Pidato Rhetoric

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Attendees were happy, Month of Muharram, is including one of 4 months in honored by Allah SWT. As has been spoken by God in is !ook glorious, Al "ur#an Al $arim. The glory of the month of Muharram is that there are days in the month Asyuro #%&'th of Muharram(, which on the day was a lot of keutaman)*irtues that if we want pious charity, would we get the grace of God. +n that day we disunnahkan to care for orphans by rubbing her head and gi*e alms. ,n addition we also sunnahkan to clear the food for a family in a house like cook meals and other special days usually. Sunnah is not less important is fasting on that day. -*en .asullulah SAW said that /whoe*er fasts on the day Asyuro #, then as if he had fasted a year old,/ that keutaman day Asyuro# contained in this Muharram. 0ot without reason we ask to fast on that day, because if we look at history, many important e*ents that occurred on that date, such as1 &. .epentance Adam recei*ed on &' Asyuro #. As we know that Adam e2pelled God of hea*en because of temptations Satan and then ate the fruit of -ternity. God for mercy, and then on repentance is accepted. 3. 0oah rescued from flooding in the flood on this date. 4. 5rophet ,brahim was rescued from her burning on this date. 4. 5rophet 6a#7ub 6usuf and arrange a meeting back at this date. According to the "ur#an the 5rophet 8oseph was abandoned by the 0,, his brothers as a child and apart from the 5rophet 6a#7ub decades. And for decades it was the prophet 8acob cried and missed the 5rophet 8oseph. Then, thanks to the grace of God, the 5rophet 8acob and 8oseph reunited that day. 9. The prophet 8onah from the belly of the fish released on this date, e was separated from -*e as re*ealed on earth. According to a history of hundreds of years of Adam to

:. 5rophet $hidr was gi*en the science on this date, ;. God created the hea*en and hell on this date, <. Allah created the angels Gabriel, Michael, ,srafil and A=rael on this date. >. God created is Throne and the ?hair of this date. $alam Allah created the earth and the

sky are also on this date. That#s the important e*ents that ha*e occurred on the day Asyuro #, may we termsuk into people who are able to achie*e glory in the day at the Gentlemen#s, Amiin. Attendees .ahimakumullah, To li*e a life this year we had to use tactics that can be implemented in e*eryday life, such as1 &. We must take into account the interests of life in the future, especially in the afterlife by increasing de*otion to God Almighty. 3. We must be willing and able to see the mistakes and sins oursel*es last year, then we beraubat and impro*e themsel*es by doing good deeds. As God#s word in Surat Al)Maida *erse 4>, which means1 /And he who repent after committing the crime and amend, then surely Allah will accept the repentance. Surely Allah is @orgi*ing, Merciful. / 4. We must reali=e that Satan is the real enemy to us, then all seduction and persuasion satan khamr form of drinks, drugs, gambling, adultery and other immoral acts should be abandoned because the harm and misery to us, both in this world and in the hereafter. That#s three things that are possible strategies we can do in life this year. May Allah forgi*e our sins of the past year, bless our worship and good deeds, and to pro*ide health and long life to us and the family, so as to enhance worship and good deeds this year, Amiin. @inally, in this new year let us together impro*e haliyah us, our actions, our worship, and our spirit in the fight in the way of Allah. So that , can say, hopefully what was said this could gi*e useful for us all. Amin Amin yes .abbal alamin. Thank you for your attention, apologi=e if there are words that are less pleasing.Akhirul kalam, !illaahi taufi7 walhidayah.

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