-known writer on the world that he made the new word called Metrosexual. This word is used to describe urban men who have high income and they are willing to spend a lot of money to improve their appearance. In this news, the writer wrote the characteristic of metrosexual. In short, this newspaper made people start to think about the men grooming and new way of men in social. This article is very useful because public think that this news is the most representative article to write about the men grooming and it turned the men grooming became popular. St, Warren. "Metrosexuals Come Out." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21June2003.Web.30Mar.2014.< metrosexuals-come-out.html>. This news article is further more to describe what is metrosexual and used a real person. This article pointed out the how metrosexual affect the customer trends in grooming and new image of modern men. The most important thing is the writer emphasizes the word, metrosexual, is not meaning the homosexual person. It is used for straight people. In the half of the article, writer showed the men grooming and the new way of men would be the new page of men position in society and it implied the potential of men grooming products possibility and new path of economy. It

article gave a more useful definition of metrosexual and it pointed out the affection of men grooming would be an important role for future consumption pattern. Colman, David. "Gay or Straight? Hard to Tell." The New York Times. The New York Times,18June2005.Web.31Mar.2014.< ashion/sundaystyles/19GAYDAR.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0>. This newspaper is satirizing the men who made up themselves as a movie star in daily. Since the metrosexual come out that it made people pay attention on men grooming and these men wear bright color clothes and use cosmetic products, such as perfume. All of them make people are hard to recognize these people sexualities. Also, this article gave few questions that asking us the changing of men image. This newspaper is a good reflection to readers and let us thinks trend is good or not when compare with the traditional male image and new modern men image. "Captured Market Research, Statistics & Trends Global, Luxury, Men & Grooming." Bain & Companys Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study,Apr.2012.Web.31Mar.2014.< NY%202013_for%20email.pdf>. This research project is made by a international grooming band. In this report, the young age of US people have highly increasing in the diamond of men grooming products. The reason should be following the trends, advice by peers, mentors and social influences. Also, the report pointed out the diamond in Asia and India has dramatic increasing in men grooming, especially in Korea and China. This is statistic source. There are different surveys to show the increasing trends in men grooming products in different places. Coad, David. The Metrosexual: Gender, Sexuality, and Sport. Albany: SUNY, 2008. Print. In this book, the writer base on the term metrosexual to find the reasons and

analyze the phenomenon in cultural change of men image. The writer tries to relate the change of men grooming with sport and sexual behavior. Also, writer pointed out the female image changing because of changing men image. This is a source for analysis the result of men image changing. Even this book does not have critical skepticism. But it could be a reference for explain the phenomenon. Neff, Jack. "Male Call: Marketers Jump on Men's Grooming Trend." Advertising Age News RSS. AdvertisingAge, 06 Mar. 2010. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. < nd/142655/>. This AdvertisingAge is one of the economic newspapers. This news forecast the future male grooming after the issue of modern male became popular. In this article, the writer explain different brands and products draw different males' attention. Even the traditional female grooming brands, they start to design and research male grooming marketing. The trends of male grooming products in future will same as female grooming products. This source is a good newspaper. It is because it not only have the fact and number before March 2010, but also it have reasonable number for future male grooming market.

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