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NAMA :JEE SZE LING Bil 1 Petunjuk prestasi (masa,kualiti,kuantiti) Clinical Services (60%) Masa: January-december Kuantiti : 300 Kualiti : Follow S.O.P 1.2 Writing report and proper documentation in patient casenote including incident. Example: death,DAMA,absconded. -daily nursing report done in every duty with every nursing intervention and date n pages of the nursing report written including death report and DAMA report since January- december KATEGORI : JURURAWAT U29 Sasaran kerja IC : 880817-52-5310 Pencapaian

1.1 Nursing care to all non ambulating patient in the ward.

-500 Nursing care done to bedridden patient,ventilatored patient and postoperative patient since January until December.

1.2 Pre-operative care and post-operative care.

-50 pre-operative care done since January-December -50post-operative care done since January-December -2 National nursing Audit has been audited since January-December.

1.3 Achievement of 4 National Nursing Audit Procedures. a) Intravenous infusion. b) Blood transfusion. c) Wound dressing. d) Oral medication.


Bil 2. Petunjuk prestasi (masa,kualiti,kuantiti) Nursing administrative and management (10%) Sasaran kerja Pencapaian

2.1. Proper checking in equipment, drugs, surgical items and stationary.

-30 times Daily checking in equipment and drug done since January- December -12 times Monthly checking surgical items and stationary done since January- December. -15 complaint has been made throught help desk according to job not done and any faulty since January- december

2.2. Monitor and complaint using 5 Hospital Support Services (5HSS). Example : linen services, BEM/FEM, cleansing, clinical waste and general waste.

2.3. Proper storage of drugs in the ward. Example : in-patient drug and DDA.

-60 times of Daily arrangement of storage of drug such as in-patient drug and DDA drug done since January-December

Bil 3

Petunjuk prestasi (masa,kualiti,kuantiti) Human Resources Development (15%)

Sasaran kerja

Pencapaian sebenar

3.1. CNE : Ward or hospital level.

3.2. APC : Achieve 25-30 points for licensing.

-2 hospital level CNE has been attended since January-December -5 ward level CNE has been attended since January-December -51 point has been collected for licensing

3.3. Attend ward meeting to obtain latest news circular.

-2 ward meeting has been attended to obtain latest news circular since January-December

3.4. Attend external courses, conferences, workshop, seminar.

-3 courses has January-December





Bil 4 Petunjuk prestasi (masa, kuantiti, kualiti) Quality Activity (5%) Sasaran kerja. Pencapaian sebenar.

4.1. Hospital infection control a). practice proper hand hygiene and maintained aseptic technique for sterile procedure.

-300 proper hand hygiene and 300 aseptic technique done for sterile procedure since January-December

4.2. Allocated patient with infection cases in side room and proper PPE in handling them.

-10 cases of allocation patient with infection cases in side room and proper PPE in handling item.

4.3. To practice and carry out development policy 5S.

-200 times 5S policy has been carry out and practice since January-December.

Bil 5

Petunjuk prestasi (masa ,kuantiti ,kualiti) Inter-agency collaboration (5%)

Sasaran kerja


5.1.Assess student when they are practicing their skill and knowledge in the ward 5.2. Get together activity (dinner) -attend any dinner been organized by the department. Sasaran kerja

-200 student has been assess to do practicing and their skill and knowledge in the ward since January-december -Attended 1 nurses night dinner 2013 since January-december Pencapaian

Bil 6

Petunjuk prestasi (masa, kuantiti, kualiti) Other project (5%)

6.1. Thrombopheblitis

-500 patient has been assess thrombopheblitis during patient admission in the ward since January-December.

6.2. Bedsore

-500 patient has been assess bedsore of patient during admission since January-December


6.3 surgical store ordering 12 times surgical store ordering has been done since January-December

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