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Articular Infinitive: The infinitive used as a noun (like a gerund). The article allows the use of
different cases of the infinitive.
43a dia\ to\ polla/kij deu=ro foita=n
47e e) kto\ j ei)= tou= me/ llein a) poqn$skein au) /rion.
49d to\ ga/ r pou kakw=j poiei=n a) nqrw/pouj tou= a) dikei=n ou) de\ n diafe/ rei...
Purpose clauses with the subjunctive or optative following i(/ na, o(/ pwj, w(j that, to, in order
that. The negative is mh/ .
Subjunctive if the introductory verb is present, future or perfect.
Optative if the introductory verb is imperfect, aorist, or pluperfect.
i(/na, o(/pwj, w(j SUBJUNCTIVE, OPTATIVE
47c i(/na mh\ pa/nta dii/wmen
After a secondary tense the subjunctive is used in place of the optative to set forth a
persons previous purpose in the form in which he [/she] conceived his [/her] purpose
[Smyth 2197a, gender inclusiveness added].
43b kai\ e) pi/thde/j se ou) k h)/geiron i(/na w(j h(/dista dia/ g$j.
Genitive of Cause with verbs of emotion the genitive denotes cause
43b hu) daimo/ nisa tou= tro/ pou...
Genitive of Time within which gives the whole time within which something is said to take
place at some point
44a ou) toi/ nun th=j e)piou/shj h(me/raj oi) imai au)to\ h(/cein, a)lla\ th=j e(te/raj.
Genitive of Comparison with a comparative, the genitive means than:
44c kai/toi ti/j a) \n ooov ei)/h tau/ thj do/ ca;
45a e) /ti tou/tou eo
Genitive of Agent personal agent with u(po/
50b u(p i)diwtw=n
Dative of manner -- the dative is used like an adverb showing how
43b sig$= paraka/ qhsai
Potential Optative
The optative with a)/n shows possibility: may, might, would, could.
43b kai= ga\r a)/n, w) = Kri/twn, plhmmele\j ei)/h ...
43c h(\n e) gw\ ... e) n toi=j baru/ tat a) \n e)ne/gkaimi
44c kai/toi ti/j a) \n ai)sxi/wn ei)/h tau/ thj do/ ca;
48a fai/h g a)/n tij
Genitive Absolute
a noun or other substantive in the genitive with a particple in the genitive shows the
circumstances (time, cause, concession, condition) surrounding or attending the main
43d h(\ to\ ploi=on a) fi=ktai e)k Dh/lou, ou( = dei= a) fikome/ nou teqna/ nai me;
44c h( mw= n proqumoume/nwn
48b mh\ a)fie/ntwn ) Aqhnai/wn
Indirect Statement (Infinitive Construction)
43d ou) me/ntoi oo h(/cein au) to\ th/meron.
47d u(po\ tw=n ooevov ti le/gein
Object clause after a verb of fearing
After a verb of fearing: mh/ (that, lest); mh\ ou) (that...not) + the subjunctive or optative
44e a)=ra/ ge mh\ e)mou= rpo)Oe= kai\ tw=n a)/llwn epithdei/ wn, mh\ ... oi(
sukofa/ntai h(mi= n pra/gmata pare/xwsin w(j se\ e)nqe/nde e)kkle/yasin, kai\
46a o( /ra mh/ a(/ma t%= kak%= kai\ ai)sxra/ $) = soi/ te kai\ h(mi= n.
Future More Vivid
e)a/n [a)/n, h)/n] + SUBJUNCTIVE ---- FUTURE (or equivalent)
Relative (pronoun or adverb) + a)/n + SUBJUNCTIVE ---- FUTURE (or equivalent)
44a t$= ga/ r pou u( sterai/# dei= me a) poqn$/ skein h) \ $) = a) \n e)/lq$ to\ ploi=on.
44b e)a/n su\ a)poqa/n$j ... e)/ti de\ kai\ polloi=j do/cw ...
45b-c pollaxou= kai\ a) /llose o( /poi a) \n a) fi/k$ a)gaph/sousi/ se.
54d e)a\n le/g$j para\ tau=ta, ma/thn e)rei=j.
Present General
44d oi(=oi/ t ei) si\ n oi( polloi\ ou) ta\ smikro/tata tw=n kakw=n e)cerga/zesqai...
e)a\n tij e)n au)toi=j diabeblhme/noj $)=.
47a-b\n nou=n prose/xei ... o(\j a)\n tugxa/n$ i)atro\j h)\ paidotri/bhj w)/n;
Past General
ei) + OPTATIVE ---- Imperfect Indicative
h)\ pro\j me\ n a) /ra soi to\ n pate/ra ou) k h)=n to\ di/kaion ... w(/st a(/per pa/sxoij,
tau=ta kai\ a)ntipoiei=n...
Contrary to Fact
Present: ei) + IMPERFECT IMPERFECT + a)/n
were would be
52b ou) ga\ r a)/n pote ... e)n au)t$= e)pedh/ meij, ei) mh/ soi diafero/ntwj h) /reske...
Past: ei) + AORIST AORIST + a)/n (or Pluperfect)
had would have
Apology 36a nu=n d, w(j e) /oiken, ei) tria/konta mo/ nai mete/ peson tw=n yh/fwn,
a)popefeu/gh a)/n
Neuter plural subject takes a singular verb
44e 1ot 1o me\ n dh\ ou( /twj e) xe/ tw.
Result clauses
Actual Result w(/ste + INDICATIVE
48a w(/ste prw=ton me\n taut$ ou)k o)rqw=j ei) shgei= ...
Natural Result w(/ste + INFINITIVE
45c a) sfa/ leia/ n soi pare/contai w(/ste se mhde/ na lupei=n tw=n kata\
Accusative Absolute
Impersonal verbs go into the accusative absolute rather than the genitive absolute
45c e) co\n swqh=nai
45d ou(/j soi e)co\n kai\ e)kqre/yai kai\ e)kpaideu=sai oi)xh/ sei katalip/wn...
45e kai\ h( ei)/sodoj th=j di/khj ei)j to\ dikasth/rion w(j ei)sh=lqen e)co\n m\h
ei) selqe= in...
Verbals in -te/on
it is necessary must
46b skopei=sqai ou)=n xrh\ h( ma=j ei)/te tau=ta prakte/on ei)/te mh/ .
47b tau/t$ a)/ra au)t% prakte/on kai\ gumnaste/on kai\ e)deste/on ge kai\
pote/ on...
48a pa/ nu )v ou( /tw frontiste/ on
48b kai\ to/ nd au)= sko/pei ei) e)/ti me/nei h(mi= n h)\ ou)/, o(/ti ou) to\ zh=n peri\
plei/ stou poihte/ on, a)lla\ to\ eu)= zh=n.
pri/n with the Infinitive
before before an affirmative clause (Sm. 2431)
46d pri\ n me\ n e)me\ dei=n a) poqn$/ skein kalw=j e) le/ geto, nu= n d\ e\ ...
Philosophical Imperfect
the results of a previous argument spread over time
47d ...lwbhso/ meqa o(\ t%= me\n dikai/% be/ltion e)gi/gneto, t%= de\ a) di/k%
a) pw/lluto.
Subjunctive of Doubtful (Cautious) Assertion
The present Subjunctive with mh\ may express a doubtful assertion, with mh\ ou) a
doubtful negation. ... A touch of irony often marks this use which is chiefly Platonic.
Smyth 1801
48c mh\ w(j a)lhqw=j tau=ta, w)= Kri/twn, ske/mmata $)= tw=n...
48c mh\ ou)de\n a)/llo skepte/on $)= ...
48d mh\ ou) de/$
Future Participle of Purpose
51b e) a/n t ei)j po/ lemon a) /g$ trwqhso/ menon h)\ a) poqanou/ menon...
Deliberative Subjunctive what are we to say
52d ti/ fw=men pro\j tau= ta, w)= Kri/twn; a) /llo ti h)\ o( mologw=men;
Prohibitive Subjunctive
In second person and less commonly in third person (Sm. 1800b): Dont let not
54d a)lla\ mh/ se pei/ s$ Kri/ twn poiei= n a(\ le/gei ma=llon h)\ h(mei= j.
Hortatory Subjunctive
54e kai\ pra/ttwmen tau/t$, e)peidh\ tau/t$ o( qeo\j u(fhgei= tai.

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